Line drying clothes

Are you going to send me the $10.00 in quarters that it takes everyday to dry our 5 beach towels and 5 bathing suits? That's awesome!! Thanks Larry!

Put them over the table or on a line between you awning support rails and not on the trees that are not yours to use or even hang them up in your shower on rods or hooks to dry.

ISSUE RESOLVED and your reply shows me you are just CHEAP and don't respect other campers. :mad:

That pic of yours was IMO a poor camper especially the hammock that after rocking it in will eat into the bark and damage that pine tree that you don't own..

Considering the destruction of trees and nature that was required to build the Fort in the first place, I didn't see anything wrong with it. It doesn't maliciously damage the trees. I camp around people who have clotheslines and/or hammocks up all the time, and the trees haven't looked too obviously distressed.

They were taking care of the campsite and not intruding into anyone else's. I'd be content to have them next door.
I take a rope to hang up our towels and swim suits. Typically I wait until we get home to do laundry. We normally do not take many clothes that have to be washed, since we are only there for a few days. I never thought about it hurting the trees though. I'm not a tree hugger per say, but if someone is going to judge on here, I would hope that they work on decreasing their own carbon footprints first. ....just saying...:hippie:

I just bring that tag-along diesel contractor generator and put the family drying machine in the back of the truck. We fire that puppy up on a regular basis, usually around 5:30 in the morning 'cause we want to get to the parks for rope drop and it takes a while to get the kids all wrastled back into the site after they've been looping on their bikes all night. Usually takes a good half hour to hose them all down outside the trailer too. Of course, now that I learned to stay away from that green hose near the black water drain, the kids smell a lot better when we're done!

On a more serious note, we use the portable drying racks that Phyllis mentioned when we head to the beach for all the towels and swimsuits. When we went to the Fort, it really was too humid to dry anything outside so we put somethings inside the trailer (mostly towels), and tried to dry a few towels under the awning. We did drop a small fortune in quarters at the laundry at the comfort station part way through the trip; truth is, I think Nancy enjoyed the peace and quiet away from the rest of us with a good book and nobody but other moms and dads doing laundry.
Okay cupcake. No, those aren’t my pine trees, just the ones that came with the site I paid for. Would you explain to me how hanging towels and swimsuits from our awning supports or laying them out on tables around our site is less tacky, because I’m just not seeing it. I’m also curious as to how you figure we’re disrespecting other campers by hanging towels at our site?
Let’s take a different look. Are you saying that all the people that use the trees to decorate their sites for holidays are all “poor campers” as well? For heaven’s sake, Larry, it’s not like we cut any trees down or even nailed anything into them. Don’t go getting your CS dried panties in a bunch. I’m relatively certain that the trees are just fine. But that’s just MY OPINION.
To get this thread back on track, :rolleyes1, we use a drying rack for towels and swimsuits. I don't hang my panties on the line because I don't want anyone to see them. :eek: If we do laundry, everything either goes in the dryer, on the drying rack or in the RV for drying.
I have a pop-up with limited space and a family of 5 (which usually means we're camping with up to 9 because of friends) so drying inside is not going to happen. I typically do wash clothes on a trip and use the dryers provided, but when it comes to towels and bathing suits, they just have to go on a line! There is no place else! Judging by the signs of nails and such on the trees, I am not exactly a trail blazer here. I love nature and prefer to respect it, but those trees are doing just fine, imo.

Personally, I kinda like the look of colorful beach towels, hung like flags across the side of a site. Adds color, texture, movement AND privacy.
Hey Kelly!!!! Maybe I DO have a little redneck in me afterall!!!!! :lmao:

P.S. Karla....I love cupcakes!
One of the mods I want to do is make a drying rack with a PVC frame. It will slip into the rear bumper of the TT and angle backward. We'll remove it for travel. Most of the CG's we use leave a good space at the rear of the TT, so we have some space to hand clothes and don't have to depend on available tress.
It takes almost no time at all to dry my thongs.

I'm trying to decide if I would rather be called "cheap" or a "cupcake". I think cupcake is nicer, but cheap probably better describes me.
I don't think the tree will suffer too much from tying a rope around it. It's not like you're driving nails into it. I see no problem with people hanging beach towels and swim suits. If anything, it may provide a sound barrier for those inconsiderate neighbors who leave their dogs alone all day long yapping away inside their camper. :mad: And speaking of cheap....for the lofe of God, give out good candy at Halloween!


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