Lisa & John Surprise Swan Wedding 12/09/08 ~ TR begins Pg 7 ~ 5/22-Wedding Day Part 3

I am doing a VR at the Swan in Dec.'09, so I am so glad to see your pictures!! There is very little information available out there on the Swan. So keep it coming!!!
About your pictures. I am a professional photographer, so I know a few things about SD cards and such. Your pictures can still be retrieved off of your card if you still have it. Take it to a place like Ritz Camera - If they have them where you live - down here they are usually in the mall. They are able to use the magic of computers to retrieve the files. I know that with some of my software, I can still see the deleted files too, after they have been taken off, so they still lurk somewhere on the cards. Good luck!!!

I am SO THANKFUL for this piece of information about my pictures. I need to thank you so very much for making this suggestion. Today, I took my memory card to the Ritz Camera store and like magic (and $40) they were able to restore all of my pictures of my erased memory card. I cried because I was so happy to get those pictures back. I had no idea this was an option and had never even heard of Ritz Camera until I read your post. You are a keepsake lifesaver!!! :yay: :banana: :worship: :flower3: :woohoo: :wizard: :cheer2:
I am SO THANKFUL for this piece of information about my pictures. I need to thank you so very much for making this suggestion. Today, I took my memory card to the Ritz Camera store and like magic (and $40) they were able to restore all of my pictures of my erased memory card. I cried because I was so happy to get those pictures back. I had no idea this was an option and had never even heard of Ritz Camera until I read your post. You are a keepsake lifesaver!!! :yay: :banana: :worship: :flower3: :woohoo: :wizard: :cheer2:

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
I am so glad that I was able to help you out!!! That makes me feel great! :cloud9:
Do me a favor, and just keep the info coming about your wedding and trip!! It's been fun reading it.
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
I am so glad that I was able to help you out!!! That makes me feel great! :cloud9:
Do me a favor, and just keep the info coming about your wedding and trip!! It's been fun reading it.

I cannot put into words just how thankful I truly am for your information. I had no idea that trying to recover the images was even an option. If you did not make that post, I would have taken lots of new pictures on that memory card and very much reduced my chances of getting the other ones back.

In any case, glad to know that you are enjoying my TR. I promise to have another update soon. It's hard trying to keep up now that "real life" is back with the holidays over...
I WAS JUST READING page 8 your day of surprise and I started crying!!! I am a fourth grade teacher and sitting at my desk and one of the kids goes "MS D!! Are you having allergies?"
Beautiful congrats!
Posted by Mrsdisneyb2b 01-09-2009 11:32 AM

I WAS JUST READING page 8 your day of surprise and I started crying!!! I am a fourth grade teacher and sitting at my desk and one of the kids goes "MS D!! Are you having allergies?"
Beautiful congrats!

Hello there and thanks for reading! I'm sorry to have made you cry (your students sound so cute) but glad that you could feel the effect of what I tried to capture and share for all of you. :goodvibes
Day 2, Part 2

My manicure at Casa de Belleza was exactly what I needed to restart this day. The salon was small but comfortable. My manicurist was Carol. She was the only person in the salon and she was waiting for me to arrive. She was so cute – she had one of the hair dryers (that you sit under) running to help warm up the room. She thought it was a bit chilly in there.

She did a nice job with my nails. The color I chose was not my favorite, but I felt like there were slim pickings when it came to their selection. That said, I was still frazzled from our room switching adventure so I might have overlooked some choices. But I quickly moved on as my nails were not going to be the main focus of my big day, they were polished and pretty, the manicure was relaxing and enjoyable. I was good to go.

I arrived back to our new room to find that my box of favors had been delivered. I was also happily surprised to find a gift basket from my sister and BIL. The basket included the Mickey & Minnie wedding ears, wine, Mickey toasting glasses, and a few sweets. This was so very nice of them to send to us.


John was not in the room so I took a few minutes to relax. I then realized what an awesome room we had. We were not super close to the lobby, but we were a reasonable distance away and we had a fabulous view.

Our room:



And our view:

It’s hard to tell from this picture, but on the horizon just right of the center, you can see the top of the Tower of Terror. I thought I took a zoom of this view but I can’t find it.


The Marina house zoomed in:



From the balcony around the side of the building we could see Mount Everest (this is a zoomed in version from the balcony):


We could see the Swan & Dolphin from our window. Here is a zoomed in shot of the Swan from the balcony in front of our room:


Much more zoom:


Once I decided that my nails were dry enough, I started unpacking my things and settled in. When John returned, he helped me open up my very securely shipped box and we put our favor bags together.

While we were working on the favors, we got a call from my mom. She and her boyfriend arrived and were checking in (they were staying at our hotel). She told me that their room was not ready and asked if we were hungry. It was lunch time and we were hungry so we finished the favors and went to the lobby to meet them. First, we had to give them their official reveal.

They had been clued in a little bit on Thanksgiving. They were pretty sure there was going to be a wedding, but knew none of the specifics. Due to doctor appointments, their schedule, and the fact that they were not part of the trip we had to tell them something to make sure they would come to Disney for the wedding. I was not planning on telling them that there would be a wedding, but they kind of guessed. I believe they thought there would be some kind of elopement and then we’d just hang out in Disney. I don’t think they realized that the wedding was going to be a little more elaborate than that. They were so happy when we gave them their invitation. I just loved surprising my mom, just like I enjoyed surprising John’s mom the previous night.

The four of us then went to Pepper Market for a tasty lunch. I’m sorry to disappoint, but I have no food pictures to share…I’m just not a foodie at all so I didn’t even think to take any shots. When lunch was done, my mom’s room was ready so John and I made the trek across the resort to meet them in their parking lot. We helped them unload their car and settle into their room. We then headed back to our room to make plans for the rest of the day.

Somewhere in between all of these things, I called all of my vendors to confirm things for the next day and leave our room number. I pretty much got everyone’s voice mail so I left messages. Susan Southerland (Swan planner) called me to check in and to remind me that there would be a room available at the Swan for us to get ready in the next day should we chose to use it.

We felt like we had a good handle on all the wedding to-do’s and we were ready to go have fun. I called my sister to see if she had arrived yet and to give her our status. I got her voice mail so left her a message to give us a call. We tried to call John’s brother to see what they were up to. They had mentioned that the girls wanted to go shopping for dresses to wear to the wedding in the morning and then maybe heading over to the ICE show at Gaylord Palm’s. We got their voice mails but told them to give us a call and maybe we’d catch up with them if they were on property somewhere.

Before long we heard back from our niece. They had spent the day in Animal Kingdom and would be leaving soon. We were a bit disappointed because we probably would have planned our day a bit differently and went with them. Or at least John could have gone with them and I could have caught up with them after my manicure. There seemed to have been a bit of a communication issue from the night before where it was thought that I was spending the day at a spa. I’m not sure what they thought John was going to do all day. We also made the mistake of not calling them until later in the day as we thought they were going to be off property and we did not want to spend any more money on cabs or tickets to other events. It’s too bad that things got mixed up like this (another reason why planning ahead would have been helpful).

So John and I decided that we were going to Hollywood Studios. My sister called to let us know that she was checking in at Caribbean Beach so we told her our plans, she said she’d meet us over there. We also let my mom know to meet us over there. John’s family said they’d call us when they got back to their house to let us know the plans for Jessie and Kassandra’s birthday dinner that night.
I do have the next installment ready (for those who are anxiously awaiting it :rotfl2: ). I should have it posted soon.

But just in case you are interested, our Randy pics are available. He did an awesome job. Of course he caught lots of blooper pics, but we are a bunch of goofs so it was probably hard to catch pictures without someone making a funny face LOL. He definitely captured "us" I tell ya!

ETA: Check out the Boardwalk pictures. There was hardly anyone around when we were out there. Randy even commented that he couldn't believe how few people were around - said he never sees it like that. You can tell in most of our pictures, it looks like we had the place all to ourselves!
I have to say your pictures are so beautiful! It was nice to get a chance to see the setup at the Swan. Randy really did get some great shots at BW; in some of the shots it looks like absolutely no one else was around! Your cake looked really yummy, what flavors do they offer there? Also, your pink bouquet looked really nice. It was nice to see the group shots; it looks like you were able to pull off the surprise for a pretty good size group :thumbsup2
Cinderella&Dopey said:
Love your pictures! You look BEAUTIFUL! :)

KittyKat08 said:
Beautiful pictures.

Thank you so much! :) We are very happy. ::yes::

figmentfan814 said:
I have to say your pictures are so beautiful! It was nice to get a chance to see the setup at the Swan. Randy really did get some great shots at BW; in some of the shots it looks like absolutely no one else was around! Your cake looked really yummy, what flavors do they offer there? Also, your pink bouquet looked really nice. It was nice to see the group shots; it looks like you were able to pull off the surprise for a pretty good size group

None of us could get over how empty the BW was. We'll just tell people we "bought it out" for the afternoon :rotfl2: j/k. The cake was yummy. There were a bunch of different flavors they offer but the most popular one that they do is a yellow with the stawberry and creme fill. It was yummy! :thumbsup2

oh my goodness, hon, your photos are so beautiful. Need to spend more time looking through them, but from what i've seen so far, WOW! I love Randy's work!
Lisa your pictures are sooooo pretty!! I love the shots on the boardwalk! You are right, I can't believe how empty it was! I love the shot by the trees on the bridge that brings you from Swan/Dolphin to Boardwalk and my favorite is the one where you are resting your chin on John's head with the biggest smile on your face!!
Hey Patty & Laura!

Thank you so much for looking at my pictures and your lovely comments. Boy do I have lots of catching up to do....

It's been a long but exciting week, having my son home from Iraq for a visit and then being sick on top of it.

I'll start posting the next installment now.
Day 2, Part 3

We were so excited to finally get into one of the parks. Even though we felt a little like we wasted too much of the day, we did get a lot accomplished so we decided to just enjoy the rest of the night.

Here’s the giant Christmas tree outside of DHS:

John and I walked around a bit waiting for my sister’s call. We finally went on the Great Movie Ride. This was my third trip to Disney and the first time getting on this ride. The ride was not working the last two times I visited, it was temporarily closed for technical difficulties. We finally got to enjoy it - loved it!

John spotted a hawk sitting on the dinosaur at Echo Lake. He always spots things like this. We had to take some pictures:


We got the call that my sister was at the gate so we walked down to meet her. She was hungry so we grabbed some snacks at one of the concession stands and started walking around. We didn’t want to go too far because we know my mother and Jim (her BF) would be arriving soon.


Before my mom got there, we got a few calls from SIL and BIL and niece with potential plans for dinner. They were trying to get reservations at Margaritaville’s. We wanted to join them but had no way to get there. Melissa did not want to drive and we did not want to spend money on a cab so it didn’t look like we’d be joining them. After a while we heard back from them and they ended up making ressie’s at Planet Hollywood DTD. We said we’d do our best to meet up with them. It was all weird. We wanted to go, but we finally got to a park and we wanted to stay.

My mother and Jim arrived. After a bit of shopping it was starting to get dark so the five of us headed over to the Osbourne lights. Oh my God, this was absolutely incredible. When I ever walked around the corner and onto the Streets of America and saw the lights I could not help but cry. I had never seen anything like this before and it was amazing. Within minutes they played the announcement and the lights started dancing. And then everyone around us started dancing. I loved it. For the rest of the Christmas season, whenever I heard Feliz Navidad on the radio it took me right back to these moments. I was so happy to have experienced this and to have shared it with my family.

Just a few pics from my collection:







We wondered up and down the streets for a while and enjoyed the show. It snowed each time they were done with a song where the lights danced. It was such a happy feeling.

At one point we walked through one of the alley ways and ended up going to see the Muppets 3D show. I love that show. And then we decided to head back through the lights before we left the park.

On our way out, I grabbed a picture of the ornament kickline in one of the store fronts. I loved this display (especially being a dancer).


My mom and Jim headed back for their hotel. Melissa, John & I decided to go over to Downtown Disney to see if we could meet up with John’s family. We knew we probably missed their dinner but still wanted to try and catch up with them. It took us a bit longer to get there via the bus system.

We did in fact miss dinner but found the group at the Virgin Megastore. We hung out with them for a bit before they decided to head back to their house. We felt bad that we missed the birthday celebration (both Jessie and Kassandra were celebrating their 25th that week). It was just a crazy day with a whole lot of mixed up communication. But we were all looking forward to the wedding the next day. After the group left, Melissa, John & I ended up going to Planet Hollywood ourselves for dinner.

We had another little ordeal trying to get back to our hotel. The three of us were waiting for our resort buses and the lines just happened to be next to each other. The Coronado Springs bus came just in front of the Caribbean Beach bus, only our bus slowed down and then drove right on by. John & I were standing right at the bench, there was no one else waiting (the benches over on this side of DTD are in between bus lines) and tried waving the bus down but it just kept going. Melissa’s bus pulled up and she got on. She called us to let us know that her bus driver called in to make sure a bus came for us (she had asked if it was normal for a bus to drive on by without stopping). And about 2 minutes later an empty bus pulled in and took us back to the resort.

This day was full of everything from mishaps to fun and amazement. In the end, it was very enjoyable. We got back to our room and crashed. We were exhausted but very excited for our big day the next day.
Lisa I can't believe they left you there!!! But it sounds like you had a good day overall. I love the pictures of the Osborn lights! I still haven't seen and I can't wait to see them on my honeymoon in December. :goodvibes
Awwwwwwwwwwww Lisa:goodvibes ! I just (finally) got a second to look through your Randy Pics. My GOSH, absolutely gorgeoooouuuuuuuuuuus!!!! You looked so stunning, and the Swan looked great. I especially loved :love: the way the arch turned out. Totally unique. I am so SO SO happy that everything turned out so beautifully. :yay: TTYS!
Lisa I can't believe they left you there!!! But it sounds like you had a good day overall. I love the pictures of the Osborn lights! I still haven't seen and I can't wait to see them on my honeymoon in December. :goodvibes

Laura, you are going to love the lights! It was my first time seeing them and I just loved them.

Disneychix said:
Love the Randy Pics. You had such a beautiful day.

Thank you! We did have a gorgeous day and I think that made all the difference.

Disneyaddict1973 said:
Awwwwwwwwwwww Lisa ! I just (finally) got a second to look through your Randy Pics. My GOSH, absolutely gorgeoooouuuuuuuuuuus!!!! You looked so stunning, and the Swan looked great. I especially loved the way the arch turned out. Totally unique. I am so SO SO happy that everything turned out so beautifully. TTYS!

Hi Amy!! Thank you for checking them out and thanks for the compliments! I am very happy with the pictures. No worries about just getting to them either - I have also been very busy (as you can see by the lack of updating with this TR LOL).

I also loved the way the arch turned out. I had requested just the fabric swag and no flowers. I asked my planner if I sent down some decorations would they include them at the location. She said it would not be a problem as long as they weren't something crazy that they had to put together and stuff. I found those ornaments at Michael's and thought they worked perfectly with the theme and colors I was going for. I sent them to Susan with some of our other items (guestbook, memorial pictures, etc) and kind of left it up to her what to do with them. I had been thinking they could be put around the cake table or something. Susan told me after the ceremony that she had no idea what to do with them and then got the idea to add them to the arch. She even made Mickey heads out of a few of them. I did not see them until our ceremony and thought they were perfect! Definitely unique, too.

I have started worked on the next installment (wedding day is next). And I hope to get it posted soon.
How can I put into words the feeling I had when I woke up the morning of the wedding? I was excited, I was calm yet nervous all at the same time, I was giddy, I was emotional, I was a little anxious but mostly I was so happy. It all kept coming at me in big waves. I would suddenly get this urge to laugh and cry and get butterflies all at once. I’ve never experienced this before. It was a feeling I hope to never forget.

I told John that it was finally time to face the music. All of our planning and dreams and wishes were about to happen. Our 16 years of being together and waiting for this day were finally here, hence the nerves. I wanted everything to go according to schedule. I did not expect perfection, but I did not want anything to go wrong. And I mostly wanted us to have a beautiful memorable day and for our guests to enjoy it right along with us. It was kind of a big undertaking.

We woke up on the early side. We slept much better than the previous night (such a better room and more comfortable bed), but were eager to get up and get going. There was no need to rush since we were having a 2pm ceremony. Ana from BeauteSpeciale was due to arrive at 10am and Carolyn Allen’s was coming at 11am with my gown. My sister planned to arrive about 9:30 – 9:45. We were up and taking things at a relaxing pace about 6:45 or so.

One of the first things I did when I got up was to look out our window and take in the gorgeous view we had. To my surprise there was a hot air balloon floating by in the distance. It appeared to be over in the Epcot area as it looked to be floating toward the Swan & Dolphin Hotel. I ran to get my camera to snap a picture. Of course by the time I got it ready, the balloon was just in front of the hotel so it is not as clear as it had been, but you can see it:


Melissa arrived just before Ana and her assistant, Mirabel. My mom and her boyfriend also showed up at the same time as Ana. We were not expecting my mom and Jim, but I think they wanted to stop by on their way back from breakfast. Ana and Mirabel quickly took over the space around the table, the room quickly felt very crowded and before long my mom and Jim worked out their time table for the day with John then headed back to their room.

Since the wedding was a surprise I had not planned on having my mom with us to get ready. I figured she’d want to stay with Jim for the afternoon as he can’t really get around on his own. We did give them the important assignment of getting John to the Swan when it was time and hanging out with him until the ceremony. If my mom had asked to stay with me and my sister, we would have rearranged the plans, but I think she was excited with her task at hand and was looking forward to being surprised.

Ana put curlers in my hair and then had Mirabel get started on my make up. Ana then got to work on Melissa’s hair. We let John hang out with us for a while but made sure he knew that he had to leave before the dress arrived.

Mirabel convinced me to go with some false eyelashes. I had always wanted to try them but was scared they would bother me. My wedding day was probably not the best day to take the risk and try, but I did. When she first put them on, I panicked because they felt very heavy and I thought I would have to take them off. But once the adhesive dried, they were fine and I thought they looked great. She ended up using a lot of bronzer on me, a lot. I wish I didn’t have so much on. I didn’t really like how it looked. I honestly thought I looked like a dead person all made up pretty for her wake. My eyes were great and the coloring of the rest of my make up was nice, but that bronzer was just a bit much for me. I was hoping that it would not be so noticeable in the pictures, but I do see it in quite a few of them.

Melissa and I switched off with Ana and Mirabel. I was aggravated with myself because I forgot to print out pictures of the hair styles I picked. I had done my research and even found a few hair pictures that Ana had done, but I totally dropped the ball and forgot to print and bring them with me. I had to describe what I wanted. She did a nice job and was very insistent that I be honest with her and not be afraid to tell her anything I did not like. I did have her fix up the back a little as I didn’t think the up-do part looked all that curly – I thought it looked kind of messy. She fixed it up and put in the veil.

In the end I was happy with the girls. They did a beautiful job with Melissa and a nice job on me. They made us feel very comfortable. They did quality work. Our hair and make up lasted all day and all night. I was mostly disappointed with myself for not doing a little more research on the bronzer or to look in a mirror while Mirabel was applying the make up to stop her when I realized that I did not like so much bronzer. And I was disappointed that I forgot my hair pictures. Ana did a nice job with the over all style, but I wanted more of a design with the up-do part in the back, and the front a little more evened out (my hair went off to the side – which I wanted – but the short side kind of went straight back, and the long side went down and back). It was kind of weird. But like I said, I was still happy – I looked finished, I looked like a bride, I looked close to my vision and I was enjoying myself. I was not going to sweat the small stuff!

As for a vendor review (I will go back and summarize my vendor reviews if I ever finish this thing), I would give Beaute Speciale a B+. I’m not going to give anyone A+++++++++++, etc. I want to be more realistic and helpful to any future brides out there. I thought they were professional, experienced and offer a very convenient service. They fill you up with extra lip gloss, make you water proof, and make sure you have plenty of hair spray. I would definitely recommend them.

Some pictures of Ana, Mirabel, Melissa & me:





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