Loose vs. Lose!

I thought it was a British thing to be bothered about correct English grammar - I am so pleased to see it is also Americans who get annoyed about sloppy use of words.

A pet hate of mine is "can I get a burger/drink/ice cream/etc" when it should be "can I HAVE a burger.......". That one seems to be creeping over here now:mad:
Shouldn't the phrase actually be "May I have...?" rather than "Can I have...?" unless the requesting party is, in some way, unable to obtain the item in question?

...and while I'm still wearing my super-dooper-snarky pants (LOL!) -- I might "get" riled up; but I "become" annoyed.

Flame away, Friends! Ah gots it comin'! ...and I've done the lose/loose thing probably more times than I can count...
While we're on the subject, can anyone explain the origin of "you guyses" and "your guyses" as in "I'm going to put your guyses suitcase in the closet."

I hear this so much lately.
"prolly" instead of probably is the one that drives me insane. I can understand pronouncing it that way, but spelling it that way too????


Prey and pray bug me too. :teeth: Just read this comment, "I am preying that ... " LOLOL!

When and wen too. Not sure if the wen is a typo or wrong word use, but it's nasty icky just the same. (Nasty icky is proper grammar by the way. It's techno speak). LOLOL.

Oh yes. It's and its.

Geez, we could have fun with this for a long time!!! Or would that be thyme?
I usually hear it at work. My DIL says it also. I've had waitresses say "I'll bring your guyses check".

I have heard it, but it isn't common. Maybe it is more of a regional thing?

"prolly" instead of probably is the one that drives me insane. I can understand pronouncing it that way, but spelling it that way too????


"Prolly" bothers me, too!

There are a few posters who write in that strange abbreviated form like they are sending text messages or their bodies have been taken over by Prince. I prefer to read posts that contain actual words, but I am funny that way.:snooty:
Boston5602 said:
You no , I never new their was a write way and wrong weigh to used words !
I think you mean, "Yew no, eye never new their wuz a write whey and wrong weigh two used words"?

Any text-message 'words' in a forum post, or an e-mail, or, well, anywhere EXCEPT on a cell phone, annoy me.

Thank you very much to the OP (note: abbreviation, not 'text-speak') for starting this thread!!! Do you all think it can continue without any criticism from the other side? You know, the posters who pop in with "Nobody's perfect", or, "Stop making fun of people who can't spell"?

Because, nobody is making fun of any other poster but merely of the words used; and, well, some of us ARE perfect - right?
I know this is petty and it's probably just the ex-English major in me but this has been driving me nuts and I need to get it off my chest....

I read so many posts on these boards in which people use "loose" when they should be using "lose." For example, I really need to "loose" weight before I go on vacation........it should be "lose." Don't they watch The Biggest Loser? It's not The Biggest Looser!
Loose describes how your clothes fit after you lose the weight.

OK, I feel much better now and should probably go and take my medication:rotfl2: It's amazing how the littlest things can drive you nuts!

It's enough to make me "loose" my mind!:goodvibes

Oh my gosh - haven't even read through the thread but when I saw this title I knew I had to open it - it is one of my biggest online pet peeves too -- the other one is seeing ridiculous spelled "rediculous." I saw it spelled that way so many times I actually looked it up to make sure I wasn't wrong! Have no idea why it bothers me but it does.

Oh my gosh - haven't even read through the thread but when I saw this title I knew I had to open it - it is one of my biggest online pet peeves too -- the other one is seeing ridiculous spelled "rediculous." I saw it spelled that way so many times I actually looked it up to make sure I wasn't wrong! Have no idea why it bothers me but it does.


Definatly! (urrrrrggghhhhh)
While we're on the subject, can anyone explain the origin of "you guyses" and "your guyses" as in "I'm going to put your guyses suitcase in the closet."

I hear this so much lately.

In Jersey, the correct term is "youse guys" as in, "Where are youse guys goin'?" or used alone as a plural noun in: "What are youse doing?". Fogetaboutit... ;)
It seems to me too , that there are plenty of FREE and accurate spell checkers out there so people who are not smart enough or keyboard savvy enough can still post properly.

Doesn't everyone use a spell checker , no really, don't you?
I thought yous was a Northern England 'thing'. I have friends from up there and they do tend to use that (non-existent) word.

The latest fad I can't stand is making nouns into verbs. My husband just received an email at work asking him to reply to a survey and 'keyboard' his results in!!! A keyboard is an item you type on - it isnt a verb! :furious:
It seems to me too , that there are plenty of FREE and accurate spell checkers out there so people who are not smart enough or keyboard savvy enough can still post properly.

Doesn't everyone use a spell checker , no really, don't you?

I don't at home because it isn't automatic like it is on the word processor. At work the Mac does check automatically. The thing is, it only catches things that are spelled incorrectly. It doesn't check for word usage. So for all these folks who are using a completely different (wrong) word, but spelling the wrong word correctly, there is no help!:sad2:
I'm a former English teacher. I used to give my students extra-credit when they would bring in examples from businesses of incorrectly spelled words or grammatical mistakes. I was always stunned at how many professionals put out shoddy written material. I once received a letter from an investment company asking me to consider using its services. I circled all the grammatical and spelling errors in red and sent it back with a note saying maybe the company should be interested in using MY proofreading services! :rotfl2:
I'm a former English teacher. I used to give my students extra-credit when they would bring in examples from businesses of incorrectly spelled words or grammatical mistakes. I was always stunned at how many professionals put out shoddy written material. I once received a letter from an investment company asking me to consider using its services. I circled all the grammatical and spelling errors in red and sent it back with a note saying maybe the company should be interested in using MY proofreading services! :rotfl2:

Brilliant. Presumably, the failed to avail themselves of your services. :)
Seperate. That's another one that bugs me...

But then, I can't spell recieve (or any other i before e except after a whatever) words! :lmao:

So, perfekshun comes in doses.

Ghoti. Anyone remember that? pirate:


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