Lulu201's Healthy Living Log (comments welcome!)

Dearest Erin, I'm getting through Tuesday and feeling pretty good (well, except my tummy :rolleyes: ). I hope your Tuesday is going well, also!! Know that I'm thinking of you and sending prayers up on your behalf, as I know you are for me. I really appreciate having a prayer buddy!!

I sure hope that sinus infection or cold or whatever it is, is getting better.


I am a pathetic, miserable wreck. I worked my butt off today at work and am now waiting for DH to get home to take me to the dr. I think I have a sinus infection (began as allergies) and, to top it all off, I've also got pinkeye. I feel like I'm just completely falling apart. I spent yesterday in my sweats, but couldn't rest a second today. I feel like my life is totally out of balance with work and family obligations and I can't treat myself like a human being. [I'm aware that I'm more than a bit dramatic.] Yesterday was a great, relaxing day, but I needed more r and r for me to be able to get better and to function at the level of energy I want and need. Ah, geesh, I'll come back tomorrow when I can be fairly decent to be around.

I'm sending large truckloads of extra-healing and extra-nurturing :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for you, my WISH-sis. I'll keep you in my prayers!

I'm sure the doc will have something to help you. Please rest as much as you can tomorrow - start cancelling lessons and appointments. You need to take care of you, sweetie. I bet you'll be feeling much better by Thursday!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm so sorry you are not feeling well Erin. Sinus infections are very painful, and of course you are not feeling your usual chipper self. I'm sending some healing :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: your way. I hope you feel better tomorrow.
Hi. Thanks, Doreen and Beth, for your hugs and cheer. The dr. last night was quite kind and professional. Usually I see his wife, but I was so glad that anyone would let me come in at such short notice, I was grateful to have him. Anyway, I'm unable to work--because of the pinkeye--until at least Thursday. I have drops for the eye(s), antibiotics for the sinus infection, and new prescriptions for allergy drugs. Last night I called all the parents for my morning class; later today DH and I will call the private students (10 of them today). I'm trying not to think about the money this is costing me--how can you put a price on health, right? In the grand scheme of things, this is a blip. . .

I'm going to go back to bed, but I'll try to post around later today.

Lots and lots of :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: coming your way! Wow! You are having a rough week. Try to take some time for you to relax, your body needs you to take it a bit easier then usual.

Forget about the $$ - you do NOT want to pass pinkeye on! Keep washing your hands so Mike & Liz don't get it. I'm glad the doctor is giving you some enforced rest time! You've had such a large workload over the past weeks that your body is telling you it needs some rest.

I'm sending more :wizard: :wizard: and some :flower2: :flower2: :flower2: to brighten your day.

I hope you feel better soon. I've been lurking and had to let you know I was thinking about you. I'll say an extra prayer for you tonight!

Nancy J
Oh, Erin! The dangers of spending time with little people! Too bad you can't get workman's comp! ;)

(And lucky you look so pretty in pink....:D )

I hope you had a restful day. Here's some good thoughts for your quick recovery. :sunny:
pirate: Good morning, me mateys! I could've looked like this pirate guy with a patch on my eye yesterday morning. . .hey, but what a difference a day makes! No yukkiness from my eye today, only a teeny bit of redness. Those drops are good! I'm still congested, but feeling lots better. I'm ready to go out into the world today!:Pinkbounc

Thanks, everyone, for your prayers and good wishes. They helped a lot.:grouphug:

I can't say I've been eating too well--mostly juices, toast, carbs--but I've been sugar free and I'm happy about that. I took my vitamins today and will try to drink a lot of water. No afternoon coffee planned; green tea instead. Oh, and aside from walking Mickey around the circle, no walk. I was stressing about the half marathon yesterday, but DH helped me to accept the fact that I can only do what I can do. I do NOT want the sweeper bus to pick me up and take me to the finish, but if it does, so be it. I'll just do what I can do, training-wise, and hope it's enough.

Take care, everyone.
I'm glad to hear that your pink-eye is clearing up! My friend had that a couple of weeks ago and it was gross looking ;) I think your husband is right - stressing isn't going to do you any good, just do what you can about the marathon. There is a great website I think it is called and they have some great running programs.

Have a great day Erin!

Hi Erin,

I'mglad you are feeling a little better. Take care of yourself.

As for the marathon, you will get more in gear the closer to the marathon you get. You don't have a problem doing 6 miles. You are already 1/2 way there. I have a hard time training for something more than 1/2 a year away. You will do great.

Feel better,
:wizard: :hug:
So happy to hear you're on the mend!! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:

Please don't worry about the half marathon - it's really too soon to start seriously training. We'll get serious in September! Until then, just try to walk 2 miles 3 days a week and 3 miles 1 day a week, to keep yourself "in the groove". We'll ramp up the mileage later but this would be enough to keep the stamina and endurance you've already developed.

Sending you a :hug: , WISH-sis!
:sunny: It's Friday!! :sunny:

Let's have a weekend!! WOO-HOO!!

I hope you're feeling all better and things are :sunny: in Bucks county this morning!

Have a wonderful day, princess: Lulu!!
:wave: Good morning! It's Friday! :wave: Hmmm, I'm much more subdued this Friday (as compared to my :hyper: -self last week), but I'm guess that's just my sinus infection and the DZone talking. I have to say, though, I'm MUCH better than I was and I'm looking forward to a weekend with next-to-nothing planned--
just work tomorrow morning and MAYBE church on Sunday. We'll see.

OK, confession time. Today is weigh-in day, but I'm not going near the scale. I just don't want to face it. Next Friday will be soon enough. I'm just going to take my vitamins, drink some water, walk the dog, and avoid sugar. Tomorrow I might do a two miler on the treadie. . .we'll see.

I appreciate everyone's support re: the half marathon, but here's the thing: I HAVE to train hard this summer--I just don't have the time in the Fall. I'm figuring if I can get the mileage established by the end of August, I'll do my best to keep it up Sept-Jan with long weekend walks, but NOW is the time I have to put forth the real effort and get my body in shape. I'm OK with that plan until things come up that get in the way, like getting sick. I'm also worried about taking DD out of school, I'm worried about the money. . .uhh, has anyone noticed that I've got a "worry thing" going on????:p It would be easier to just chuck the whole thing, but I know I can't--I have to keep this commitment to myself, and knowing that I'll just try my best lets some of the pressure off.

I'm going to get DD all packed for the tour she leaves on this afternoon; I'll try to check in with everyone later.

:wave2: Erin
Good morning! Sending :hug: your way today. I hope that you start feeling better soon.::yes:: It sounds like you have a nice, relaxing weekend ahead of you.

Take good care of you!

"Don't worry! Be Happy! Don't Worry be happy now Ooohhhh..."

You worry to much ;) But I do understand with getting the training in. Dh and I have been slacking on our training lately and need to get back in the grove of things. Maybe we will start this weekend.

As far as taking your daughter out of school - don't worry about that! I'm sure she is a good student and good kid - missing a couple days in early January (after the long holiday break) isn't going to affect her much. Heck if anything those few weeks are spent reviewing the information that forgot over the break.

Hi Erin,

Just popping in to say :wave2: . I'm glad that you are feeling a little better. Your priority is to get better. Then you can worry about training. There is nothing you can do until you are healthy. If you rush this, you will just get sick again. Take it easy this weekend, and PLAN on starting your training next week.
Sending you some extra :sunny: to help brighten this :umbrella: rainy day! Enjoy some quiet time this weekend, WISH-sis! :hyper2:
:sunny: Hello! :sunny: It's a rainy, gray PA day, but I'm feeling sunny and happy. I had so much rest this weekend--I took afternoon naps on Saturday AND Sunday. :p Happily, I also got a lot of housework done (with my DH help:love2:), so I feel ready to start the week.

Tomorrow I'm going to get on the scale.:scared1:. I just have to do it. I've avoided sugar 5/6 days this month (I CURSE the dad at the studio who bought me a free donut! :mad: :p ), but I've been eating too many carbs and trigger foods--little handfuls of pretzel nips, goldfish crackers. Tomorrow it's going to stop.

My plan for the week is as follows:

1. Drink my water every day.
2. Take my vitamins every day.
3. Walk two miles on the treadie 5 out of 7 days (just to get myself back into the swing).
4. Eat within the points.

I'm ready to move forward and to get my healthy feeling back. I'm sick of being sick!::yes:: I took Beth's advice and have rested this weekend and delayed the treadie, but now I'm going to move onward and downward.

Monday, here I come!:hyper:

DD comes home in less than two hours after her weekend away. She'll come home and all will be right with the world. I missed my baby!

Til tomorrow,


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