Lulu201's Healthy Living Log (comments welcome!)

I'm sending extra :sunny: and good :goodvibes for you and am hoping you got Liz off to school in a happy mood. Miracles do happen, right??

We'll both be striving to get back in the groove today. We can do this! Shower the world around you with God's love today!

:hug: , dear WISH-sis :hyper2:
Good for you Erin for taking some much needed rest! You deserve it! I know you are going to have a successful day today - I can hear it in your :sunny: attitude!

It's Monday and I'm :D ! DD came in the door last night, totally exhausted after only 3 and 1/2 hours of sleep the night before, and went right upstairs to get her homework ready for today--without any suggestion from her parents! She got up this morning and took a nice long shower, got herself ready and, with lots of determination, got to school with a positive attitude. My little girl is growing up. Doreen will tell you that I more than half expected a major meltdown and a bargaining session to stay home today (after her weekend tour), but DD proved me wrong and taught me a big lesson about believing the best in other people and "letting go and letting God." She's not the only one growing up.

Haven't taken my vitamins yet, but I've had a healthy breakfast and my coffee. Went to the hospital for my pre-colonoscopy blood work. Got on the scale. . .:scared1: doesn't even begin to describe how I feel when I look at the damage that I've done to myself the last 10 days; I won't publish my weight until Friday. :( I'm going to go over to the park and walk the trail (2.25 miles) at a nice brisk pace. Maybe get in a little bike riding if it's still light when I come home.

Off to walk :hyper: ,

Edit #1 11:50 a.m.

I went to the park and walked the 2.25 in 35 minutes. :Pinkbounc I've been wondering if I'll be able to keep the pace when I'm not on the treadmill and listening to music. I guess I can! The weather was beautiful, too; it did my spirit a world of good to be in the sunshine feeling that cool breeze.

Here's where I stand so far today:

1. :D
2. about 16 oz. of water so far
3. :D
4. 7 points: 2 coffees w/cream=2, oatmeal special=4, fruit salad=1

food plan:

lunch--real bread (not "lite") sandwich=6 or 7, pickle=0
dinner--peanut butter toast=5 Hey, it just sounds good!

I'm going to get ready for work.
Hi Erin,

On the way to my Mom's house this weekend, I was thinking about you. Remember when you wrote about worrying about pulling DD out of school for the marathon? Well, here was my thought...

Your daughter will be witnessing you, her mother, accomplishing a major goal for herself. Something that she wasn't sure she could do, but a major undertaking that she committed to. She will watch you accomplish your gaol by walking across the finish line. I think that is a MUCH stronger learning experience than sittling in a classroom for a few days. She will be watching her MOM accomplishing her goals. That will be very powerful and empowering. You will be teaching her that with hard work and determination a woman can accomplish her goals. It will also be Mom/dtr bonding time. She is growing up fast, and you should take as many moments as you can.

Enough said.. Great job today. I know you'll get those pounds off soon. When is the colonoscopy?

It's Tuesday and I'm :D ! Still not feeling 100%; I'm kind of discouraged about that, but hey, you take what you get, right?:p

I made three out of the four goals yesterday. . . the food one kind of threw me for a loop. I just didn't have enough healthy food with me at the studio, so I came home starving. Not good. I didn't eat bad things, but I probably ate too much. BUT, it's a new day :sunny: , the scale showed a loss (from all the bloating I'd had, I guess), so I'm feeling good and moving onward.

1. Take the vitamins.
2. Drink the water.
3. Walk two miles.
4. Eat within the points--24-28

Beth, I appreciate what you wrote about DD and the half marathon. . .I know you're right. I'm hoping that DD learns that it's OK to risk and to try--even if you don't succeed. I may complete the half in the time required, I may not, but at least I'm going to give it my best shot!:Pinkbounc

Colonoscopy is set for 6/21 at 12:30. Yuk.

Well, I'm outa here. I doubt I'll get back. Work schedule is 12-8; then I'll buzz over to choir at church.

Til tomorrow--
Sending you good vibes and happy thoughts today!

I totally agree with Beth on the half-marathon trip - Liz needs to see you try your best, whatever the outcome. Besides, you'll finish in time, even if I have to CARRY you!! Either we'd better complete our training plan or I'd better start lifting weights!! :teeth: :crazy:

I walked my 2 miles last evening with DH and the puppy and felt better for it. Thank you for inspiring me, WISH-sis, because I wouldn't have done it without your example to follow! :hug:
Wow Beth! That was an awesome post! Good morning princess: Erin! I hope you are going to have a great day. I"m sending lots of :sunny: and :bounce: (energy) your way to help you feel closer to 100%.

Thanks for stopping by, Amanda and Doreen. Yeah, Doreen, you'd better add a little lifting to your training schedule, just in case.:rolleyes:

I'm in a bad mood this morning.:mad: I can't say why exactly, but I think it's because of the ride to DDs school. I swear it's like driving the Indy 500. :crazy: The school is off a long stretch of highway--4 lanes--and the teens and adults driving to school and work are maniacs, though they don't usually mean to be. At a stoplight, DD and I watched a man get out of a pick-up, go over to the car behind him (full of teens) and threaten them with bodily harm--cushioned in a truckload of expletives. He was screaming and cursing at the top of his lungs. Road rage at its worst. Then, on my way home, I came upon an accident that must've happened minutes after DD and I passed the area: a car on its roof, police just arriving on the scene. :( It didn't look like anyone was still in the car, thank God.

So now here I am, ready to start the day.

The plan's almost the same:

1. Vitamins
2. Water
3. No exercise, day off today
4. Eat sensibly, no binge

I'm stressed today--even without the ride to work--and with that stress comes food cravings. I'm going to try my best to treat myself in a respectful, kind way.

I'm ready to go,
Dear princess: Erin, I'm so sorry you're having a rough start to the day. Sometimes I feel almost physically assaulted when I see people being so uncivil and uncompassionate to each other, like the world is beating on me and trying to make me mean too! Please take a few deep breaths and count your blessings. Center yourself in God's love, WISH-sis - feel His angels near you and His Holy Spirit within you.

Wishing you peace and love on this Wednesday, along with strength and patience to help you get through a long day.

I know I am not as religious as you and Doe but ya know what you should do... give it to God. You don't need to be burdened with this for the rest of the day. Count your blessings, say a prayer, and give your stresses to God to handle so that you can focus on you.

I'll be thinking about you today!

:hug: :hug: Erin,

That is NOT the way to start your day. I hope the :sunny: is shining and you can find a few positive things in your day. Somethimes it is the little things that can turn your day around. I am sending :goodvibes and prayers for you.
:D Good morning! It's Thursday and I'm :D DD and I took a different way to school this morning. Today we only witnessed a teen girl running from car to car at a stoplight asking for a cigarette and a boy driving and riding with his arm out the window giving the finger to someone. Just a little shopping around and a little road rage--that's all.:p :crazy:

So, let's see what the plan is:

1. vitamins
2. water
3. exercise
4. eating sensibly. Hmmm, this one is better, but still a little hard for me to manage. My schedule has changed so that I don't have time to eat dinner until around 8:30. By then I'm starving, so I think I need to plan better for that. I'm going to wait and eat breakfast between 9 and 10, eat a later lunch, pack some veggies to munch on between students, and then have a light dinner--say soup and half a sandwich--when I get home. I'm hoping that's how it'll work for today.

Thanks, everyone, for your positive thoughts yesterday. I think it helped me tremendously. I felt much better as the day wore on. I think you described it perfectly, Doreen, in your post. Thanks for putting into words what I felt. Beth and Amanda, your hugs and :goodvibes always brighten my day. :sunny:

Today I've got to get to the notary to get DDs permission slip for her Washington/Vancouver trip taken care of. Also have to stop at the library before work to drop off a book. I'll work this morning on some housework and then will spend some time on curriculum proposals before heading to work around noon. The day is looking full, but nice.

:grouphug: to my WISH friends,
Erin, you sound much better today! ::yes:: The scenes you described on the way to school had me laughing - that girl running from car to car???? :teeth: Of course, you know me - the laughter is often tinged with sadness - I've prayed for the two teens already. You never know when a well-timed prayer might make a difference, even in a stranger's life. God said to pray without ceasing - I wonder if He ever regrets it, after hearing how often I send up a few words for this person or that person. :crazy: :teeth:

I'm wishing you a wonderful day, WISH-sis, filled with many blessings. Having you to share this journey with me means so much!

hi Erin,

You sound positively perky today. I think your attitude will help you through your long day. Here's some extra energizing :wizard: headed your way.
:rockband: TIME TO START THE WEEKEND!!! :thewave:

The week is almost over, Erin and the weekend is just about here!! WOO-HOO!!

I hope this day finds you :sunny: in spite of the grey weather outside!
OK, People. Stand back--I'm going to hit you with my ugly truth: I weighed in at 167 this morning.:mad: I went from 159 to 167 in two weeks!!!! It really sounds worse than it is, though--no, wait, hear me out on this! I had dinner last night at 9:30. Chicken noodle soup! We all know how much sodium is in that canned soup, right? I have to be holding on to some water, right? RIGHT??????

All I can say is ugh. I'm feeling quite round and roly-poly. Emotional eating, being sick, late night dinners--they've taken their toll. BUT, I'm doing better than I was 5 days ago (then I weighed in at 170!!!!). I'm taking my vitamins, drinking more water, avoiding sugar, and getting my round self on the treadie. Those are good things and I'm glad I'm working on losing my gain. I'm ready to attack those pounds :hyper: and send them packing!

This is my journey and struggle FOR LIFE and this is just another little detour on the path. My new goal is to lose 12 pounds by 8/17, the anniversary of my acceptance of the WISH challenge, and also the day before my 20th wedding anniversary. The following week I'll be leaving for the shore--a week in a bathing suit :scared1: --and I think 155 will be a comfortable place for me to be. I'm changing my siggie and getting ready for a new focus.

Goals for today:

1. Vitamins (took 'em yesterday:Pinkbounc )
2. Water (didn't quite drink enough yesterday)
3. Exercise (walked it yesterday!:Pinkbounc )
4. Food--22-26 points (ate sensibly yesterday, no sugar :Pinkbounc )

Today is the beginning of our Recital Series. We have four recitals Fri.-Mon. I have students playing in three of them (one tonight, two tomorrow). I'm looking forward to them--they're real celebrations of the children/adults and all their efforts. Will I be glad when they're done? YOU BET!:p I've got to get down to the studio for a couple of hours to get the blasted curriculum proposals done, will shop for recital goodies then set up things with DH, plan to pick up DD from school at 2:30, and will putter around the house getting some housework done. Sunday will be church and the mall and then dinner with friends--have got to get out and buy some wine for a hostess gift.

Hey, Doreen, did you think after this long post I'd forgotten what's really important?


Onward and downward,
Hi Erin,

Thank you. I was feeling very down after my scale encounter. ASfter I read your journal and how you are dealing with your encounter, I am inspired to stay positive and OP.. Thank you. I'm sure the Whoosh Fairy will visit you soon.

Looks like you have a really busy weekend again. Enjoy the recitals and dinner with friends. I hope you can get a few minutes of ME time in there.

Enjoy the weekend,
Gee, Erin, while we're confessing.....I'm up to 139! I was hovering around 135-136 for the longest time but 139???? Well, at least you're in good company! :tongue: :crazy:

This is such a stressful time of year. We know it's going to get easier once school is over and the studio calms down for the summer, right??

I KNOW the Whoosh Fairy will be by in a day or two to help you out. That chicken noodle soup and its sodium can really do a number on your body! You're on the right track and the scale will have no choice but to cooperate. ::yes:: The stress of all the recitals probably doesn't help - you may have to wait until Monday or Tuesday to start feeling thinner. Time will take care of it, I promise.

I'm sending you a warm and consoling :hug: . Even 167 is a far cry from where you started! You are, and always will be a success in my book! :sunny:
Hi Erin,

I thought you might be missing Doreen, so I thought I'd pop in ti see how you are doing. I hope you had a relaxing weekend. How's the week ahead looking? I'm sending :goodvibes your way.

Take care,
:wave: Good morning! Hi, Beth. Thanks for stopping by; I appreciate that.:D

It was an insanely busy weekend. Seriously. All the recitals, church services, DDs homework projects. . .I think I managed it all rather well. The only indication that I might be pushing a little too hard was the case of the hives that appeared Saturday morning and have been greeting each morning since.:rolleyes: I thought it might be a reaction to the amoxycilin that I had for my sinus infection, but I stopped taking that last Thursday. Hmmm, guess my old body is just a little pooped.

I'm looking at this week and trying to prioritize. I have to go out of town this morning, but will be back this afternoon in time to teach--that's all I have planned. Tomorrow I'm going to stay home and try to get some housework done in the a.m. before teaching; besides work, Wednesday and Thursday are up for grabs. Friday is DDs last day of school--we'll probably do lunch out and CELEBRATE!!!!! This weekend my in-laws will come for a Father's Day get-together on Saturday. Can't do it Sunday because I'll be doing my colonoscopy prep.:rolleyes: The week looks full, but manageable.

Last week I exercised 3 days. Once I got the hives, I didn't know if I should workout. This week's plan is Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday a.m. on the treadie, 4 mile walks on Tuesday and Friday.

I've had my coffee and oatmeal this morning. Salad planned for lunch. Soup for dinner.

Onward and downward,


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