Magic Kingdom Sketch Swap~CLOSED

I'm too invested to not have a Cricut, but I may sell my old Expression (which hasn't been updated so if someone has SCAL2, it would work with it). I got the E2 last year and I'm getting used to it.

We may need to talk. Mine is dragging the blade across paper and no matter what I do, I can't make it stop, but I love SCAL so I don't want a new machine.
I, too, am way to invested in Cricut to not have one.
Sandy, that is awful....I agree with the other ladies, you should stand your ground and meet with the teacher & principal....they've got to have some sort of extra help available or have you do it and get her up the 2%....I don't have the patience for home schooling but have a couple of friends who do it!

Jen, the train is so cute! congrats on the Cameo!!!

this is what I made the other day with mine for a friends bday! it also cut flowers with the hair, but wanted it to have a 3-D effect so added the other flowers instead!

BernardandMissBianca said:
We may need to talk. Mine is dragging the blade across paper and no matter what I do, I can't make it stop, but I love SCAL so I don't want a new machine.
I, too, am way to invested in Cricut to not have one.

It's up for grabs! It works fine, just won't last forever, you know.
mommy2mrb said:
Jen, the train is so cute! congrats on the Cameo!!!

this is what I made the other day with mine for a friends bday! it also cut flowers with the hair, but wanted it to have a 3-D effect so added the other flowers instead!

Ooh that's adorable! Where did you get the file?
I've just resat at my scrap spot. I'm about fine snow white. I had to change a few things as I didn't like some of the colors. Then I will be doing the others too. Hopefully I will be postal by the end of the week. I'm trying... really trying.

On a side note, anyone home schooled their kids? I'm being put in a hard place by the girls school. They already determined that one of the girls will stay in grade 1 while the other 2 will move on to grade 2 ( and be in the same class) in September. This will be the destruction of her self estime. I can't do that to her. how can they determine in February that someone who has 58% will not have a 60% by June.

I considered homeschooling before we switched to Catholic School. I'm not Catholic so I wasn't 100% confortable sending them there but I also know the stuff they are learning know is beyond what I could teach them. It ended up being a good thing with the new school, thankfully.
They tried to pull the same crap with DS11 and keeping him back, but I feel it was the school, not him. He is an honor roll student now, just a little more immature than his classmates.
I think if DD was an only it would be ok keeping her back, but not when she's a triplet, that would just crush her and it would be obvious that she's a triplet kid of she looks like her sisters.

Have they talked to you at all about what she's behind in? Is the 58% in one subject or as a whole? Do they offer remedial classes? They should be offering classes if she's behind. DS11 was in remedial reading (mostly because of his speech issues) and remedial math. He could actually be in regular math but the remedial teacher and I decided he liked being in the smaller class so he would purposely fail to be kept in her class.

It's not just about what you can do for DD, it's about what they are doing to help her. If she's only at 60% by June they will pass her, but how far will she be behind in grade 2? Do they offer a summer program? Have you looked into Sylvan or another tutoring program? Also, the Summer Bridge workbooks are really good, I use those with the kids a lot.

How are the other girls grades? Are they willing to help their sister with the things she is behind on so she can move up?

And as Jennifer and Cassey said. The first year they can only recommend the child stay back, they have to have parental permission. They can push the issue the next year though.

Can you tell I've been through this before?? LOL
It's up for grabs! It works fine, just won't last forever, you know.

As long as it doesn't drag, I'd be happy. I will have to move on eventually, but right now I can't reinvest in a whole new machine. And even when I go with a new company, I still like a lot of the Cricut designs so I'd want a machine kicking around.

PM me with a price.
Lisa that's very pretty. how are you liking Cameo so far? can you tell I'm leaning more and more towards a cameo LOL

Thanks ladies! It's been a battle with school since last year. The girls have always been together and whe nthey started last year, I felt they were not ready as I thought they were a bit less mature then most kids. If they would have been born at term, they wouldn't have started last year. This year would ahve been kindergarden but since they were 10 weeks premature, their b-day made them start last year.

That being said, they decided to seperate them last year whic hI had no problems with it but the girls did. They couldn't even eat or play together at recess. Instead of waiting to learn, they rebelled and refused to learn in essence. To top it off, it took one fo the girls teacher a big 6 months to realise that she couldn't hear well. She was having constant ear infectons and lived "under water" for all those months. She pretended she could follow class but it delayed her speech and comprehension of sounds that each letter did, which is the base of reading. She got tubes in February last year and got much better but had to catch up all the previous months. I started having meeting last year as it was such a fiasco and the girls didn't want to go to school and they agreed to put them together this year. Forward to this year, they are in the same class, have different friends but are doing much better. The one with tubes was a bit behind whe nshe started 1st grade but has been able to catch up for the most part. Her sisters started to read in December and she just started to "get" reading. Her teacher has been pulling her out of class like 4 times a week for an hour to have a bit of help with reading but she is missing that hour of work and is not getting the missed work therefor making her even more behind. I was unaware of that until last wednesday. I thought she was getting a bit of help but not 4 hours a week. in order words, school has put her in a failure position if you ask me. Yes it's nice that they are helping her to catch up on reading and with her speech but they are putting her behind in so many other palces. Yet, she is getting an average of 58% which is not bad if you ask.

Principal and teacher has laready determine she is not advancing and have pretty much given up on her. They have cut her homework in half because she iwll ahve next year to do the other half. She is crushed and doesn't understand why she can't do like her sisters so muc h that I went so far as to photocopying her sisters homework pages for her to do and hand in. I'm sure I could pretty much get her caught up this summer to the other kids but thye don't care.

Wow that was a story. Sorry about that but I just had to get it off my chest. I feel sad for her. No school should give up on kids that way even more they should not show it to kids when they do. Now she wonders why she can't do like the other kids of the class and cries about it.
Aw, :hug: to you both. I'm sorry you're going through this. I'm sure if you agree to work hard with her (and have her sisters help too!), you can get her on track. Kids tend to level out around middle school, so just a few more years to get through.

I only made the one cut - well, 12 times, but I really like it. There weren't any stray lines, uncut areas, etc. I'm going to try a print and cut today.
Sandy, that is so awful! how can people who are supposed to teach your children give up on them :confused3 and for them not to keep you in the loop is not right!

don't know if this would be another option, what about keeping all the girls back next year? I was an early Sept bday and very small for my age and shy, but I met the cutoff and struggled the first couple of years in school, in hindsight my mom wishes she had held be back to start kindergarten until I was six.

know you will get this figured out, after all you are their mommy and knows what is best for all of your girls!

I am still learning my cameo...only getting things of their store, I'm so computer challenged to try the other stuff from peoples blogs... but I do like it, but will always keep my cricut!
Sandy, no real advice except to keep pushing for her to be moved up and working with her outside of school. DD#2 who is in 1st grade too is having a hard time with her reading,they cant help her shes above the line to get special help, yet is still struggling. We have to work extra hard at home. such a pain!

Ok here is my Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom LO. Right is all glued, left just the hat paper. Based loosely on this sketch.


So cute Rachal & Jennifer!

I boxed up my pages last night into the large 12X12 flat rate box. It was tight, but it fit. Taped it really securely including the sides and corner since the last time I packed a box this full it had a blowout. About 20 minutes later as I was cleaning up the black hole that has become my scrap area I found the sketches. :sad: Now I have to open the box and unpack everything to put the sketch pages in. Need to stop at PO for a new box since this one will be destroyed when I open it.

I will repack it tonight and be postal tomorrow.
Sandy, sorry you are dealing with all of this. First things first, I would be meeting with the administration to find out why the school has failed her so badly and not kept you up to speed on what is happening. Someone would be answering some tough questions. I would also let them know that I would expect the teacher at this point to be putting in some extra effort to see she is doing all she can do. Writing her off in February is not acceptable.

How are the other two girls doing in school? Could they maybe benefit from being held back a year? My youngest DS started kindergarten just after his fifth birthday and while he does OK with the learning, I really think he should have waited another year for the maturity part. My two older boys were both almost six when they started school and I can see a big diffence in how school is for them.

Hope you can work something out. If holding them all three back a year isn't an option, I think I would work my butt off to see that she gets up to speed with the learning. Sure, its going to take a lot of effort on your part, but I think if you can make it fun for her it will all be worth it. I would also be in contact weekly with the teacher to see what she is doing for her part. Good luck with whatever you decide.


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