March Scrapping Challenge

Ok, count me in for March. I did 2 pages last night while watching Wife Swap but not 100% complete so not going ot count them yet. Tonight is soccer practice, maybe by 9 I can finish them up. Let's seeeeeee....there are 31 days in this month so I'll set a personal goal of 15 pages. The most important thing is to get this Orlando Vacation album done. I have maybe 2 pages left on Disney portion, 2 or 3 from Sea World and then 10 or so of Universal and 2 or 3 of the I need to get busy!!!
Deb (fantasticdisfamily)

She does hers a little different. Hard to describe in writing. She uses the back side of one page to the left, the front of another page on the right and then a whole page in the middle that she cuts the top 2 inches of the page off. Her title goes from the far left page to the far right page. but you can see the title while looking at all 4 pages because the page in the middle is shorter by that 2 inch space.

5wdwnutz said:
Deb (fantasticdisfamily)

She does hers a little different. Hard to describe in writing. She uses the back side of one page to the left, the front of another page on the right and then a whole page in the middle that she cuts the top 2 inches of the page off. Her title goes from the far left page to the far right page. but you can see the title while looking at all 4 pages because the page in the middle is shorter by that 2 inch space.


Ahhhh... That makes sense. I've done that with one of my CM albums. I put an 8 1/2 by 11 page in the middle of my 12x12 album. It works pretty well and the 12x12 borders and title (If placed on top or outer sides) shows up for the whole thing. I put maps on the smaller page in mine so that I could look at them while going through the photos. It does short cut things a bit for maximum photos with minimum effort.

FYI - My title for my character photos album is pretty simple "Our Disney Friends."
I guess I'll jump in too!

I finished my very first EVER scrapbook page last night, then stayed up for about another hour and a half just setting up pages, cropping pics, and organizing my stuff. I've gotta say that paper trimmer is really addictive! Whap! One side gone. Whap! Another edge gone....I really love that thing!! Something about trimming paper and pictures just makes you feel productive..

I don't know how many pages I can get done, but I'm starting out with 1 finished, and another 11 set up. If I can follow those Scrap Maps, maybe I can really get on a roll!
Is anyone else running into this problem? I find I can't get any pages started because I can't get off these boards. Everytime I sit down to start, the computer calls me, saying, just a quick check... :rotfl2:
Well I am going to attempt my first ever scrapbook this month. I meant to start it last month. Bought all the goodies and they sat on my dining room table....for the whole month!!! So now I'm going to quit wasting :hourglass and get started....
Hi - I'm new to this board - but would like to join in if I can.

How does this all work for the monthly challenge?

I am going to a 12 hour crop tomorrow and it will motivate me to get a move on. My oldest DD is 5 and I am just working on completeing her 1st B-day. With a WDW trip coming up in May I need to get a move on.
knovak said:
How does this all work for the monthly challenge?

Welcome to all of the new challengers.

It's really easy. WHoever completse teh most pages in a month wins. They will then host next month's challenge and provide teh prize to the next winner.

The only rule is that the pages MUST be completed, including any journaling that you plan to do. If it's a page that does not require journaling it counts. However, if you plan to journal it later, it doesn't count as finished yet.
I'm jumping on board for the March challenge. I've spent the last week organizing my next album - a power layout of sorts. If I get it all done, watch out!!

(Of course, I have to get started first......)

How is everyone doing? If I don't stop wasting my time reading the boards about "stuff" I won't get anything done! Plus I work at home and with my kids home this week I am really behind! Gotta get moving!.........P
I'll take the challenge this month!

Hopefully the competitive nature in me will get me moving to get some pages done! :earboy2:
I did another 7 pages last night... Putting me up to 12 this month :banana: I decided to do a birthday present for my mom (a scrapbook) so it looks like I'll have decent numbers.
I would have more pages, but I am busy making frames for the Girl Scout swap...can't these count :teeth:
Put me down for 4 pages. I finally came up w/the right words to journal the 2 that I started the other night but didn't count and then last night there was a special on Sea World Orlando on the Travel Channel which got me motivated. I have maybe 3 pages to do for the end of Sea World then I can start on Universal. Sure have a long way to go tho for my goal of being completed by Easter. Better get busy!!
Hi I am a newbie here and hope that this will make me complete my goal by the end of the month. But, I will need to stay off the computer to complete this!
We got back with our 2nd girl from China last April and my goal is to get her adoption/China album done by April 4-which was when we got her last year. I just did 4 pages today, but I am going to have to get something else done. aby. My grand feat was getting my disney trip in Jan-05 done last week. My motivation was that I had to make a copy of it to give to my mom for her birthday which was yesterday.
I'm up to 6 for the month so far. Going to a crop this Friday so hopefully if I get to pre-plan I'll get quite a few pages done by the weekend.

I am at 11 pages so far. I went to a 12 hour crop and got quite a bit accomplished. :flower:
Ok I'm new here so what is all of this about? How many scrapbook pages you can do a month? :confused3


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