May 6 Character Swap Progress Thread

bcarson said:
thanks ladies! I hope we all stay well to. My family was supposed to visit this weekend but as of know they are going to wait and see. I feel bad because my sis is divorced, her boys have no father. They have been really looking forward to coming. My mom was saying my little nephew yelled all last weekend for his Uncle Will! My oldest nephew is 4 soon to be 5 and he is autistic. It means a lot that he is excited to see us to. I really think it won't happen though. Unless I get a whole lot of Pixie Dust! :wizard:

Sending you bunches of pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: in hopes that your family will be able to visit!!!!!
Well we ended up canceling the visit. My ds was better but it has rained her for days. We didn't want to be trapped in the house 6 adults and 4 kids all weekend. My ds couldn't really go to the hotel and swim or anything. So we have had a nice family weekend. We are going to see my family in two weeks, for like three weekends in a row. So this probably was not the best plan anyway with the price of gas and all. Hope everyone had a great mothers day.
I don't have a problem waiting a few days if the rest of you don't. It won't slow me down in any way right now. Just let me know what you all want to do.

I am putting the packages together tonight - I finally got everything unpacked and sorted all over my living room :hourglass. I had pre-addressed all the envelopes that I had addresses for so I am one step ahead of the game in that area.

I am also taking photos of everyones elements - and wondering if I could scan them easier than doing photos - who knows, I may do both. Either way, I am going to put each group on two peas and post the link on the swap board.
I dont mind waiting a few days either. I understand that life happens and besides, this is a fun thing. I hope you are doing well after all you have been through. :wizard:
I don't mind waiting a few days! I'm so far behind in my scrapping anyway, this is so not a hold up! :rotfl2: I hope everyone is doing well and not stressed out! :cheer2:
I don't mind waiting a few extra days... life happens.. and this is for fun...I'm game for waiting a little longer!!!
I don't mind waiting either. I won't have time to scrap until next winter anyway with all the swaps I'm in! ;)
I'm fine for waiting. I just wanted to have these for our upcoming trip - but does anyone really think I will get the whole album done immediately upon my return? :rotfl2:
I don't have a problem waiting, either. No Disney trip planned in the near future...just wondering though if you got my package I send in mid-April?
MissBubbles said:
I don't have a problem waiting, either. No Disney trip planned in the near future...just wondering though if you got my package I send in mid-April?

Yep - I got it (great work by the way) - I marked your name with the thumbs up smiley guy on the first post. That is where I have been marking everyone's name as I got the packages. I guess I should have put in a post to let everyone know when I updated it but I forgot to do that.
KAMommy said:
I'm fine for waiting. I just wanted to have these for our upcoming trip - but does anyone really think I will get the whole album done immediately upon my return? :rotfl2:

Hey! If we wait a little longer.. you'll have a gift package to come home too filled with homemade Disney goodies!!!!!!
I don't mind waiting either, It's going to be an exciting surprise when it get here anyway. What's a few more days going to matter! We are sooo busy it's a wonder it didn't happen to me!
Susan :daisy:
I don't mind waiting either. It gives me a chance to clean up the scrap room without added pieces lying around... :rotfl:
I don't mind neither. I loved hearing that someone else needs to clean their scrapbook room! It's my goal this weekend to get it organized...we'll see how that goes with just the boys and I. DH is working all weekend.
I will start mailing packages tomorrow.

Watch the first post for an update on when your package is shipped. I will also post a new entry each day I mail to bump this thread up in the listings and so you will know when to check the mailing list.

Thanks to all of you for participating. I can't wait to hear what you think of each other's work. I know I love what you have done!!!

Happy Scrapping,
Hooray! hooray! :cheer2:

can't wait to see everything. Sandy are you going to post pictures? Thanks for hosting this swap!!
Awesome!! Can't wait!!!! I hope you can post pictures!!! If not I'll be happy to post from the batches I get... I showed my mom what I did and she was thrilled!!! LOL


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