"May" the Sun Shine on Hakuna Matata!!!!

Can you believe we're going to have a hard frost tonight?! Jeepers, Mark and I went out for 5 good miles and then came home and covered my baby tomato plants, cukes, peppers and flowers. Poor little babies, I know in NH never plant before the 30th of May but it was 90 3 weeks ago!

Way to go Eva on your race.

I never go out on Monday but my neck was so good today, I knew it would be a nice night to head out and we didn't walk yesterday and tomorrow I have hair appt so I did have to go tonight as an early am walk with the frost would not be in the cards for me! I could dress warm enough but Mark hates the cold.

Miranda goes for an ultrasound to find out what Squirt is. Friday afternoon we'll hopefully know. The little bugger better show it's "stuff".

Nick heard that the movie he worked on last summer will be in Theaters in the fall. It is very exciting to finally have been picked up.

More on that here:


Well that's the update for now. Have a good night

Hi everyone! It was a long weekend for us in Canada - Victoria Day which celebrates Queen Victoria's birthday (May 24th). So the long weekend usually falls on the last Monday on or before the 24th.

I went to see Star Trek which was great! I'm not a Trekkie and was able to follow everything quite easily. I have to say that it's nice to see a movie that doesn't have a lot of huge names attached to it - it's easier to focus on the story and the characters rather than trying to recognize someone. Speaking of which, I didn't even realize that Winnona Ryder was in the movie until the credits!

I also picked up a DIY closet organizer and plan to install that next weekend. Definitely not as glamourous as the renos I see on TV but I'm on a budget and just need something to get the job done :)

The only bad thing this weekend was that I slept in Sunday and Monday and missed my LR :(

Denise - Congrats to Nick! National release is huge :) Miranda must be so excited about her ultrasound - does she have a preference for a boy or girl?

Sue - WTG on all those miles :)

Connie - Shins are feeling much better! Hope you didn't get any crazy weather this weekend.

Dave/Erica - Can't wait to meet up with you, Mike and Kim in a couple of weeks!

Anyway, that's all for now! Hope everyone is having a great night :)
Hi everyone! It was a long weekend for us in Canada - Victoria Day which celebrates Queen Victoria's birthday (May 24th). So the long weekend usually falls on the last Monday on or before the 24th.

I went to see Star Trek which was great! I'm not a Trekkie and was able to follow everything quite easily. I have to say that it's nice to see a movie that doesn't have a lot of huge names attached to it - it's easier to focus on the story and the characters rather than trying to recognize someone. Speaking of which, I didn't even realize that Winnona Ryder was in the movie until the credits!

DH and I went to see Star Trek last night! I loved it and will definitely get the DVD when it comes out so I can watch all the extra goodies (deleted scenes, etc.) Was Winona Ryder the girl that was Uhura's roommate? I thought she looked familiar? I must admit that I have been a Star Trek fan since the original series, and I was happy that they didn't deviate too much from the old storylines.
Morning Kids, my best laid plans to hit the brick this morn failed with a sleepless night. Getting frustrated, work is getting the better of me, I gotta get this beast under control.

Later kids, work is piling up.
A belated Happy Victoria Day to our friends north of the Border....
Vicky yes can't wait to see our buds again.

Scott, yes we need to go to Disney or something and act like kids.

Denise, we are finally getting our spring weather here also. We are 30s at night and 70s in the daytime that is spring weather here.

I'm waiting for Erica to crawl out from the covers so we can do an hour walk then see the movie Angels and Demons.

Have a super day y'all.

Springy Panda:hippie:
DH and I went to see Star Trek last night! I loved it and will definitely get the DVD when it comes out so I can watch all the extra goodies (deleted scenes, etc.) Was Winona Ryder the girl that was Uhura's roommate? I thought she looked familiar? I must admit that I have been a Star Trek fan since the original series, and I was happy that they didn't deviate too much from the old storylines.

Hi Mary!

Winona Ryder was Spock's mom. Gaila was Uhura's roommie - she was played by Rachel Nichols. Not sure if you had the G.I. Joe trailer playing before the movie, but she was also briefly in there as well - she's Scarlett.
Denise, I know you all must be excited to find out what the baby is. Be sure to let us know!

I did a quick 6.5 miles at a 7:30 pace this morning. I'm a little over half way done with finals and they end on Friday so that's pretty good.

Just popping in to say "hello," no worries, and please welcome your newest teammate:

Jesters! :welcome:

Jesters has recently delurked, has signed up for the January 1/2, and has a new treadmill that will help with building to the Couch to 5K program and some 5K races. I'm sure you'll all make your new Matata mate feel right at home!
I'll send you the newspapers... two stories.:thumbsup2:thumbsup2

Scott said to tell you thanks, he would really like to see them!

Sue - WTG on the miles!

Well, we are back from CA and I am unemployed, so I should not be MIA quite so often! I did get in walks on our trip. Last night I did get to the basement and bowflex, and got in a weight routine for my legs. That and daily walks, I am hoping that it will make knee better! Weather has been hot here - upper 80's, but will be high of 50 later in the week:scared1: We got the wildflower bed seeded last night, I have been weeding the rocks :rotfl: but have a long way to go. We were supposed to go to CO for the Bolder Boulder this weekend, but Scott has to work on Monday, and the race is Monday - so we cancelled the trip and will do the Virtual Bolder Boulder here on Sunday! That will give us time over the weekend for more yardwork - Scott wants to plant sunflowers and rasberries, and we have to replace some bushes that did not make it thru the winter.

Have a great day everyone!

I was just (happily) assigned to your group! I am still trying to read through the old threads to get to know everyone and catch up.

Right now I am a beginner- running only about 2 miles four times a week, but progressing. REALLY looking forward to the WDW 1/2 in January. That is my current motivation to keep going!

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all, and to share my numbers. I hope I can do you proud!

Also- where can I find the group and the WDW 1/2 logos for my siggie?

Hi Mary!

Winona Ryder was Spock's mom. Gaila was Uhura's roommie - she was played by Rachel Nichols. Not sure if you had the G.I. Joe trailer playing before the movie, but she was also briefly in there as well - she's Scarlett.

Yes! We did see the G.I. Joe trailer. I told DH we'd go see that only if they make a movie about Barbie too. ;)
Wow when you don't pop in one day things really move up the thread chain!

Today they come an install our central A/C. It's a little different in an older home but I have a friend that has it and it works great so looking forward to that. One of the air vents is in my sewing studio so I had to make room for them to work and cover a lot of stuff in here. We have hard plaster walls in that section oh the dust!

The other will be in my dressing room upstairs and that is a clothes dumping area, ironing board etc. It is now quite spiffy so I think I'd better keep it up :dance3:

No miles last night because of the above but hopefully we wont' have too much to clean afterwards and can head out for a walk.

Well I have to get a pot roast in the crock pot and another cup of coffee so I'll sign off.

Dave, let me know how you liked A&D, I want to see it - Mark is not thrilled so it may be me and Nick.

Welcome Jesters, glad you joined us.

Denise, we didn't go yesterday it just wasn't convient so we will probably go after we come back from Canada.

We just bought a GPS for our trip to Canada and just heard on the news that the govenment may not have the funds to maintain the Satalites any longer and are going to ground all the space shuttles soon. So GPS could be a lost cause. Don't be buying Garmin stock.

Connie how is your shoulder? Did it finally heal up good as new?

I'm off to meet my walking group.

Walking Panda:hippie:

I was just (happily) assigned to your group! I am still trying to read through the old threads to get to know everyone and catch up.

Right now I am a beginner- running only about 2 miles four times a week, but progressing. REALLY looking forward to the WDW 1/2 in January. That is my current motivation to keep going!

I'm looking forward to getting to know you all, and to share my numbers. I hope I can do you proud!

Also- where can I find the group and the WDW 1/2 logos for my siggie?



This is a Great group!

I'm kind of new to distance running as well, but with these people, you really get motivated and have fun.


Good Morning, TEAM! :wave2:

Jesters :welcome:

I too tried to catch up on the post, but apparently have missed a lot. :eek:

Eva I was thinking about you, but I somehow missed your post on your race :guilty:

Going into spring :hippie: ? We are ahead of schedule. At this rate I am not looking forward to our hottest month of August! Today's forecast is low of 58 degrees with a high of 79 degrees/full sun and that is way too hot for me! :headache:

Denise-Congrats to Nick! *HUGS* to Miranda and more special, exciting, discovery moments with little Squirt :angel:

Good Morning Team!

:welcome: Jesters!

To get the stuff in the signatures, you just kind of steal them out from the signatures - I am not very computer literate, someone else can probably tell you better, but if you right click on what you want, and copy the address (I think it is called), then import that into your own signature. I have been able to do it, but it has been awhile - I am sure a more computer literate team member can explain the procedure step by step.

I got in a 3 mile walk with the dogs yesterday, today will be another walk plus the leg routine. It has been hot here - upper 80's - today is only supposed to be 80 and tomorrow in the 50's!

Have a great day everyone!
Hi Jesters! Glad to have you aboard.

I did a 45 minute tempo run, my first speed work since my half. Top speed 6:40 (sustained for 1 mile), low speed 8:45 (in warm up), average speed 7:45. Distance was just over 5.75.

Good morning y'all.

I met my walking group for a wonderful 8 miler on the hill and by the river. We did our 8 miles in 1:40 even for a pace average of 12:30 per mile. That was a nice comfortable conversational pace where we could tell stories and jokes, we had a nice discussion of the X Men movies.

We discussed the fact that using 8 miles as a regular weekly long walk is just about perfect fo half marathon training. All my walkers are using that and it's been working well for all of them.

Have a super day Y'all.

Walking Panda:hippie:
The new grand baby will be a boy, Erica just Texted me. As you know my daughter is as yet unmarried and unemployed. She lives with her boyfriend and they live pretty much from payday to payday with frequent help from us. If anyone has baby stuff that they need a home for she could use them, as they have pretty much nothing.

Our address is:

Dave and Erica Kirgan
209 Hunters Crossing
Bowling Green, Ky 42104




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