"May" the Sun Shine on Hakuna Matata!!!!

Got in 30 minutes of weight training followed by 30 minutes of walking/jogging today. It felt so good! Knees are a little sore, but I've come to the realization that they're are probably going to always be that way unless I can actually lose 10-15 pounds!
Yes Welcome Jesters,

Dave never mind what I posted elsewhere LOL...

Got in a nice 5 K this morn, then a 340 mile trip to talk to a victim in preparation for trial next week....

You all are doing a great job getting out there, nice sunrise this morn....

Better get busy planting sunflowers tonight KEWL!!!!
Morning everyone!

I’m at work so a quick drive by. Mark and I went out for 5 miles last night. It was almost getting too hot for me but all went well. We met up with 2 ladies out for a stroll and they commented on how they see us walking all the time and wanted to know more about us. One of them looked familiar and it turns out she was my mother’s hair dresser many years ago and remember me as a youth. She was so glad she stopped us to talk. We were towards the end of our walk so we had a longer cool down that normal. I’ve often wondered how many people see us buzz by and question our motives or wonder who we are. I’ll bet that section of our route will know who we are shortly since it’s an area she has lived in for many years and knows all the neighbors.

Today is an “off” day for me, I’m finding I’m not so tired if I to one on and one off and the heat is going to be quite high tonight so we may do our miles in the am on Friday.

Well back to the grind.

Have a good one. Can’t read or respond to posts at the moment will catch up later.

Hi team! Not much of import to report today ... Planning to head out after work for a quick 3 miler. Hoping it won't be too hot - funny because a month ago, I think I was saying that I hope it would be warm enough :)

Jesters - :welcome:

Scott - Love sunflowers! I've never grown them before, just bought them cut at flower store. Are they hard to take care of?

Mary - I was joking with my friends that I was waiting for the My Little Pony trailer to play before the movie. One of my friends didn't realize I was joking and thought that there actually was such a movie! Hope your knees are feeling better today!

Dave - Congrats to you and Erica! You're going to be Grandad Panda :) Excellent time on that 8 miler!

Jennifer - 6:40 m/m?! You must have been flying! Does this mean you're going to be an elite runner for your next race? :goodvibes

Lynn - How are your knees doing? Did you have your appointment with the orthopodist yet?

Margie - Perfect patio weather huh? Not so much for running ... I think I'm going to have to start getting out first thing in the morning instead of running after work.

Sue - I know I asked you about the Running Room training clinics before but I can't what you said about them. Yay or nay? I'm thinking that since there are so many training plans online, I'd just go for their free running group on Wednesday.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning Team!

Cheating by doing a quick post from work.

Welcome Jesters!

Cottage season has officially started. We had a great long weekend inspite of the cold temps & a little bit of snow.

Warm temps. have finally arrived. Weights & 5 yesterday. 5 tonight.

Make it a great day everyone.......Sue
Denise we never know just how many lives we change by being a positive role model. We have a unique situation since I'm known to most of our town's population, the ones that don't know me know Erica. I'm the eye guy for a lot of them and Erica has done eveything from deliver their babies to holding their loved ones hand during their last moments of life.

People comment to us all the time that they wish they could get in better shape and want to know how we got started. It seems so basic to us now to get out and move but there was a time that we just didn't have the energy.

Beautiful Canada is one week.:banana: Wonderful people and breath taking views, life is good.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Hello Team!

We went truck shopping yesterday. We were looking for another diesel. With the farm and all, we needed a truck that could haul tractors and livestock. We found one and it was almost exactly what we were looking for. We were prepared to shop KS, OK, and Tx for the truck we wanted, but in just one day, we located it.

Dave- (aka Windwalker) No baby stuff here. I got rid of it all a long, long time ago! My shoulder is just spiffy. As I understand it, it will never be as good as new, but then the rest of me won't either. I am still discovering little things that are hard to do, like reeling in a fish! -- Congrats on the baby boy! -- Aren't most sattelites privately owned? Seems like the shuttles have been carrying satelites as payload from private companies.

Denise-(aka WDW4us) I think it's up to your child to produce a girl! :) And congrats on the movie thing! I guess you are headed to Cannes???

Mary - (aka MaryJ) Good luck with that weight loss and those knees! When I weigh more I have knee troubles. I call it kneesles! :rotfl:

Jen - (aka WellesleyPrincess, Rachel Alexander) You speedy girl! We are all so proud of how far you have come!

WELCOME HOME, Lynn and Scott!

Vicky (aka Bunnyfoo) are you a trekkie or just a movie buff?

Margie (aka funwalker) Hi walking partner! June 1st is coming! Don't get too warm yet! We have lots of miles coming.

I have been cleaning house like crazy. Margie and I are base building starting June 1st and beginning back -to-back walks in preparation for the Goofy. I will be focused like a lazer beam (with any luck) and won't even be thinking about house keepping. Sure is spiffy, right now, though!

Jesters welcome to the team! We count miles and minutes. Miles are self explanatory, every mile counts! Race miles count twice as much! Minutes are any intended exercise and activities out of the norm, like lawnmowing and window washing, canoeing, pilates class, weights,ect, but not things like light housekeeping. Just private message me the minutes each week or month and I will tally everything together for our monthly totals! You will need 10 posts before you can private message, but you will get that soon with telling us all about you and the amazing things you are accomplishing. If you have questions, just toss 'em out there. Someone will know the answer, or at least make it sound that way!!!! As your Captain, I officially welcome you aboard the Hakuna Matata Team! :sail:

Jack you are off the hook. You are no longer the new guy on the team! Congratulations! :rotfl:

Well, I am outta here! See ya! Connie
Connie, Haha! Actually one of my friends chased me down last weekend to tell me a filly had won!
Oh and I'm pretty pump about that 6:40.

Vicky, I'm actually really excited. The next race isn't until Labor Day weekend (it's a 14.2-miler [instead of a half] held in conjunction with a marathon). It's a rather small (about 500 runners) local thing, but looking at the past times I should easily win my age group and if I improve definitely have a shot at winning or placing overall.

Today I did an easy 4 miles at a 7:45 pace, then did a 15 minute ab workout.

We have a nice taste of summer in Massachusetts that is getting me prepared to my move to Texas for the Summer and Mississippi a little later.

Good Morning Team!

Vicky - we do not know anything about growning sunflowers, but I guess we will find out:rotfl: Yes, I have been to see Orthopod, did not say much new other than a meniscus tear might be involved, but that it was not the kind that responded well to surgery, gave me a cortisone shot - which has not done anything for the pain - and told me to keep up the weight training, and come back in 3 months! Losing some weight would also help me tremendously!

Gray, cool day here today - high supposed to be 55 degrees and it is breezy. It might be nice after the 80-90 degree temps we have been having. Walk should be cooler today, and I did not have to walk before breakfast - my summer routine - to avoid the heat!

We got sunflower seeds planted yesterday along the back fence - if they grow, you will be able to see them as you drive by on Hwy 30. Now I just need to get some soaker hose to keep them watered, as I do not have a hose long enough to reach around to the back of the fence.

Have a great day everyone!
Good Morning Team!

It is not often that I am the first to post in the morning!

Foggy and cool here this morning, again, high supposed to be only 60 degrees, and we are supposed to have thunderstorms this afternoon. Another day that I can put off dog walk until after breakfast. The dogs and I made it for 4 miles yesterday!

We got a soaker hose set up to water the sunflowers yesterday - doesn't look they will need any extra water for a few days!

Have a great day everyone!
Good morning everyone!

Thanks for all the spirited welcomes!

I haven't gotten much in these past few days. We just returned from a short getaway- to our son's college graduation. We took our two younger kids (DS12 and DD10) out of school so they could attend the graduation ceremony too. It was nice (but very loooong). Hoping to get in some running this evening.

I noticed a couple of you are from Cheyenne. We have family in Laramie, and are thinking about heading out west for a few days this summer. My DD10 wants to see the 'wild west'. I think in her mind everyone out west is still riding horses everywhere on dirt roads, wearing cowboy hats and chaps!

My DS22 actually went to college in Cheyenne his first two years, then transferred closer to home in MD.

Have a great day!
Scott does still wear his cowboy hat and chaps, he has this stick horse thing that he rides around on singing "I wanna be a cowboy". Actually he is more often found in his Jimmy Buffet suit.

Jester, I wish I could get our daughter to attend collage, she is unemployed, expecting and living with her boyfriend in a small apartment. Erica and I are both very much the go getters so this is making us want to run screaming into the night.

I'm getting ready to tuck Erica in for her day of sleep, she has been registering Mary at Target for baby needs. Mothers!

I'm going to get in a nice training walk after I get Erica tucked in. Probably 4 to 8 miles, haven't decided yet.

Jester, I'm a walker as is Denise, Lynn, Connie and a couple of others.

Denise have you registered Miranda anywhere?

Erica has registered her at Target:

Her name: Mary Kirgan

Erica's email: walkinggerbilfeet@yahoo.com

Title: Dave and Erica's grandson

Baby: Aidan

Grandpa to be Panda:eek:
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Memorial Day Weekend. Please take a moment during this busy weekend to give thought to the meaning of the Holiday and for those that have sacrificed, and those that have served and are currently serving in this Great Nation's Military and their families.
This is also the kickoff of our busy season here, the "summer people" start coming back. :scared:
. Be Safe!

No three day weekend for me, working Monday, trial Prep. Trial starts Tuesday will last all week.

Looks like I will be in DC area the week after the 4th.

Oh yesterday the big motor bike went to the shop to get new tires and battery and a major service, so what is our weather forecast, Rain of course. Oh well.

Will do the Bolder Boulder Virtually this weekend. (darn Trial, Federal Judges just don’t understand)

Thanks to all our Vets and a special prayer for those that made the ultimate sacrifice. Thinking of Flanders Fields. Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae interestingly was Canadian. Check the back of a Canadian $10 note when you are up there.

Only time I wear Chaps is on the MotorCycle. As Dave says I have a Caribbean Soul I can barely control, and a whole lot of Wyoming my Heart!!
Hello team,

I am just dropping in quickly to let you know that I won't be around for a few days. My DBIL passed away this morning. He was just 42.
Well team, we went to the hospital today, Miranda had her ultrasound and we found out....................................................

drumroll please.......................................................................

it's a princess:

Yes, I got my wish - a pretty princess. Honestly I didn't care at all what she has, but I so wanted to buy dolly's, pink dresses and bring her to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique some day.

Oh yes, we're so going to bring the princess to Disney for the whole nine yards!

Have a good weekend.

Well team, we went to the hospital today, Miranda had her ultrasound and we found out....................................................

drumroll please.......................................................................

it's a princess:

Yes, I got my wish - a pretty princess. Honestly I didn't care at all what she has, but I so wanted to buy dolly's, pink dresses and bring her to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique some day.

Oh yes, we're so going to bring the princess to Disney for the whole nine yards!

Have a good weekend.



princess: Congratulations Marianda.

Happy Panda:hippie:
it's a princess:

Yes, I got my wish - a pretty princess. Honestly I didn't care at all what she has, but I so wanted to buy dolly's, pink dresses and bring her to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique some day.

Oh yes, we're so going to bring the princess to Disney for the whole nine yards!

Have a good weekend.


Heard Nick was the only one who said girl. I'm just thrilled she is healthy. :cool1:

Now, what girly quilting projects will we start for the princess to be?
Well team, we went to the hospital today, Miranda had her ultrasound and we found out....................................................

drumroll please.......................................................................

it's a princess:

Yes, I got my wish - a pretty princess. Honestly I didn't care at all what she has, but I so wanted to buy dolly's, pink dresses and bring her to the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique some day.

Oh yes, we're so going to bring the princess to Disney for the whole nine yards!

Have a good weekend.


And the little Princess already has her first Marathon under her belt.....
Denise, Congrats on the little princess!

I got in a 5 mile run at approximately a 7:40 pace (38 minutes).

I'm going to the running store this afternoon to spend my gift certificate.



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