"May" the Sun Shine on Hakuna Matata!!!!


Team Hakuna Matata
Aug 9, 2007
Good morning Hakuna Matata!!!

When I get the tally, I will post it right here!!!

846.86 Miles and 219.95 Hours!!!

WELL Done Team! Btw, I think we can see an increase in this number over the next several days! Not everyone has reported yet!
Hi TEAM! :wave2:

Looking Forward to a Blooming May :upsidedow
Connie, I did PM'd my Miles and Times...

Made it to the gym this morning-for the 4th time this week :rolleyes:

Good Afternoon Team!

Almost quitting time. :yay:

Can't believe it's May already. Time is just flying by. I'm doing a full marathon in Sept. The training program starts in a couple of weeks.

The grass is greening up nicely. Lawn cutting season will be starting this weekend.

Mary, Enjoy your race.

Margie, Don't know how you do 4am. Good for you for staying with this. 5 is early enough for me.

Connie, Feel better.

Have a great weekend everyone. Enjoy your training......Sue
Hi everyone!

No workout for me today. But wanted to say hi, before I head off to my half-marathon.

This is my first half and the goals are as follows:
Safety/satisfaction goal under 2 hours.
Real goal 1:50. I did both of my 13 mile runs in 1:50 or less so this is pretty realistic.
Reach goal 1:45. I do my pace runs at 8 min/mile or less, so I think this is doable on a good day.

I can't wait to report back

Hi everyone!

No workout for me today. But wanted to say hi, before I head off to my half-marathon.

This is my first half and the goals are as follows:
Safety/satisfaction goal under 2 hours.
Real goal 1:50. I did both of my 13 mile runs in 1:50 or less so this is pretty realistic.
Reach goal 1:45. I do my pace runs at 8 min/mile or less, so I think this is doable on a good day.

I can't wait to report back


And we can't wait to hear all about it. Good Luck, we'll be thinking of you!

Hi everyone!

No workout for me today. But wanted to say hi, before I head off to my half-marathon.

This is my first half and the goals are as follows:
Safety/satisfaction goal under 2 hours.
Real goal 1:50. I did both of my 13 mile runs in 1:50 or less so this is pretty realistic.
Reach goal 1:45. I do my pace runs at 8 min/mile or less, so I think this is doable on a good day.

I can't wait to report back


Good Luck, Stay Safe, and Have Fun! :woohoo:
We make appointments all the time, for the doctor, work related and hundreds of other reasons. One of the things we don't make an appointment for is our time. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could count our time as necessary? Well our personal "ME" time could be the most important appointment we make, our health and often our sanity can depend on that.

If you had an appointment for your doctor you would go, after you get there it often takes longer than you expected. Don't be mad at your Doctor for having to wait. Let me tell you why: when people make an appointment they tell the receptionist they are going form their most troubling concern, like they have the flu. The receptionist makes the appointment time for the Doctor to examine someone to confirm the flu, say 15 min with the doctor. Well when that person gets in front of the doctor, they tell him about the knee pain they have been having or the waking up to pee 5 times a night, or a million other little things that are bothering them. A good doctor is going to listen, unfortunately you are in the waiting room while all this is going on. If several patients ahead of you do this the doctor is running way behind. Of course when you get to see him you tell him about that pain in your lower back and a few other little problems you have to.

To keep your workout appointment flowing smoothly plan for the time you need. Next time you workout time it from the time you get in the car to drive to the gym till you get in the car to drive home. That way you will get a realistic idea of how much time you really need. Nothing is worse than to be in the middle of a great workout and realize you have to stop because you are out of time. Plan it so you will be able to relax. If your workout is a walk/run be sure to plan the time to change clothes and shower.

Look at the time that is realistic for you. If you go to bed at 10 or 11 at night then getting up at 5 or 6 in the morning will work but plan for 6 hrs sleep as a minimum, less than that and you will get progressively more worn out and you won't have the energy for workouts at all. Sleep is required to make you stronger after your workout since as we all know you do minor damage to your muscles that has to be healed for you to come back stronger than before. When you don't get your healing sleep you pretty much wasted your time in your workout.

Plan your week ahead and you will be able to find time for your workouts and the planning will keep them from conflicting with other necessary parts of your week.

Thanks for the idea for today's Blog Denise.

Planning Panda :hippie:
Well Dave I think one of my biggest problems is the lack of sleep. I go to sleep around 10:30 and I"m awake at 4:30. May have to cut back on my House Hunters International on HGTV.

Did 5 miles this morning - a beautiful day. Many weeds to pull, bark mulch to help Mark with. Should be a great day.

Hope all of you have a wonderful Saturday.

Hi team! Wow! I can't believe it's May already! Summer is just around the corner! I had planned to run 10 miles this morning but when I got out I just didn't feel it. About 3 miles in, I knew it wasn't going to happen. I felt I was going to slow so I cut it short at 5 miles. I'll give it another try tomorrow :)

Jen - Good luck on your 1/2!

Dave - I can't wait to see you and Erica at the end of the month! Thanks for the reminder about more sleep. I've actually started going to sleep earlier so now I'm up to 7 hours a night. I will eventually try and get myself into 8 hours a night. Another thought on waiting for appointments - sometimes the person who booked the appointment doesn't realize how long an appointment actually is. My RMT told me that when she first started, she'd get back to back appointments but that she actually needs 15 minutes in between just to do set-up and clean ups.

Mary - You have a speedy SIL! I only wish I could run that fast! Good luck on your race!

Eva - I hear ya on the "living" money. DF and I cut way back on eating out and going to movies. The eating out thing is probably for the best though. I'm glad to hear that Chop is doing better! He's so cute!! Did you make a decision on the job?

Connie - That's a lot of groceries! You don't fool around! I recently read this article about a runner who buys all of her groceries in one shot, and cooks meals for the entire week. She says that way she uses her fridge to store meals instead of food and her family can eat whenever they want without waiting for her.

Denise - :hug: Have you tried applying heat to your neck and shoulders? That sometimes works for me. How are Miranda and the baby doing?

Sue - Any progress on the renovations?

Scott - What's this about a tiki bar? Sounds cool!

Margie - WTG on getting out to the gym so many times this week! :cheer2:

Hope everyone is having a great day! :goodvibes
Bunnyfoo, Miranda is doing very good. She's more than 1/2 now and rarely sick. I bought her a bunch of clothes since nothing fits her anymore.

I do have a heating pad for my neck and it helps. Yesterday and today I've been about 100%. Did a lot of planting today, weeding, mulching which a week ago I don't think I could have even watched from the porch. So it's a big improvement.

Well off to the shower and out to dinner.

Have a good weekend

Hi team.

I saw something interesting in a magazine I was reading at work, it was talking about thinking thin or thinking fat. "A thin thinking person plans activities with friends, a fat thinking person plans dinner with friends.

How is everyone doing with their training? Feeling the love?

I'm thinking about doing a little running next week just as crosstraining for my walking. I'm curious how my racewalking fitness relates to running fitness.

Happy Panda:hippie:
WOW May already, bills are paid and it continues to Rain.

Dave good thoughts about an appointment for me time, my problem and I admit it is at work I am very much a type A person, and push myself to do the best I can. The crash when I get home.

Got Lynn's motor bike kinda together, battery in and now need to re install the plastic. Getting to the battery is a 45 min job.

Vicky, the Tiki Bar is a portable out door bar to be used for outside parties. Put a shelf and electricity (gotta have power for the Frozen concoction Machine) in the Tiki Bar, kinda heavy ( still portable LOL) so I built a trailer to move it around LOL, yes I can pull the Tiki Bar with the tractor.

Still raining here, it is good as we need the moisture, might just brave the elements and hit the bricks or maybe wimp out on the TM.

Will be interviewing folks tomorrow for a position in my office, then we will convene at the Adventures Club to discuss the candidates. Jack I will have to use the question you posted the other day. Will see if we get as good of a response.

Will be in San Jose 5/12 and Lynn will also tag along and run up to Santa Rosa to see her dad.

Ok Dave ya got me worried, with the Fat and Thin topic of activity or diner , What does that say about my recent obsession with building bars???? LOL
WOW May already, bills are paid and it continues to Rain.

Dave good thoughts about an appointment for me time, my problem and I admit it is at work I am very much a type A person, and push myself to do the best I can. The crash when I get home.

Still raining here, it is good as we need the moisture, might just brave the elements and hit the bricks or maybe wimp out on the TM.

Ok Dave ya got me worried, with the Fat and Thin topic of activity or diner , What does that say about my recent obsession with building bars???? LOL

Scott, remember I had a cold beer at the 10 mile point of the Nashville Marathon. We are old school warriors for sure my brother.

Pirate Pandapirate:
I am the cook! I plan meals, shop for the best food and alcohol. Yep that would be me, the hostess. So in order to maintain my figure, I do have to put in a lot of hours of walking to keep things in perspective. The problem with winter here in NH is that it stops me from walking as much as I should but I of course continue to cook and nurture the troops hence the winter weight gain. Spring has sprung so it will come off but I'm not happy with the added inches.

Then again I look at other people and think, well your not too bad - just get moving and it'll be a lot better.

I did find all new muscles in my thighs, butt and lower back. That planting thing, wow, it sure does work on the lower body. I have a great respect for landscapers now.

Giving myself a day in the quilt studio so, I'm off to eat my cheerios and then touch some fabric.

Have a good one.

Good morning Team!

I have updated our totals for the month. I will wait until all the times and miles come in before I post our yearly totals. I think we are doing quite well!

I had to take DH to the doctor on Friday. He had a gallbladder attack, apparantly. We will be spending all this coming week in hospitals and doctor's offices. Yippeeee. The doctors have already discussed it and they think that they can do the surgery this week and get him back on his feet. We have been steadily cutting back on stuff because he is down to about 10 days a month in work. He needs to be back on those feet so we don't miss too much and because he will make me crazier!!!!!! :scared:

Dave, I need to make that appointment with myself. I am just having a hard time with the new and improved constantly changing never the same, someone wants me do something else, schedule! I see some serious planning and discussions in my future!

Good luck Jen!

Vicky, I cook from scratch so there is ALWAYS something in the fridge whether you need a snack or a meal!

Denise, Good job on the garden. I guess I will be mowing and putting in our garden in between doctors and hospitals this week. But it rains everyday and I don't like the mud!

Margie! Great job on the gym!!! You da woman! :woohoo:

Chief! I mean Jack! Good times and miles for a topsy turvey month!

Y'all make a great Sunday! See ya Connie
Jennifer you will smoke the field, no probs,

40 min on the TM as weather was nasty, now the sun is trying to come out, might go for a walk with Lynn

We decided this morn to go to WDW and do the RFTT, LOL such a pushover for a little extra Bling.
Back home from the mini Marathon. My quads, left hamstring and right arch are quite sore, but at least I did finish! After mile 8 or 9, I had to stop and stretch at least once every mile, so I wasn't so sure. My time was not nearly as good as at WDW, 3:41:01. My SIL on the other hand, got a new PR: 1:24:17! Way to go Mark!

Been using the Stick on my sore muscles, but first thing tomorrow, I'm going to call and make an appointment for a massage!:lovestruc
OK, I have now caught up on the past week that I was MIA. Sounds like everyone has been doing good!

We did get out for a walk today - 3 miles with the dogs - terrible pace because I have not been out for 2 days. Then I got my leg routine in, should have done it yesterday, and I can tell that I neglected it yesterday.

We did sign up for Race for the Taste today - just a quick weekend -
Scott thought the air fares were reasonable. We actually have to pay for a hotel room - out of DVC points!

Have a great evening team!
I'm back, and I'm a little stiff/sore but not nearly as bad I thought I would be.

The race was not flat no matter what they said. And I normally train on a rolling course! I swear one of those hills was straight vertical.

I'll post a full report later, but I'm so excited about the result I couldn't wait to share.

Official chip time 1:43:50 (Gun time 1:44:30). 48/765 Women 39 & under (don't get me started on how ridiculous I find this age group, both for those of us that are under 25 and those that would be over 35) and 215/1840 overall.

I have massage tomorrow afternoon and will post a full report tomorrow or tuesday.



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