Meme's skinny jeans journal

Hi MeMe

I agree with the cold/motivation troubles this time of year! I love to run outside but as the temp drops I find it very hard on my lungs. I can bundle up but I can fix the frigid air entering my lungs! I wish I could join you all on Marathon day. But I'll be there in spirit !!!!

Keep up the good work.

Hi MeMe!
Just checking in to see how you are doing. This cold weather is REALLY putting a damper on things for me. Do you really think it is possible for it to be THIS cold in WDW for the marathon? Gosh, I hope not! I am counting on my 'thicker' blood to keep me warm. ;) 45º-50º would be fine with me!
Hi Terry, I hope it is not too cold, I'mhoping for 75 :cool1: degrees. I've been trying to do tm but since I have to travel to dm to use hers, it is less than convenient. today I had planed to walk outside during ds schoool time, but errands will have to be done. He has a cold and I tried to take him shopping yesterday, not a good idea :rolleyes:

So hopefully I'll get in some tm time today, we'll see.
Hey, MeMe. :wave: Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and
cheering for you :cheer2: as you keep training and getting ready for the Half. You're less than 3 weeks away, right? Before you know it, you'll be out of this cold weather and watching the Florida sun rise as you walk the walk! :teleport: (that's you morphing into warmness)

Have a great day, and if I don't get a chance to write before the 25th: Have a merry Christmas. Much love to you and yours--
HI MeMe!
Just checking in on you and dropping by to extend some MERRY CHRISTMAS
I hope you have a wonderful holiday! Just think.... in 2 weeks we will be in WDW basking in their warmer temps (it is currently 66º there, to my 15º). My training has fallen off some here at the end. I feel the need to get back to it - just haven't found the time. :blush:
Merry Christmas to you and your family, MaryEllen. Just think--two weeks 'til your big day!

Merry belated Christmas to you also!

I feel like the last fe days have been a whirl :flower1: so much was going on and I had such a cold. I've been trying to recoup for the last 2 days not moving from my couch, I did get my disney planning done :earseek: I feel much better today maybe I'll get to walk :cool1: It is cold here too, not 15 but the tm sounds better to me. Can not beleive I'll be walking a marathonin less than 2 weeks, yikes, getting neervous now.

Eating has been off the charts :rolleyes: & just had 1/2 a cookie. I will try to watch it till the 1st and then on the 2nd till the 6th I'll be very strict & thne when I return I will be back on plan - I have a cruise to prepare for in March.
EEP! MeMe, we will be walking ONE week from Sunday!! Can you believe how quickly the time is flying by??

I hope you are feeling better. Drink lots of fluids and rest so your body can recover. Just think.... soon we will be enjoying warmer temps and sunny skies!
Hi Terry- happy New year :D

I did get my rest and walked yesterday for 9.6 miles, stretched & did abs, feeling fantastic :cool1: still have some congestion but I don't care. Finalizing my plans for wdw & the marathon, need a few items. Eating is better but have lots of cookies around and jsut have to eat them :guilty: can't throw them out. Starting the day after I return I will commit to strict plan, I have a cruise in March :boat:
MeMe, I'm just stopping by to say Happy New Year, and to tell you how READY you are for this Half-Marathon. If you're walking these long distances now, you're going to sail through the 13.1 at WDW. The adrenaline is going to pump you and everyone else so high that you're just going to eat up that walking route. PLUS, add to that the fact that you are in AMAZING shape and have taken your training very seriously and you're in a WIN situation!


:jumping4: Happy New Years, MeMe!!! :jumping4:

SEE you next week!! :earseek:
Happy New Year Terry - so excited to get to meet you :Pinkbounc

Trying to eat sensibly before wdw trip and walking a little, have to save energy for the half marathon :cool1: when I return on the 12th I commit to beig more faithful with this journal. Journaling helped me tremendously. For some reason writing down whatyou eat makes it real :rolleyes: I want & need to lose at least 20 pounds. I will also plan to walk additional events, such as 5k etc. Though I have not lost all the weight I wanted to, I feel so healthy.

I have truly enjoyed training for the 1/2 marathon, yes it was hard sometimes but the challenge won over. I spent more time outside enjoying the beautiful sights & sounds of my local state park & town, I had the best tan ever :cool1: My son also enjoyed his time in the park, though he slept through alot of it :D We saw horses, deer, geese even a snake. I appreciated my walking buddys who kept good conversation to whittle the time, thanks Erin & Pam :flower1: Thanks to Doreen for that first long one in Doylestown. I have learned so much about walking & shoes & feet, never knew there was all that information or thought I cared to know. I learned to challenge myself & how to stay focused on the goal. Most important I learned how wonderful people truly are, complete strangers who I call friend. My fellow wishers have inspired & motivated me. People who I have never met, have made me cry, laugh & smile :grouphug: reading about challenges & success & then posting my own have been a part of my routine. I will miss, truly miss :sad: the adventure. Though the 1/2 marathon has yet to begin I feel as though my journey has ended.
OK - who is up for a new adventure ;)
MaryEllen!!! Can't wait to see you in sunny Florida!!! Are you going to Trail's End on Saturday? I KNOW I'll be meeting you on Sunday morning at 3:15 at Old Port Royale for the bus! ::yes:: We can start this half together and nudge each other all the way to the finish line!!

Amanda is going to call me for my room number and ask at checkin to be near me. If you want to do the same, just let me know and I'll PM my cell phone number. We'll be all checked in by 7:30 - 8 PM tomorrow evening.

Can't believe we're really gonna do this!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Hope your travel goes safely and uneventfully! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
:hug:, MaryEllen, and a big huge CONGRATULATIONS! :Pinkbounc You've already achieved your goal, haven't you? It isn't the half marathon itself that was the challenge (in fact, it's just the prize--the icing on the low carb cake :cake: ), rather it was the discipline and rewards of training that's you were going after and you've succeeded! You've got yourself back into amazing shape! :cool1: Revel in your success.

What will your next adventure be? Who knows? The world's your oyster! :earboy2:

Good luck and much love, MeMe--


:thewave: :thewave:
I need to finish this adventure before I start another!! Are we talking another Donald medal? A Mickey medal (please, no! I am not ready!)?

Hope to see you at the starting corral, otherwise I will see you in the W tent at the end!! :cool1:
Thanks girls! I will see you at Trails end, not sure if I'll have time to rcheck the boards, so I'll take whatever room they give & just meet you Doe :D

Tried shorts on last night & no go - too tight,they had just started fitting again in the summer :guilty: I know I have gained a few pounds back but come on. so I packed without the jean shorts, everthing else was fine. when I get back I will need to buckle down. I am nervous but excited. Off to finish up & then we are out of here :cool1:
I had the same experience with my shorts! They fit well over the summer but I've gained some weight since then. I left them at home. :(

No worries - we'll tackle that problem when we get home! ::yes::

See you soon!! :hug:

Congratulations on your VICTORY! There is NOTHING that you can't achieve!

Now relax and revel in your triumph!

MaryEllen, I know you're still enjoying WDW but I wanted to pop in and tell you what a joy it was to see you this weekend! I'm so glad I got to be with you during the whole half-marathon experience, from boarding the bus in the wee hours of the morning, to getting back to the resort. You definitely helped me set a great pace and made the 3+ hours fly by! :hug:

I'm still thinking about the half in Philly next September....not ready to commit until my muscles stop aching! :teeth: I hope we can get together for some walks this spring and summer.

Ease back into the real world gently. :hug:
Hey Girl! I am so glad that we were able to meet! You are amazing! Enjoy the rest of your vacation and let us know when you get back!



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