Meme's skinny jeans journal

Hi MeMe!
Way to go and Congrats on finishing the Marathon!! :jumping4: I knew you could do it!!! Enjoy your time down in WDW and rest those muscles. Sorry we didn't get to meet while I was there.
Hi girls - thanks for stopping by :grouphug: We did get back late on tuesday and I have finally jumped back into journalling. I need to if I'm every getting into my skinny jeans/shorts :rolleyes: WDW was wonderful - I had a great marathon experience & a great trip overall(minus a few glitches) & I met a few wishers :flower1:

I did start lc on wednesday but then reality hit & I hosted a 40th b-day dinner last night for my bf & she wanted mexican. Is there lc mexican???? tonight is her surpirse party with her family & it is at an italian rest, is there lc???? I am doomed :guilty: So I pledge to start again on sunday even though there will be snacks for the eagles game - Go Eagles :cheer2: I have yet to exercise since the marathon, my legs were slightly sore that night & the next day but nothing stopped me from going to MGM & riding ToT & RRC. I felt really good overall & very happy to have a Donald Medal! I now want a Mickey medal but the idea of 26.2 miles scares me, maybe in 2007. I will do the philly marathon & hope Erin & Doreenwill too.

Off to begin my late morning :wave:
Hi meme...........
I am back on jouranls......wooo hoooo!
Seems like your doing a good job!
I was just by doe journal and noticed the phili marathon....
I may be interested too. are you definitely going?

anyway, Ill sop back in a few days and see how your doing!
keep up the good work!

:cool1: I'm seriously thinking I'm going to do this Philly walk, MeMe. I feel so darn left out of the WDW Half talk that I don't think I can stand to let another half pass me by! Do you think you'd be interested in some darn serious training this spring and summer? I'm sick of being fat and I want to be a LEAN MEAN WALKING MACHINE!

Did you know there's some walking event in Allentown, too? Maybe we can talk Doreen into that as well! Your medal display is going to get awfully crowded. . . :rolleyes:

Keep me posted as to what you're interested in. . .

Hey Girlie - I pm'd you!

Low Carb Mexican is hard - and I LOVE mexican food with a passion. You can always do Chicken Ala Amanda - chicken strips (I buy the ones for salad in the meat section), salsa, cheese - microwave until cheese is melted - mix up and add sour cream. Guacamole is very low in carbs and very high in vitamins - you can eat this with low carb chips or with Cheese Crisps. You can always order Fajitas and not eat the tortillas.

Well the weekend did me in again - this has to stop! You don't even want to know about the mexican, italian, choc cake & than left over mexican :rolleyes: so today I start anew.
B- 1 sl lc toast, lc ketc, 2 sl bacon & 1 eg wh, coffee w/ cream & I plan to hit dm tm later today, I hate this cold weather.

thanks for the pm Amanda - I'm off to look at that pic :cool1:

I checked out all sorts of walks yesterday and there are a few to choose from in this area - the oned we are loking at is not the philly marathon, this only has a full marathon. This race is jefferson Hospital distance run and you need to keep at least a16 min pace, this is doable - so yes Erin I'm in if you want to begin planning.Sun Sept 18th.

There is also the Broad Street Run on Sun May 1st. This is 10 miles but had a sub-15 min/mile requirement. Can we do a 14 min mile?

April16th there is the Ocean City MD marathon which has a half-marathon option - I don't see any pace info - I may check this out & try to do a weekend thing.

There is a list of 5k races at, I see people with baby strollers but not sure if they are all runners or allow walkers. There is a doylestown one in May.

This one is a definite for me - a 5k walk/run at Tyler State Park, right across from my house - how convenient. check out

There is a NJ marathon weekend in april. it does not include a 1/2 marathon but does have a 10 mile walk/run,, I may do this instead of MD, it is the same weekend.

I want to do as many as i can to keep my commitment and training inline. Though most do not have medals I'll collect certficates :rolleyes:
To funny! I am trying to talk Susan into doing a half marathon on Sept 18th out here in St. Louis! We could all be walking together!

Hi, MeMe, you walking machine! :cool1: I emailed the J. Helmuth organization re: the walk in Tyler--the dates on the website were for last year. When I hear what they've got going for this year, I'll let you know. That would be a fun and easy walk, wouldn't it?

I also emailed the OC, MD folks. That would be great, too, if they allow walkers in the Half. I asked them if they had a pace requirement. Again, when I hear something I'll let you know. It sounds like a beautiful walk.

Also, there's supposed to be some half in Allentown. That's a driving distance that's certainly doable. I want to find out more. . .

Spring is coming, MeMe, and then we'll be out there in the fresh (warm) air and we'll be unstoppable!

Have a good day,
MeMe, you'll get back on track - I just KNOW it!! It's extra hard with the cold weather but when the temps warm up, we'll be outside walking again - YAY!!

Once you see the scale start to move, it's extra motivating to stick with your eating plan. Just commit to 2 or 3 days of on plan eating and then the momentum will help you keep going.

All those walking / running events - HOW COOL!! I really like the idea of getting to see each other a few times a year AND staying motivated to keep up our exercise. What a wonderful inspiration the WDW Half has turned out to be!

:hug: and some extra warm :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: for your day, dear MeMe!
Hi Meme,

It was so great meeting you at Trails end! I wish we could have had more than a few moments to talk. I'm definately interested in doing some of these walk's.

Here is some info on the Allentown 1/2 on April 24th!
My DH doesn't have guards this day so that's good. We would need to start training soon as the 14 week training would be yesterday!! I did start the marathon training yesterday for the walk/run half marathon in anticipation that I may want to do this race. I just have to figure out what the time limit is. Since I made up my own training and the fact that I was thinking about doing this race I'm so confused on whether to do the post race training or the begining training.
Heard from the OC coordinator. . .requirement is a 17 min. pace. That's nothing for a jock athlete like yourself. :cool1: I say, bring it on! What do you say?

I also looked at the results for the Allentown race last year there were around 2600 (Aprox. -I can't remember exactly how many). There were places up to about 2100. The chip times shown were about 3:16 for the highest. The year prior I think there was a chip time of about 3:29? Something like that. There were about 1000 more people who did it in 2004 than did in 2003.
MeMe, just heard about the 5K walk/run at Tyler--it's Sat. May 21st. Registration will be opening shortly.

This is what I heard today from Neal, the guy at the Runner's World Marathon in Allentown re: walkers participating in the Half:

"We only have the road closed for three hours. If you can walk the half in that time, please feel free to sign up."

That leaves me out!

Well, I did Mon all lc about 23 grams for the day. I walked/jogged on tm yesterday 2 miles but I took ds to the movies & had to have popcorn. How do I solve this problem, never go to the movies :rolleyes: how many carbs in a popcorn?????

I am lcarbing today, I measured myself today but i hate my scale so will wait to hit dm's scale. Snow & very low temps have taken over the outside world. I will need an inside plan if I can not drive to dm for her tm. Is it back to walking dvds???? it is still snowing - I HATE WINTER!!!!

I am excited to see Erin & Doreen going for the OC 1/2 marathon, a 17 min pace, easy right Doe :cool1: what are your plans????

Melanie - nice to meet you also. Can you come down for the 5k in Tyler Park in May? The Allentown one is out for me too - that pace is too quick for such a long distance, maybe next year.
Hey meme. doing good! The movies is hard for me too. What a habit to break! My only suggestion, is kinda lame but theres always pork rinds! Not sure if you even like them but its doable. I went to the movies last week and went with 2 friends that were watching themselves, they didnt buy anything so I didn;t half way through the movie, I got up and got some coffee. I once brought cheese (cubed and peperoni) that worked well, as long as you have something to eat there your fine......

bad news about my trip to the movies, later that night I caved and had some popcorn, Ok the whole bag! lol.
anyway, of all the chips/snacks I dont think popcorn is too bad.
I hear about the weather I am in near by new york and its depressing! Anything it takes though, if you have to take out those walking tapes, do it! sounds like your doing great!
MeMe, you're back in the groove!! I'm afraid you're right about finding some indoor fitness activities - looks like we're in for more snow over the weekend. :rolleyes:

At this point the OC half looks like a girls only trip on my end. Erin & I are planning to share a room. MelanieC is also interested in going, I believe. I also think Kimickey and pixiechick are talking about going. Check out the thread on the main WISH board. Maybe you can find someone to share a room with?

It would be so very cool to have MeMe, Lulu & Doe-Doe together at the OC Half!!! :p Not sure if I can keep up a good pace without you, girlfriend! :hug:
Hi Meme,

I know what you mean about winter-- YUCK! I always have good intentions to bundle up and get out there... but good intentions don't burn calories :rolleyes:

Actually, I don't think popcorn is too bad for carbs since its so high in fiber??? Hopefully you don't have to never see another movie :earseek:

Thankfully I never get munchie during movies so I am able to avoid popcorn. You might want consider making some microwave popcorn before the show and taking it in a ziplock bag that way you know exactly how many carbs you are eating ;)

Good job on the OC half marathon! You guys are gonna rock. Wish I could be there with ya!

hi girls thansk for stopping by :D it is sooo cold here & snow so I headed for tm yesterday and did 4 miles - yippie :Pinkbounc but went to the movies again (aviator - very good movie) & had popcorn again - yikes 2x in 1 week. Well that will be all for a while, though I do want to see Kevin Bacon's new one - I like your idea about taking popcorn with me than I can alot my #of carbs - thanks amanda!

Today I need to hit the grocery store & tm - we may have loads of snow over the weekend so I better get my time in. I think I will head to target also and find a new fitness dvd - anything new is always exciting :rolleyes:

Today will be lc - b- coffee w/ cream . 1 sl lc toast, cream cheese & lox. L - will be tuna & D- will be chicken starting the crockpot now.


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