most rudest, ignorant, disgusting thing at WDW

I have a really gross one (Anyone read my post in May "Spitters on Space Mountain?"). Yep, I received sprays of spit right in my face. I was riding in the rear car and these young kids in the front cars were just spitting straight up. I even got saliva in my eyes. I was FREAKING OUT because I am well aware of the "nasties" I could have been exposed to. I went straight to the restroom to wash my entire face immediately after letting the CM know. It was completely disgusting.
The only thing that makes me disgusted is seeing moms pull their able -bodied grown children around in strollers. I'm talking 7 years and older. Yuck
Well, I guess i am one of the rude people that disney junkie spoke of. When my kids and wife go to the bathroom which is about 5X my visits I get in line. No one has ever given me a dirty look or have i ever heard a comment. I don't see any thing wrong with it. I rather have all parent wait in the line than be behind a bunch of 3 year olds running between your legs and hanging from the rails.
Patman, bathroom breaks are fine. I mean going for a snack, doing another ride, and so on.

Crackerman, yuck! I wonder what else he managed to hide.
Don't want to start a debate but whats wrong with older kids in strollers...if it will make everybody's trip a more pleasant experience....We take a stroller on all trips and our youngest 5 will use it again in Oct...and I'm sure there will be a number of times that my 8 and 9 DS's will want a lift when she decides to walk.....Heck I'd take a turn if my fanny would fit.....It's a lot of walking....
Wow, I can't believe some of these stories! I agree with the parade vultures though, every time I've staked out a spot we've been overtaken by people shoving in front of us at the last minute.

That said, my truly rudest experience happened at Typhoon Lagoon last summer. My husband, daughter and I got there early as is our habit and staked out three chairs which we placed by the water on the left side of the wave pool. As the morning drifted on we were getting closed in by people and eventually there was no more room or chairs to be had in the area. I was sitting in my chair reading while my husband and daughter were off in the water somewhere when a man came up to me and asked if he could have one of the two empty chairs. I politely told him that they were both being used and he started to walk away. He then suddenly turned around and dumped his duffel bag and other items on one of the empty chairs and started to walk away. I was stunned momentarily but then got up and removed the items from the chair and placed them on the ground. He must have seen me do this because less than a minute later he came back and made a huge production of grabbing his things off the ground and acting all affronted. He really think this guy thought it would be fine to just leave his stuff and I would watch it. The funny thing is, if he'd asked me I probably would have been fine with it.
Same trip as my last posting (this past Christmas season) we had PS at Hollywood & Vine for a character breakfast. We were waiting in what we thought was the line for the breakfast, but as we had never been to Hollywood & Vine, or to any sort of Character Meal, I left my family in our place in line and walked to the front of the line and waited for the CM to finish with her current guest. When they were done, I politely said, "Excuse me, but could you please tell me if I'm waiting in the right line for the Character Breakfast?"

The guest who was next in line turned to me and shouted, "I don't THINK so! WE were here first -- THERE'S the line!!"

I just stared at her. She was chubby and blonde, dressed in a pink dress, and looked for all the world like Miss Piggy. The first thing that came to my mind to say was, "Oh, you must be catching the Character Breakfast before your first show over at MuppetVision 3D!" -- But I decided against being rude back to her and instead, I just said, "Actually, if you had listened to my question, I wasn't asking to cut ahead of you. I was merely asking if I'm waiting in the correct line!" And I walked back to my family.

When we did get to the front of the line a few minutes later, the CM actually apologised to me for the behaviour of the guest who had yelled at me. (I told her no apology was necessary from her -- SHE wasn't the rude one!)
What I hate is when you are at a character meal and the characters are at your table and a few tables away the parents let the kids leave their table to come to ours to see the characters, I told one kid one time that he would have to go back to his table because it was our turn and that the characters woudl be at his table in a few minutes. They go to every table why can't people just be patient?
Wow! This si all too much. Let me add a few.

At MK last year, while waiting for the parade I watched as a Dad kept his daughter on a leash to WAIT for the parade!!So unneccessary.

At AK this past March, we were on the bridge of the Kali River Rapids. The kids were waiting there turn to press the squirt button for the water to squirt from the elephant trunks. They waiteded, and waited and asked very politely of the young sweet faced boy hogging the buttons. Finally DH said, also nicely to the sweet faced boy, "Why don't you let the other kids have a turn now?" Well the boy gave him what to an American looks like a peace sign, but to our friends across the Atlantic actually means FU. DH, being aware of this said to the sweet faced boy from Britian, "right back at you" and gestured in kind w/ similar "peace" symbol. The parents stood there and acted as if theis sweet faced boy was not theirs. Thank God he was not mine!
My family and Me were on the It's a small world ride. The whole ride there was a kid about 12 years old who wouldn't stop saying "This ride sucks, It's so boring and the music really suck" I couldn't believe thisw kid and how immature this kid was at that age. It really mad me mad :mad:
I just wanted to say that AS a "stroller mom" I work very
hard to avoid touching anyone with ds's stroller BUT-it seems
that strollers are invisible at WDW. People jump in front of me
and walk into my path like I'm not there. I intentionally leave
a little space btwn the stroller and the person in front of me so...
some rude person feels like they need to cut in front of me and
fill it up-then they get mad at me when the stroller dings the back
of their legs.

Also-electric carts. Hello-the people in rented electric carts have
them because otherwise they can not see WDW. There is too much walking for some people. Hence-these people are inexperienced operators of these vehicles. Others who love
WDW too, need to cut them some slack and not jump or run in
front of them causing near accidents. DMIL rented one last time
we went to WDW. These units do not operate smoothly-they
have 2 speeds and don't exactly stop on a dime. Last-two people
sharing a cart doesn't mean they are "lazy". It means they want
to see WDW and this assistance makes it possible for them both
to make it around the parks. I was not amused at the stupid
behavior of most people around these ECVs. I'm proud that my
MIL(age 69) was willing to rent one of these and therefore be able to witness the joy of her grandchildren at WDW-she has
had two knee replacements that didn't exactly go well and otherwise would never have made it down Main Street. BUT-she
is anything but "lazy", works like a dog at home. One day when
DFIL who has asthma was having a rough day-DMIL braved the
pavement and let him ride for a while. People who saw this
exchange might have thought them "lazy"-they're not!
Has this made me grumpy? You bet!
Back in the 70's, we ate at the 'Top of the World" restaurant in the Contemporary. There was a dinner buffet. We saw this lady stuffing tons of fried chicken into her purse.

The next day, Pluto was at the Magic Kingdom, surrounded by people. He came walking over to me (I was a child at the time) and reached out to grab my hands and dance with me. That same lady pushed me aside, grabbed Pluto and starting dancing with him. My dad was so annoyed! He yelled, "Hey Pluto, give her some fried chicken!"
Another parade story!
We had staked out our place to see the Magical Moments parade. We were all sitting along the curbside for about 45 minutes. I usually try to get near a trash can, it seems to protect the little ones from being stepped on! Well, right before the parade starts, 3 girls, aged from about 10 - 16 push in behind us. My youngest was 5 at the time. I see them trying to push her out of the way. I asked them politely to please be careful, but they ignored me and spoke to each other in their own language!:mad: I know they could understand me, but still they kept pushing Jessie with their feet!:eek: I even motioned to a CM who came over and told them they must stay on the curb (at this point, they were standing in the street IN FRONT of Jess!!) and behind the "people sitting on the curb". As the parade approached, the 3 of them pushed Jessie completely out of the way and the poor little thing was trying to sit on the curb, holding her legs in front of her! I picked her up and sat her on my lap so she could see and would be protected from these 3. Once they got Jessie out of the way, they started to try and move my 8 yr old daughter!! I yelled NO WAY and pushed my body over that way and let Jeana sit on the other side of me. When the parade stopped in front of us and they let the people with the stickers go out and join the parade, even though they didn't have a sticker, they still ran out! We took the opportunity to move over back to where we were. They looked at us like we commited a crime!:rolleyes: They did manage to get back on the curb, but they were squished this time and I was not about to move for them! When the parade ended, I made a loud comment about rudeness! More talking back and forth in their own langauge!:eek:
Some of these posts had me ROFL!!! "Cracker man" has GOT to be a dis classic!!! HAHAHAHAH and EWWWW!!!

I agree with zurgswife on the stroller issue. WDW involves a LOT of walking that can be too much even for 8 and 9 year olds. If a stroller helps a family to enjoy the magic more, I see no reason why this should be a problem. It is so easy to judge a person in a wheelchair or electric cart thingy when there is no "obvious " sign of disability, esp since we have all seen how some Disney guests do abuse this privledge (ie the "empty wheelchair" post). Yet I have literally seen people POLE VAULT over one of those electric carts in order to make a little headway in a crowd!! The rudeness exists on both sides. Maybe we should all strive to put lots of magic in our hearts before we leave home and use this reserve when we witness some of these irritations!! That and pack some big rubber bands in our fanny packs to ZAP those rude people who are beyond that stock of magic!!!!
My problem with motorized carts is that *some* people think riding one gives them the right of way in all situations. Yield, people, yield!
Maybe we should all strive to put lots of magic in our hearts before we leave home and use this reserve when we witness some of these irritations!!

That's The Spirit Dream!!!

I look at those people who jurst dernt knoe thar beeutocks ferm a teakettle...ter sort of be 'disney villians'....I try to give 'em a good dust'in with pixie dust!
When we were there in 2000, we went on the Star Tours ride. Sitting right behind us were a group of foreigners (don't want to sound like I am picking on them though!:D ). Anyway, it was a group of 5 or 6. The ride doesn't offer any fresh air and these people were in great need of a bath!!!:earseek: :earseek: My 5 yr old asks LOUDLY "Mom, what is that smell!!" I almost died!!:bounce: They didn't seem to understand her luckily! We all could not wait for that ride to be over! It smelled so terrible that we ran out of it, leaving behind the water bottle. I wouldn't of minded the water so much, but DH had bought one of those Epcot water bottle straps and for the price of that thing, I was not about to leave it behind! We ran back when we realized it and luckily, it was still there!:D
I don't have that many that haven't been said yet but the one that stands out is last year when we were leaving fromMGM after closing and waiting for the bus to go back to the Contemporary, the line was long , the bus got there and all of a sudden a group of 15-20 people decide to go to the front of the line ...the bus driver happened to have to help a disabled person off the bus before he opened the front door for people to get on and I walked over to him and told him about the group of people who just walked into the front of the line cutting everyone off, he says to me what do you want me to do?? :earseek: I tell him , I want you to tell them to go to the end of the line like everyone else...he goes to tell them and then they start yelling at the rest of the crowd, the crowd starts yelling right back at them , since they wouldn't move security was called and the group got scorted out of the line by security , I can't tell you all the nasty things they called us but we had great pleasure to applaud as they got kicked out of the line, then I had people thanking me for opening my mouth, well if I can stand in line while my 4 yr old dd is telling me she needs to go pee and she has to wait until she gets to the hotel ( you know they always tell us at the last possible minute and she told me when we were already on the line ) , the grown ups can wait for their turn too!
We were in line for the Lion King show at AK, and the theatre was full/standing room only (I didn't think they allowed this, but anyway) so we had to stand along the side during the show. This family in front of us that took up a whole bench could not stay seated or keep their kids under control. The parents were pacing up and down the aisles trying to video tape, blocking our view, and the kids were playing musical chairs w/grandma. Their youngest (probably 5 yo.) was on a leash but they let her go and she literally climbed the rails, walls and pillars during the show and they were encourag her to act like a monkey! I don't see why they just didn't leave; not only were they not paying attention to the show but they were disturbing everyone around them, especially those of us standing.

One other time we were on a bus to AK and it was really crowded. This family had to sit seperated and some people were nice enough to give up their seats for the dad and the youngest girl (probably 3 yo) to sit. So she sat on his lap SCREAMING at the top of her lungs for her mother up front! Here face was SO red but she wasn't crying, but carried on for the whole ride, probably 20 min.s!! Neither parent said a word to her, just let her scream! I mean it was ear-pearcing! People were covering their ears and trying to move, it was terrible and rude! I thought maybe the driver would have said something- he must have heard her. Everyone couldn't wait for them to get off and when they did we saw them later in the park and guess what- she was screaming again and throwing a tantrum, but at least then they were sitting at a rather secluded bench. Still, it was inconsiderate.


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