Mr. and Mrs. Weak Sauce Go the Distance (a completed Disneymoon TR!)

Have a great trip! Glad you arrived safe and sound. :thumbsup2

Love the pictures of AoA. Very nicely done! Glad you trip is off to such a great start.

I've been doing the last flight out at night lately and after working all day its a tough time to leave. Do now I have discovered that I can be totally diverted simply by watching a chick-flick! :rotfl:

Gave fun!

We did that during our Christmas trip in 2012, and it ruined the first park day for us because I had to sleep in really late to feel a little normal and less sick! For those trip, we paid a little more to get the earlier flight instead of the afternoon one. I didn't want today to be messed up because of lack of sleep! I'll be sure we do that from now on if possible.

More than you know. Keep them coming!

Hope you have a fantastic day in Magic Kingdom. :earsgirl: :earsboy:

Absolutely! We leave for MK pretty soon! Of course, we woke up a little later than I'd like, so I'm still crossing my fingers we make the morning show, but I'd rather be a little late, feel good, and make it the whole day instead of needing to come back in the middle of it.

Just a reminder to my DISer friends that if you'd like me to add you on Twitter or Instagram, please leave a comment here! I don't necessarily know who everyone is via their IG names, and I have requests from Disney fans who might be DISers? Not sure! Thanks!
Morning everyone! Just wanted to leave you with a few more pictures before we head to Magic Kingdom! Here are some details from the Cars section of Art of Animation. Follow me on Twitter or IG (leave a message here to let me know because they're both private) for more pics throughout the day.

Splash ... Pirates?

Hello DIS friends! I know you won't be reading this until I post it at home, but I'm on the plane right now flying to DISNEY WORLD! I didn't take the laptop out right away, so I don't know how many updates I'll be able to get done. I actually took some time to finish writing up two blog posts because I have gaps in my scheduled updates for the following week while Howard and I are enjoying some WDW time. I'll have to schedule it when we get to the resort and have WiFi. Well, let's get moving with this Disneymoon TR so that I can start the January 2014 one soon after!

Magic Kingdom at night was so much more relaxing because it was cooler out, and when it's not as hot out, I don't notice people as much. I was also fairly well-rested and just so excited about EMH. We headed to Pirates of the Caribbean next where I told Howard that I should be wearing a different button than the "Happily Ever After" one. Since the CM at Guest Relations gave us a whole bunch, I thought it might make sense to have the "Celebrating" button. Check out the video to see why!

VIDEO: Celebrating What?

The line was moving pretty slowly, and by the time we got closer to the loading dock, it actually came to a complete stop. I didn't mind AS much because if I can see ride vehicles, it doesn't feel as long. I wonder what caused the problem. Maybe it was George? Haha, I don't actually believe in the whole George story, but at the same time, I wouldn't exactly say anything about it while on the ride just because I can easily creep myself out!

Maybe George was just not a fan of the chanting that started once we got near the front. I only caught the end of it, but it was pretty loud with the clapping too.

VIDEO: Tour Chanting in POTC

This particular ride was like any other ride except for one HUGE thing. I'm actually very happy that I was recording the ride on video even though you clearly can't see anything for most of the beginning because it's just so dark. Well, if you skip ahead a little (still in the dark), you'll see what made this ride so unique.

It's totally worth listening to at 2:10! You can't see a THING because it's so dark, but you can hear me say, "Dropping ... wheee ... what a breeze ..." and then I was so surprised by the influx of water!

Haha, I think it's so funny how Howard and I are so casual about the drop coming up and discussing how we could see the light at the bottom of it when suddenly the water just came over the sides and got so much of our feet! I'm guessing the bigger splash was due to the delay in boats, so once the ride picked up again, the boats kept dropping one after another. The water never had time to settle. This happened before with my dad and me on Splash Mountain, and it was the wettest ride we've ever been on! This really made us crack up though, and because of the sound snippet caught on video, we can remember it for years to come!

Clearly, you can see that the way I'm doing these updates is different than how I normally do them. I typically don't like putting a string of photos in a row without commentary, but I wrote everything on the plane. PLUS, I'd like to finally finish this Disneymoon TR to move on to this recent trip that I actually remember very clearly!
Cruising in the Dark

After one boat ride, we were ready for another one! We headed over to Jungle Cruise because I had read that riding at night is a completely different experience.

I admit I'm actually a little scared of the ride even in the daytime because I've had MANY dreams of the animals actually being alive or being stuck on it (and the jungle scene on "its a small world") even with everything being animatronics and having to walk or wade through to get out. What can I say; I have an overactive imagination! Once I dream something, it often becomes a fear in real life.

I know it doesn't apply anymore, but I liked how there was the barrel for the paper FastPass collection. I love how these thing just blended in with the other props.

Even though they're "just" boats, I liked that Howard was able to get some ride vehicle shots even though it was so dark!

VIDEO: Nighttime Jungle Cruise I
VIDEO: Nighttime Jungle Cruise II
Our skipper had different goodbye jokes from what I've typically heard, so the second video has all of those since the previous video reached the 10-minute mark.

Anyway, the one HUGE difference between riding Jungle Cruise at night is the abundance of bugs! We sat all the way at the back of the boat, so we actually couldn't hear the skipper that well. Since I recorded it though, I was able to hear most of it afterwards. We had a rather enthusiastic skipper even when repeating the same jokes. I liked how he was with the gun and the hippos.

At the beginning of the ride, I don't think it would have mattered though because we were preoccupied with a bug! A big bug flew into Howard's face! It was so big that he actually grabbed at it and kind of "threw" it away. That was unfortunate for the girl sitting next to him though because it then went into hers! We all "bonded" over the attack for a bit, haha. You can't see all of it on the video, but there's a point where I stop filming the ride.

When we passed by the waterfall and saw another boat, we noticed that the skipper was extremely into his role! Even though it's kind of blurry, you can see that he moves from his original spot to a much higher one in the second photo!

The rest of the ride was a lot less eventful. Like I said, I couldn't really hear everything that the skipper was saying, but the atmosphere is completely different. Everything just seems so spooky because you don't really know where the animatronics are. I mean, yeah, we've been on it enough times to know that the crocodiles are coming up soon and the elephants, but the dark makes them seem a bit creepier.

I would totally recommend getting on the ride at night because even though the corny jokes are still the same, it really feels more like we're in the wilderness. And it's even more fun when you have first timers on the boats (especially kids like we did) who really get nervous and duck and hide when the skipper tells us to!
MMY and Wishes

After our two excursions on the boats, we went to get a spot for the nighttime shows. I know there are many DISers who will completely disagree with me, but I actually think that Fantasmic is a much better nighttime show than Wishes. I do, however, really love the Magic, Memories, and You! I miss the music from the original castle projection show even though I love the additions from the newer movies in the more recent show.

Before we went to snag a spot, we stopped by Aloha Isle to get a snack. We decided to get a Dole Whip instead of a float because we just weren't in the mood for the pineapple juice. I can't believe that this was the LAST one I ever had and last one I ever WILL have because of my sudden allergy to pineapple. I'm not entirely sure if I mentioned it before, but the summer after we got married, Howard and I would buy fresh pineapples from the supermarket. Maybe it was because we let some of them get too ripe, but when I was eating it, my throat started feeling like it was closing up. I kept trying to clear it and had a little bit of difficulty swallowing. The next time Howard ate it, I chose not to, but just sitting close to him while watching a movie and smelling the pineapple "fumes," I had some throat issues. Super sad! If I had known this would be my last Dole Whip, I would have savored it more. Not to say that we didn't, but we did eat it faster than normal because it was melting.

I'm not one who goes ga-ga over the castle at night. I know most others do, but I personally love how Spaceship Earth looks in the morning and at night. I was never someone who dreamed of living in a castle and wanting to be a princess, but I love things that are angular and geometric, so that could be why!

However, when the lights dim a little, I love the castle even more because I can see the angles. It truly is beautiful!

We found a spot in the hub to watch the two shows. Just because I prefer Fantasmic, it doesn't mean that I'm not a fan of Wishes! I love when all the characters make wishes and when the fireworks burst in the really vivid colors. I think the reason I someimes don't like it is because you have to find a spot to stand and you don't really have your own space the way you have your own seat in the Fantasmic theater. But I still ooh and aah like the rest of 'em and am still happy watching it!

Looking back on these pictures from the Magic, Memories, and You, I'm really saddened. The new show does NOT compare. I know many prefer the more recent one, but I L-O-V-E-D the colors in this first show!

This show seemed to be less about the characters in the movies and more about coloring the castle and all its sections.

The rocket portion is and always will be my favorite part.

And this is followed closely by the Tangled portion although I do REALLY enjoy the Wreck-It Ralph portion in the new show.

It's amazing seeing Walt on the castle, isn't it?

Then it was time for Wishes. Howard hasn't really attempted Wishes the "right" way according to a photographer with a tripod and all that at this point, so I'll only include a few that came out clearly.

I think there needs to be a trip where Howard and I just watch it together and not bother with pictures or videos. I'm sure that would totally change my opinion of it if I got to watch it and just hold his hand, right?
Tomorrowland Rides

One of the things I was looking forward to after WIshes was the mass exodus of people! It would be fun to feel as if we had more of the park to ourselves before the EMH time officially started. Right after the shows ended, we moved to the right to head to Tomorrowland to hop onto the TTA. It would be nice to sit for a while after standing for the shows. Well, we probably should have waited a little or something because this was the WORST ride we have ever experienced!

How could a ride on the TTA be considered the worst? Unfortunately, there was a family in the car in front of us who didn't smell the nicest! I'm aware that sometimes people of different cultures have certain body scents. Some of my closest friends in high school were Indian, and we'd go over their houses and the curry smell would sometimes fog up my glasses once we walked in the door. But unfortunately, the people in the ride vehicle in front of us didn't smell different just because they were Indian; they also had body odor too, so it was a little suffocating! I hope that writing that doesn't make me sound insensitive because I am completely aware that Chinese people can have a particular smell too, but I think adding body odor to ANY scent is just too much for my nose to handle. The fact that it was the end of May with the hot weather definitely didn't help.

We tried our best to enjoy the ride, but there was just no way to escape it. When we slowed down, it was a bit better. I'll probably be writing this in my next TR, but during this recent trip, I found out that Howard didn't realize that the guest riding Space Mountain actually went up the hill here! He has always been so concerned with the astronauts that he just never noticed! I thought that was hilarious to hear because there was even a ride where the vehicles had stopped and people had to be evacuated so maybe even then he was still very into the astronauts!

After riding TTA, we moved on over to Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin. I had an EXTREMELY disappointing score, but this ride is still one of my favorites year after year. I love how it's a challenge to shoot the targets when you can't actually pick up the blaster.

Since it's my favorite, I'm always eager to see what pictures Howard can get while on the ride. He doesn't often play, haha. But I appreciate it because (1) I can move the vehicle any which way I want, (2) we have memories of it afterwards, and (3) because of the pictures, I get to notice things I never noticed before! I mean, it was only recently that I saw the things in the corner BEHIND the orange robot. I'm usually just concerned about trying to hit the inside of the robot's left hand!

I know this picture is blurry, but is that an eye just floating in the middle of nowhere?

Clearly, you can see that I didn't get the robot because my score is way too low!

I did get the bottom of Zurg here to up my score a bit.

I was really sad about my pitiful score, but it's funny seeing Howard's score because you'd think he'd care more about playing and winning! Nope, it's all about pictures for him!

How appropriate that Howard had his NASA shirt on while we were in space?

Though my score wasn't the greatest, I knew we'd probably have an opportunity to ride again before the night was up, so I wasn't too disappointed.
The Ol' Main Street Bakery

Our next destination was the OLD Main Street Bakery. This was way before the change and even way before anyone knew that it was going to be changed. So in reality, this was our first AND last time into this bakery as a couple.

We enjoyed looking around, but the bulk of the time there was spent in line. It was okay though because we had something really important on our minds that we just had to get! The waiting did give Howard the chance to take a picture of a new light fixture!

I liked the window to give us a peek next door to see all the people getting ice cream. I'm sure if we weren't lactose intolerant, we'd probably be among the people who get a sweet treat like this once in a while. I don't know if it's because I don't actually care for ice cream anymore because of its creaminess or if it's because I'm just tired of feeling nauseous after having it, but I don't look at people and think, "Oh, I want some!" I guess in Disney, it's sometimes hard to feel that way since there are still so many options.

We also liked this small sink for the CMs to wash their hands.

As we approached the front of the bakery, I got to see things that I had only see in trip reports. Is it just me or do you think that even food items can be "celebrities"? These sandwiches look humongous though! That's a lot of meat! I think the only time I don't mind having such a huge slab of meat is if it's a sandwich from Katz's Deli in NYC. Pastrami on rye bread? Yes, please!

I wonder what happens to all these pastries and cakes at the end of the night. Does anyone know? Do the CMs get to take a dessert home each night as a perk of their job?

Personally, I thought this was funny to see. Do people just go and get hard boiled eggs? I like hard boiled eggs now, but I do have to be in a mood for it. I mean, enough people have to be getting them to continue to offer it. I guess it's an excellent way to get a healthy source of protein! Now that we buy our own groceries, I just can't help think about getting a carton of 12 on sale at the supermarket and how cheap that can be. I also like seeing the Uncrustables off to the right there. I don't think I've ever eaten one and now I can't because I seem to have developed issues with peanuts and peanut butter, but now I think of Katt (katt789) and her love for Uncrustables when she's in Disney!

Mmm, look at all those delicious options!

The fake hamburger and fries reminded us of the gummy candies that you can get at the Asian supermarkets that are shaped like food items. I don't like them though because it seems odd to eat gummies that look like burgers or hot dogs. Just let me have gummies that are shaped like cute little bears or worms ... oh wait, that's weird too!

Well, our reason for standing on line was to pick up two apple strudels to go! We wanted to have a special breakfast the next day. We got our items and put them in plastic containers to stow away in Howard's bag.
Wow, LOTS of updates!! :cool1: So fun that you were writing TR updates on a plane to Disney World.

I had to laugh at the pic of you & Howard making faces on the TTA. :lmao: I can just about imagine the smell, and it definitely doesn't help to be on a ride that whips you around sometimes and forces the smell on you even more!!

I miss the old Main Street Bakery. :sad1:
I'm trying to read on my phone but it's not working. Boo! I'll be reading your mega update tonight. Loved that you wrote it on the way to Disney. Hope your trip was great!
I agree with you - the original nighttime castle show was breathtaking, and the new one is ... entertaining. I'm really disappointed in it. I'm so glad I got to see the original!
Wow - that really was a super mega update. It was so long I can't remember what I want to say.

Ok, well, first - bummer to being allergic to Pineapple. Are you absolutely sure you are allergic? Have you been allergy tested? My throat always feels funny and tight when I drink crystal light lemonade. I don't know - probably not the same thing. Are you allergic to peanuts too?

I think it would be unpleasant to ride on the People Mover and have body odor hitting you in the face - not fun.

I love Howard's pictures on Buzz. They are really cool. I honestly have never tried to take pics there, but I think I might have to now! ;)
Wow, so many great updates and pictures! The wishes pics are beautiful --- its so hard to sit back and watch, and not want to capture photos and videos!
Wow, LOTS of updates!! :cool1: So fun that you were writing TR updates on a plane to Disney World.

I had to laugh at the pic of you & Howard making faces on the TTA. :lmao: I can just about imagine the smell, and it definitely doesn't help to be on a ride that whips you around sometimes and forces the smell on you even more!!

I miss the old Main Street Bakery. :sad1:

Writing on the plane definitely helped me feel a bit better because it killed some time! Plus, it "forced" me to get through them since this TR has been going on for quite some time, and I knew I'd want to write one for this recent trip once we got back.

It really was rather unpleasant! There was nothing we could do but duck, haha!

I don't drink coffee, so the fact that they brought Starbucks into the park doesn't excite me. I'd much prefer to have ALL the same treats as the old bakery!

I'm trying to read on my phone but it's not working. Boo! I'll be reading your mega update tonight. Loved that you wrote it on the way to Disney. Hope your trip was great!

The trip was fantastic! I will hopefully start that TR soon!

I agree with you - the original nighttime castle show was breathtaking, and the new one is ... entertaining. I'm really disappointed in it. I'm so glad I got to see the original!

I just watched the original again from what I recorded, and it really is just SO much better. They really utilized the castle in the show as opposed to just projecting imagines on to it as a screen. I loved all the different castle variations with the colors and designs in the first show.

Wow - that really was a super mega update. It was so long I can't remember what I want to say.

Ok, well, first - bummer to being allergic to Pineapple. Are you absolutely sure you are allergic? Have you been allergy tested? My throat always feels funny and tight when I drink crystal light lemonade. I don't know - probably not the same thing. Are you allergic to peanuts too?

I think it would be unpleasant to ride on the People Mover and have body odor hitting you in the face - not fun.

I love Howard's pictures on Buzz. They are really cool. I honestly have never tried to take pics there, but I think I might have to now! ;)

I'm not entirely sure if I'm allergic to pineapple because I haven't gone to the allergist yet. It could just be because I can't have fruit that's really ripe because I get hives from stuff like cantaloupe too when it's too ripe. I just know I can't risk it until I know for sure. I'm not allergic to peanuts, but I've recently figured out that I sometimes get sick from it probably because of the oils and the fact that I don't have a gallbladder anymore! It was hit or miss whether or not I'd feel nauseous and sick after peanuts or peanut butter, but I did some research and think that might be why.

Yeah, it was rather yucky! I feel that the TTA is usually good with not really having smells because there's a breeze, but that was just the wrong kind of breeze!

My Buzz pictures usually come out blurry, but sometimes they're decent. Howard has studied people's settings to know what to use, so I think his pics from this trip are even better!

Wow, so many great updates and pictures! The wishes pics are beautiful --- its so hard to sit back and watch, and not want to capture photos and videos!

Thanks! I'm determined to finish this TR so I can start my next one! You're so right; it's like it has to be a conscious decision to not take pictures!
Exploring Main Street

When I went to Disney so many times with my parents, we always bypassed anything that wasn't a ride. We didn't stop for parades or gift shops or street shows. It just wasn't "worth" it. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I really wanted to stop for all those things! Becoming a DISer was, of course, the biggest reason why I started looking more at the details. Because of that, I really did want to check out the shops on Main Street, particularly Crystal Arts.

We were clearly entertained by the fact that there was a wrench chilling out there.

I did take a quick video of the guy working, but it's so brief! I don't even know what he was making because I guess we didn't stay too long to watch. We watched the guy make glass figurines in Mexico during this past trip, and it really is amazing what these guys can do! I guess during our Disneymoon, we just didn't have as much patience! Instead, we walked around and snapped pictures of some of the more expensive souvenirs that you can purchase.

These were the pictures I took.

These necklaces were cute and looked like something you'd be able to find in Japan. I wouldn't wear something like this though because as adorable as they are, I don't think I'd have many occasions to wear this for people to take me seriously, haha.

I actually really like this photo because we were takin ga look at the rings that they had, but I was like, NO THANK! I've got my rings that'll last me the rest of my life! Haha, well, other than when I'm pregnant and my fingers expand and I have to put them aside until after the babies are born! In this lovely picture, you can also see just how much my nail polish chipped. Since this trip, I have learned about base coat and top coat, and I accumulated many bottles in my nail polish collection! Even so, it's pretty amazing that no one knew that I didn't get an official manicure for the wedding, so I got to save money there!

I saw these little animals and was transported to my childhood when we used to go to the Poconos in Pennsylvania when my grandparents had a vacation house there. We'd stop by this store where they had baby porcelain/glass animals similar to these. Each time we went there, I was allowed to buy one, but that didn't last long because they were suddenly not available. Seeing these reminded me of examining each animal and discussing which one to buy with my mom.

After we were done in the store, we decided it was time to really enjoy EMH and get on some rides! Yes, I LOVE the atmosphere, but if you told me I could go to the parks to ONLY enjoy atmosphere or ONLY go on rides, I'd still have to choose the latter.

Since there weren't any shows going on, we decided to walk through the castle to get to our destination.

VIDEO: Walking through the Castle

Rewatching the video is actually kind of entertaining because I say that we'll never get a chance to experience EMH again. However, we have been so thankful that we've been able to visit WDW 3 more times since our Disneymoon and 2 of those times, we've been able to stay at Pop Century! Who would have thought?! For the two of us, we're definitely huge fans of staying on property and all the advantages that come along with it.

Time to ride!


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