My appologies....

Thanks I said, Ive tried not to let it get onto the boards. But Think some of it may have come across anyway.

For those asking what the problem is, its mainly financial....Im just not used to this economy failure. I didnt think it would affect me because of thebusiness Im in...but that was idiotic of me...when the flow of the American dollar gets slow...I guess the first thing to cut back on is partying in places your wives and girlfriends dont want you to be in the first place!!! Im used to getting through the door at work and having to fight my way through a crowd to get to my I walk in and I can hear the creek of the door echo through the place we've been so dead lately. Scarry, but football seasons about to start, so that should brighten things up a bit.

Thanks again for accepting my appology, or at least not paying attention to my brooding!!!

Before this thread goes poof I wanted to tell you that I didn't get any negative vibes from your posts that things weren't peachy. So, you must have been hiding it pretty well. I, for one, am glad that you reached out for support and can empathetically (is that a word LOL) offer it, as we're in the same boat. (Here's to hoping it's not the Titanic LOL). Not to hijack your post, but our family has been tightening our belts to no avail...we're at the point financially that I am interviewing next week for a second part-time nursing job and will be sending the youngest to daycare/preschool as a consequence. We didn't want to do that but we need the money. I'm grateful that I have this opportunity for even healthcare isn't insulated from the slowdown...less people retiring, changing jobs equals less open positions. That being said, I'm with you on looking forward to the start of the 2008 football season...cue Hank: Are you ready for some football?
Hope stuff takes a turn for the better Rog, it's definitely tough out there. Glad to see you "back"! :)
Hey Rog!

Whatever did you do to think anyone was mad or upset with you and why aren't you in the bed?

Well...EVERYTHING I do has the potential to piss SOMEONE off, or some religion, or politician, race, creed or color, or board moderator!!! I have a pretty abbrasive personality, if ya havent noticed.

I work nights....on my nights off like this.....Im sitting here in my house wide awake at 2:30 am, everyone else is snoring. So, here I sit...alone and bored I look up goofy crap on the internet like keyword "brains" on you tube...just to see what pops up!!! or keyword "puke" on photobucket...its a great way to waste time. I think Im gonna go type in "burning hair" on google and see what I get!!!
Results of "Burning Hair" on google...

This is typical of what I expected to find:

This is really cool looking, but, typical none the less:

The next photo, well.....I just wasnt expecting this! Ya just NEVER know what may pop up:


Im pretty sure this is not the proper procedure for frying bacon!!!! The internet is sooo cool!

Mornin Brad!!!!
Sorry to hear about your business concerns BDR. I can sympathize with you. In 2005 we closed our business and let me tell you the last two years before we closed were horrible. I hope things pick up for you. But let me tell you after we closed I wondered why we hadn't done it earlier. We have managed quite well since then, some belt tightening but all extra stuff that really didn't matter anyway. I have returned to school to retrain as a nurse and this summer am working at the local hospital.( working a 12 hour night shift tonight:surfweb: ) Lots of nursing jobs here RNmom, hospitals are already trying to lure student nurses two years before we graduate. All the best to you BDR, keep posting, you always give me a laugh.:cool1:
Sorry to hear about your business concerns BDR. I can sympathize with you. In 2005 we closed our business and let me tell you the last two years before we closed were horrible. I hope things pick up for you. But let me tell you after we closed I wondered why we hadn't done it earlier. We have managed quite well since then, some belt tightening but all extra stuff that really didn't matter anyway. I have returned to school to retrain as a nurse and this summer am working at the local hospital.( working a 12 hour night shift tonight:surfweb: ) Lots of nursing jobs here RNmom, hospitals are already trying to lure student nurses two years before we graduate. All the best to you BDR, keep posting, you always give me a laugh.:cool1:

Congratulations at being able to see a light at the end of the tunnel, and turning a bad situation around into something positive for you. RN careers are still strong, and there are many opportunities both clinically and administratively for nurses.
Jim, WHAT DO YOU DO? It has been asked before, but you avoid the question, I think you are in health care in some form.... LOL

You are an enigma my friend! LOL

PS whats on the **** tube today?

Ooops, can't say ****, so I will substitute Tv!
Jim sells rare flowers, like the egyptian tulip.

You can't say **** on the board or **** or ***** or ** or ******** ****** *****
Jim, WHAT DO YOU DO? It has been asked before, but you avoid the question, I think you are in health care in some form.... LOL

You are an enigma my friend! LOL

PS whats on the **** tube today?

Ooops, can't say ****, so I will substitute Tv!

Right now I am sitting behind a very messy desk writing on the computer.

I haven't watched much TV lately - the weather has been too good. I did watch a good movie on DVD last weekend that would do well for an online play by play - Semi Pro with Will Ferrel. That guy is hilarious.


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