My CP Presentation & Interview


Spring Advantage 2006 CP
Aug 31, 2005
After a hectic day I arrive an hour early to my presentation. My brother introduces me right away to my interviewer, Jeni, then tells me I won't have interview tonight, but I will get a phone interview scheduled. Darn. The presentation was pretty good. There was actually a few things I didn't already know about the program. Jeni was VERY nice and used the word "Challenge" a lot. (There were no problems, only 'challenges'). Besides my brother, two other people came up to talk about thier experiances in the program. Josh (one of my brother's friends)and Brandi (she was SO funny). Everything they said was really cool and interesting. Jeni said she wanted to take them on the road! Ha! The presentation was basically power-point. The video showing everything Disney owned was REALLY cool! You just don't think of all that stuff ... Lifetime channel?! At the end I was third in line to get an interview time. Mine will be Thursday at 10:40. I have a Botany class before that, but I cannot wait! I am SO close and it's killing me!
My Phone Interview is TOMORROW!!! :earseek: I will post right after it w/ the details!!!
Wow! Was I nervous! My interviewer actually called 2 minutes early, but I was prepared with two portable phones, my resume, my CP Info sheet, and my notes from the presentation. The interviewer (I forgot her name) made me feel SO at ease! She made me laugh by correctly guessing I was wearing my pajamas and sitting in bed! The first half of the converstaion was just confirming information and the last half was questions. The Questions ranged from my favorite Disney experiance to how I would deal with the people I lived with. It was fun, suprisingly. She used the word "Fantastic" a LOT! Hehe! But she was cool! She told me I would get an e-mail telling me if I was accepted. And she also updating my role list after figuring out my favorites. I don't remember the first one (great, huh?), the second was custodial, operations third, and food severvice following. I can't wait to hear the news!!!! :)
Tink , they did tell you , you would get an email, that is what they told my son.But everyone else on the boards said they don't do that, so I thought he heard them incorrectly, since he did get the thank you email.
Did they say who the email who be from? With all the junk mail that gets sent i hate to have him miss it.
Did they tell you how long it would be until you heard? I is two weeks today for my son and he is going crazy waiting. :rolleyes1
Hope that is not a bad sign :earseek:
Did they say you also get something in the mail?
You are going to get e-mails, but none of them are going to tell you whether or not you got accepted into the program. Like you said, there's a possiblity that people will delete the e-mails (what with all the spam and crap), so they send the packets in the mail. No one's ever gotten an e-mail saying they were accepted or not (and if you did, please prove me wrong).
I was told I would get an e-mail confirming wether or not I was accepted. I forgot to ask when I would get the e-mail, but I assume within 3 weeks (like the letter). That is what my interviewer told me. :)
Tink, you MUST have gotten the same interviewer as me... mine said "Fantastic" after every sentence too! Except when she called me, she was 20 minutes early.... totally caught be offguard! :duck:
Well the good news came today, my son was accepted! He is so excited. he is in accepting the offer, but when he got to the date of arrival, it was blank,
anyone know of any problems with that? He said there isnt' anything on the letter stating what date to arrive.
any help is appreciated :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :bounce: :wave2:
I'm SO happy for your son, PhillyDisnynut!!! Thats great!! So did he get an e-mail? Or just the letter? I did get an e-mail today from my recruiter thanking me for interviewing, but thats all I've heard. Although it has only been ONE day ... hehe ... I'm just a bit excited! :earboy2:
I think everyone gets the blank arrival dates at first. I checked back the next day and they were there. So I think it's just something where you've got to wait until it fixes (ie, go back tomorrow and check again).
Congratulations!!! :sunny: I am so happy for everyone that's gotten accepted! It was one of the best experiences of my life. I've kept more friends from my WDWCP that high school and college combined.

I was a CP in 1999 and you reminded me of the day I found out. I have to thank you for reminding me of my own magical experiences :goodvibes - I'll share my little story for whatever it's worth.

I was walking across campus to my Astronomy lecture, almost at the building, when a friend passed me by and said simply "they're here!" :wizard: I ran into class, dropped my bag, ran back to my dorm, opened my mail . . . and YES!!! Attractions Hostess! princess:

I did a little squeal/dance thing and ran back to class. :moped: I was totally late, and I interrupted the professor's lecture to squeal again, in front of the entire class, that I got accepted to the Walt Disney World College Program! :Pinkbounc :cheer2: :Pinkbounc He laughed at me and my entrance and made a little deprecating joke at my expense, though I can't remember exactly what offhand. Good thing he was nice! Another professor would have failed me for that little song and dance. :blush: I was just so excited! And I'm sure you are too! Squal and dance all you like- it's worth it! :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :cheer2:

PM me with any questions. :teacher: If I can help, I will! :wave2:
thanks, i am sure he will try again tommorw. it took the three weeks and he did get the "Big" envelope not an email. but he did get the email thanking him with the recruiters name.
he got operations also. like many of you.
well thanks for you help
Just curious.... should i shave for the presentation? Im having a hard time parting with it, i have had my beard since junior year high school....
You don't have to shave for the presentation, but they will ask you if you are "receptive" to shaving it if you get into the program. (Its not part of the Disney look). If you say no, you won't get a phone interview.
Oh i will definatly shave it for the program but i dont want to look like im 6 for the christmas pictures... haha
So, I had my interview today...and it was in person. Well, we had the option of doing it over the phone, but I thought 'since it's being offered, I might as well do it face to face!' They did it in pairs, so I was with another girl.

They questions I got asked were very different from what's been said on here, but it can't all be the same now, can it? Anyway, I was asked to say which roles I wanted and how I would bring "magic" to those roles, If I were in the recruiter's position what would I look for in a cast member, How will I deal with the many challenges I'll face (or something to that effect, I dont exactly remember) and what I hope to gain from doing the CP.

Today was so exciting! Oh yeah, and one of the alumni was telling us how she worked at the front desk of the!! I was bombarding her with questions!! lol :rotfl: One thing she did say was that she brought her car down and really enjoyed having it there. I'm still thinking about this's a 24 hour or so drive, hmmmm.
tink_sparkles84 said:
haha ... would you really look that young? how old are you?

19.... but i apparently have a baby face, at least thats what im told. Its cute though... again what i have been told lol
Lucky you to get an in-person interview! I hope you find out soon! Tomorrow it'll be a week since my interview ... I can't wair to hear the news! I hope YOU get good news too! ;-) ... and yeah, bring your car, you can drive me around ... haha! :teeth:

So, you're cute? Let's see a picture and I will answer this question for you! :teeth:
tink_sparkles84 said:
Lucky you to get an in-person interview! I hope you find out soon! I hope YOU get good news too! ;-) ... and yeah, bring your car, you can drive me around ... haha! :teeth:

I know I was sooo happy when she said that they were doing inperson interviews! Now I'm waiting for my audition invitation, THEN soon after that I'll get (hopefully) the infamous letter!!! :)

Of course! I love driving! Plus I wanna see everything Flordia has to offer while I'm down there!! And I mean EVERYTHING!! So if I'm bringin the car, can someone bring a TV? *wink *wink :teeth:


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