My Journal to Me - Comments welcome!

Hi Anna,

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and get some down time. Sounds like you totally need it, I hate it when Dh travels, its not easy is it?!

This is our last trip to DL for awhile most likely, just not in the budget anymore to take these trips. So I am going to enjoy it and then hopefully make it back in a few years when the changes to DCA are complete. Sorry I won't see you there that weekend, I was hopeful! Happy Thanksgiving, "see" you next week!:)
Thanks everyone for keeping me on page 1. I didn't get on the computer at all while we were gone. Before Thanksgiving, we had a great time in Palm Springs for DDs' swim meet. I even got in a bit of exercise(!) I would take DD12 to the pool in the morning and get her all situated. Then, while she was doing team warm ups, I would take the car back to the hotel for DH and walk back to the pool. It was only a bit more than a mile, but at least it was something, and I did it twice. From Palm Springs we went to my parents in N.Cal and had a wonderful time. 2 of my 3 Dbro's and their families were there also. It was pretty much bedlam most of the time (kids: 18mos, 4, 5,5,7,9,12,13), but we all had a really good time. Unfortunately, I came back with a cold that had me feeling lousy most of last week. I'm better now except for a cough that just won't go away. The kids have all bounced back from their colds nicely, of course.:rolleyes:

I'm just trying to maintain some semblance of sanity at this point with regards to my weight. I'm back into the low 170's again(172/3):sad2: That is a 15lb gain from my low last spring and 7 lbs up from where I was at the beginning of the year. :sad2:

I went back and looked at my New Year Resolutions. Clearly didn't make any of them, but they are all still valid so I think I will just reuse them for 2008. Maybe it will be better 2nd time around?:idea:

1.My goal is to hit my target weight by July 1 and be in solid "maintainance" mode by the end of 2008. My target weight for now is 145. I'll see how I feel when I get there and may go for 135 (my ideal, but I'm not sure it is realistic.)
2. Journal and post my food until I hit target and anytime I "drift" up while in maintainance mode. Sorry this is boring for everyone, but I don't seem to be accountable to just myself.
3. Exercise at least 3-5X per week, even if it only for 30 minutes each time. Unless someone is deathly ill, I cannot keep making excuses for not doing this. I know that eating alone will not take the weight off for me.
4. Exercise a minimum of 750 minutes a month - this is so I don't wimp out and just do 30 minutes 3X a week
5. Eat at least 3 fruits & veggies every day.
6. Drink at least 64 oz of water every day.

For the next 4 weeks:
I'd love ... to get back to my year starting weight -166
I'd like ... to get below 170 again (and never see that darn number again!)
I'd hate ... to GAIN anything more!!

This may or may not be realistic, but I do have an incentive. I have to step on the scale for my annual exam the first week of January. :scared1: That thought is keeping me away from my Christmas love - eggnog - right now.

Hi Anna
I need to make new resolutions too!!!
Glad you had a great time at your parents in N.Cal
Well done for resisting the eggnog - i've given up until after christmas - THEN i'm right back on that wagon with you ;)
Anna, your goals sound good and very achievable. I am up too from earlier this year, I was at 33 pounds, now I am at around 21 or 22. Its very discouraging. And um, I think I was really discouraged a year ago too! But then I think about two years ago when I was almost 25 pounds heavier and realize that my goal is rather long in coming, I have had some major bumps and its not gone like I thought, but I am still here and I am still down. You are also down from your highest weight, you have learned a lot, and you haven't given up! So there's some celebrating in there too. I think you can do this, its a tough time of year. Just hang in there and the New Year with all of its possiblities will be here very soon. Don't give up! And get over the lousy cold thing very soon, that stinks. You can do it!:hug: :)
Happy New Year Everyone!!

New Year and I am determined to get to the "New Me". This me is NOT Overweight!!! Christmas Eve morning I weighed 173 (ugh!) Then it was unstoppable eating for the next 9 days - major ugh!! I knew I was packing on the pounds since my rings are tight. I decided that I would start fresh when we returned from my visiting my parents. Of course, I did insist that we stop for Animal Fries at In and Out Burger last night on our drive home:headache: . DH didn't want burgers, but I told him this was my last bad meal and I wanted those darn fries! This morning the scale was 180.5 :scared: . However, I bunch of that is vacation weight/TOM and I am going with the 173 # for my starting weight for the new year. Now if I am not back to that and the 7.5lbs from vacation are not gone in the next 10 days, I will have to readjust - ugh!!
I did not do well as I hoped in 2007 - up 6 lbs from the start of last year, and up 15 lbs from my "low" last May. That is going to be the kick in the pants I need to get back on track.

Here are my goals for 2008:
1.My goal is to hit my target weight by July 1 and be in solid "maintainance" mode by the end of 2008. My target weight for now is 145. I'll see how I feel when I get there and may go for 135 (my ideal, but I'm not sure it is realistic.)
2. Journal and post my food until I hit target and anytime I "drift" up while in maintainance mode. Sorry this is boring for everyone, but I don't seem to be accountable to just myself.
3. Exercise at least 3-5X per week, even if it only for 30 minutes each time. Unless someone is deathly ill, I cannot keep making excuses for not doing this. I know that eating alone will not take the weight off for me.
4. Exercise a minimum of 750 minutes a month - this is so I don't wimp out and just do 30 minutes 3X a week
5. Eat at least 3 fruits & veggies every day.
6. Drink at least 64 oz of water every day.

So far I have been drinking the water today and will go for a walk later this afternoon. I'm going to have an orange for snack this afternoon and two veggies with dinner. I need to get to the grocery store and restock.

I've not had anything to eat yet today. Bad, I know, but I'm truly not hungry. I've had so much to eat in the last week and a half. This morning I did throw out the leftover chocolate cake and see's candy. Next I'm pouring out the last of the eggnog, if the kids don't finish it tonight.

Amy, Tracey, Tracy, thanks for sticking with me. I REALLY am back for REAL this time. WISH worked for me in 2006. It is going to work for me again in 2008.:cheer2: :flower3: :grouphug:
2:30p - 1c carrot sticks (orange was bad :sad1: )
6pm - 1c chicken breast, 2/3c broccoli, 1/2c brown rice, 1/5c salad w/ 1T avocado & NF spritzer, 12 oz skim milk
3 f/v :thumbsup2
(totals: 594 cal, 11g fat, 59g carb, 9g fiber, 62g protein)

112 oz water :thumbsup2

Time got away from me and I didn't get my walk:sad2:
It is going to start raining tomorrow and continue for the next four days - I am going to get wet when I walk, but it doesn't matter. I WILL walk!

I have not eaten very much, but I am really not hungry.

One day down, a lifetime to go ...
b - 1c GoLean Crunch cereal, 1/2c blueberries, 12 oz skim milk
l - 4oz LF yogurt, 1/2c peach
s- celery sticks
d - 1 serving Hodgepodge soup, 1/2serving crackers, 8 oz skim milk
(totals: 986 cal, 16g fat, 161g carbs, 19g fiber, 57g protein):thumbsup2
3 f/v :thumbsup2
108 oz water :thumbsup2
I cleaned house all morning (+3 hours) - doesn't count as exercise, but at least I was moving. :sad2:
morning wt: 178.5 - 2# of vacation wt gone:thumbsup2

The kids have to do a family tree with pictures for confirmation class. They did it today in powerpoint with different pages for each of the "branches". DD#1 did my side of the family, and DD#2 did DH's side of the family. I hunted around in photo boxes for pictures of the missing/ more far flung members of the family. This turned into a much bigger project than any of us thought it would be - took all afternoon and most of the evening - but it turned out really nice.

For dinner I modified a family favorite using gr turkey, low fat minestrone soup, and FF baked beans. Everybody liked it, and nobody noticed the changes. It was hard to stick to one serving for me, but I did it.:)

Great job, Anna! Your goals look very realistic and your strategies are great. I need to put a bunch of those into place myself.

So glad to see you on track for the new year. I hope it is a wonderful one for you and your family! :hug:
b- Curves Granola bar, 8 oz OJ
l - 2c salad w/ avocado, FF dressing
d - 1/2c chicken breast, 1/2c brown rice, 1c broccoli (leftovers)
s - 1 serving cheese, 6 triscuits, 1/2c pineapple
(total: 813 cal, 24g fat, 114g carb, 17g fiber, 40 g protein)
4 f/v:thumbsup2
100 oz water :thumbsup2
8 min ab workout, 8 min buns workout, 10 minutes leg lifts :thumbsup2
still no cardio though :sad2:
morning wt: 177.5 - another lb of vacation wt gone:thumbsup2

I spent all day in the office throwing junk away/putting other stuff away. And I'm still not done. For the past month (or more!) the office has been the "dumping ground" for misc stuff. Now I have to claim my office back. The paper recycle bin is full and I have more to put in it after the trash gets picked up. It will feel good to be more organized, but it is tedious to get there.

I still didn't get out and walk (heck, I didn't ever get out of my PJ's today!). I was feeling low about still not getting in exercise so after I put DD4 to bed, I pulled out the 8 min workout tapes. I did both the abs and the buns, and then did 10 minutes worth of leg lifts while watching the end of a Law & Order rerun.:) That felt good (actually it burned, and I probabaly will be sore tomorrow, but you know what I mean:rotfl2: ). I also found a Walk Away the lbs DVD I bought several months ago. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. I did a 40 minute walk at my parents on Sunday, so if I can get some kind of exercise in tomorrow I will still have exercised 3X for the week. Maybe that will motivate me.

On the eating & water, I really feel like I am back on track. I am not having trouble resisting the snacks & temptations for now. I even turned down DH's offer of my beloved eggnog w/ baileys :love: If anything, I am not eating enough. I had the snack after dinner tonight after I realized my calorie intake was only 550. I need to work on getting more protein and fewer carbs, but I'm just not hungry.

Thanks Cam! I am always inspired reading your journal with how you manage to juggle work, family, exercise and healthy living. I strive for that.

Anna -- look at you go!! I am so impressed with all you have accomplished and how disciplined you are being. Congratulations, sweetie! :hug:
And thank you for your sweet comment. It is reassuring, especially right now when I am feeling so incredibly overwhelmed. :rolleyes2:

Have you joined any of the exercise challenges for January? Have you checked out sparkpeople? There is a DISBoards group there and we have an exercise challenge going on and you already have SO many minutes racked up, you'd inspire everyone else! :woohoo: Seriously, though, using some kind of website (I really think SP is the BEST) to track your carb/protein/fat intake might be helpful. Man, is it eye-opening. Anyway, that website is totally free but I know it's always hard to make time to use another resource. PM me if you want more info.
Have a great weekend! (Oh, and HUGE KUDOS for resisting the egg nog w/Bailey's. I am so proud of you!)
Hi Anna,

Your goals for 2008 look good!:thumbsup2 You can accomplish each and every one of them!:cheer2:

You are off to a great start! Keep up the good work!:cheer2:

Have a great week!:hug:
Shoot, lost my post and had to start over again:mad:
Thank you so much for the support, Tracy & Cam! It really, really does help keep me on track when I am feeling down about myself. Cam, I've been using Fitday, but I'll go over and check out sparkpeople. It sounds good. I was doing the exercise challenges before, but got discouraged when I wasn't meeting my goals. I should try that again though. Thanks for the reminder.:)

b - 3 pancakes, 1/4c blueberries, 1/2c yogurt, 2T maple syrup, 8 oz OJ
l - 1.25 serving HodgePodge soup, 1c green beans
d- fried chicken breast, 1/2c corn, 1/2c mashed potato, 1T gravy
s- 1 cubic inch chocolate cake
totals: 1583 cal, 38g fat, 195g carb, 13g fiber, 117g protein
3 f/v:thumbsup2
100oz water :thumbsup2
no exercise:sad2:
forgot to WI - drats!

b - 2/3c GoLean Crunch cereal, 12oz skim milk
l- 1c HodgePodge soup, 1c green beans
d- 1c Healthy request Mexican Chicken Tortilla soup, 2c salad w/ 1/4 avocado, 1/2 tomato, FF dressing
s- 8oz skim milk, 2 cubic inches chocolate cake
totals: 793 cal, 20g, fat, 111g carb, 19g fiber, 50g protein
3 f/v :thumbsup2
100oz water :thumbsup2
no exercise:sad2:
WI:176.5 - another vacation lb gone!

We spent the weekend picking up the house, de-decorating, etc. It started raining Friday and hasn't stopped since. I don't like the wet, but it was nice that it forced us to have a quiet, easy weekend at home.

DH did all the cooking on Saturday. He tries to be healthy, but really doesn't understand what that means. All but one member of his family ranges from overweight to very obese. DH himself has always been thin, but over the years the pounds have gone on and is overweight himself now. I used portion control and adding in some fruits and veggies. DH and DD12 made a wonderful chocolate cake. I was proud of myself for having only one cubic inch.:) Even with the less stellar food choices, I didn't get out of control. My calories were below 1600, and the ratio of fat/carb/protein was 22/47/30%. Sunday I had more control of my food choices and did much better. Actually, my calories were awfully low so added a second "inch" of cake:love: . Not a great choice, but I was happy to at least have the calories available. I do need to add snacks into my day. I'm not hungry so I don't think about it. Hopefully exercise will stimulate my appetite.

Exercise is the one area that didn't happen:guilty: . I got Bob Greene's Total Body makeover book at the library yesterday. Maybe that will help get me going. :guilty:

You're doing REALLY AWESOME, Anna!

Your goals sound like mine.. I want to hit 145 at or before 7/1, too! Today I'm 172.8.

Hope the rest of your week goes well! I'm SLOWLY getting caught up & back in the groove!

Did you get the awful storms? They're just hitting here, but thankfully mostly drizzle where I am & not snow -but I'd love it if it did!
Julie, It started raining here friday night and didn't stop until Monday morning. I think we got almost 3 inches of rain! It is supposed to be nice now for the next week and a half though. :yay: that is great that we have the same goals. You have been doing so well in spite of the holidays and all the other stuff going on. You are a good inspiration for me.:)

b- scrambled egg, 1.5 sausage link
s - curves granola bar, 6oz grapefruit juice
l - 2c lettuce, 1/4 avocado, 1/2 tomato, 1T feta, salad spritzer, 1/2 orange
s- celery, 2t natural PB
d- 1.5 serving pork loin, 1c carrots & broccoli, 1/2c pineapple, 12oz skim milk
totals: 1077 cal, 44g fat, 103g fat, 18g fiber, 72g protein
4 f/v:thumbsup2
102oz water :thumbsup2
exercise: 77 minutes :thumbsup2
42min run/walk (actually ran a total of 16 minutes!)
20min strengthening exercise
15 min stretches/conditioning exercise
WI- 176.0

I ate breakfast with the kids this morning before school. Then I plugged it into fitday and freaked out:scared: . I had been given an "atkin -esque" type menu to try with eggs and bacon as the breakfast. I get the low carb thing, but I cannot wrap my mind around eating that much fat being good under any circumstances! I started adding in fruits/veggies/non-fat items, but of course then the carbs went up. Clearly Atkins is not for me.

I've started reading Bob Greene's Total Body Makeover. So far I really like it. it is a tough program, but it makes logical sense to me. I did the first workout this morning and really, really liked it. We have high surf warnings from the storms, so walked along the boardwalk instead of the beach. It is a little out of the way for me, but I had fun watching the "angry ocean".

The one thing I'm not sure about in Bob Greene's book is he really discourages any type of "dieting" or restricted calories during the program. He stresses conscientious eating/good choices. I'm having a little trouble with that part. It is harder for me to make good choices when I am not watching the calories/fat content. I'm going to have to think about that.
b- 3/4c Honey Bunches of Oats w/ almonds, 1/2c blueberries, 12oz skim milk
l - 1c LF split pea soup, 1/2 orange, 8 LF wheat thins, 1 LF LC wedge
s- 6 celery sticks w/ 1t natural PB
d- 1 serving beef roast, 1 sm potato w/ 1T light sour cream, 1c carrots & broccoli, 12oz skim milk, 1/2 Pillsbury ready bake turtle cookie
totals: 1181 cal, 28g fat, 158g carb, 18g fiber, 72g protein
5 f/v:thumbsup2
100oz water
exercise: 65 minutes :thumbsup2
48min run/walk (ran a total of 17.5 minutes)
eta: 17 stretches/conditioning exercise
WI: 175.0

I pumped up the tires on the jogger stroller, loaded DD4 in and headed out. I walked the uphills, ran the down hills and some of the flats (not a lot of flats thoughin my neighborhood though:scared: ) I will do stretches/conditioning exercise tonight after we get back from the youth group parent meeting. ETA: By the time I went to meeting, the grocery store, and put the groceries away it was almost 11pm. I really wanted to just curl up in bed, but I went ahead and did the conditioning anyway. I actually like doing stretches before going to bed, crunches - not so much!

I made some Simply Bake cookies that were in the frig for dessert tonight. I budgetted my calories/fat and could justify eating half a cookie. It was heavenly:cloud9: . Unfortunately they have a FEW walnuts on them so the DD's don't like them:snooty: . If nobody eats them tomorrow I am throwing the rest in the trash. I can justify 1/2 a cookie every once in a while, but not the whole pan of cookies! I hate to waste them, but I cannot continue to keep them in the house with nobody eating them.

The vacation weight it coming off nicely. I know that I won't continue to have daily weight loss, but for now it feels good to have some instant results.



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