My most embarrassing moment at Disney, share yours!!

OK since WDW can sometimes be a good place to people watch with so much just standing around, it came back to bite me. Sorry folks this one is PG-13.
There was a very endowed woman in a see through lace top and a bra easily to see that also did not leave much to the imagination. It was cut mid drift and about 2 sized too small. And the shorts!?! Maybe 3 sizes too small and a little too much hanging out her backside. I would guess not a lot of thought went into this since she knew she was going to be around kids all day. We were on main street but was thinking she was walking the wrong main street! I know its a woman thing to not be seen wearing the same thing in public so I jokingly said to my wife,
"How embarrassing would that of been, I was going to ask you to dress like a hooker today too!"

Well I said it a little too loud since a girl about 10 was walking by us at that precise moment and looked at me when I said it......she was walking towards her mom and guess who that happened to be!

We were at a amusement park this summer and something similar happened. A woman walked by in a tube top, that should never be wearing one. Also short shorts. My friend says as we walked by "well that's attractive!". The lady heard her and turned and shouted "yes it is!"
We were at a amusement park this summer and something similar happened. A woman walked by in a tube top, that should never be wearing one. Also short shorts. My friend says as we walked by "well that's attractive!". The lady heard her and turned and shouted "yes it is!"

I think I saw her son at Disneyland once.

My kids and I were getting off Dumbo when I saw this little boy, probably around 8, run up to the end of the line and I noticed his shirt was all black and in big red letters it said "I love B**bies" - actually had oo instead of **. trying to keep the younger readers from.......

I was thinking wow, what kind of mom buys their son a shirt like that. Then a lady matching your discription walked up and put her hand on his shoulder.

I no longer was wondering what kind of mom would buy a shirt like that for an 8 year old.
OMGGGG I'm crying laughing so hard at these stories!!!!!!!! :rotfl2:

I've got one. I've told it on the DIS before so sorry if you've already heard it.

This was 10 years ago I took my friend and my then 8yo DGD. We went to AK and got on Kali and needless to say I got totally soaked. Wasn't wearing white but was wearing some jeans shorts that did not dry fast. I got totally bad bad chaffed on my upper inside thighs from walking and the wet shorts. It was horrible. I could barely walk by the time we left. I was wide stepping ok.

We were going to MK that night to the (heck, can't remember the name. Like EMH but back then you paid extra.) I'd already bought the tickets to go so we were going no matter what. We got back to BWV and I was trying to figure out something to bandage my thighs so I could walk properly. Nothing was big enough. Then I got the idea to put moleskin on it. Not cut or anything the big full sheets on each It felt great and I felt sooooo smart for thinking of it!:rolleyes:

We get to MK before the extra hours started and found a spot near Pecos Bills to sit and watch the parade. We watch the parade and as I was standing up I felt pulling, you know, down there. I'm like what the heck. I tell my DGD and friend I need to go to the restroom. So I duck into the ones by Pecos and get in the stall and pull my shorts down and discover that moleskin had curled up around the edges and kinda scooted up too and my, um hair was all tangled up in it!!! :scared1:

I started trying to pull it out and yes it did hurt! lol Finally I had such a mess going on down there I decide to just pull the moleskin off altogether. OMG the whole top layer of my skin came off with it!!!! :headache:

I had raw meat inside thighs!!!! I couldn't walk. It was horrible!!! I had to go tell my friend and DGD to carry on without me as I walked wide stepping out of the park and back to BWV.

I get back to the villa and found some clean sheets in the closet and placed it between my legs and cried myself to sleep. lmao

The next morning we had EPCOT planned. I didn't know how I was going to do it. My friend said she'd go down to the gift shop and get some bandages. When she came back up she said she told the CM at the shop and they were sending a medical person up. I'm like omg really? You told this? lol

Well, I was back in the bedroom and still had my nightgown on and was sitting the only way I could which was with my legs spread when I hear a knock on our door out in the living room area. Next thing I look up and see this gorgeous LIFEGUARD standing there with a little bandaid in his hand. He took one look at me and said, "Oh, I don't think this will help." and made a very fast exit! omg

I ended up renting a scooter for the rest of the trip as I could not WALK. The nice nurses at EPCOT first aid station gave me a bunch of gauze and these sleeve like things that sorta kept the gauze and everything in place.

And I never ever ever showed my face at the pool for the rest of the trip for fear I'd see the lifeguard.

Moral of the story is do not under any circumstances put moleskin any place other than your feet!:sad2:

This is the hardest I've laughed for a really long time. Sad thing is that it is NOT funny. I've had the chaffing thing and it is painful!
Sorry for laughing.:rolleyes2
My sister joined us on our trip years back and was excited to get a churro over by mexico in world showcase. She was enjoying it as we were walking around until out of no where a seagull swooped down and grabbed it out of her hand ? We were all laughing and couldn't believe that just happened ?

This happened to me at New Orleans Square at Disneyland. The wing actually brush against my head. I was shocked. Fortunately, it only got a piece of the churro!
mine was at the magic kingdom 2008 I fell out and had my first seizure on the ramp to monorail I was walking with my cane and I as I'm seizing I some how hit my sister square in the face.
I've been laughing at this thread for days so I guess it's finally time to post! (I forgot what it's called - Alien Encounter?).

This totally brought back one of my worst mom of the year awards. When my now 23 yr old was about 8 and on our first "family" trip to WDW. She is a little worry and everything scares her. For 5 days, every ride we stood in line for, she would worry the whole time it took to get through the line. I would reassure her it would be fun, nothing to be scared of, I was right there with her, etc. She did this through every park and every ride. After we got off the ride, she would exclaim how much fun it was and could we go again.

By the middle of day 5, my patience was gone. We had not been on Alien Encounter before, but I could tell from the building and such that it wasn't a fast, killer turns, leave the ground kinda ride. So I really didn't see a problem with it. As we made our way through the line, she was worrying about being scared, didn't want to get on it etc. I snapped. Basically told her to suck it up, I didn't want to hear it anymore and to get on the d**n ride. No sooner had the ride started and she was screaming hysterically through the ride, what with the dark, the loud growling, the hot breath on the neck and outline of monsters.

I didn't think I would ever get that little girl calmed down. It cost me a $30 stuffed toy from the nearest shop. I'm happy to report that she can handle scary rides and movies now. I don't think she was scared for life.
This totally brought back one of my worst mom of the year awards. When my now 23 yr old was about 8 and on our first "family" trip to WDW. She is a little worry and everything scares her. For 5 days, every ride we stood in line for, she would worry the whole time it took to get through the line. I would reassure her it would be fun, nothing to be scared of, I was right there with her, etc. She did this through every park and every ride. After we got off the ride, she would exclaim how much fun it was and could we go again.

By the middle of day 5, my patience was gone. We had not been on Alien Encounter before, but I could tell from the building and such that it wasn't a fast, killer turns, leave the ground kinda ride. So I really didn't see a problem with it. As we made our way through the line, she was worrying about being scared, didn't want to get on it etc. I snapped. Basically told her to suck it up, I didn't want to hear it anymore and to get on the d**n ride. No sooner had the ride started and she was screaming hysterically through the ride, what with the dark, the loud growling, the hot breath on the neck and outline of monsters.

I didn't think I would ever get that little girl calmed down. It cost me a $30 stuffed toy from the nearest shop. I'm happy to report that she can handle scary rides and movies now. I don't think she was scared for life.

Aww, I can sort of relate. When my dd was about that age, she was sure every ride had a drop, and she's a worrier as well. I didn't do my research and we tried Stitch's Great drops, but holy hell darkness...which is her greatest fear! About the time Stitch belches in your face, she was in complete hysterics and I took her out. (I didn't realize she was melting down as she sat two seats over from me with mil in between). Thus ensued an adventure in trying to find the rest of the family after the ride bc the chicken exits take you out a different side of the ride :) My poor husband was in complete panic mode when he couldn't find us.
mine was at the magic kingdom 2008 I fell out and had my first seizure on the ramp to monorail I was walking with my cane and I as I'm seizing I some how hit my sister square in the face.

That's more scary than anything! Well, I dunno, when else can you smack your sibling square in the face and completely get away with it? ;)
This totally brought back one of my worst mom of the year awards. When my now 23 yr old was about 8 and on our first "family" trip to WDW. She is a little worry and everything scares her. For 5 days, every ride we stood in line for, she would worry the whole time it took to get through the line. I would reassure her it would be fun, nothing to be scared of, I was right there with her, etc. She did this through every park and every ride. After we got off the ride, she would exclaim how much fun it was and could we go again.

By the middle of day 5, my patience was gone. We had not been on Alien Encounter before, but I could tell from the building and such that it wasn't a fast, killer turns, leave the ground kinda ride. So I really didn't see a problem with it. As we made our way through the line, she was worrying about being scared, didn't want to get on it etc. I snapped. Basically told her to suck it up, I didn't want to hear it anymore and to get on the d**n ride. No sooner had the ride started and she was screaming hysterically through the ride, what with the dark, the loud growling, the hot breath on the neck and outline of monsters.

I didn't think I would ever get that little girl calmed down. It cost me a $30 stuffed toy from the nearest shop. I'm happy to report that she can handle scary rides and movies now. I don't think she was scared for life.

We had something similar happen on that darn "ride". It was our first trip to Disney World & our first park, everything was fine until Alien Encounter. I told my DS how bad could it be, it's in Magic Kingdom after all. So we went in & it was HORRIBLE!! I don't how much money we spent in that store that you come out in. We basically said whatever you want, we'll buy it. I still feel bad about that. And for the rest of the trip he was deathly afraid to ride anything! :guilty:
Several years ago, on the 2nd day or our trip, we were standing in the line for Soarin' when I suddenly felt sick. Really, really sick and needed to throw up and find a toity FAST. So I left the line, but, alas, couldn't make it to the bathroom. Soooo... I managed to throw up in a shopping bag I was holding, but, ahem, I didn't make it to a toity, and everything I was wearing from the waist down was just a horrible mess... I finally made it to the bathroom with my daughter following and went into a stall and stripped off my soiled clothes. My daughter gave me a big plastic bag and I stuffed all the soiled things into it, then managed to get cleaned up a bit between bouts of continuous vomiting and diarrhea.

Finally I felt a bit better and by that time other family members had come to check on me and we managed to collect enough sweaters and sweatshirts for me to wrap around my waist so I could exit the park decently dressed. But, before exiting, I managed to throw up at least 6 more times, and by the time I got back to the rental house, I was so sick I thought I'd die.

Spent the rest of the trip in bed, feeling worse than I'd felt in my entire life. No doubt I should have gone to the doctor but couldn't get out of the bathroom long enough to travel to one. Not sure what I had, but it was sudden and horrible.

Ever since then I drench myself and everyone else in hand sanitizer whenever I set foot in a park. Never want a repeat of THAT.
Several years ago, on the 2nd day or our trip, we were standing in the line for Soarin' when I suddenly felt sick. Really, really sick and needed to throw up and find a toity FAST. So I left the line, but, alas, couldn't make it to the bathroom. Soooo... I managed to throw up in a shopping bag I was holding, but, ahem, I didn't make it to a toity, and everything I was wearing from the waist down was just a horrible mess... I finally made it to the bathroom with my daughter following and went into a stall and stripped off my soiled clothes. My daughter gave me a big plastic bag and I stuffed all the soiled things into it, then managed to get cleaned up a bit between bouts of continuous vomiting and diarrhea.

Finally I felt a bit better and by that time other family members had come to check on me and we managed to collect enough sweaters and sweatshirts for me to wrap around my waist so I could exit the park decently dressed. But, before exiting, I managed to throw up at least 6 more times, and by the time I got back to the rental house, I was so sick I thought I'd die.

Spent the rest of the trip in bed, feeling worse than I'd felt in my entire life. No doubt I should have gone to the doctor but couldn't get out of the bathroom long enough to travel to one. Not sure what I had, but it was sudden and horrible.

Ever since then I drench myself and everyone else in hand sanitizer whenever I set foot in a park. Never want a repeat of THAT.

Oh my that sounds terrible!!
We had something similar happen on that darn "ride". It was our first trip to Disney World & our first park, everything was fine until Alien Encounter. I told my DS how bad could it be, it's in Magic Kingdom after all. So we went in & it was HORRIBLE!! I don't how much money we spent in that store that you come out in. We basically said whatever you want, we'll buy it. I still feel bad about that. And for the rest of the trip he was deathly afraid to ride anything! :guilty:

We had a similar issue at DHS on the Studio Backlot Tour when DS with ASD was maybe 9 or 10. He enjoys most attractions as long as they are not roller coasters or super loud. Well, everything was going well on the backlot tour until we got to Catastrophe Canyon. Then, he burst into tears and screamed at the top of his lungs, "I HATE THIS!" I felt like the worst mom in the world.
This did not happen at Disney but has to do with Disney. My boys got me 3 pins while we were at Disney this month. We got home and I changed purses and for some stupid reason didn't take them out and put the purse in the closet. Yesterday my dog decides it would be a good idea to play with this purse. Heavens no that she should play with her own toys. Well I took the purse away from her but didn't notice the upside down pin with the rubber back off of it on the floor. Fast forward to the middle of the night. I come out of the bathroom after blowing my nose and YEP full weight down on the stupid pin driving it up to the flat part of the pin into my foot. I start screeching and grabbed my foot while trying to balance on the other, dh jumps out of bed runs over says HOLY CRAP and pulls the pin out of my foot. Good thing he did cuz otherwise it was staying there. I could not make myself pull it out. So today I am sporting a very sore foot. Laughing about it now but it was not amusing last night.
My DW an avid horse back rider had talked the reluctant kids DD, DS and I into going for a trail ride at Fort Wilderness. The ride for me and the kids seemed to go on forever. We did however, get our revenge when the ride was over. DW got a leg cramp and immediately started screaming at the top of her lungs, "I can't get down, I can't get down." The kids and I dismounted and kept on going down the path denying we knew this woman as two cowboy CMs had to pull her off the horse. Twenty years later and we still are laughing about the moment and poke fun at her every time we see a horse. It may seem cruel but she laughs the loudest.:rotfl2:
My DW an avid horse back rider had talked the reluctant kids DD, DS and I into going for a trail ride at Fort Wilderness. The ride for me and the kids seemed to go on forever. We did however, get our revenge when the ride was over. DW got a leg cramp and immediately started screaming at the top of her lungs, "I can't get down, I can't get down." The kids and I dismounted and kept on going down the path denying we knew this woman as two cowboy CMs had to pull her off the horse. Twenty years later and we still are laughing about the moment and poke fun at her every time we see a horse. It may seem cruel but she laughs the loudest.:rotfl2:

:rotfl: Instead of "I've fallen, and I can't get up." It's "I'm crampin', and I can't get down." :rotfl2: I'm sure DW was (ahem) very "appreciative" of her family's "compassionate response" to her leg cramp, too. :rolleyes1 That's one of those sensitive times when you know you shouldn't laugh at someone's misery, but it's sure hard not to! :rotfl:
Not Disney but funny horse ridding story..

Went with some friends paid for the ride. My horse kept getting antsy & rearing up after a few times of him rearing up I'd has enough told guide I wanted to go back, she told me to stay on the horse she would walk him back.
On the way back something moved in the bushes & scared the horse who reared up & guide let go so horse took off running.
Once we got it to stop I was ticked & wanted off I leaned forward & threw my leg over to get down but when I tried to step down I realized my bra was stuck on the saddle horn!!
Guide had once again let go & I'm dangling on side of the horse by my bra & horse yet again takes off with me screaming curses at the guide!
The guide had to catch up & undo my bra for me to get down! I was angry, humiliated & just wanted to go home! Unfortunately I had rode with a friend so I had to wait.
Once the rest of the tour came back my friends asked me what happened & at that point the guide busted out laughing!!!! I wasn't happy.
Owner of the ranch refunded my money without me even asking but everyone there had a smirk on their face!! My friends over 10 yrs later have not let me live it down!


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