Nancy's Weight Loss Journal (Feel Free to Post!)


<font color=red>Just a Little Princess</font color
Jun 28, 2003
Today, 7/2/03, I started the Atkins diet. I don't have a book yet, I am going by the List from the Atkins website of approved foods for Induction. I may be on Induction for a while, if I can stand it, as I have a bit of weight to lose. I guess the anonimity of it all helps, because I intend on being brutally honest here, something I would NEVER do in "real life".

I am 31 years old, married, and have 2 daughters ages 5 and 2.5. The most I ever weighed, while pregnant with my second daughter, was 245 lbs. I got on track and lost 30 lbs after she was born. I did this by excercising and eating "right". And I have done a great job in maintaining that weight loss, although today was the first day I excercised in over two years!

The Nitty Gritty, so to speak (pinky swear you will never tell as I tend to "hide" my weight pretty well!):

I weighed in today at 215 lbs
My measurements are:
Bust 46
Stomach 45
Hips 47
Thighs 27.5
Upper Arms 16
Neck 15

That is all I measured, that is enough! To think that when I met my hubby I weighed 135 lbs - - I can't blame this on him though, or can I?????

Today I intended on waking up early to excercise before DDs woke up, didn't happen, they woke up when my alarm went off. I still decided to put on a Richard Simmons tape even though they were awake. It was annoying, but I did finish. (20 minute workout) The worst part is my 2 year old telling me "scuse me, Momma, can't see" because I was in front of the TV (working out, mind you!) It is hard to try to explain something to a child WHILE working out, and I didn't want to lose my momentum. Anyway, tomorrow will hopefully be easier!

My Meals today:

Breakfast, which I ate at 11:30 am (because I just am NOT hungry before that) 2 scrambled eggs

Lunch, ate at 2:30pm Salad of Romaine lettuce, mushrooms, celery, cucumbers, topped with vinegar and oil.

Dinner, ate at 6:30pm 2 med. hamburger patties, wrapped in lettuce, with tomato & mayo and 3 oz asparagus with butter

Snack, ate at 10:30pm cute little recipe I got while searching for low carb desserts. 2oz cream cheese, 1 TBS unsweetened cocoa, and 4 packets Splenda (called for nuts to top, but I didn't have them). A great recipe to curve the need for sweets with ingredients that are easy to have on hand!

And, of course 64+ ounces of water!

I feel good about my choices today and I feel confident that I can do this. I don't feel hungry (did before I ate each meal though!)
I CAN DO THIS!!! I have to keep a positive frame of mind and STAY busy. My mini goal is to get down to 195, my long term goal is to weigh between 125-140 by 10/23/04 when we take our first Disney cruise AND celebrate our 10th Anniversary.

I will post meals and excercise as often as possible. I will post weight loss once per week.

That's all for now!
Pretty much the same as day one, except for evening:

Breakfast 11:30am 2 scrambled eggs

Lunch 3pm Romaine Salad w/ mushrooms, celery, cucumber & vinegar and oil

Dinner 6:30pm Chicken Stir Fry made at home with water chestnuts, green pepper, bean sprouts, broccoli. 1 tsp soy sauce. To make up for no rice, I cooked a spaghetti squash and used a half cup as rice. Now I have spaghetti squash ready, love it with butter! Definitely will eat that tomorrow.

Snack 7:45pm Made that Mock Danish recipe I found here (thanks!) Very good!!!!

According to, I am over on my carbs today. I limited my dinner to VERY few chestnuts (like 5) and sprouts. I think I may have over estimated how much I ate though, I didn't actually weigh them!

Excercise was a pain today, my daughters interrrupted me about 5 times for a half hour tape, including spilling the cats water bowl all over the floor! (they were excercising too, and bumped it) But I completed it. Made a "date" with a friend to start walking next week.

Tomorrow, I think I will give them a project to do at the dining room table. The dining room will be a mess, but they will hopefully be out of my hair!

I feel very tired today...hope to go to bed early!
Breakfast 1 scrambled egg, 4 pieces of bacon 10:30am

Lunch Small romaine, feta cheese, cucumber, mushroom salad 3pm

Dinner 2 grilled burgers, wrapped in lettuce with mayo and one slice tomato each, and one grilled hot dog 7pm

I did pretty good, especially considering I went to a party where there was pasta salad, corn on the cob, baked beans, strawberries, watermelon etc. I stuck with it, but had to explain why I was eating this way. A "friend" warned me that most people who do Atkins gain it back. I just said that, although I have a hard time losing weight, over the last few years I have done very well with maintaining. She seemed satisfied with that.

Excercise - - ONE HOUR of Richard Simmons Broadway workout, it is my favorite, I have been working up to it by doing the shorter ones first. I did it EVERY day for 4 months at the beginning of 2001 and I REMEMBERED it!!! I actually look forward to doing it again.

That is it for now.
Pretty basic day today:

Breakfast --- Skipped it, didn't mean to, just had a lot going on this am and was not hungry at all.

Lunch --12:30pm Iceberg lettuce salad, with cucumber, Feta cheese, and vinegar (no oil)

Dinner 5:15pm 2 Grilled pork chops, Spaghetti squash, Asparagus. 1 Tbs butter for veggies.

Snack 10:30pm Mock Danish, left out the lemon and added cinnamon (I miss Cinnamon toast), really good!

1 hr workout Richard Simmons Broadway, love it!

DH and DD's got ice cream at McDonalds tonight, didn't even bug me...

Today was a good day!
July 6 Sunday
Breakfast 10:30am 1.5 scrambled egg, 5 pieces bacon

Lunch 3pm Large BLT Salad from Wendy's with Ceaser dressing (2 packets, they are small)

Dinner 7:30pm 1 Hamburger patty, plain

Excercise: Half of RS Broadway tape, had to cut it off because family was ready to go to beach. Walked a lot at beach, at least a half mile.

July 7 Monday
Breakfast None

Lunch 2pm 2 hamburger patties, lettuce and one Tbs mayo

Dinner 5:30pm Chicken breast with parmesan and garlic, spaghetti squash and asparagus

1 hr RS Broadway tape, went to Curves and JOINED!!! I start tomorrow!

My measurements at curves, with clothes on (I must have messed up some of these)
Bust 48.5
Waist 41.5
Abdomen 47
Hips 47.75
Thighs 27.75 and 27.5
Arms 15.25 and 15.5

God help me---Body Fat---43% How did I let it get this bad?
I can do better! And I AM!

The good news, I weighed 211.4, with clothes, and she said their scale runs high. My scale at home says 209 (no clothes), which seems accurate according to the Curves lady (MaryAnn). So I have lost 6 pounds!!!

I am not going to measure myself anymore, I will wait until next month when they measure me to check the totals--kind of like waiting for Christmas!
B: scrambled egg 11am
L: Wendy's BLT salad w/ Ceaser dressing 3pm
D: 1 Cup Tuna Salad (tuna, mayo, celery) 6pm
Snack: Steak Um wrapped in cheddar cheese, one slice muenster cheese 9pm

Excercise: RS Broadway, 1 hr. 1st visit to Curves, one half hour.
B: Atkins Advantage Chocolate/Almond Bar (about half, kind of yucky!) 10 am (getting it in earlier)
L: 1 Cup tuna salad (w/mayo & celery) on lettuce, 5 cucumber slices, 2 slices muenster cheese, and a teeny bit of that Atkins Bar. Noon
D: Steak Um wrapped in Swiss Cheese (one of each), half cup of Tuna salad. 4pm
S: Cauliflower with bacon (real), butter, cheese, and a little cream cheese---Super Yummy! 8:30pm

Excercise: RS Broadway, half hour...about 10 minute walk...Curves workout half hour!
Weighed in this morning 205! that is a 10 pound loss on my first week of Atkins! Go Nancy!
B: Cauliflower mashed with butter, cream cheese, little shredded cheese (I swear, if it weren't for the carbs, I would eat this all day!) 11am
L: Tuna salad 2pm
D: Chicken Salad (lettuce, tomato, celery, green pepper, chicken and Ceaser Dressing) 6pm
S: 5 slices Muenster cheese, two wrapped in Steak-Um. one slice swiss 8:30 pm

Definitely went overboard on the after workout snack. Still stayed within my carb range...but barely! Plus, it was simply overindulging, I didn't need that big of a snack. I cannot let my workouts give me an excuse to!

Excercise: Half hour RS Broadway tape, Curves workout (3rd one!)

Had a little problem with my water today, I have been taking in 64+oz per day, but at 3pm I realized I had only had 16 oz. so I have been playing catch up ever since.
Nancy, we are so close in stories I had to write! I am at 205 trying to get to 130 range! You are doing great keep up the good work!! Congrats on that 10 lb. loss!
1st, to TiggerKeeper--Thanks for the vote of confidence. It was on a day I truly needed it! Feel free to post whatever you want to here, let me know how you are doing. Are you on Atkins too?

B: Couple pieces of broccoli
L: Tuna w/ mayo
D: HUGE Chef salad with Caesar
S: Yummy steak!

Excercise: 1 hr RS Broadway tape. Did NOT go to Curves today, even though I had the opportunity to. Just felt too full from Dinner and only had a 15 minute range to go or would have been too late. CRAVINGS all day today, chocolate, sweets etc. It was horrible and has not happened to me since I started Atkins 7/2! I realized I am definitely PMS, and I always crave chocolate when I am PMSing. It was a bad day, especially since my children were little monsters all day. I have had thoughts all day that I am gaining back the 10 lb loss and adding to it. I didn't keep track of my foods at either...what is wrong with me? Tomorrow WILL be better!
Can we just call ourselves the 20X triplets? Meaning we all weigh 200 and some change???? I am JUST like the both of you!!!! Except my highest with child #3 was 258 and I started on April 1st at 236 and hopefully this Tuesday will be 206! :) My first goal was to be 196 by 9/23- but now I really think I can be below 190 by then. We celebrated our 10th anniversary last year and yes I weighed 135 at our wedding! I'm a little over 5'7 and hope to get to 140 or anything below.

We can do this!!!! I'll be keeping track of you two and helping push you along- please email me anytime you need encouragement. I'm slimfasting this month and walking 20 miles a week or more. My husband who is 5'11 and weighed 150 at our wedding has lost 15 pounds on Atkins in the past 3 weeks and is at 203- so my goal is to get below him AGAIN! :) It'll be nice to be in Onederland together! And I hope you ladies have a great week and shoot for Onederland!!! :)
Great journals Nancy!
You mean, I have sisters?????? I have always wanted a sister--I am an only child! Big Hug to you both (I don't know how type that hug thing!) LOL
I am probably the shortest sister, only 5'3"
I weighed about 140ish when we were married. My whole motivation is that cruise of mine in 10/04, for 10th Anniversary. I want to wear a swimsuit proudly on that ship and on Castaway Cay! And, I want to be below my husband too (hey-that sounded kind of sexual! LOL, I am naughty!), he weighs about 155.

On with my report:
Pretty weird day, very motivated to get the kids stuff sorted and organized..hoping to have a garage sale in a few weeks and our local police dept is accepting donations for sexually abused women and children--great cause to keep me motivated. Alas, all I ate all day was 2 decent sized steaks and a steak-um wrapped in muenster---I don't even know when I ate.
I did not ecxercise any program yesterday, however I was running from the basement to the upstairs all day, so I think I did several stair master routines!

Cravings are gone and I feel better--let me know how you all are doing.
Sunday 7/13

Another crazy day, I ate something or another midday (cannot even remember and was so busy that I didn't keep track, but it was approved :-) Had a grilled chicken salad with greek dressing for dinner--that was it! Did not drink enough water though! No excercise, ugh! On the upside, I am better than halfway through getting this garage sale together...

Monday 7/14

L: Tuna w/ mayo
D: Polish sausage (okay, 2!) and salad with mushrooms, tomato, green pepper and 2 TBS Italian w/ aged Romano cheese--my favorite dressing ever (made by Ken's steakhouse)
S: Another bowl of yummy salad!

Went to Curves today--my 4th visit. Also, 25 minute walk, while pulling the wagon with 40lb and 30lb kids in the back. That has to count for something!

I am thinking of buying a few more excercise videoes and making an excercise plan for each day--I like schedules. I am thinking WATP and maybe a begiiner Pilates to add to the 4 Richard Simmons I have. I also have that doggone TaeBo--gosh I need to learn that one! I need to get some quicker videoes, for these crazy days when I don't have enough time to devote an entire hour. In the Fall, I will be going to Curves at least 3 times per week, but I would also like to be doing at least 15 minutes at home. It keeps me busy! I hope to take care of this tomorrow.
B-None (I know, I know, I keep skipping it!)
L- Cauliflower mashed with butter, shredded cheese, and cream cheese
D- Meat-Zaa Hamburger flattened onto cookie sheet, cooked with green pepper & mushrooms, and shredded cheese
S-2 slices Muenster with lean ham lunchmeat (3 slices)

Excercise: Curves 30 minutes

Bought the WATP videoes today (came in 3 pack, "For Abs"--with some kind of tool) Haven't looked at it yet, but intend on trying it tomorrow morning. I am coming up with a list of excercises to do on a daily basis, so that every morning I know exactly what I need to be doing!

Tomorrow I weigh in (boy, this second week flew by!) I can end Induction tomorrow, but I have decided to stay with it for a little longer, I have no problems with it so I figure I might as well keep things as they are until I need a change.
B-Slice of ham
L-Grilled Chicken Cobb salad from McDonalds w/ caesar (4g carbs--ugh!)
D-2 hamburger patties w/ cheese and mashed cauliflower with butter, cheese, cream cheese
S-Salad with mushrooms, tomato, feta cheese and italian dressing.

Excercise- WATP 15 minute/1 mile video and Curves workout.

I weighed in weight loss this week! It is frustrating, especially since I lost 10 pounds last week. I have been excercising a lot, which I hope means maybe I am adding muscle which would be why I am not losing? Also, I expect TOM anytime soon. Still, it makes me mad because even a light loss is encouraging!

Still working on my excercise schedule. I hope to try several of my videoes over the next few days to get a feeling for how to place them, which ones to do more often etc.
B-2 slices ham
L-2 hamburger patties w/ cheese
D-Arby's Roast Beef regular roast beef sandwiches, no buns of course, ate 4. (sounds horrible, but it was only the roast beef and adds up to 4 carbs, according to Atkins Carb Counter)

Had my first NON-Water beverage since 7/1/03---One can Diet, caffeine free root beer. It was soooooo yummy!

Excercise: Did the WATP one mile and Curves today. Meant to test out some other videoes, for that schedule of mine, but never got to it.
I am attempting to paint my cathederal walls/ceiling in my foyer and up the staircase. My arms are getting a nice workout from that! This is a project that will take me several days!
Friday July 18
B-2 scrambled eggs with ham & cheese
L-2 slices ham
D-Tuna salad, on bed of lettuce with cukes & tomatoes. Ranch dressing on side
S- a few chocolate kisses (Atkins friendly, of course! Will post recipe on Low carb recipes thread), 3 oz steak

Excercise: 22 minute Ab workout with Richard!

Saturday July 19
B-Slice ham
L- hamburger w/ cheese, hot dog, small portion bean salad, cukes, Atkins friendly cheesecake, more kisses, probably more than I am admitting too! I met up with some fellow WISHers at Kamgen's house for a little WISH meet/barbeque--so much fun!
D-4 oz steak

No excercise program today

Oh, and drank Crystal light today too! I am loving having more than water, but I need to cut back as I am getting too used to passing on the water for something else! Back to pretending there is only water to drink. TOM came yesterday, so let's hope that my weigh-in Wednesday is better than nothing!
B-2 slices ham arapped in 2 slices swiss
L-Went to a baby shower, did great! I thought it would be buffet, but it was sit down style (ugh!). Adjusted the offered meals accordingly. Pork Chop without the apple cinnamon, no whipped potatoes, cauliflower, picked out the carrots. Did not have cake. Drank lots of water!
D-2 boneless Pork chops (again, but that is what I had planned)
S-sugar free jelolo with whipping cream made with Splenda

No excercise (bad me)!

Came up with my excercise plans for nest 6 weeks, it alters everyday, kind of complicated! Will post week one later. I am taking Kamgen (Kamy's) idea, and rewarding myself with something at the end of each week. It will keep me motivated, plus just having it on paper and posting it will keep me focused on what to do when. I feel so organized!
I have finally gotten my schedule together, I have rotated it for the next 6 weeks, which will take me to September 1st. At that time, I hope to be in better shape and upgrade some of the videoes with harder ones. This is pretty aggressive, but I can do it! Also, I took Kamgen (Kamy's) idea, and have assigned an award to each week I successfully complete. Here it is, only week one:

Monday--Broadway Blast Off (25 minutes) and Curves workout (app 35 mins)
Tuesday--WATP 1 mile (15) and Curves
Wednesday--Richard Simmons Ab Formula (20) and Curves
Thursday--WATP 1 mile and Curves
Friday--Tone Up on Broadway (25) and WATP 1 mile
Saturday--Tae Bo Basic (34 min)
Sunday--Broadway SWEAT (1 hr)

In addition, for the first week and in preparation for that Tae Bo Basic, I MUST do the Tae Bo instructional video Monday through Thursday. It is an hour long tape, probably about 35 minutes of actual workout time (lots of explanation). I did it today and boy does it make me sweat!

Also, on any Curves day, if I am unable to make it do to my DH's work schedule, I MUST replace it with the Tae Bo Basic video. That is why I never put Curves with Tae Bo, I could never do it twice in one day!

My reward for week one -- A decorating magazine of my choice. It may sound small, but these magazines are usually $5 or more each and I usually don't buy them unless I am looking for something in particular.

That is my schedule and I am sticking to it!
B-2 slices muenster
L-Couple bites of scrambled egg
D-Pork chop and lettuce and feta cheese salad w/ Italian
S-Jello w/ heavy cream/splenda topping

Exercise: Broadway Blast Off (25 minutes), Curves (approx 35 mins) and Tae Bo Instructional video (60 mins, about 35 minutes of workout time)

I watched Oprah today, it was about miraculous weight losses. I was in tears watching Laura, the Mom of the 4 yr old that took her to WDW and couldn't fit in any of the rides. Having just went to WDW with my girls, and being able to experience it all, I had such a sense of loss for her. However, after she lost her weight, she went back and had a blast! I cannot remember how much weight she had lost, but it was over 100lbs, I know. I have about 75 more to go. I cannot explain it, but I got this overwhelming feeling that I was going to do this. I guess it was the sheer inspiration of her story, and the connection to Disney. My goal is to have it gone by October 2004 for our cruise, and I know I have plenty of time to make it happen, but it is like I could FEEL it. I need to order a copy of that program, in fact I am going to order it tonight. When I get "down" days, it will be the perfect inspiration!


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