Need prayers and good thoughts for Kevin's Mom today * Update 5/8/11*

Sorry to hear about the loss of your Mother. This must be especially hard so close to the loss of your Father. My words never seem right at these times, but know there are so many of us out here sending our love, prayers, and support. It s my hope that you will find some peace and time to take care of yourself. Sorry for your loss. Big hugs to you and John.
:hug: I'm so sorry you lost your Mom. She fought hard but God decided it was time for her to rest!!! Be comforted that she is in a better place and suffers no more! Best wishes and many prayers sent your way. Janet :hug:

I'm very sorry for your loss. I will continue to keep your family in my thoughts.

I know that it is relatively insignificant for me to acknowledge your mother has touched me in any way, as you have known and been impacted by her presence much longer, but I do know that a great many people have benefited from her experiences and yours and John's experiences taking care of her throughout DisneyWorld and in your everyday lives. Thanks to her, many people have gained a new perspective on their lives and the lives of other.

Wishing you peace and comfort.
Praying for peace in your heart Kevin, your love for you Mom and Dad always poured so honestly from your lips and heart on the podcast, thank you for sharing your loss with us so we can surround you with prayer and support. Peace to you and John...
We will continue to pray for you all and keep you in our thoughts.

Kevin, you offered a great gift to your mom by helping her have peace, love, and comfort as she ended this life. Thanks for your brave example, and your advice to all of us to tell our loved ones how we feel, and do it often.

No words seem right at a time like this, so I just wanted say that you and your family are in my prayers. I hope that you can draw some comfort from the fact that your love for your Mom touched many hearts.
I am on vacation in HHI but wanted to check to see how things were going. So sorry to hear of your loss. You, John & your family will remain in my thoughts & prayers. :grouphug:
I just saw the sad news of your Mom's passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you, John and your family at this difficult time. You can take comfort in that you were a great support to her through her difficult times and she is now without pain and reunited with your Dad.
Our deepest condolences to you, John, and your family. No words will heal your pain and ease your loss. But know that she is now at peace and can't hurt anymore.
Kevin, you have my deepest sympathy. I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. I will keep you in my prayers.


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