Nelson and Jenn's wonderful journey...

Happy belated birthday.
I hope that was the last of the mirgraines for a long, LONG time:hug:

And I can't wait to hear the additional news from thise other appts:yay:
I just got caught up on everything - I'm so glad you and the baby are ok. It must have been horrible to deal with the pain and worry over the little one. Glad things are ok Oh, and happy birthday a bit late!
So sorry everyone... I am here... and we are doing well...

My internet went out at work towards the end of March and was just finally fixed last week. Work is where I do all my DIS-ing and between having to do half my work when I was home and not wanting to spend more time on the computer than I had too, I fell off the DIS grid. Facebook is so much easier because and I can access it from my phone (during a commercial or in the Dr.'s waiting room)...

I had some doubts about coming back here b/c of some recent, ummm.... stuff regarding a dear friend... but I came back because there are more good people than there are bad.

I am working on a update for you right now...
Thanks Jenn! Don't know what drama you're referring to (and I'm glad about that!) but I'm happy you decided to come back and keep us updated. I've often wondered about you and prayed for your healthy and that of the baby, especially with Mother's Day fast approaching. So before anyone else says it -- Happy First Mother's Day! :hug:
Where to start, where to start....


It's a girl!!!!!

Everything has been going well... She is very active and loves to drop kick my bladder!

My only problem has been being diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes.
I have to test my blood sugar 4 times a day and started out with two insulin injections a day.

I see my Dr. every week and he was slowly pushing up my insulin amounts and I was getting good readings half of the time with higher ones the other half... until this last week when things went haywire... My highs are not high to many people but they are worrisome for me b/c of the baby. I started hitting 176, 188, 202 and not even after a half a bag of choc. chip cookies... but after grilled chicken salads and scrambled eggs with wheat toast...

So my insulin was upped again last Friday and I now do 3 injections a day...

I find myself to be happier when things are regulated, high blood sugar makes me very cranky.

That has been the only problem.... Everything is well... I had another U/S about 2 weeks ago and she is growing well... They think my due date might be a little later... 8/14 as opposed to 8/10 but there is no concern... besides if my sugar cannot be controlled i might be forced into a c-section two weeks early... so the end of July...

Thank you all for thinking of me and I really apologize for being so absent... :flower3:
They think my due date might be a little later... 8/14 as opposed to 8/10 but there is no concern

I think you should split the difference and have her on 8/12!:banana:

Yep. August 12th is a mighty fine day for a birthday. Mighty fine indeed! ::yes::
No worries Jenn, just take care of that princess! :cloud9:

Thanks Mike! :hug:

I think you should split the difference and have her on 8/12!:banana:

Yep. August 12th is a mighty fine day for a birthday. Mighty fine indeed! ::yes::

As long as it isn't 8/8 or 8/9... Those are the birthdays of two ppl I know that I absolutely loathe. I will sit in a tub of ice with my legs duct taped together to prevent labor on those days...

However, I would be happy to have this little one of your birthday Rob! ;)

Riiiiiiiiight. :rolleyes:
It's the "Blood Sugar".

Pipe down wiseguy! :headache:

Trust me, by the middle of July you will be over the whole "pregnant" thing! :rotfl2: The thought of waiting until mid-August will be enough to send you over the edge.


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