New Fireworks Remix Game

I do not get it when people say without fireworks they can not be generous. I was never good at fireworks and made the majority of credtis at ghosts.

Now lets see I gave out over 400 prizes during the holidays. And good ones too.

And gave out over 20 Santa hats, helped out new players by buying thingsfor them. So I think it is a perspective thing. I usually buy 3 of each item. And them put one item in a quest. Use one to trade and one to keep. So I can see as I have read people buying multiples of 5 or more are not happy so you can not buy has much should not effect your giving power though. Well maybe a little but really not that much. I am not putting down the players who made mega credits on fireworks but as a player not good at it it makes trades fairer for all. If you can afford to buy 10 of everything because of Fireworks how is that fair to the pirate and ghost players. Is not fairer trades mean more rarer stuff available to the working class of VMK not just the CEO's of fireworks.
Wow. Good thing I have a supply of fireworks magic in my inventory.
Belle1997, the problem for me is the old Fireworks was the ONLY mini-game that worked properly on my computer. When they changed Pirates, that made my computer go nuts and I only play when I need it for quests. I can sometimes spend 2 hours trying to win one game of Ship Battle or Capture. Jungle Cruise-- my computer freezes too much for me to get the best scores (aka anything that would give me more than 20 credits). Mansion is a disaster on my computer as well. They tinkered with it sometime early last year and it has not worked properly since. It took me about 4 hours to catch 25 ghosts two different days of the purple baseball uniform quest. There is also the issue I have mentioned and that Goofy covered well about the time of the games being different and thus the differences in payout per time spent was not as great as many people think it was (when you compare top players to top players in HM, Pirates, and Fireworks).

So, yes, this does drastically affect my buying power and gifting power. Now I have to rely solely on NPCs and music mixes for credits, or risk more headaches and almost passing out to play the new fireworks for sometimes 1/4 the credits. I woke up again today with a headache, and I still have it. I'm going to play a few more times to try again and see if it gets better, but after that, I have no choice but to quit. While not everyone is in my situation, that's how it is for me thanks to these changes. I tried Yeti Vision yesterday for the first time in a long time, and it didn't work on my computer. So unless that starts working, I really may be reduced to NPCs and music mixes. And if that is what becomes of it, then no one can expect me to be on VMK much at all in the future.
Belle1997, the problem for me is the old Fireworks was the ONLY mini-game that worked properly on my computer. When they changed Pirates, that made my computer go nuts and I only play when I need it for quests. I can sometimes spend 2 hours trying to win one game of Ship Battle or Capture. Jungle Cruise-- my computer freezes too much for me to get the best scores (aka anything that would give me more than 20 credits). Mansion is a disaster on my computer as well. They tinkered with it sometime early last year and it has not worked properly since. It took me about 4 hours to catch 25 ghosts two different days of the purple baseball uniform quest. There is also the issue I have mentioned and that Goofy covered well about the time of the games being different and thus the differences in payout per time spent was not as great as many people think it was (when you compare top players to top players in HM, Pirates, and Fireworks).

So, yes, this does drastically affect my buying power and gifting power. Now I have to rely solely on NPCs and music mixes for credits, or risk more headaches and almost passing out to play the new fireworks for sometimes 1/4 the credits. I woke up again today with a headache, and I still have it. I'm going to play a few more times to try again and see if it gets better, but after that, I have no choice but to quit. While not everyone is in my situation, that's how it is for me thanks to these changes. I tried Yeti Vision yesterday for the first time in a long time, and it didn't work on my computer. So unless that starts working, I really may be reduced to NPCs and music mixes. And if that is what becomes of it, then no one can expect me to be on VMK much at all in the future.

I totally understand your problem. To me you are a different case. So are those who can not play any game. Are you saying you can not play any game now including fireworks remix. For me the old fireworks froze and so does this one. And I am terrible at pirates only play for fun I end up getting 3 credits if I am lucky unless friendly pirates. I was not good a jungle cruise and for a few months could not play mansion. But now it is back to normal.

So I understand if you can not play any game. I do think they should give you bonus points for levels. But keep it with the credits of other games. I average around 250 in ghosts. Though I have see lots of 300 to 450 games.

So maybe a slight increase in fireworks would be good. But nothing like before that was just unfair.
Belle, the very last burst of fireworks in the old game always froze my computer. That's partially why it took me so long to get green car magic. I could have 260,000 going into the last round, and it would freeze. With the new fireworks, the vast majority of all of the Frontierland and Park View stages make my computer go haywire and freeze. I've had maybe 3 games where it wasn't too bad, but mostly it's terrible. Worse than that though is what those two stages do to my eyes and head. The flashing and glowing of the fireworks is much stronger and brighter, and as I posted that night, I almost passed out the very first time I played it. So it's a combination of computer issues and actual physical health issues for me (and my eyesight is not bad, nor do I have any ailments or diseases... worst problem I ever have is the flu or a sinus infection). I play Mansion and Pirates for quests only, because the updates to those games ruined them for my computer and it's endless freezing and/or crashing nowadays. Jungle Cruise is playable, but my computer freezes as the animals come up faster and faster. So while I can play all three games technically, I get nothing out of them, usually. I've lost far more credits in Pirates than I have earned, I think, thanks to all the crashes, freezes, and errors I encounter.

So basically I am reduced to the choice of playing fireworks 4x more than usual in the hope that it won't crash my internet or freeze my computer in order to be able to buy things and gift things and ending up with horrible headaches that never leave or rely on music mixes and NPCs only, with the hope that Yeti Vision will magically fix itself on my computer and work again.

I still don't feel the old payout system of fireworks was unfair for the top 5. It was unfair to everyone who didn't make it to that last level. I could've understood some reduction, but not the level they have done now. But I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on that point, friend. :hug:
I don't know what to do anymore. I was having trouble with fireworks, trying to be perfect and quitting all the time; but I was really improving, and I depended upon those credits. I am so upset about the new changes. :sad1:

The credit system sucks, the game is way too fast for my computer now, I haven't been able to make it to the last level since it changed, and I don't know how I'm ever going to get my green car now. I was used to the patterns of the fireworks and now the screen is way too busy for me to concentrate.

I personally don't like the new version at all. I'm going to have to learn the patterns all over again, and by the time I do that they will have upgraded it again and it will go on, and on and I'll never earn my green car!! :scared: I'll be poor again, because I'll have no way to earn credits sufficient to buy new items :eek: and, and... phew I'm exaggerating a bit. Still though, I hate this new version, my computer can hardly handle the busy screen.

The most important thing for me, is that I really depended on that game to earn credits. 50,000 credits I earned in three days of extremely hard work at that game, and now it's going to take me probably five times as long to earn that much! What am I going to do!? I'm freaking out here!!

No sign of fireworks magic now?

Tonight in Hula's room, Laurabearz popped the question and Hula said she's not sure if or when the Fireworks will return. So yes, they are gone and as of right now, they're not due to return.
re: Magic's post ^^^

Didn't Yavn say in a recent newsletter something like with the new remix "Don't worry, you won't have to come in second to get the magic!"

Well, that's one way not to have to worry about it. :rolleyes: :rotfl2:
Hmm. My verdict? I dislike it! What kind of show would a fireworks show be if 85% of the fireworks shot out were "duds"? This is exactly how this remixed game comes off to me. Encouraging you to completely ignore half of the fireworks just to get ones you think you might be able to get "flawless" on? Silly. Then to top it all off the speed after you hit Frontierland is insane. Makes my head spin. LOL I tell ya, if this were real all of us would be putting on one lousy version of "Wishes". :rotfl2:

However, I do like other changes such as seeing the avatars of the top 3 players, and seeing the scores of the people who are closest to you. But as far as actual gameplay is concerned, I think they need to go back to the drawing board.:rolleyes1
Dizny, I thought about that as I was playing tonight while listening to my Wishes soundtrack. I guess add that to the list of major beefs I have with this game. I'm trying to get a 2nd gold pin in case my mom wants it (if not I'll trade it), and then I can't see myself frequenting that game. She's already refusing to play, and she was better faster at the old game than I was. :sad2:

It's almost like Yavn and co. noticed all the sandbagging [and who could blame anyone with the price of things... sheesh, but anyway] and decided to put a weird twist on it... miss fireworks for more points. But get less credits. Part of me wonders if that is not a coincidence. :scared:
It's almost like Yavn and co. noticed all the sandbagging [and who could blame anyone with the price of things... sheesh, but anyway] and decided to put a weird twist on it... miss fireworks for more points. But get less credits. Part of me wonders if that is not a coincidence. :scared:

Yeah, it seems like they're always doing bizarre, backwards stuff like that just to give themselves the giggles. First it was getting SECOND place in the game to win magic, now this. What's next?:confused3
I'm going to have to learn the patterns all over again, and by the time I do that they will have upgraded it again and it will go on, and on and I'll never earn my green car!!

The patterns are gone now, apparently. From what I've seen and read, the fireworks are all random now.
Whether this is intended or not, the patterns are not entirely random. I've had the same two sequences for various parts of the game at least 3 times each now. I double checked this by popping in my Wishes CD and listening start to finish each game, and immediately my mouse went right over to where the firework should come from based on previous games, and BINGO quite a few times. Same firework, same exact position, same firework after it and same location for that too.

As others have mentioned elsewhere, there is some kind of a pattern in this game. Albeit a very confusing and complicated one, but a pattern. May not be intentional, but there is a pattern.
:furious: I cant even count how many games I played today and I am still without my FIRST bronze pin.

:( I just cant get it... I wish I knew what others know. :confused3

Lucky you Sorc.

Well my success at the old game definitely comes in handy. It's still hard though because it's too darned fast, confusing, and my computer keeps going kaboom (lost total control of it for about 10 minutes tonight after my first game-- my resources were at 100%, I was out of memory... grand old mess I had :sad2: ). Trying to tell myself to NOT try and go for all the fireworks is both aggravating and confusing. I just started fiddling with the "Explode All" feature today, and I just got more confused. Best advice I can give is, as others said, generally don't go for a firework if you can't get flawless on it. Obnoxious as it is, that's how you do well.

Heh, apparently there's trades to be had with those gold pins, though! People in the game are offering Holiday Quest items for them already. :eek: Shame no one ever offered me that for Fireworks magic. That was easy for me to get... :rotfl2: Lest someone get the wrong idea, I'm only joking of course... once I was able to win it regularly, I never traded fireworks magic for anything that was retired or hard to get, unless someone specifically wanted 5 star magic and offered something not so rare, but not readily available either-- example a 50th lantern when that quest was still available; I figured 500 minutes+ of successful play was worth something a little less common, in that particular case.

Oh, and apparently a few someones read my post about gifting earlier this week... starting that night I've had a bunch of Guests coming up to me asking for free since they "didn't have anything." Didn't bother anyone else in the rooms. Only me. Suspicious? I think so. So, for the record, I don't gift anyone who asks me to. I gift people I see are being nice, helpful, and the like, or friends. VMK beggars will not get anything from me, thanks. :sad2:
I finally got a chance to check it out and I must say, I like it lol. I like that it gives me something to work at now; a challenge. It makes things less boring :)

The only thing I don't like is that it lags a lot! :headache: But It'll wear off. :goodvibes
:mad: I'm so frustrated with this game right now. Since yesterday, when I try going into the lobby the load bar stops just at the end and sits there. It eventually loads and the lobby shows up on the screen but by that time it's been to long and I'm disconnected because of inactivity. Sure makes finishing the New Orleans Square Quest difficult.

Anyone else having this problem?



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