New job

Skiing is best, Mickey comes next
Jun 17, 2000
Just thought I'd share my news with my DIS friends: I have a new job!

After four and a half years at the House of Commons the time has come to move on, and in the next few weeks I take up a post at the University of Warwick managing a programme to support technology education in schools across the country. I was looking for a more hands-on role, working closer to service delivery in education to complement my policy work over the last few years. I'm therefore very pleased with the new job as it is just the thing I was looking for.

To celebrate I have booked a lastminute skiing holiday, leaving on Saturday. When I'm away I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that these boards don't collapse, and that you'll alll be here when I return!



Nice one Rob, theres nothing better than doing a job your interested in.
Rob, how exciting! It sounds like a really interesting job and well done to you. Working at the House of Commons seems quite glamourous to me, but then I'm easily impressed and no doubt the reality is altogether different!

Will it involve a house move for you? Enjoy your weekend. :D
Great news Rob, hope you enjoy your new job - new horizone, new challenges etc. And enjoy your hol too - but don't "break a leg". LOL.
Many congratulations on your new job :) ........ I hope you find it really rewarding :)

Enjoy the skiing trip :) ...... where are you going?
Congratulations Rob! :D

Warwick is a lovely place, will you be moving there or commuting from London?

All the very best, it sounds as if you have found your dream job! :D
Hi Rob,

There's nothing like a new challenge to ignite the fire in your belly.

Congratulations! Have a great holiday!

Thanks very much, guys.

At the moment the intention is to spend part of the time at Warwick and part of the time working from home, so moving is not on the cards. However, it is a very nice part of the world so I would be happy to relocate if that was necessary in the long run.


Hi Rob,

Fantastic news!

Enjoy your holiday - we'll all be here when you get back.

Rob - many, many congratulations on the new job. :)

Have a great holiday and make the most of the break before starting your new Job.
Congratulations Rob!

You'll get a bit more house for your money if you do move!

Have a great time on holiday

Congratulations Rob, I know you were looking for something like that , you must be very excited . :)
Thanks, again.

Vernon, it's taken a few months since we had lunch to find the right thing, but it's worked out well in the end.


Congratulations, Rob - it sounds like a great move for you.

Hope the skiing goes well, and see you when you get back :)
Great news Rob - Congratulations :)

Have a fabulous ski-ing trip, sounds like a good way to celebrate to me!!

Astrid x
Nice one........

The Illumination cruise will be on you then, I take it?:p


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