New job

Maybe not the cruise Steve, but certainly celebratory drinks! Assuming, of course, that like me enough to keep me on beyond my probationary period ;)


Great news and good luck
Have fun on your skiing trip way to go
Congratulations Rob:D

We'll still be here when you get back,never fear;)
Congratulations Rob!
Sounds a very interesting and hopefully rewarding job. Good luck.

Have a good holiday too:)
Congratulations on your new Job Rob - I am really happy that you have found something you will really enjoy.

I hope you also have a wonderful holiday:)

Congrats, Rob. How exciting for you.

Hope all your dreams come true.

Where are you skiiing??

Congratulations Rob

All the best in your new job

Enjoy the skiing and dont break anything!!!!

Look forward to hearing from you on your return


Thanks very much guys. I'm now back (from Courchevel) with all limbs in good working order, and trying to catch up on my DIS news.


Hope you had a fantastic time skiing Rob. And no broken limbs to take to your new job - Well Done!
I know it will be a bit late, but I just saw this post...Doh!!

Congratulations Rob :)


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