(NEW TR LINK) Mickey MMMouse,McDonald Duck& Memo: 12 Days & 13.1 Miles. Nov 2013 TR

I also suffer from tummy issues while running- this was a gigantic concern for me for this race. I actually failed to share the story in my last post... but I decided very last mintue to take an Immodium a few hours before the race. My sister-in-law asked for one too. I dug them out of my bag and handed it out & we both took it. I had not tried this before and so even made the comment "I hope I don't regret this".

I didn't really (other issues arose which I will share in my next post for you and Karen as a warning) however the next day as I was back in my bag I pulled out some more of the loose immodiums I had passed out the night before and looked at them a little closer. And realized they were allergy meds. I totally took & gave my sister-in-law allergy medicine. I mean, because getting up at 5am and running a race till 1:30am isn't tiring enough, let's give out drugs that physically make you tired.

I have yet to cop up to that to her- I feel really bad.

Lesson to learn- look at your drugs before taking and distrubuting. :eek:

So not only did I run a 1/2 with not sleep and a migraine. I also ran with while taking drugs that make you drowsy. Woo. Go me. I feel like I earned some add'l endurance medal for all that! Hahahaha!

I'm very behind reading your TR. I followed you over from the cupcake thread. I am sitting in the car rider line to pick up DS7 from school and I am crying from laughing so hard! I love this so much. Lol!:rotfl2:
I'm very behind reading your TR. I followed you over from the cupcake thread. I am sitting in the car rider line to pick up DS7 from school and I am crying from laughing so hard! I love this so much. Lol!:rotfl2:

Hi! Love when cupcakes join! Thanks for reading!!!

I would like to point out that I have still not fessed up to that- I just feel bad that it happened & it wasn't intentional.... so.........

My next runs.. I will be double checking my meds! Hahahaha!!!
Let me give you a picture of the toothless wonder Sherpa.

Yhea- he's not making it anywhere near Everest.

And yes, yes he is dressed up like a bat. Why? No, not because it's Halloween. It's because he had an important part to play in Rebecca's 11th Birthday Party last year which was 'Wicked' themed. He is a flying monkey pug. :rotfl2:

Flying monkey pug?!? I LOVE IT!
I won't comment on every little thing because I was so far behind, but I am really loving your TR! Your girls are all so cute! I'm looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip!
I won't comment on every little thing because I was so far behind, but I am really loving your TR! Your girls are all so cute! I'm looking forward to reading about the rest of your trip!

Aww, thanks! And thanks for reading my lengthy TR! :)

I hope to post another update tonight. I have spent the day spring cleaning!! We'll see how tired I am!
Aww, thanks! And thanks for reading my lengthy TR! :)

I hope to post another update tonight. I have spent the day spring cleaning!! We'll see how tired I am!

To quote my own quote.

I did an entire update..and then the damn DIS crashed and I lost it. And now I'm just pi$$ed and will not re-do until I get over my pi$$ness.


So sorry. I had good intentions. But now I have children to shower and get to bed, lunches to make, laundry to finish & go to bed!!! Maybe tomorrow when I'm not bitter. Ha!
Oh I hate that! I usually right click and copy whatever I have typed before hitting submit in case that happens! You'll have time to redo it at work today, you don't have to actually work, right? :lmao:
So finally got over loss of my previous posting. And have decided to give it a go again. Mostly because this TR is like 10 million years in the making. Much like the span of the Dinosaur age. So Just keeping in theme.

Hopefully the Posting Gods will be with me this morning and this will go through. And also that my boss doesn't come in early (do employers know how many hours are lost on the DIS, I wonder?!?)

Anyways...on to the posting.

So this is the one where we will be meeting Barney's relatives.

AKA- our trip to Downtown Disney for dinner at T-Rex. Reservation made especially with one girl in mind. That girl who bought that cute cuddley Dino thingy at AK earlier......

After learning my lesson on driving to Downtown Disney (sometimes I DO learn!) I declared we would be taking the bus over. So we went back to the hotel, tidied up... and boarded a bus to Downtown Disney.

On our walk over to the resturant we stopped for a few pictures. In the interest of saving photo space for this post- I'll only post one.

Hmmm... seems Photobucket is being very tempermental this AM. Perhaps my boss paid off the company so I'll work instead of make Dinosaur posts....

Anyways. We eventaully arrived at our destination. T-Rex. Home of all cute cuddly dinos.

Look at the joy on Char's face as she faces the cameras and not the gigantic dinos.. (meaning- she has NO idea what's in store for her!!)

Sarah had been saving money ALL week to make sure she had some to 'Build-A-Dino". So that was our first stop. In a suprising move (not really, considering the rivalry between sisters) Becca elected ALSO to use her money to purchase a dino to stuff.

Why? Because her sister was doing it. Remember Becca is all princess & fairytales. She is also 11. Why does she need a stuffed Dino? Mmm.. ok. (please note that said Dino has NOT been played with since.. oh... ever).

However, it was her money and her choice. So...whatevs.

The girls analyzed their options. Well, not really- Sarah analyzed her options. Becca bee-lined straight to the brightest, girliest, most deciedely UN-DINOSAUR looking DINO.

I give you Tye-Dye Dino. The Dino for kids who don't like dinos but need a dino because their sisters are getting one.

She stuffed it with love.

And that's pretty much the last attention that Dino has gotten.

Oh wait. She did hug it once.

This dino is currently applying for Toy Story #4: The Tale of the Unloved Dino.

Meanwhile, Sarah was on a quest for a 'real looking Dino'. No fake Tye-Dye cr#p. Ultimetly she decided on this little lady.

Stuffing with love....

Naming it....

And hugging it.

I don't know about you guys, but this thing is MUCH cuter than the one she picked out earlier. And she does sleep with it still........

Dino in Dino Box in front of Dino Store.....

Charlie- having looked around and dissapointed to see no Memo Shirt in the Build-A-Dino store- decided to wait out her souvie money for our last day at Epcot.

Our table was ready by the time we were done...and it was dinner time!

We were seated in the ice-cave section. So here.....

And given the required uniform for T-Rex. Yes, it does have required uniforms...

Jacket required you ask?
Black tie attire you ask?


Purple Dino Hats. REQUIRED. (and THIS Purple Dino is so much cuter than the 1990's Purple Dino named Barney. AND This purple dino doesn't sing annoying songs.. so HUGE bonus!!)

There's Tye-Dye again saying "Please let me out" "Someone love me".

Please notice Charlie's face. In case you can't deciper, it means "Where in the h#ll am I now?" "And what the eff do I have on my head?"

Nothing says 'hotness' than a man in a Dino hat. Am I right?

Becasue I have the bladder the size of a pea.. it dictated I used the bathroom. "She-Rex" is the prehistoric distant cousin to the more well known "She-Ra" from 1980 cartoons. In case you were wondering. Which, you probably were not.

And because I am all about gender equality. "He-Rex" Prehistoric Cousin to "He-Man".

After checking out the bathrooms- Sarah, her Dino & Rebecca were ready to explore the resturant. Charlie opted to stay in the safe zone which was staring at her coloring book and not gigantic, roaring Dinos.

Oh Mr. T-Rex. Please don't eat my baby.

Way to photobomb my picture Waiter. Thanks a lot.

We searched out some Hidden Mickeys. See this one?

Oh, look.. there's the tank behind it that burst the other day...

Back at our table... another hidden Mickey arrived on my plate.

We ate. We paid.

We walked out the door. I started dropping sublte hints to my mother about how awesome it would be if hubby and I could go out to Jellyrolls by ourselves as we never ever (like ever) get a night out.

She didn't take the bait.

So then I started reminding my mother how lucky she was that she hadn't been sold to pirates yet..and how it would be REALLY REALLY great if she could watch the kids for us tonight so we could go to Jellyrolls.

She still didn't take the bait.

So I finally just begged her to please watch the kids for us that night so we could go to Jelly Rolls.

1.5 hours after this conversation I had this view:

Thank you mom (but no fear. I heard about it for the REST OF THE VACATION. Because my mom is REALLY good about that. Playing martyr, that is).

So, if you are counting, that makes my THIRD trip to this most awesome place!

We ran into Skier-Pete and his wife. But they were meeting a big group and seeing how we go on a date once a decade... we decided to just stick to ourselves... and watch the awesome show....

We were lucky as the best duo was working tonight- Scotty & Ray... I feel qualified to state this becasue I had now seen in rotation quite a few 'teams' due to my excessive visiting of this establisment. It may be the players at Jellyrolls felt I was becoming stalkerish. Perhaps I was. I have no shame in being a Jellyroll Groupie. They are that awesome!!

Scotty does a mean Kermit the Frog "Rainbow Connection" song.

Yhea, yhea.. it's blurry. It's dark in there.

SELFIE. Not TOO bad considering my skill set of taking selfies...(No comments, Sweet Dee)

And before I knew it- it was after midnight. And we had a busy day the next day. No rest for the weary.

Now, hitting post and hoping it goes through.....
WOOT! I'm glad you tried again, I needed some giggles this morning. (and you always make me laugh) :flower3:

That selfie is pretty fabulous! You've been holding out on me, you do know how to take a good one! :thumbsup2

I was dying at your commentary about the dinos. That poor tie dye dino! ;) I'm glad the tank didn't bust when you were there, I'll never look at those tanks the same way after seeing that!

I had a crap start to my morning but I'm doing what you did yesterday and deciding to just NOT be in a funk! :goodvibes
WOOT! I'm glad you tried again, I needed some giggles this morning. (and you always make me laugh) :flower3:

That selfie is pretty fabulous! You've been holding out on me, you do know how to take a good one! :thumbsup2

I was dying at your commentary about the dinos. That poor tie dye dino! ;) I'm glad the tank didn't bust when you were there, I'll never look at those tanks the same way after seeing that!

I had a crap start to my morning but I'm doing what you did yesterday and deciding to just NOT be in a funk! :goodvibes

Glad I could make you laugh. :joker:

It really is just a shame we don't live closer and could meet to share cupcakes and alcohol when we need to!

Sending cyber cupcakes. And since there is no cupcake icon. I shall send you.... a dancing banana. Of course... :banana:

And also say....

SPAZZ-A-JAZZARIT (Did you notice when you put it all together- it has a really awesome ring? Almost like those words were MEANT to go together.... I bet we see this in the Urban dictonary next year!)

A dancing banana is what I need. The cupcakes and drinks need to STAY cyber and not real at this point. I had cheesecake last night and nearly made myself sick, I'm up on the scale and I'm just feeling nasty. Time to kick this into gear! I have a 4 mile run today with my furry client and it's supposed to be 75 degrees!!!!! I'm stoked and at least I can burn off a few bites of that damn cheesecake. :rolleyes:
Looks like a fun time at dinner. While DD likes Rainforest Cafe, she won't go near T-rex. Too scary!

Jellyrolls is always a blast. We were there for too short a time, as we had to leave because we had to pay for someone to watch DD. Of course, we didn't get any guilt given to us over it.

I get why you didn't want to "hang" with our group, as they were even more strangers than we were! :lmao: It was nice to get to see you and Kurt one more time, though.
Looks like a fun trip to bulid a dino and t-rex!
We have a dino, the very same green one Sarah picked, who has gotten no love! At least some one is loving that green dino somewhere. My DD just had to do one like her friend when we went to the STL science center. She has sat in the corner since the day we got home and never looked at again! Poor neglected dinos:sad2:

I am glad you guys got a date night! My mom is the same way about watching our DD. She always gives me this lecture: No one ever watched my kids I was able to leave you one time the entire time you were growing up. The entire time I am thinking I already knew all of that, are you going to watch her or not?:confused3 I hate the martyr syndrome! Sadly we don't get out much just the two of us either.

A dancing banana is what I need. The cupcakes and drinks need to STAY cyber and not real at this point. I had cheesecake last night and nearly made myself sick, I'm up on the scale and I'm just feeling nasty. Time to kick this into gear! I have a 4 mile run today with my furry client and it's supposed to be 75 degrees!!!!! I'm stoked and at least I can burn off a few bites of that damn cheesecake. :rolleyes:

I can not tell a lie. I ate a sugar cookie covered in frosting at lunch.

Looks like a fun time at dinner. While DD likes Rainforest Cafe, she won't go near T-rex. Too scary!

Jellyrolls is always a blast. We were there for too short a time, as we had to leave because we had to pay for someone to watch DD. Of course, we didn't get any guilt given to us over it.

I get why you didn't want to "hang" with our group, as they were even more strangers than we were! :lmao: It was nice to get to see you and Kurt one more time, though.

Yes, I love JellyRolls. Number one groupie! Right here! :)

I have plans to go in October and in Feburary of next year. Both are kid free so no need to locate babysitting. :cheer2:

Charlie was not a fan of T-Rex. :)

Looks like a fun trip to bulid a dino and t-rex!
We have a dino, the very same green one Sarah picked, who has gotten no love! At least some one is loving that green dino somewhere. My DD just had to do one like her friend when we went to the STL science center. She has sat in the corner since the day we got home and never looked at again! Poor neglected dinos:sad2:

I am glad you guys got a date night! My mom is the same way about watching our DD. She always gives me this lecture: No one ever watched my kids I was able to leave you one time the entire time you were growing up. The entire time I am thinking I already knew all of that, are you going to watch her or not?:confused3 I hate the martyr syndrome! Sadly we don't get out much just the two of us either.

Oh, maybe your dino can join the cast with our dino of Toy Story 4- The Tale of the Unloved Dino!! Or they could start a support group. "Living with Neadrathals. How to cope with CaveMan Behavior in your owner"

Are our mothers related? :)
finally here to reply! I read this awhile ago on my phone, but I hate trying to reply on there--it's too tiny and my eyes are too old for that! :laughing:

we have dinos from the build a dino at the science center here and a zebra (dressed as a princess, of course) from the zoo. we could never go into build a anything ever again and I'd be ok with that. seriously, do those stuffies multiply at night or what?!?

t-rex looks fun! we had dinner there on our last trip. but I'm totally bummed out--I didn't get any hidden mickey on my plate! that's pretty fun!

jellyrolls looks like a good time out for the grownups. we've never been over to the boardwalk at all. definitely going to have to check it out sometime!
finally here to reply! I read this awhile ago on my phone, but I hate trying to reply on there--it's too tiny and my eyes are too old for that! :laughing:

we have dinos from the build a dino at the science center here and a zebra (dressed as a princess, of course) from the zoo. we could never go into build a anything ever again and I'd be ok with that. seriously, do those stuffies multiply at night or what?!?

t-rex looks fun! we had dinner there on our last trip. but I'm totally bummed out--I didn't get any hidden mickey on my plate! that's pretty fun!

jellyrolls looks like a good time out for the grownups. we've never been over to the boardwalk at all. definitely going to have to check it out sometime!

Stuffies do multiply. They are like gremlins exposed to water!!!

I thought that hidden Mickey on my bun was pretty cool! :thumbsup2

I love, love, love Jellyrolls. But it's almost impossible to go with small children in tow. Which is why I had never been until this last trip!
Saturday dawned very early- especially after a late night out. Once again, I got the pleasure of waking with the young child while the man-child slept.

We trekked our miles for Mama's Diet Coke. And back again. Today was a big day...we were heading back to Magic Kingdom AND we were getting to visit with my Step-Sister and her two kiddos who live in Miami.

We never ever see them & so they were driving up to spend the day and the girls were SO excited to be spending time with their cousins!

While I waited for everyone to get ready- me and some children chilled on the balcony.

Sarah pointed out lots of cool happenings on the Savannah that AM.

That picture doesn't looked posed or anything, does it? No..... no way!

She's so stinking cute!!!

There were indeed big happenings with the animals this morning....

Big Horned Thingies (official name) ate breakfast.

"Hey, How you Doing? Nice Rear... why don't you come share my pile"

Awww... cutsie sweet little zebra baby and mama....

Seriously, how much cuteness can you get in the early AM?

Zebras want in on some action there.... Big Horn Thingys ain't sharing....

Mama Zebra comes up with a plan. First plan. The stare down. "Look deep into my eyes... you will share your food".

Ok. Next plan.

"Maybe if I play dead, they will get distracted. Then we can swoop in and eat"

No? Okay. Maybe if I roll around like I'm having a seizure they will alert medical authorities and while they are away, we grab and run?

Big Horn Thingy's Just Kept Eating. And checking out other big horn thingy's rears. They were not interested in staring Zebras or dead Zebras or seizure Zebras or Zebra rears. Fail on that plan Mama Zebra. Maybe next time.

Eventually we were forced off our balcony and into the car..and over to Magic Kingdom.

Where so much non-magical stuff happened I don't even want to recall it.

First, monorail was down AGAIN. And... they literally closed up the ferry as we walked up to it. So LOOOONG wait again on the ship with no Lido deck or free ice-cream. We had people to meet.. places to be!! FP for some Princesses!!!

It was CROWDED today. And we got in all the lines... and you know that little green Mickey that lights up to let you in the park. Well, he didn't light up. Nope. Wasn't happening. Nada. Park lady walks up and says "It says "not valid ticket". And then says 'sorry' and walks away.

W. T. F. ?

I was about to blow up and another cast member says "Calm down and go stand in that (points to very long customer relations booth line) line".

What choice do I have? So I stand. And stand... and stand. And stand some more. Step sister and kids arrive. They stand waiting for us. 1/2 hour later I get up to a window.

Where the lady scans my magic bands and says "you have no valid tickets left on this" Uh. No, really.. I do. I paid for SEVEN DAY PARK HOPPERS!! I've used FOUR DAYS. If you can do math.. that means I have THREE DAYS LEFT!

Her response "No you don't". Not nicely. No sympathy. Literally like handing them back to me saying "here you go, goodbye".

I kept telling her we did, I bought 7 days... we only did 4. She tells me "well, you can buy tickets for today to get in but I can't do anything for you". WHAT?!?! I AM NOT BUYING TICKETS TO GET IN WHEN I BOUGHT TICKETS AND HAVE THREE DAYS LEFT. (This was ALL 5 of our bands, btw.. only my mother's was working)

Finally I asked to see her manager. Who researched some more and came back and said "oh, you bought sports tickets (through RunDisney). Those expire 7 days after the event. Um. Really, because when I bought them I SPECIFICALLY ASKED THAT QUESTION and was told 14 days. I think I told them at that point to go 'find my recorded call from 6 months prior!'

Then I said, nothing indicates on here ANY expiration. She said "where's your original paperwork- show me! WHY WOULD I HAVE ORIGINAL PAPERWORK with me IN the park 4 days into using these?. I was another 1/2 hour at this point arguing..and the lady was NOT going to let me in the park.

I finally just bust into tears. I was soooo upset! And her manager felt bad for me and told the cast member to let us in the park. She gave me 'one day tickets only' And then nicely added "you can try at your hotel to figure it out for the rest of your stay but I'm not promising anything."

I said "Oh, and we lost 2 of our fast passes while figure this all out this". She said "Nothing I can do about that. Sorry. Next"

I was shaking and crying.. I was so mad. My mom came up to me and just told me to let it go.. shake it and let's go in and enjoy the day. The kids were excited to see each other and we'd sort it out later.

So anyways, walking into the park.. my favorite place in the world.. and I was a mess! We stopped and attempted some pictures at the castle.... They did not turn out so well!

I like to call this one.. awkward family poses at Disneyworld. Please notice Charlie......

The guy on his cell phone in the background adds a nice touch too, don't you think?

The kids voted Adventureland.. so that's where we headed.... We pretty much ran right into Swiss Family Robinson Tree House. As discussed before, my children LOVE this tree house & so it was a must to go up again!

Notice my NOT happy face behind them..... still really trying to shake it...

Sarah and her cousin check things out......

That one was NOT posed.

None of these are my pictures, btw.. I was too busy 'trying to shake it' and I think Kurt was trying to calm me down....

What up, peeps?

Step-sister, niece & Ms. B climbing the tree house!

Up, up & away... Sarah LOVES her cousin. She follows him everywhere...

Our next stop was Jingle Cruise!

All decorated for the holidays! Christmas trees and all...

Christmas Lights too... plus, one of my fave hidden Mickeys is here.. see it?

PSYCH! Did I make you look hard. Sorry. Actually I just realized it's not in the picture. It's ABOVE the picture in a tree above the hut. So sorry about that... try to find it next time you ride.

We boarded our boat...Nice blurry pic for you....

And got really awesome pictures of animals. Like this one.

Yhea, I don't know people. Don't ask. Remember, I was still really upset!

Hey, this one turned out kinda clear....

I took this picture below (and I say took this picture lightly because it's a pretty horrible picture).. to document something I learned in my keys to the kingdom tour earlier in the week...

Disney tries to honor it's old rides/memories when they retire them by putting things up in the park- much like the famous toad picture in Winne the Pooh's house. So THIS dude is wearing a skirt made out of the original fabric of the original jungle cruise boats decades ago..........

Also, he will sell you a head..if you have the right amount of dough. Don't try to trade him for apparently expired sports tickets... or he'll take your head!

Course that's taking for granted you can even tell it's the head salesman..as the picture is so poor.

It was already like 11:45 by the time we got off this ride due to all the commotion of the morning... but the kids had plans.

Those plans DID NOT include lunch yet, much to my dismay. Instead... we were off to sell Grandma to the pirates!!!!
Omg, here I thought I was going to be filled with happy things like baby zebras and instead I got this mess! I would have been SO upset, I'm not sure I would have been able to shake that at all! :( I'm glad the kids didn't seem to let it ruin their fun but oh man, I would have been upset the whole time and worried about what was going to happen when I tried to fix the situation later! Sorry you had to deal with all that! :hug:

I'm off to lose myself in the TV. The house seems empty without Rey here. I swear it gets harder and harder, you would think it would get easier?? :confused3
Omg, here I thought I was going to be filled with happy things like baby zebras and instead I got this mess! I would have been SO upset, I'm not sure I would have been able to shake that at all! :( I'm glad the kids didn't seem to let it ruin their fun but oh man, I would have been upset the whole time and worried about what was going to happen when I tried to fix the situation later! Sorry you had to deal with all that! :hug:

I'm off to lose myself in the TV. The house seems empty without Rey here. I swear it gets harder and harder, you would think it would get easier?? :confused3

Well I tried... I put pictures of big horn thingies looking at other big horn thingies rears.

And the Zebras were still cute.

And there was a nice awkward family pose in there....

:confused3 No? Not feeling it?

See, that d@mn castmember is even ruining my Trip Report.

Here's a little sneak peek.. everything DID work out. And I got a wee bit of small revenge. So........... :cheer2:

I am actually not having a good day either. I went for a run today and it was one of those runs where it's not even that far- everything hurts, you are winded & you bust into tears wondering why you are even contemplating ANY races when you can't do measly miles. It was horrible. I came home and cried. Boo.

Maybe I'll try to find a good movie to watch too.... I am of no Tweedle help today...... for shame. :guilty:


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