(NEW TR LINK) Mickey MMMouse,McDonald Duck& Memo: 12 Days & 13.1 Miles. Nov 2013 TR

OMG, my mood rubbed off on you! I'm sorry Tweedle! Here, I'm going to make it all better...


I hate those runs, but it means the next one will be awesome! Right?!?!

Can't wait to hear more, even when things go wrong at Disney, they don't stay that way for long! :thumbsup2

and the big horn thingie rears were a nice gesture. ;)
Following along :)
Your baby zebra pictures are adorable! Would love to have that view.
Sad for you with the unmagical attitude... Geesh it's the MK.
Awkward family portrait made me LOL with the YUM-O guy on the cell photo- bombing your picture. Too funny.
Keep smiling.....
man, and the day started to great with the cute baby zebra and big horned thingies! that was not great service from ANY of those CMs. I surprised--one rude CM I can brush off as having a bad day, more than one is just not Disney! i'm glad they let you in finally!

besides all that, they kids look like they are having a great time! our youngest follows her only male cousin around all the time. he's about 8 years older then she is and, bless his heart, never complains about her wanting ALL his attention whenever we see them. cousins are awesome! also, he's the youngest in his family, so I think he likes finally having someone who looks up to him...

I like the elephant picture! that's a good one! I see this day turning around!
OMG, my mood rubbed off on you! I'm sorry Tweedle! Here, I'm going to make it all better...


I hate those runs, but it means the next one will be awesome! Right?!?!

Can't wait to hear more, even when things go wrong at Disney, they don't stay that way for long! :thumbsup2

and the big horn thingie rears were a nice gesture. ;)

:rotfl2::rotfl: Best picture ever. I saved it. I will be re-using it many times in the future! It may be the picture that goes on the tee-shirts (although possibly will need to be edited as we add more words!).

Thank you for the laugh. This is awesome!!!!
Following along :)
Your baby zebra pictures are adorable! Would love to have that view.
Sad for you with the unmagical attitude... Geesh it's the MK.
Awkward family portrait made me LOL with the YUM-O guy on the cell photo- bombing your picture. Too funny.
Keep smiling.....

Hi! Welcome & thanks for reading!! :welcome:

It was an awesome view. I must say- I just LOVED waking up every day and walking out to see the animals.

The unmaigcal attitude was not fun. But that was literally the very worst of our entire week... it DOES get better... It will probably just take me 3 weeks to get to that part... the rate I post! Hahahaha!

I actually am a big fan of awkward family photos to pull out at later dates in the future and laugh at!

I am smiling today.. IT'S FRIDAY!! WOOT! :cool1:

man, and the day started to great with the cute baby zebra and big horned thingies! that was not great service from ANY of those CMs. I surprised--one rude CM I can brush off as having a bad day, more than one is just not Disney! i'm glad they let you in finally!

besides all that, they kids look like they are having a great time! our youngest follows her only male cousin around all the time. he's about 8 years older then she is and, bless his heart, never complains about her wanting ALL his attention whenever we see them. cousins are awesome! also, he's the youngest in his family, so I think he likes finally having someone who looks up to him...

I like the elephant picture! that's a good one! I see this day turning around!

Wait.. so you are saying you didn't like my unrecognizable picture of the heads salesman? :rotfl2:

There is a bit more to that unmagical CM... she apparently... has a reputation.... :rolleyes: (ooh, more suspense building...)

Yes, I agree- cousins ARE the best. My bestest friend in the whole world (the one I forced to run with me in this report) is my cousin! I don't know what I would do without her! She is the sister I never had, the one person I can tell anything to, she never judges me & she jumps headfirst into the crazy stuff I come up with and still manages to love me through it all! Cousins most definetly are a wonderful gift! I am so blessed by mine!
Wait.. so you are saying you didn't like my unrecognizable picture of the heads salesman? :rotfl2:

There is a bit more to that unmagical CM... she apparently... has a reputation.... :rolleyes: (ooh, more suspense building...)

Yes, I agree- cousins ARE the best. My bestest friend in the whole world (the one I forced to run with me in this report) is my cousin! I don't know what I would do without her! She is the sister I never had, the one person I can tell anything to, she never judges me & she jumps headfirst into the crazy stuff I come up with and still manages to love me through it all! Cousins most definetly are a wonderful gift! I am so blessed by mine!

please...if it's a picture of Disney, it could be blurry, backwards, upside down, whatever and i'd still love it! :thumbsup2

suspense!!! you're killing me! can't wait to hear more about that!
Yipes! That's a pretty lousy experience to ruin your day. And worst of all, it wasn't actually resolved, so I'm sure you were stressing about the two days you had left.

I have to say for all the problems we had with our tickets this last trip, it never really disrupted the trip itself, we were fortunate that my hours spent with guest services were all during "down time" not "park time".

Love your AKL pics. Can I ask where your room location was? (room # would do.) I really want to try Kidani out the next time we go with our DVC points. My biggest complaint wasn't the far off room location we had at Jambo (which sort of sucked) but the fact we were on the top floor, making us far above the animals. It looks like you guys were much lower, which to me is the key request for our next stay there..lower floor!

I hope you were able to lose the anger and enjoy some of the day.
Yipes! That's a pretty lousy experience to ruin your day. And worst of all, it wasn't actually resolved, so I'm sure you were stressing about the two days you had left.

I have to say for all the problems we had with our tickets this last trip, it never really disrupted the trip itself, we were fortunate that my hours spent with guest services were all during "down time" not "park time".

Love your AKL pics. Can I ask where your room location was? (room # would do.) I really want to try Kidani out the next time we go with our DVC points. My biggest complaint wasn't the far off room location we had at Jambo (which sort of sucked) but the fact we were on the top floor, making us far above the animals. It looks like you guys were much lower, which to me is the key request for our next stay there..lower floor!

I hope you were able to lose the anger and enjoy some of the day.

Room number? I can't even remember what I ate yesterday.........:scratchin

Ok, I went and looked at a map to try to jog my memory..and it worked. We were first floor, room 7677. Literally, about 3 rooms from the very END of the wing. Also, you want to face Sunset Safari as the Pembe view doesn't have zebras or giraffes.

You are spot on with lower level. I just rented points for Princess Half Marathon weekend in Feb at AKL and the only request I put in was "Lower Level" - only we are trying Jambo House this time.
Room number? I can't even remember what I ate yesterday.........:scratchin

Ok, I went and looked at a map to try to jog my memory..and it worked. We were first floor, room 7677. Literally, about 3 rooms from the very END of the wing. Also, you want to face Sunset Safari as the Pembe view doesn't have zebras or giraffes.

You are spot on with lower level. I just rented points for Princess Half Marathon weekend in Feb at AKL and the only request I put in was "Lower Level" - only we are trying Jambo House this time.

I thought all the Savannah's had Giraffes. Good to know though.

One thing you may want to know, and I can't recall where I read this, but I think that the DVC rooms in Jambo are all 5th and 6th floor rooms. No "lower floor" to request.

OK - I did a quick search and confirmed it. 5th and 6th floor only. Though this is a Pre-Kidani source. Everything else I read also said 5th and 6th floor. (6th floor is Conceirge)


This is the main reason I want to check out Kidani. Lower floor, better view.

One question you could answer for me based on your experience...is there really no QS food location at Kidani? Do you have to trek all the way to Jambo house for food?
I thought all the Savannah's had Giraffes. Good to know though.

One thing you may want to know, and I can't recall where I read this, but I think that the DVC rooms in Jambo are all 5th and 6th floor rooms. No "lower floor" to request.

OK - I did a quick search and confirmed it. 5th and 6th floor only. Though this is a Pre-Kidani source. Everything else I read also said 5th and 6th floor. (6th floor is Conceirge)


This is the main reason I want to check out Kidani. Lower floor, better view.

One question you could answer for me based on your experience...is there really no QS food location at Kidani?

Nope- no giraffes or zebra on Pembe. I know this because that's the side my mom faced in her room and I was a wee bit ticked.. and they coudln't move her to another room nearby with a Sunset view.

Really? So we'll be on 5th floor, huh? Hmm. OK. Well I guess they will just laugh at my 'lower floor' request. :)

There is really no QS at Kidani. If you happen to be at the far end of the opposite wing we were in- I think the walk to Jambo/Mara is pretty quick. But it would have taken us 30 minutes of walking to get to Mara.... or 15 minutes of walking to the bus stops to take the bus to Jambo.

The very small gift shop does have a few snacks (like packaged prezels and stuff) and they were 'testing' a small breakfast buffet in the lobby the last few days we were there. It only had eggs, oatmeal and a meat though. Not sure if they kept it or not.. as it was only 'testing'.
Yep, 5th floor! When Rey & I rented, I liked being up high, we could see EE from our balcony! I just need to remember to bring my zoom lens for the animals. You could still see them really well, but I forgot to bring my zoom lens and I think I would have gotten some better photos with a little zoom.
I have been lurking and reading all your post since the beginning. Never bothered to write anything, but after your last post I just have to.

Wow, you did pretty well (from what I could read) with the whole situation. I would have been in someone's face if that happened and I got that sh$tty customer service. And I am a well mannered person who works in customer service. But nothing and always count your lucky stars you are getting in. Wow, just wow.

Glad to hear it was resolved in the end.

And by the way, I had a bad running day also today. And I thought the exact same thing 'How I am ever going to run 13.1 miles in sept if I can go through 3 on a bad day?'. Feeling your pain!
Ooh that really sucks! I can't believe how rude they were to you... Not cool disney, not cool!:sad2:
I hope you were able to get it all sorted out! I have a really hard time shaking things off too, I totally feel you on that!

The castle pics made me lol! Charlie could not look more uncomfortable, still cute though!
Yep, 5th floor! When Rey & I rented, I liked being up high, we could see EE from our balcony! I just need to remember to bring my zoom lens for the animals. You could still see them really well, but I forgot to bring my zoom lens and I think I would have gotten some better photos with a little zoom.

We can ponder how many times we will get on EE on our "Everest Dash" morning!!!

I have been lurking and reading all your post since the beginning. Never bothered to write anything, but after your last post I just have to.

Wow, you did pretty well (from what I could read) with the whole situation. I would have been in someone's face if that happened and I got that sh$tty customer service. And I am a well mannered person who works in customer service. But nothing and always count your lucky stars you are getting in. Wow, just wow.

Glad to hear it was resolved in the end.

And by the way, I had a bad running day also today. And I thought the exact same thing 'How I am ever going to run 13.1 miles in sept if I can go through 3 on a bad day?'. Feeling your pain!

Happy you came out of lurkdom!!! Welcome!! :welcome:

I was really, really upset that morning. I do think the only thing that got me in that park was I bust out crying from the frustration/disappointment of it all! That lady was really treating me like I was scamming the system or something and she caught me...when that was not the case at all!

What race are you doing in September? Are you a new runner? Seasoned? I went out again today - same route- same distance.... and did better. I shaved a minute off my average mile. (still not great, but way better than yesterday!).

Ooh that really sucks! I can't believe how rude they were to you... Not cool disney, not cool!:sad2:
I hope you were able to get it all sorted out! I have a really hard time shaking things off too, I totally feel you on that!

The castle pics made me lol! Charlie could not look more uncomfortable, still cute though!

It was one CM really. And as I hinted in a reply somewhere... she apparently had a reputation I later found out!

The castle pic makes me LOL too. The stiff legs, closed eyes... forced smile.. yhea, I ought to frame it for her room! :lmao:
I am actually not having a good day either. I went for a run today and it was one of those runs where it's not even that far- everything hurts, you are winded & you bust into tears wondering why you are even contemplating ANY races when you can't do measly miles. It was horrible. I came home and cried. Boo.

Maybe I'll try to find a good movie to watch too.... I am of no Tweedle help today...... for shame. :guilty:

Big hugs Nicole...I hate those run days too! Have a good cry, a BIG drink and a cupcake...know that you can and will do this! I have faith in you...

I leave for a few days and we change things...now when I finished my race last Saturday I apparently did it all wrong! :rotfl2:
Okay now to respond to your 2 updates...

Love the time at T-Rex...I was have a funky mood Saturday morning and just what a needed to put a smile on my face. I just love how you tell about your girls...Personally, I hate stuffies! My poor kids get one and I think about how fast I can take them to school and put them in some teacher's treasure box. Now I am not a total mean momma...they have a few special ones. DS#2 was looking over my shoulder and wanted to know why we did not go to T-Rex...well because you decided to get sick! LOL

Your pictures really make me want to stay at AK....hmmmm

Your day at MK makes me so sad...I hate not magical days but at least there was cousin time! I had to laugh...man child in bed while you get the girls ready and everything else to get out the door....that happens at my house all the time. GRRRR....

It is so hard to lose the unmagicial mood once it happens at WDW...I don't know why! I try to shake it but never can get over it completely...
Big hugs Nicole...I hate those run days too! Have a good cry, a BIG drink and a cupcake...know that you can and will do this! I have faith in you...

Thanks! :goodvibes


I leave for a few days and we change things...now when I finished my race last Saturday I apparently did it all wrong! :rotfl2:

It has such a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Spazzajazzarit. :)

Okay now to respond to your 2 updates...

Love the time at T-Rex...I was have a funky mood Saturday morning and just what a needed to put a smile on my face. I just love how you tell about your girls...Personally, I hate stuffies! My poor kids get one and I think about how fast I can take them to school and put them in some teacher's treasure box. Now I am not a total mean momma...they have a few special ones. DS#2 was looking over my shoulder and wanted to know why we did not go to T-Rex...well because you decided to get sick! LOL

Your pictures really make me want to stay at AK....hmmmm

Your day at MK makes me so sad...I hate not magical days but at least there was cousin time! I had to laugh...man child in bed while you get the girls ready and everything else to get out the door....that happens at my house all the time. GRRRR....

It is so hard to lose the unmagicial mood once it happens at WDW...I don't know why! I try to shake it but never can get over it completely...

Our house is overrun with stuffies. I swear! I have to stealth go in and 'clean' house when the kids are not looking.

AKL! AKL! AKL! STAY THERE. Because Karen and I will be there PHM weekend! :)

It was hard to shake...but I feel like by the end of the day I did manage to! I'm more sad it happened on the day we went to my favorite park and when people were waiting for me! We lost so much time!
Dear Nicole, it has been brought to my attention that I've been lacking on my responses to your tr. I have been reading, just not posting much. I apologize. I loved all of your updates especially the pics of T-Rex. I loved that place and we, too, have a build a dino sitting right here in the Living Room with us!!!!
Dear Nicole, it has been brought to my attention that I've been lacking on my responses to your tr. I have been reading, just not posting much. I apologize. I loved all of your updates especially the pics of T-Rex. I loved that place and we, too, have a build a dino sitting right here in the Living Room with us!!!!

Dear Ann,

Thank you for responding. The writer of this TR thought she had offended you with her threat of singing Mockingbird duet with Karen Spazzajazzirit Tweedle with you stuck in the middle. :crowded:

Or perhaps the fact that the writer was going to put your picture on a pair of pants for Karen Spazzajazzirit Tweedle to wear around Epcot.

It is good to know that neither of these situations apply & you are still reading said TR.

The duet will commence on February 21, 2015. Please be prompt as your attendance will be crucial to the success of our planned academy winning movie musical called "The Tweedles Take Over the World".

Thank you for your continued support. Please update your own TR.

The co-writer/co-producer & musical genius behind the movie.



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