New Year, New Beginnings - January 2022 W.I.S.H thread

What is Three Kings Day? I have never heard of that before.

Today the weather is not bad. Just cold in the 30's. Tomorrow and Friday we are supposed to get lake effect snow. That is so unpredictable. We could get a dusting or we can get a foot. They seem to never get it right so we will see how the next 2 days go. Tomorrow we should be fine for school as it is supposed to start in the afternoon and then snow through the night. Friday can be in question depending on when it falls and how much. Typically though here unless it is bad at 6 am the roads will be clear for school. But extra days off would be nice.
It’s Epiphany. It’s an important holiday in the hispanic community.
Woohoo... this weekend the weather is not going to be rainy or snowy! I'll be getting in a couple walks in the park and a couple trips to Goodwill, but also trying to think of something more celebratory.

Woohoo... for the good progress I've made in my kitchen re-set. The garbage has still not been picked up so I haven't moved on to the next drawers/cupboards yet, but it should be today as the roads are clear.

Woohoo... to generally feeling better and sleeping better. Last week I decided to do an experiment and not take melatonin or use CBD for sleep and it is going really well.
Today is typical example of my struggle with thoughts of following perfect plan vs focusing on goals/progress/sustainability. I didn't sleep much last night and I am having one of my lower energy days. I have already done 41000 steps for the last 4 days, week starting Sunday so average daily is over 10k. It will be better for me to say lets shoot for 7500 steps today and get out for walk for the fresh air and focus on food vs pushing for 10k and risking being hangry/struggling with being out of breath/fatigue issues. But it's not easy to let go and be happy with 7500steps for the day.
Walking outside is mentally very good for me. I find I can sort out priorities much better after being in the fresh air.
And your step count is great! I am trying to add an extra 100 steps every day.
Woohoo-food journaling going well this week. Dinners planned out. Tried new vegetarian burgers for lunch today and we really liked them. Makes a good change.

Woohoo-filled a bag for goodwill and put aside another box for my daughter. Getting ready to start painting.
Walking outside is mentally very good for me. I find I can sort out priorities much better after being in the fresh air.
And your step count is great! I am trying to add an extra 100 steps every day.

Getting outside for a walk helps with my anxiety at times. A few weeks ago when I was almost in a complete panic from the rising cases DH made me go for a walk outside. I didn't want to. I was going to get on the treadmill instead. He told I had to go for a walk with him and that I needed to get outside. By the time I got back my anxiety got to a more manageable level.
Wahoo the other day I hadn't met my steps goal so I paced in the house while DH did dishes/cleaned kitchen. Made it!

The weather has been really crummy (so much rain we've got flood warnings all over the place), and he's been picking me up from work. Kinda ruins my walk/mental health break. I think I'll start curbing his enthusiasm and tell him no thanks when he asks if he can get me.

Wahoo I sorta have my room back. They didn't finish but now we are waiting on the door to arrive. That won't get here/get painted for a couple weeks. In the meantime, the paper is off the floor and all is tidied up. Think we'll move some furniture back in this weekend.

Wahoo DH said he'll dust the entire house tomorrow. That's great because I'm sick of doing it every other day!!!

Wahoo I went grocery shopping. I had a doctor appointment and just took the entire afternoon off even though it only took a little bit of time!
Well, I pushed myself and did 9000 steps, but I was tired and starving and end up eating in balance. If I want to have a deficit on day with 4 hours or less sleep I need to focus on food and rest and less steps, but daily outdoor walk is a must as it's improving my mood. Spending some extra time in the kitchen is better than trying to reach exercise goal in this scenario for me.

I am not going to loose sleep over it, pardon the pun. Had a good sleep last night and feel better today

Grateful Thursday
I am grateful for the good night sleep. That we managed to completely renovate the kitchen area last year - it was so stressful and expensive and time consuming but it's great to have lovely new kitchen with good layout to cook meals for me and the family. That we don't have any big goals this year, other than taking a breather as last 3 years has been too challenging. That I didn't react negatively to the vaccine booster and I feel healthier.

I am grateful that I am learning to accept there is medical condition that requires me to manage my energy levels and activities. I am not fully there yet, yesterday I should have known better but I am better at it than I was at any point last year.
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I am thankfully that DD's PCR came back negative. Now to find out what is going on. She was miserable again yesterday. Today is day 9 of being sick. I am going to call the doctor when they open and try to get her in.

I woke up this morning with a sore throat. I am really hoping it is from our weather finally getting cold. Temp this morning with the wind chill is 2. We will see how this goes. DD has been attached at my hip the last few days so I wouldn't be surprised it I get what ever she has.
I am thankfully that DD's PCR came back negative. Now to find out what is going on. She was miserable again yesterday. Today is day 9 of being sick. I am going to call the doctor when they open and try to get her in.

I woke up this morning with a sore throat. I am really hoping it is from our weather finally getting cold. Temp this morning with the wind chill is 2. We will see how this goes. DD has been attached at my hip the last few days so I wouldn't be surprised it I get what ever she has.
She may need to be tested again. I have a friend that had 4 negative tests before she finally got a positive PCR. I read somewhere that Omicron requires swabbing the throat too. I only got tested twice, both negative. I will never know what I had. It’s possible that your daughter has the flu. Hopefully the doctor will give you answers.
Today I'm going to be thankful for my next level manager.

Monday evening I was feeling totally refreshed, rested and ready to dive back in to work, but by mid-day Tuesday I was flattened and empty and I watched myself fall in to my anger place and victim/martyr thinking. Yesterday during our weekly one-on-one I mentioned this to my manager and she said she had just had the same conversation with our manager next level up. We got to talking about anxiety vs stress, which is something I've been contemplating, and that got me to connecting the dots... the anger is a response to anxiety. And that reminded me of a conversation I had with my Niece about how she uses CBD to manage her anxiety, so I'm trying CBD during the day for a couple days to see if that helps.

We also talked about just letting some stuff go and that we can't be all things to all people all the time - that is so important to hear from leadership.
I am thankful for having today off.
I am thankful that DD and I did errands together and got A LOT done, and I’m feeling very accomplished.
I am thankful for the coming snow and really hoping for a snow day especially after finding out about another of my students having Covid. Another day away from my students and them away from each other is a good thing.
I am thankful for NOOM and the positive changes they’ve made since my last go around. You can listen to lessons now if you don’t want to read them which I find works better for me processing the information.
She may need to be tested again. I have a friend that had 4 negative tests before she finally got a positive PCR. I read somewhere that Omicron requires swabbing the throat too. I only got tested twice, both negative. I will never know what I had. It’s possible that your daughter has the flu. Hopefully the doctor will give you answers.

We saw the doctor today. He thinks she has the flu or some other virus. With taking the 4 tests and them all being negative he thinks she did not have it. He told me to send her to school with the 99.5 temp as long as she doesn't feel feverish and really crummy. As of right now she is going tomorrow. She has been acting like normal today. I am guessing that Tuesday when he was doing better she over did it and slid back down hill. The doctor does think that what ever this is she is at the end.
We saw the doctor today. He thinks she has the flu or some other virus. With taking the 4 tests and them all being negative he thinks she did not have it. He told me to send her to school with the 99.5 temp as long as she doesn't feel feverish and really crummy. As of right now she is going tomorrow. She has been acting like normal today. I am guessing that Tuesday when he was doing better she over did it and slid back down hill. The doctor does think that what ever this is she is at the end.
What a relief.
Thankful that tomorrow is a DL day and I don't have to worry about the kids on the busses in the snow AND they dont have to make up the day in the summer.
Thankful the cubmaster did not give us a hassle about doing zoom meetings with our older den...2 hours outside on a Sunday is a hard nope right now.
Thankful our area has a lot of good delivery places. Tonight was pizza and the restaurant double cut the pizza for me. Makes it easier for little hands and while my brain thinks I ate 2 pieces it was really only 1.
Sort of worked out twice today...did a 5 minute blogilates leg workout and climbed the 4 flights to my dr's office to avoid the elevator.
Tomorrow will be interesting with all 3 kids doing DL school AND me working. Thank goodness its Friday and I dont have a ton of meetings. DD's meetings should be interesting...couple 3 year olds on zoom hhmmm. DS6 was remote today and will be Monday as well due to high absenteeism in his class...yesterday by the end of the day only 5 kids were in class. He had DL gym today and did cosmic kids yoga which was beyond adorable.
Met my 3 lunches of soup or salad for the week and the last two days breakfast was coffee with protein powder. Not sure that will be sustainable but I'll try it when the mood strikes.
Also got my 60 ounces of water in today woowhoo!


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