New Year, New Beginnings - January 2022 W.I.S.H thread

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No snow day for us. It is snowing but has to be pretty bad for us to close. our area will get somewhere between 1-4 inches today. All lake effect. East side could get up to 6 but they are in the snow belt and that is nothing for them. We are supposed to get snow every other day next week but they won't give estimates until about 24 hours before.
I have some more things I am thankful for.

1. DD is better and back at school today.
2. I am work from home next week and it will be decided on a week to week bases. My boss was in the office all week and yesterday morning woke up with a runny nose and tested positive. Essentially putting our whole department in close contact but they are not considered a close contact because they are all vaccinated and were wearing a mask. It is quite ridiculous. I am glad I was home all week with DD. Several of us reached out to HR (including myself) about this. We were told it was now a department head decision and not HR's. This is stupid as well. I got in an argument with my boss (department head) about work from home my last week of work before Christmas. He told me he doesn't understand why we just can't get dressed and come in. That it is not a big deal. He also told me that more work gets done at work and not at home. In our meeting yesterday he said the only reason why we are going to work from home next week is because so much of management is out in our department. So I really don't have hope that this will be done reasonable. And the reason why we have not gone full virtual is because the advisors in the schools are not able to. They try to treat us the same all the time but it doesn't work. We are just so different.
3. We got to talk with our friends tonight. She is doing great and got released yesterday. She does have to take her BP twice a day because she might have gotten postpartum preeclampsia. The girls are doing great as well. They have been moved to the step down until. There is a possibility that they will get to see them today. It sounds like protocols are changes and they may not have to wait until Monday. We also have names. Malia and Hailey.
Our snow is beautiful and not enough to be really disruptive. But it’s very cold and windy. After lunch I will bundle up and take a quick 20 minute walk in the neighborhood while the sun is shining.

Does anyone have Disney + and watched Get Back, the Beatles documentary? We’ve been watching it this week and it’s just fascinating! And lots of music.
Big storm last night, just rain here in the low lands, lots of it, but the mountain passes are an absolute mess with snow and avalanche danger and are closed, the main one until at least Sunday. That means no goods are moving west-east across the state, so yet another disruption in the supply chain and a lot of people stuck.

The weather forecast for the weekend still looks good, so I am planning on getting outside for walks in the park/beach and also to work on the front porch. I ordered some new planter boxes and I want to get them set up and get tulip bulbs put in to them. I'm really late getting them planted, so we'll see if they bloom or not. I also need to get a lot of stuff cleared out of the basement so I can start organizing better, which means multiple trips to Goodwill. And I'll probably do some work-work over the weekend. I don't like having to do that but I feel like I need some quiet time to think and get some project stuff set up and an hour of weekend time is probably worth three hours of work time, with all the interruptions that come during the work day.
We just got a dusting. A little north got a few inches.

DD came home from school today with a 100.2 fever this afternoon. She was miserable. She had the chills and headache too to go along with it. She was sound asleep shortly after she got home. If she continues to have this fever, I will be calling the doctor in the morning. I know she is not feeling good when she wants to just lay on me. She is 14 and normally doesn't want me around much any more.
We just got a dusting. A little north got a few inches.

DD came home from school today with a 100.2 fever this afternoon. She was miserable. She had the chills and headache too to go along with it. She was sound asleep shortly after she got home. If she continues to have this fever, I will be calling the doctor in the morning. I know she is not feeling good when she wants to just lay on me. She is 14 and normally doesn't want me around much any more.
Poor baby.
I love to watch Disney World and Disneyland park walking videos or ride videos when I walk on my treadmill. Sometimes I just like to watch them just for fun. So, for Social Saturday, please find a favorite Disney ride video on YouTube, copy the link and paste it to your post so we can ride your favorite ride with you. I really love Peter Pan. I didn’t get to ride it in Disneyland because it’s very popular there and the line was too long. I watched it on YouTube though so I feel like I have been on both.

Here’s the WDW version:

Here’s the Disneyland version if you want to look for differences.
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My new favorite is the Rise of the Resistance in Star Wars Land. We were able to ride it twice last year during our vacation with the family and I was just blown away by it all. The Millennium Falcon was a lot of fun as well. It was fun to experience them with my grandson-he loves showing me rides he has already done so he can assure me they’re not scary!

Just popping on to say we made it through dl today. From 930-1230 was nuts but the kids got their stuff done and I got some work done. Had to work a little late to get caught up but it's ok. DH came home around 1 to help. All class meets were done by then...he was supposed to start the day at home and then go to work but forgot his power cord at the office. Convenient no?
Got about 4 inches so not awful but way more than a dusting.
Here are a couple pics...taken from inside because I was not feeling being cold. Sorry they are sideways
Have zumba class later today. One of the benefits of keeping my plan very easy going, less steps, good calorie intake is having energy and enjoying some activities as zumba class! I do two of them a week plus one trip to the pool & spa for now and it feels like enough. I am going to start short pilates videos at some point too
It is soooooo cold🥶❄🌬. Anything that melted yesterday is ice. All I wanted to do this frigid morning was to sip another cup of the Swedish coffee my DH gave me in my Christmas stocking and snuggle up wrapped in my fuzzy throw. But that delicious coffee requires more half & half and sugar for me to enjoy…calories I don’t need. I went to do something and ended up forgetting about my second cup sitting on the kitchen counter until it got cold. Instead of drinking it, I tossed it and walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes. Soon I will take a hot shower, get dressed, and brave the cold to get my mani-pedi. Self-care one day early.
Here's another classic - Living with the Land. Love this ride, it is so nostalgic and calming.

For the first time in months I had foot/leg cramps last night, so bad I had to get up for over an hour and take Aleve and my multi-vitamin, eat a banana and rub CBD lotion on. My sleep report from going back to bed around 1am until I got up at 8am was fabulous, just 24 minutes of awake time during that period. I'm still not sure what brings them on, but this morning I'm going out for a good protein rich breakfast and I'll have salmon for dinner to see if that helps.

As promised there isn't rain this morning, altho it is currently overcast. In a little bit I'm headed to the optometrist to pick up my new glasses, will have breakfast and then go for my walk in the park. Then it's sitting and knitting for a good long while. Last evening I laid out the scarf I was working on to steam block it and realized I'd been adding stiches and had increased the width by around 3 inches. I had to rip back 2/3 of it, basically all I had knit during the week. That got me to thinking maybe I'd just start on the scarf for the new rain jacket I ordered and I've gotten a good start on that, mostly while I was up in the middle of the night with the cramps.

Somehow I lost a pound during the week, I'm hoping being outside and active over the weekend will encourage another to drop off.


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