New York or Orlando?? Heck, let`s do both.....12 nights NYC & Sapphire Falls...July 18 Trip Report

That car!
My DH is in the car industry, and he would love an upgrade like that!!


We really were like pigs in clover...…..:D

We checked the site and as of then it wasn't in any category you could rent, haven't looked since we got home, but doubt we`ll ever be that lucky again...….back to standard SUV`s from now on...…...::yes::
Thanks Andrea!!!!!

Just ordered it from Amazon...…..:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

Will keep it for Christmas though...……….well, I`ll try...…:rotfl:

Although I am banned from watching anything Christmassy this time of year anyway...…..::yes::

Well, I'll have to check back with you closer to Christmas to see how you liked it! I like all the versions, each for a different reason. We also just found a good movie called The Man Who Invented Christmas. it's all about Charles Dickens and the writing of A Christmas Carol. We all enjoyed it very much.

I know exactly what you mean about feeling like home when you get to Orlando. I love returning to the same familiar places and knowing my way around the town (for the most part). We have been traveling there yearly for 20 years, and I don't ever get tired of being there. I REALLY wanted to visit this month before school started, but it just wasn't in the cards. I will admit that I have been quite pouty about it, too! I am like a big kid when it comes to my Disney/Universal trips! LOL!
Well, I'll have to check back with you closer to Christmas to see how you liked it! I like all the versions, each for a different reason. We also just found a good movie called The Man Who Invented Christmas. it's all about Charles Dickens and the writing of A Christmas Carol. We all enjoyed it very much.

I know exactly what you mean about feeling like home when you get to Orlando. I love returning to the same familiar places and knowing my way around the town (for the most part). We have been traveling there yearly for 20 years, and I don't ever get tired of being there. I REALLY wanted to visit this month before school started, but it just wasn't in the cards. I will admit that I have been quite pouty about it, too! I am like a big kid when it comes to my Disney/Universal trips! LOL!

Oh I`ll let you know!!!! It comes Thursday and Tom says he`s hiding it till Christmas......and he will ::yes::...….I`ll look out for that one about Charles Dickens......I adore his writing...…..

I hear you on the pouty face lol...….I`d be the same!!!! Yep, big kids is what a family member calls us who has never been.....and we tell them yep, we are proud to be big kids!!! It really is an amazing place....and for those that do Disney as well like yourselves it is an absolute joy to have both places to choose from too...

I`ll be a big kid for as long as I can!!! :wave2:
WEDNESDAY JULY 18TH...…………………….

Finally...…..the day we were so looking forward to...………:jumping1:


We were awake with the earliest of morning people this morning...…….I had arranged an alarm call for 5.30am, but I think we were both awake from around 4.45...…..although we slept well, this was another of those not wanting to sleep in moments...…..our flight wasn't until 10am, but we wanted to get there in plenty of time to get some breakfast and to be honest, we like airports...…..we hate to be rushed or feel as though we don't have enough we are people who are usually very early for everything.

We had slept well though, until we did wake...….no getting back to sleep now!!!

We waited till the alarm call came through, and again the lady was bright and breezy and I couldn't get a word in!!!! She said good morning then proceeded to tell me the temperature right now, the high temp predicted for the day, possible cloud cover and basically too much information for anyone at that time of the morning...…...but I thanked her anyway...……

I eased myself out of this very comfortable bed for the last time this trip and hauled myself into the shower...…..I was fairly awake by now anyway and incredibly excited to be going to Orlando and not home as was originally planned. I was quite surprised to see the final account had been slipped under the door...….most places don't do that anymore, but they do here. And we checked it and everything was correct that we had added on...…….

I got the last bits packed up as Tom shaved and showered...…...we were both so excited for today.

We adore travelling anyway, journey to the the airport, airport itself is always an experience, the flight, it`s all part of a process we enjoy so much...….and today was only our second time doing an internal flight within the US. Usually when we arrive from the UK we don't just walk through to where departing passengers are waiting......we have to go through the immigration process and up until we had Global Entry, this could be quite long at times. So it was strange arriving last September to what is the departure area...…..but, it was after midnight and we didn't really get a chance to enjoy the experience as our flight was later than planned. But, we were just glad to be on a flight to Orlando at all with Irma and all the trouble she caused!!!

So this time we really hoped to enjoy the experience a little more.

I took a last look out of the window and once again marveled at the beautiful buildings and tower blocks we could see from our vantage point...….



It looked to be going to be another beautiful day...………

We managed to gather our belongings and had a check around......we usually forget something!!!! But, not today......and went downstairs to wait for our car service...….we did plan to go get 2 coffees from the Pomme Palais but, it was a little too early for me to take anything. I usually can`t eat or drink before around 8am...….so we decided to wait until JFK.

The beautiful entrance to the Towers and their rooms.

This really had been a beautiful stay in a wonderful hotel. We really can`t say enough about how lovely everyone was and the hotel itself is stunning. I would recommend it to anyone looking for something a little special.


We were a little early, but I glanced out and saw a Suburban pull up and said to Tom, I`ll bet that`s ours...… that point one of the doormen came in and asked us if we were waiting for the car service...… was ours. So, we climbed in and made ourselves comfortable for the journey to the airport.

Our driver was very friendly and chatty...…..and very open with his political views I have to say!!!! He had strong opinions on a lot of things!!!!! It was too early for me to engage really, so I just sat back and enjoyed the drive which only took around 50 minutes. Tom chatted with him more than I did. He was very nice, and he got us there safely and in plenty of time. That was all we asked.

JetBlue were our carriers today. So, he pulled up as near the doors as he could and unloaded our bags. The hotel told us we paid the driver directly, so we handed him his money, thanked him and then he asked us if he had been too political...….I laughed but Tom said no, you were fine...….he is the diplomatic one out of the two of us ::yes::

Going into the terminal we remembered from last time. We had to go to the machines and print off your own luggage labels...….and label them yourself.....this was something we didn't do in the UK, but it took seconds and there are plenty of staff around if anyone needs help. We then took the cases over to where they disappeared and we vehemently hoped we would see them in Orlando later today...…..

We have TSA Pre check, so we headed down past the incredibly long lines and got to where we needed to be...….hardly anyone in front of us here and the friendliest guy checking our ID ever...…….not having to take shoes off, unload ipads and all the other stuff is so easy. We had been given TSA Pre check the last couple of years without asking for it, which was lovely, but now we had Global Entry it was automatic...….and we liked it!!!

We got through in moments and as always I was stopped for a search...…….quick pat down and we were through to the departure area.

We liked JetBlue last year. They were a company we were happy to fly with again. We booked the flights when it was still reasonably quiet, so we got the Extra space seats and we included one suitcase each with that choice of seat. I think it was around $500 for both of us to fly from JFK to MCO one way. We were happy with that. I love how people get flights anywhere for less than $100 in the States...…it is amazing!!!! But we were booked and that was all that mattered to us.

Now I was hungry!!!! We had a look around and saw a few options......the food court looked a little manic, so we opted to go sit at a table service place for breakfast...….it looked ok. We first checked our flight and it showing on time. This was good to see.

We walked over and were seated immediately, asking what time our flight was and were we in a hurry...….we said no rush and she left. We did wait a little bit of time for a menu, but this one guy was rushed off his feet, although eventually I did stop him and ask for a menu. He kinda grumbled something but did come back with two menus...…..

I had no idea what I wanted...….I didn't want a cooked breakfast and I had seen someone`s pancakes and didn't fancy the look of them at all...… I ordered a blueberry muffin and a bagel toasted with some cream cheese...….Tom looked at me as I detest bagels......genuinely can`t eat them and don't see the appeal of them...…..but I thought I might eat half of one this morning...….I did ask for toast but they only had wholegrain and I can`t eat that, so I wanted something toasted......I would give it a try...….Tom ordered his beloved two eggs sunny side up with bacon and sausage......I could pinch a wee bit of his bacon if it looked nice!!!!




After we finally ordered...…...we waited...…..eventually we were brought some coffee......but only because we asked...….and it was decent. But we did wonder what we would get breakfast wise as he didn't seem to be concentrating on what we asked for...… was busy and he seemed to be more or less on his own.

It did appear eventually, and Tom`s was lovely...….bacon was beautiful, sausages were lovely and he enjoyed the eggs. Mine was ok. The muffin was almost indescribable as to what actual flavor it was....and the bagel was inedible. Solid as a rock...…...even with the fake knife they give you......nothing was cutting through that!!!! But, I was glad Tom enjoyed his although he claims he didn't get much bacon.…he smiled of course, but inside I know what he was thinking

Hmm. Well, it was lovely bacon...……..:rolleyes1 He does actually share really well...….but isn't always happy about it :rotfl:...…..he tells a much repeated story from years ago when we were somewhere in Europe, I think maybe Switzerland......I rather stupidly ordered something I didn't really want, not sure why...….and Tom ordered this gorgeous seafood dish of giant shrimp and many other delicious options...….when they arrived I looked at my seriously plain dish which looked incredibly unappetizing......and there was Tom`s...….resplendent in all its looked a treat. I looked at my dish sadly, and looked at his...…..then looked at him...….by this point Tom just swapped the plates over with an "I knew it" look...……..:duck:I did share a little...….I was glad he actually enjoyed the dish that was originally mine!!! What a guy...…..:hug: But, I do have to say......he does mention it once or twice...…...

So, now we were finished the breakfast of two halves...….we paid the check finally when he got around to us......he wasn't friendly or approachable but to be fair he was genuinely rushed off his feet. I didn't bother arguing over the fact the bagel was like a brick, it wasn't worth it for $5.

We headed down to where our gate was.....and visited the bathroom before buying some hard fruity candy for take off and landing......Tom`s ears always seem to be worse than mine, so we always make sure we have plenty.

We find a seat at the gate and it does indeed look like a full plane already...…...we have plenty of time especially as the plane hasn't even appeared yet......and just as I say it`s still showing on time, our plane appears as if by magic...……



Now we wait. It shouldn't be long now and this again we find so strange when the pax start to come through here...….it`s just different.

A lady sat down beside us and smiled, I smiled back and she began to anyone who knows me knows I love almost anyone!!! But did I regret starting this conversation being started...…….cat lovers may want to miss this bit out.

I mentioned to Keisha and mac in emails we had two weird encounters this was this and the other was at Sapphire itself......

She was at first asking about our journey then she said oh I`ll show you some pictures of my babies...….this lady was 60 if she was a day!!! But, out came the cat pictures...….seriously!!!! I don't like cats......I don't want to hear about your 84 cats...…..and folks who call them babies!!! Sorry, they`re not, they`re animals...….So I tried to separate myself from this conversation......but she was relentless. Till she said, when one of my babies dies...….that's when I moved off. Tom says I always end up with someone who is a little strange to talk to. I`m sure it must be me...….the couple opposite told me when I came back she had tried it with them too and had hinted she was struggling with money to feed them......ah gotcha!!! Not an ounce of sympathy. I like dogs. I was polite to her as I was brought up nicely...….but there`s a limit.

Eventually cat lady disappeared and attached herself to someone else...…..I could sit back down again......we then kept chatting to the lovely couple opposite who were going to Orlando to see their daughter married...….how lovely...….the man laughed and asked if we wanted to see like someone with a sense of humour………they were a lovely couple...…

We chatted away the remaining time till boarding. I believe we were first to board, but again had to fight through the rest of the plane who had already lined up regardless...…...they had announced the flight was full and had looked for people to check in any hand luggage if they could for free. There wasn't going to be enough room for everyone`s hand luggage it seemed. Although some folks hand luggage is huge!!!! Ours would easily fit under the seat in front.

We boarded soon after and got our assigned seats. I had the window, tom was in the middle and the guy at the end was a nice young man who chatted just enough...….once we took off his headphones went on and that was him. But good person to have sat beside you.

It did take some time to board everyone...…..and by now we were just desperate to get going. When the door finally closed we pulled back and headed on out to the runway...….I think we circled the entire perimeter fence of JFK!!! I swear I thought he was driving to Orlando. We could eventually see the runway we were taking off from and there seemed to be a load of planes in front of us...….this was going to take ages...…..I`m not the most patient of people at times!!!!

But eventually around 10.40 we did in fact take off...…..and it was a decent take off. Not as sharp as I would have liked being the plane was as small, but we were up in the air and waved goodbye to a very sunny New York City in the distance.

The flight itself was short. We got a drink and a snack......I got those blue chips again...….they don't really taste of much do they!! Tom watched some movie or other, and I watched Dirty Dancing...….hadn't seen it in a while...…..

It was a quick flight and before we knew where we were, we were flying over very familiar territory...…..although we hadn't actually came in this particular flight path, we could see things we recognized...…..our landing was incredibly smooth and I had said our previous landing was the best ever.....this one was better by far...….of course it`s a much smaller plane, but you barely noticed wheels down!!! Then again, we seemed to have landed in Georgia!!!! We must have done, as the pilot drove for what seemed like miles till we even got near the terminal...…….and looking out my window...….I could see black skies and lightning......yep....we had left glorious sunshine for more storms...….we did laugh though, we didn't care, we were in Orlando......and we did indeed feel we had come home again.

It may sound like we hadn't enjoyed New York, we had loved it...….but this was Orlando...…..New York we probably wouldn't visit again for a few years unless we have a special reason to go back, but Orlando we plan to visit regularly as often as possible. This felt like home. We know a lot of people here, some we have known for many years, some a few years but we are always made to feel so welcome when we are here...….I have used the phrase for many years, we are made to feel like returning family every single visit......and that's truly what it`s like for us. So, yes, we were extremely happy to be here...…..especially as it was a bonus trip!!!

Finally we made the terminal...…..we disembarked from our plane and were heading out....of course again we were among folks waiting to take off.....we always use the same gates flying to and from the UK, so this was a little different too. I had stopped off for a bathroom visit, but seeing the 20 or so women in front of me I didn't bother.....I could wait. We hopped on the newly arriving monorail and soon were swooshing towards the main building. They had told us which carousel the luggage was arriving on, but we heard someone say it would be delayed as there was lightning. Well, we`d just have to wait then...…we just had the biggest smiles on our faces!!!!

We got there almost first...….but we didn't have to wait too long as it started moving almost immediately...….and by some miracle, ours were more or less first off...…..this was fantastic!!! We avoided all the infants who were allowed to gather around the carousel itself making collecting luggage rather difficult.....but Tom got them off and we headed downstairs to the rental car area.

It had been a very pleasant experience with JetBlue!!! I would happily fly with them again.

There was only one other person in the line for Alamo, so we were taken quickly...…….we have used Alamo for many years, only once using Dollar....a mistake we wont make again. Alamo have always been fine and again we had booked direct with them instead of going through the UK company so many book with. We had booked a Premium SUV. We normally just booked standard SUV, last time we had been "upgraded" to a BMW 3 Series. We don't really care for BMW`s, and it was alright, wouldn't have one again though for free...…..we knew they had a Jaguar F Pace, so thought we would ask if they had one of them and would pay the upgrade...….we hadn`t driven one yet and wanted to see what it was like...….not that we would buy one, but wanted to see if it was fun to drive.

So he takes our booking reference and immediately comments we rent a lot from them, which we do...…..he types a few things then says he has a nice Audi for no thanks...….I find their seats are like sitting on bricks...….Tom asks do they have an F Pace.....he says yes they do and potters off to speak to his manager...…..he says it`ll be an extra $200 for the week...….so we say ok we`ll take it...…..the manager types something and then apologizes and tells us they don't have one ready...….he apologizes again and says but, would you like this...…….and shows us a picture of the Maserati Levante!!!! Now he was talking of a fun car!!!! This would be a nice comparison as we are thinking of buying a Porsche Cayenne next year as a real change form our usual Mercedes...….and it was quite similar looking to this one......although this one wouldn't have as many toys......we were sure it would be fun!!!! We did both wonder if he was going to come up with a new higher price, but said he`d leave it as it was!!!!

We snapped it up in a heartbeat...…...we thought we would pay now, but he said no pay on return...… it turned out we were only charged an extra $114 which was a fabulous bargain!!!!

Now, Maserati are a fun car to drive......but ownership of one is something we wouldn't have as they can be notoriously unreliable......but for a week in Orlando we were whooping with joy...………………..

So, signed sealed and agreed upon we set off to the garage to pick up our rental for the week...… we were even more excited!!! We love cars......and especially really nice cars like this......and we knew this would be fun...…..of course if you are not at all interested in cars beyond them getting you from A-B then this will be very unimpressive to you...….but we were happy!!!!

When we got to the garage the girl already knew which one we were picking it up as we approached her......I think the manager told her to look out for the two Brits who were grinning foolishly like demented clowns!!! Yep, she spotted us...……

She took us to the side away from the regular cars and had the keys to a white one...….but we had both spotted the black one and asked if we could have that one instead...….sure, was her she went back to get the keys for it as we inspected around was cool!!!! Really cool!!!! She came back with the keys and we thanked her very much and began to load our luggage in the back and get ourselves comfortable with seats and mirrors and all things cold aircon...….

We loved this car already!!!!!!!!!!!


And then we were off...…..and it was a decent car...….not your basic rental car at all, this thing had some power......and to be fair it did have a good few toys and gadgets to fiddle around with...….although for today we were just concentrating on getting to Sapphire Falls to begin the second part of this bonus trip.

Rental Car
Upgrade - EVER!!!

Scraped myself off the floor & my mouth is agape. Congrats, that amazing good luck.

You have ruined me, was always happy to snatch a SUV in the midsize aisle at MCO. Hahahaha
So fun! (I have to tell you, yesterday, I was telling Jason something about your trip and I said, "Carole, the English lady I always talk about." He said, "you said she was Scottish." I said, "well, she is....but, she lives in England now...oh, heck, I'm just going to say British from now on!" Hahaha. -- Anyway, Jason was looking out for your heritage!)
Such a sweet deal on that car rental

Hope you get as lucky on the next trip coming up!

Lol.......I doubt we’ll ever get a deal like that again!!

Back to slumming it in regular suv’s Now..........:rotfl:
Rental Car
Upgrade - EVER!!!

Scraped myself off the floor & my mouth is agape. Congrats, that amazing good luck.

You have ruined me, was always happy to snatch a SUV in the midsize aisle at MCO. Hahahaha

Thanks........It really was the best!!!!!

It ruined us too.............doubt a rental car will ever live up to that was so much fun to drive!! And led to one or two “discussions” on whose turn it was to drive when we went out anywhere..........::yes::
So fun! (I have to tell you, yesterday, I was telling Jason something about your trip and I said, "Carole, the English lady I always talk about." He said, "you said she was Scottish." I said, "well, she is....but, she lives in England now...oh, heck, I'm just going to say British from now on!" Hahaha. -- Anyway, Jason was looking out for your heritage!)

Thank you Jason ::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes:: :laughing:

Yep, Scottish I am...........(did you see what I did there :D) That’s about the best Yoda you’ll see from me :rotfl: wait I have got that right haven’t is yoda that speaks like that :scratchin

Scottish or British........either will do........I’ve been called worse before........::yes::

Nah, the Scots and the English get on just fine........well most of the time........unless there’s a football match between them......England has been home to us for almost 24 years on and off.......but, yep still Scottish.....:wave2:
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Saw this meme on a friend’s Facebook and thought of you, Carole! :)

Lol........that is funny.........Jazz is the music of the devil!!!

And he eats one of those awful British sherry trifles! bleurhg.......

I can listen to almost anything music wise........except Jazz, Bob Marley and The Beatles!!! I’m sure there’s someone else I can’t abide!!!
Haha love it, the excitement of arriving in Orlando, I get it now. But having been to NYC once I do love that place as well and hope to get over there again one day as Rob has never been

I promise I wont show you pics of my "baby" Jackson though at 15kg he isn't much of a baby anymore!
Haha love it, the excitement of arriving in Orlando, I get it now. But having been to NYC once I do love that place as well and hope to get over there again one day as Rob has never been

I promise I wont show you pics of my "baby" Jackson though at 15kg he isn't much of a baby anymore!

Oh Matt you`re good...….I adore dogs!!!!! Love seeing pics of dogs......especially cute dogs...…..and Jackson is cute!!!! :thumbsup2

I`m typing this with my friends Labrador at my feet......and I mean actually sitting on my feet…..she adores doing that with everyone......but she is getting a little heavier the longer she lays there...…..

Yes, dog sitting this morning...…..:D

Nothing like the feeling of arriving in Orlando...…..even though we come more often now than before, it is still as exciting as the first time!!!! Oh you have to go back to NY!!!! Another fabulous place...…...
Our drive out is from the parking garage is always one of the best moments of our trip......we look forward so much to this moment...….I had also totally forgot in all our excitement with the car to even mention that first burst of heat as we step out of the terminal and over to the garage. But today we didn't even notice...…

The attendant even said to us as we handed over documents at the exit...….how did you get that!!!! We just grinned...….and set off on the always fun drive to the hotel. And this route is as familiar as our drive at home......although the roadworks do make the place look so unkempt...…..It`ll be worth it in the long run, but it is looking like a disaster area in some parts, but even we can see where the improvements have been completed.

It was so dark though...….the clouds had really rolled in and from memory it was around 94F outside...…..but the aircon was doing it`s stuff and we were very comfortable inside the car...…..the drive was thankfully a little quiet...…..especially as we had just got on the main road and the alarm light came on to say the trunk wasn't closed properly...…..well, I had images of our cases falling out and all our clothes would end up all over the 528!!!! Once we were through the toll we pulled over and Tom closed it properly...….it was a little fiddly we discovered during our trip. But alarm light had gone off so we were good to go...…and he gave it a little extra gas as he set off this time...….:car: wow!!! I was so keen to drive this car!!!

Our way we like to go is to turn off on Universal Blvd. I`m not sure it`s massively quicker than heading on towards the I4 or further and on to Turkey Lake Rd, but we felt it was always quicker and quite a pleasant road to drive on. And we get to see the Eye appear in the distance, although today it was almost blacker than night as we approached the eye....there was a load of lightning around too and some serious rumbles of thunder...…..


I still flinch when I see the height of the Starflyer…… way could I go on that......apart from the fact it spins which I can`t deal with, the sheer height is a little scary...….I`m dreading December when Kyle wants to do it...…..not as much as Tom is as he`ll have to go on it with him...……

We then pass Endless Summer resort...…..Universal`s newest addition to their growing collection of hotels they have...….it looks to be a pleasant place to visit...…..and they are going up fairly quickly!!! Even from when we were there in May they have expanded.



Onward and over the bridge we see the wonderful scenery of RPR and Sapphire Falls...….always good to see them and Dr Doom ascending in the background too along with Hulk and RRR. It does gladden your heart to see these ever so familiar landmarks...….and we already notice the traffic is busier again.... but, we turn into Hollywood Way and again fight the automatic reaction of turning into RPR...….not this visit...…..but soon!!!

We turn into Sapphire Falls and see someone is working on the sign as you enter...….it does look pretty.....and Aventura is also impressive...….it wasn't long till it opened too and right now they were on target to open when planned......although there seemed to be a fair amount of work to be done out front......but the pool and rooms were on target...……

We pull into the garage, find what we hope to be a decent parking space and unload our luggage and walk down towards the hotel entrance. We do like this multi storey had saved us getting soaked a few times last trip, and today the rain had indeed come on just as drove in...… can walk from the garage to the main doors without getting wet as it is covered.

We walk in the beautiful and airy lobby...….it always makes me smile as it is so colorful and has such a nice feel about it...…..we go over to check in desk and we are greeted by Sara...….I think there must be a t least 3 Sara`s!! She is lovely and we tell her our name and she brings up our reservation......she calls 2 people, on is Sara who we have known for years from both here and RP......she was getting married last time we were here...…..and she also calls our friend who is over at RP but will be here as soon as he can. We both marveled at this point it was only around 2.30pm in the afternoon and we were here!!!!

Sara comes out greet us immediately and it is always lovely to see her...….we get a great big hug from her and she thanks us for her wedding was nothing, but she tells us she has a thank you card and some pictures for us to see...….I can`t wait to see them......we chat for a while and then eventually she tells us she will catch up with us over our trip...….we go back to the desk and the other Sara exclaims we certainly are returning family...….yep, it always feels that way.

We complete check in and she tells us our friend will be over shortly...…...and at that we turn around and he appears from the convention area is always so lovely to see him. He is the nicest man on earth, and I never tire of saying it...….he always makes us feel incredibly special, especially as he is such a busy man :hug:

We have a hug and a quick catch up and then he very kindly escorts us up to our room, which once again is the incredibly beautiful and spacious Sapphire Suite...….we love this suite!!!! It has the perfect view and we feel very much at home here.....and looking out the windows we just love the views of the waterway and RPR and some of the parks...…..I spy Dr Doom is back on...…….

We chat for a while and have a real good catch up...….did I mention this is the nicest man on earth!!!! Even Tom agrees even if that means he falls down the list a little...….:D

He tells us he has arranged for a food plate to be sent up for us, so kind and thoughtful of him...….and before he goes we arrange to meet at the lobby in RP the next day and he will take us up to the Club Lounge!!! It will be lovely to be able to see everyone there...…

We thank him profusely again for everything he does for us, and after he has gone we begin the unpacking process...….but not without taking some pictures of course...……


The oversized hall area is indeed spacious and having the extra bathroom is lovely!!! When we come in and both need to go it`s a godsend at times!!!



The dining area table is fabulous...….and certainly plenty of room for us!!!!

The sofa is very comfortable and we would certainly sprawl out on that a few times over our stay...…..:flower1:




And an almost full size fridge...….this would hold some nice wines!!!!




This bedroom was lovely and airy...….plenty of space and it was deceptively light, and of course had a very comfortable bed!!!! And an extra tv. That always makes Tom smile...…..:happytv:




The main bathroom is ideal for us...….two basins and plenty of space for all our belongings...….well, I did notice a few times Tom ended up walking to the other bathroom some mornings to shave :blush:...….oh dear......I did seem to have a lot of stuff sprawled around...……

We never used the bath tub, preferring to use the oversized shower and I loved it too had a little seat in there......don't think I ever used it, but it was nice....and it was incredibly spacious which we loved. And we had plenty of towels around and there was more underneath in baskets and more in the other bathroom by the door......we wouldn't go short of towels or products!!

And as always the whole place was sparklingly clean!!!






We were almost done packing, just doing last minute bits when our doorbell rang......we loved having a doorbell!!!! And there was our snacks...…..this was extremely welcome!!!! We were ready for something to tide us over till we ate dinner later......and this was perfect...….we actually devoured it between us not realizing how hungry we were till we started eating!! Lovely...….


Now having had a nice snack to keep us going till later, we would check the weather to see if we would make it to Citywalk for drinks and dinner. That was the plan.

But for now we were so happy to be back. :hug:
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Woohoo! Im late but Im here- enjoying my 'fake work' while I read your report!

We fly Jetblue alot. When its international we leave out of JFK, if its domestic its usually La Guardia. The taxi- ing to the runway always feels like its forever the airport must be huge! I like going to JFK because there is the old TWA terminal that they are converting into a hotel- I would have loved to go inside before they converted it and see all the retro furnishing. The hotel opens next year and even though I dont need to stay there I would like to because I like to watch the planes take off too. I think the coolest was when I was at JFK and the concord took off- that was so loud!
Once we have enjoyed our little treat, we Skype Kyle...…..we cannot wait to tell him about the car and show him the Suite again...…..when I switch my ipad on I see I have a message from him telling us the guy doing the bathroom has a question about the tiles...….

We first tell him what car we have and Kyle, like us is a real car person...…..he loves cars and there isn't much he doesn't know about them...….so we do get a good and clear wow from him when we tell him what we`ve got......especially when we tell him the spec of it!!! He is happy we have it...…..we tell him we`ll take plenty of pictures and some video of the sound of it on my ipad one day...…...Of course he is doing great...….work is going well and he is enjoying having the whole place to himself again...…..we joke he may change the locks one time we go away...……:rotfl:

He shows us a picture of the progress on the downstairs is looking good!!! And we are able to answer the question posed about the tiles...….Skype is fabulous!!!

We chat for a while and show him the view with the not so sunny weather today...… is ironic New York is having a gorgeous and very sunny day!!!

We say our goodbyes and arrange to chat again on Saturday morning when he`s not working...…..we do miss him!!!

We still have a few things to unpack and get sorted out in the room, then we decide the weather does look good enough to get the boat into Citywalk…...we had thought if the rain got heavier we would just have a wander down to StrongWater……..that wouldn't be a bad choice though...….we loved it in there.....but for tonight we wanted to go to Citywalk.

We waited a few moments for the boat, and observed how busy it was compared to our previous stay.....but, everyone got on the boat easily. The boat captains are always so lovely...….we had seen a few changes there over the years too, but there were still a few that had been there a long time...…..

It was lovely getting off the boat and walking in that Orlando heat again...…..yes, New York was incredibly hot, but it is different here...….the humidity was palpable......but we still loved it!!! A lady almost tripped in front of me as we were getting off, and I got such a shock, I thought she was going to land face first.....thankfully as I reached out her husband managed to stop her fall...…..she had tripped over one of her laces that had come loose!!! She was lucky.....not a good way to start your trip.

We walked up to guest services as we had a gift card to pick up that had been left for us. There was no line and I had remembered my driving licence as proof of ID and the number for the gift card. Took a few moments and we were off...…..I have to say, although we hadn't had the long flight or the wait for before and after, we were quite tired...….I reminded Tom we had been awake since before 5 this morning...….so we didn't really spend a lot of time admiring our environment tonight...…….

But, first on our agenda...………cocktails...……….


We headed straight for Margaritaville...……….it was well beyond the apparently acceptable time of 5pm for cocktails......who came up with that rule...…..and the seats at the bar were free...….wasn't too busy at all which was lovely...…..

Now, the barman immediately shouted Hey, Scotland when he saw us as we walked in...…, I was laughing he remembered us......later another friend back home said she`d have been mortified, as it meant we had been in there an awful lot...….lol...…...who cares!!!! He was a nice guy good at his job...…

We sat at the bar and told him it was just drinks tonight...…...I knew what I was having...….my favourite blackberry margarita...….and Tom, well, Tom couldn't decide which cocktail to have...…….mine was made and already slurped before he decided to go for the classic, Who`s to Blame Margarita...…..of course it became me as the two guys decided I was always trouble...….who me :rolleyes1

Drinks were good...….and strong...………:-)


We had planned to only have one and then go get some food......but, they were delicious...….so much so, yep, we had another...…..and I was surprised Tom had the same one again, I thought he`d have gone for a different one......but, when you enjoy a drink, you enjoy it.

Of course we did get our picture taken again by the lovely barman...…..he was super cool though......everything you want a barman to be!!!


This was fun...….so much so we were tempted to stay and just order food from here...…..but we had wanted to eat at NBC tonight...….Tom had his eye on their ribs again...…, rather regretfully we paid the check and decided to head over there for food as we were getting a little hungry again...….when I stood up I did feel the strength of the pour!!!! But, a little kick is a good thing sometime...….:D

We bid our lovely barman a good night and head over for food...… was beautiful tonight, I said to Tom I think it`s got warmer...….he laughed and said yes the heat is coming from your face...…….I was red again...…...strong cocktails will do that!!!!!

In to NBC and we have no wait at all, it always looks busy but they aren't full and it is still fairly early...….we get our table and are given water and menu`s......I think the water will be appreciated tonight...….we also decide to order soda`s as we had 2 fairly strong cocktails each and planned to drop into StrongWater later too...….so orange soda for me and Tom has coke.

The menu is always so nice in here...….I know Tom is for the ribs, and I always have the jalapeno I decide I`m going to have something different...… as I read through every single option I narrow it down to four choices...…….and then decide to go for the jalapeno burger after all :duck:...……..I`m so predictable at times...………with tater tots though......that was different.....till Tom reminded me actually it wasn't...…...I ordered that the last time too!!!



It is a nice place......although we do have fond memories of Nascar being here......used to love their Boogity Boogity Boogity Shrimp...…..classic and don't ask for that after a few drinks...……….:rotfl:

Our food arrived soon after and it looked gorgeous...…..and I do need to work on my photography skills as you couldn't really make out what it was!!!! Tom should really take all the pictures...…….::yes::



Bad photograph or not it tasted delicious!!!! Those burgers really are nice, I don't eat the bun usually but it was enough without it...…..although I did eat Tom`s cornbread as he`s not really a fan...….unless it`s 4Rivers, their cornbread is divine...…….but he loved his ribs tonight......they were fall off the bone tender and the sauce was gorgeous...… really was a lovely meal...……

We devoured both meals and apart from the bun and the coleslaw, the plates were cleared...….always a sign of a good meal!!!

We had no room for dessert...… always...….so we paid the check and headed down to the boats...…...and it was still so warm......this was bliss...…..

We were lucky and a Sapphire boat appeared. There was quite a line, but we would all get on one boat...….and we did. Always enjoy the boat ride back to the hotels, any of them really...….it doesn't take long at all but we love seeing Sapphire all lit up at night as we approach...….it really is a beautiful hotel.

We head straight up to StrongWater tonight for a nightcap...……

This is a lovely bar...…..although we weren't having food tonight, it is always a good choice if you are looking for good food and slightly tapas style...….the portions are extremely decent to share and everything we have tasted has always been beautiful. They are very proud of their ever changing menu, and we notice it has changed slightly again since our last visit in May...…….

It is fairly quiet tonight which is lovely as we just fancy a quiet evening...…….




A couple of the waiter recognized us as we walked in and said welcome back......I was particularly impressed they both remembered our names......that is service...…..we sat down and had a quick look at the menu...…..I was planning on having the Rum Revival which was Mount gay Black barrel, blueberry and basil among other things...….delicious...….and Tom opted for one of my other favourites…..Fountain of youth.....which had the St Augustine rum in it and lime and agave, again with other flavours, but these were the prominent ones...……

Think I may have mentioned in the May trip report, I had now tried every cocktail they had to offer here......including a special one they had created recently which was beautiful...…..and out of them there was only one I wasn't too keen on.....not too bad!!!

They also have Rum Captains who will go through rum flights with you......Tom had enjoyed 3 or 4 of these and they were very interesting as well as fun...….the Captains really know their stuff.



They were beautiful...…..all their juices and syrups are all freshly made every day and you can taste the difference in them from other cocktails......very, very fresh...…..

We sat for maybe an hour or so and chatted to various members of the team who all seemed to know us, except one girl who was new to us......not now though!!!

We did begin to feel a little tired as we sat and watched the view out of the windows go from twilight to total darkness...….we had planned to go sit outside for a while but we just didn't get around to it...…, we got the check and headed up to our lovely room...…..

Turndown had been and the rooms were incredibly cozy...…….Tom got settled into the sofa and turned on Everybody Loves Raymond...….it`s either that or Two and half men that seems to be on...…….

It wasn't late, we just wanted to sprawl out and chill after our non hectic travel day...…….



I checked my ipad and saw an email from our lovely friend, he was just checking up everything was good.

Yep, it really was.

We were soon in bed, and sleeping before we knew it...…...and looking forward to tomorrow.
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Woohoo! Im late but Im here- enjoying my 'fake work' while I read your report!

We fly Jetblue alot. When its international we leave out of JFK, if its domestic its usually La Guardia. The taxi- ing to the runway always feels like its forever the airport must be huge! I like going to JFK because there is the old TWA terminal that they are converting into a hotel- I would have loved to go inside before they converted it and see all the retro furnishing. The hotel opens next year and even though I dont need to stay there I would like to because I like to watch the planes take off too. I think the coolest was when I was at JFK and the concord took off- that was so loud!

:welcome: along ck...…...always glad to see you...…..:D

We`ve seen Concorde many times ::yes::...….it used to be able to land at the local airport to us as it had a huge runway for the fairly small airport it was......spectacular to watch though, so impressive for being such a tiny aircraft.

I saw that TWA terminal when we were dropped off, and I wondered what they were doing with it as it looked deserted as a terminal, but there was an awful lot going on there...….that's a hotel I`d love to stay at!!!

Glad you made it here, happy to have you along......and keep up that fake working...…..hope no one notices...….:thumbsup2


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