News Round Up 2019

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That’s part of what I meant they’d be selling. And even though I hate myself a little for it, I’ll probably buy in, which is what they’re (likely rightly) counting on.
If they did it for Toy Story Land you know they will really be pushing the Early Morning Magic at Galaxy's Edge. The Toy Story Land EMM was $79 per adult, $69 for kids, so you can bet it's going to be a bit more than that. Just a complete and total guess is it will cost $99 for adult.
I guessing they are doing this because they are having some issues with the ride. Considering it is a pretty ambitious ride that doesn't really surprise me.

There's no problem with the ride. It wasn't expected to be open until November. The whole land is ahead of schedule. Rise of the Resistance just isn't 3 months ahead of schedule like everything else.
Wow!!! This is so exciting!!!

Even though we aren't going until May 2020, I'm excited about the early opening. More time for us to make plans based on what happens from August on.

So glad we booked already! :)
There's no problem with the ride. It wasn't expected to be open until November. The whole land is ahead of schedule. Rise of the Resistance just isn't 3 months ahead of schedule like everything else.
DLR was expected to be open in June. No way would I have expected only 1 ride ready to be open. Was there ever an indication for DLR that there would be something not open then?

That signals to me that they aren't done with construction. Given that it's both parks having the same ride not open it either means construction is taking longer or there's an issue with it that they want to work out the kinks with.

Now I will concede that it could have been their master plan all along I just don't remember hearing about only 1 ride being open at opening.
Not happy about no FP's...gonna have to venture into the standby line....if I can even find where it ends.
There's no problem with the ride. It wasn't expected to be open until November. The whole land is ahead of schedule. Rise of the Resistance just isn't 3 months ahead of schedule like everything else.
And the issue could just be fallen behind schedule. But it will be late at DLR.
You would think they want to cater more to the onsite guests.

and to the increase $ that onsite guests bring. That is probably the main reason I am surprised by this. With the 60+10 incentive to stay on site - and to stay for longer periods of time to get hard to get FP, I thought having FP for these rides would be a great way to get people to say for a week or more on site (and of course they would jack up the price of the rooms as well)

Now there isn't the incentive to stay on site. Well, at Disneyland there is for the opening month as you get guaranteed access to the land via the registration system. Doesn't appear to be much incentive right now to staying on site at WDW - other than EMHs I guess (which there is definitely some value there - leveraged those the first week Pandora opened)
Initially you’ll only have one ride anyways ;)

good point - at least when both are up and running you split the FP (assuming they put them both as Tier 1, can't imagine that would not be the case) - with this everyone would go for the exact same FP so unless you can book at like 67 days you would have no shot
I guessing they are doing this because they are having some issues with the ride. Considering it is a pretty ambitious ride that doesn't really surprise me.
I'm not sure of this. It IS insanely ambitious but the reason for this could easily be that everyone at the top wants the park open ASAP, because they know a lot of people are waiting until this opens to flood the park (hi, I'm included in this group). If it takes six months or more after opening to get Rise up and running, then I would def say there were issues with it. If it ends up opening a month or two later? I'd guess that this is all happening as a result of a push to get the park open as early as possible.

Of course, right now, we have no idea when Phase 2 opens, and for all we know they'll wait until the last minute to make that announcement.
good point - at least when both are up and running you split the FP (assuming they put them both as Tier 1, can't imagine that would not be the case) - with this everyone would go for the exact same FP so unless you can book at like 67 days you would have no shot

Yeah, maybe and hopefully this is because there is only one ride opening which would make it almost impossible for most people to get a FP. When the second ride opens they can add FP as usual. Most likely this will have all played out before we go.

All the unknowns make this a hard trip to plan for. We make ADR's in June, which means we need to pick park days. Really tough to do without knowing all the SWGE details.
How did they do this for Pandora and Frozen? I never really paid attention to what was happening there but I'm guessing that guided Disney in figuring out what to do here.

With Pandora, the land reached capacity but people with a fastpass for the attraction were still allowed in during their time slot if they were not already in the land. got quite messy as fastpasses for the attraction doubled up as a fastpass to the land. By having no fastpasses for Star Wars, it means that they can stick to capacity and not have a loophole of a fastpass to go over the land's capacity, hopefully to reduce crowding :)
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