Nikon D50

Hi! My kit lens to my D50 broke(don't ask):headache: . I want a good multi purpose zoom lens that isn't going to break my budget. I have the 50mm f/1.8 for portraits and I love it! I didn't particularly like the kit lens anyway so I'm anxious to find a great new lens. I will mainly be photographing my 3 children. We leave for Disney in a week and a half.:cool1:
Please give me your suggestions! Thanks so much!

what is your budget ??
The 18-135mm Nikkor would be an excellent choice and give you a lot more range than the original kit lens, assuming you had the 18-55mm. It can be had for $268, shipped, from buydig.

If you're willing to give up a little range on the wide end (and exceed your budget slightly), this might be a good option: I bought one a few weeks ago and so far I'm pretty pleased with it. It seems sharper than my kit lens (the 18-70) and f/2.8 throughout the focal range is a big plus, IMO. Of course now I'm looking for a wide angle zoom to compensate for the focal length I've lost.
The 18-135mm Nikkor would be an excellent choice and give you a lot more range than the original kit lens, assuming you had the 18-55mm. It can be had for $268, shipped, from buydig.


I second this lens. I have one for my D50 and LOVE it. It is very sharp and I love the focal range. Very highly recomended!
what should I pay? I am not sure what accessories he has so I don't know what other 'stuff' he has.

What is a used 'basic kit' worth? Anyone have any thoughts, or should I just check ebay?
You can check Ebay, but I'd also check for used equipment prices...if they have one, you'd get a good idea of the "going" price based on it's condition.
B&H and Adorama have them factory refurbished with a 90 day factory warranty from time to time for about $400 without a lens. The 18-55 kit lens used is probably under $100.
B&H and Adorama have them factory refurbished with a 90 day factory warranty from time to time for about $400 without a lens. The 18-55 kit lens used is probably under $100.

The guy I buy my gear from just offered me $100-120 (I decided not to sell it, so we never ended up with a firm price) for the kit lens from my D-70 (AF 18-70 f/4.5), so you sound about spot on with your numbers.

OP--Because there's no warranty on the D-50, I'd offer him $400 for the body and lens, and go up to $450. I don't think I'd pay more than that for the pair.
Right now you can buy a BRAND NEW DSLR w/kit lens for as little as $459(canon XT). And you can choose a kit from 4 major companies for under $500, only major company that does not have a DSLR kit available under $500 is Sony.

Lets remember that your friend may have purchased the D50 for around $800, sometimes sellers get insulted even though you offer a fair price based on todays market. IMO I would choose not to do business with a friend, but if the FRIEND were to put a number on the table and the price was a decent deal(about $350 IMO) I would jump on it. I just would not make an offer for the sake of the friendship.

D50 = a camera that was released in 2005. And yes it still takes great pictures, but so do those BRAND NEW cameras that are available now.
Right now you can buy a BRAND NEW DSLR w/kit lens for as little as $459(canon XT). And you can choose a kit from 4 major companies for under $500, only major company that does not have a DSLR kit available under $500 is Sony.

the Sony a100 might be available for that shortly, once the A200 hits the stores...
right now it's just under 600
Right now you can buy a BRAND NEW DSLR w/kit lens for as little as $459(canon XT). And you can choose a kit from 4 major companies for under $500, only major company that does not have a DSLR kit available under $500 is Sony.

Lets remember that your friend may have purchased the D50 for around $800, sometimes sellers get insulted even though you offer a fair price based on todays market. IMO I would choose not to do business with a friend, but if the FRIEND were to put a number on the table and the price was a decent deal(about $350 IMO) I would jump on it. I just would not make an offer for the sake of the friendship.

D50 = a camera that was released in 2005. And yes it still takes great pictures, but so do those BRAND NEW cameras that are available now.

yeah and of course the brand new ones have a warranty should anything go wrong....depending on how long/ much use the used has had it might be nearing the end of the shutter clicks( going by the xt clicks, not sure if nikon is close to that or not)
The D50 is a great camera. Find out how many shutter clicks it has. I'd also say $400-450 w/kit lens. If the shutter has over 10,000 clicks I would go no more than $400.

IIRC, when the last new one's were being sold they were going for $550-650 w/kit lens. When it first came out it was $700-800 w/kit lens.
This is a friend that is always upgrading to the latest and greatest. He sold me his xbox with a ton of supplies for $50. Santa brought that for Christmas to our house. :) He's also selling his PS2 stuff, because he doesn't play it anymore.

My guess is he upgraded to something better or just never really ended up using it. I will seriously lowball him on an offer and he just might sell it to me. If not - nothing gained nothing lost.

How can I check to see how many clicks it has on it?
How can I check to see how many clicks it has on it?

There is a free program called IEXIF available from Opanda that can be used to access all kinds of useful information about an image, including how many clicks on the shutter. You'll need a current image made with the camera in order to use this.

There is a free program called IEXIF available from Opanda that can be used to access all kinds of useful information about an image, including how many clicks on the shutter. You'll need a current image made with the camera in order to use this.


Where would you find that in the IEXIF program? Is this true for all camera makes and models?
Where would you find that in the IEXIF program? Is this true for all camera makes and models?

Follow the link in his message for the program. It will read all exif data the camera records but not all cameras record total shutter actuations- for the OP the D50 does record this.
Follow the link in his message for the program. It will read all exif data the camera records but not all cameras record total shutter actuations- for the OP the D50 does record this.

Ok, maybe the Canon 30D doesn't. I have that program but never saw that info on the EXIF data that it tells me. That's cool. I just thought it might be helpful to figure out where I stand on that one. I'm sure there is a way to figure it out, but I am also sure that I am nowhere near the max shutter clicks yet.

Thanks Jeff.


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