No Matter What Happens Going Forward

We waited until we could afford a family vacation and guess what. You never can afford it! You'll wait forever and then your kids will be grown! That's what we almost did until I finally put my foot down and said we're making this a priority! I'm sad for all the years I didn't get to experience WDW or other places with my older kids. But, we have fun when we go and are making memories now.

You don't want to be foolish with your money but you also don't want to be foolish with the precious time you have with your kids!
Boy, I couldn't agree more with the OP. While we do have some money in savings, and we definitely pay all our bills, we spend a lot of money at Disney World. People say, "Wow, you're going again? Seriously? That's a lot of money!"

Well, yes, I could just hang onto the money, put even more in savings, or live for a retirement that I may or may not have, but instead we are having a great time together as a family. We all love Disney World and the fun we have there together, and the kids will never forget those memories. I know, because I still cherish family trips (to WDW or Disneyland or National Parks or whatever) from when I was a kid.

My wife grew up in a family that was really cheap. She had one vacation her entire childhood, and she feels the lack.
Just wanted to clarify for pp who talked about losing jobs and paying bills... DH has a job and my job is secure. What I was saying is in the current state of the world and the doom and gloom in the news, I have become so filled with anxiety that I'm always thinking about what COULD happen and trying to prepare for it when that isn't realistic and it's destroying my quality of life. I can't change the US's credit rating or Greece's economy or the national unemployment rate, yet I can't stop wondering what changes there may be to my family's life as a result of these things.

If he did lose his job, the Disney trip money would only cover 1/2 a month of expenses. We'd obviously need more of a solution than that to survive. The trip, which we can afford and is paid in full, will I hope refocus my perceptions and get me to see a bright side that I've been ignoring for the last several months. Disney doesn't allow me to fret and for at least 1 week, i won't be watching 24 hour disaster coverage. I'll be on Space Mountain! :thumbsup2
I 100% agree with this post. The pure joy and happiness that Disney brings to our family is well worth not having my ugly bathroom redone or new appliances in the kitchen and so on..... The key to family is happiness, love, and togetherness. We already had a "vacation" this year. That was visiting our family in Israel. But for some reason when we got home I was left with this feeling of happy that we went but just not the same over all feeling of Disney. I hope that makes sense. We go to Disney and for some reason my kids are on their best behavior, they don't fight, and we dont get mad at them. I just can't explain it. It's the magic of Disney. So with that we booked Disney!

I was talking to my mom about this very thing a few weeks ago. We are planning to buy a house. I have already scheduled a trip to Disney, and I'm not cancelling. I got a great pin discount, a free ticket for GAD, and I am using points from my Visa to help pay for it. I told my mom that, because we NEVER took a vacation when I was a kid, I feel that it is important while my son is young to do things with him. She agreed whole heartedly. We never went anywhere because my dad farmed, and summers were too busy. I know mom never liked that, but what could she do? We don't go to Disney every year, but this will be our 4th trip. Last year we went to Connecticut and Massachusetts and we have been to the Gulf. I want to experience things, not have lots of "stuff"!

Also, my husband did lose his job last fall. He got another one but at half the pay. We are still doing okay. People would be surprised at what they can do without when they have to. We are frugal, responsible people and I have a fairly secure job.
DH and I spent our honeymoon at BWI in 2/99. In 11/07 DH was diagnosed with cancer. In 4/08 he was doing 'okay' and we decided to take DD to WDW for her b'day that October. DH said that if he didn't do another thing in life, he wanted to see our daughter experience WDW. DH passed away in 6/08 before we had a chance to take our trip. Recently, I started thinking about taking DD to WDW in early December and then decided what the heck...we're going this May! Yes, I'm scrambling!!!
I just love this thread!! And planogirl, you're right, we have to be Responsible with our money. Taking a trip and not paying the mortgage - that wouldn't be a good thing!! But we choose to spend our hard-earned money on memories with our kids. We don't have big screen or HD TV's, or any gaming systems. We don't have a laptop, take trips without the kids, or spend money on alcohol every weekend. Our house is comfortable, but way less than we can "afford". It's not a showplace. We don't replace our furniture or redecorate often or in "fancy" ways. I know lots of good people who do choose these things, it's not wrong, it's how they want to entertain their families and maybe they're making memories that way. We like to travel to family-friendly destinations - Disney and the beach primarily, also an annual weekend in Frankenmuth, MI that my kids just love!

One other thing - sometimes the memories are SO precious even if the kids won't remember them! You hear that a lot "but they won't remember it" Our first trip, DD was almost 3. Will she remember that trip? Probably not. But will I always remember the joy she had, the looks on her face, the pure MAGIC that she experienced? Definitely!! The characters were REAL to her, the princesses - oh my!!! She may not remember it forever, but the JOY was Real and DH and I will always have those wonderful memories !
DH and I spent our honeymoon at BWI in 2/99. In 11/07 DH was diagnosed with cancer. In 4/08 he was doing 'okay' and we decided to take DD to WDW for her b'day that October. DH said that if he didn't do another thing in life, he wanted to see our daughter experience WDW. DH passed away in 6/08 before we had a chance to take our trip. Recently, I started thinking about taking DD to WDW in early December and then decided what the heck...we're going this May! Yes, I'm scrambling!!!

I'm so sorry to hear that, but I'm glad that you are going ahead and doing what he would have wanted to do!

And I understand lugnut's position as well...lately I've been staring at walls realizing that DD#1 will be in college in 9 years, and this economy hasn't exactly helped with any savings.

Back in March 2006 my mother passed away, 5 years almost to the day my dad did (and it didn't help that it was 1 week after losing my job, and a week later my wife's grandmother passed away - we PRAY to get through March every year unscathed!) I was able to get a job within a month, so we went ahead with a planned July trip - even though I was in the middle of dealing with all the estate stuff (I even got calls from the lawyers while in DHS saying the house buyer was being a jerk - I almost told them to call it off - and kudos to the Poly concierge staff for helping me with paperwork faxing...). Eventually the estate was settled, and we decided to purchase DVC with a portion of it because she knew we loved Disney. DW went back to school for a new job, we did work on the house...but we also blew through the money quicker than expected (a tree fell on our house, DW's new career is in a "luxury" field and the economy has made that VERY slow building), and I started to get the "deer in the headlights" look at the future...I'm working through it plenty of cushion but I'm getting more in the habit of being aware of our spending and trying to set up a plan for college savings...without giving up DVC and Disney...
as a mother of 4, now ages 21-31, have to say to all of you with younger kids: GO! GO often, and don't put it off...we took the kids a couple of times and kept thinking "one of these years" we'll go back with them.

We first went when the youngest was about 4, so oldest was about 14. Everyone had a great time, we all love Disney. But we decided to wait until "baby" was older before we went again...and Guess's whoosh & they're grown & gone. By the time we went again, baby was 10 & our oldest was moved out & busy with his own life/job/school, etc. And then #2 moved out...and when we finally went back again, "baby" had just graduated high school & then it was just DH, her & me. Everyone else was gone.

Really, really regret that we didn't make it a point to go every 2 or 3 years back then, starting when the baby was a baby...would have had at least a couple more "whole family" trips. If I could have a "do-over", we'd be at Disney every 2 years when the kids were all home:woohoo:
I was just talking to my mom about this today, I want my kids to remember when they first went to Disney and how much fun they had as a family. I too agree 110%
When I wrote that first post, I was just sitting at my workdesk lost in my own little world. I was remembering my girls sitting on the statue/bench with Roy Disney and Minnie there in town square and how the years have passed. How they are growing up. How awesome I think they are.

I get back online tonight and see all these posts, many many of which have brought a tear to my eye. Very special and heart warming to read what many of you have written so far.

Off to bed for me, but I think I'll continue reading my Disneyland guidebook so we can make some more memories in a few weeks.
Funny how I came across this thread. I was just having this exact conversation with my aunt yesterday. We were talking about how priceless
our vacations to Disney have been over the years and all of the wonderful memories we have made. In the end our memories are the most precious things we have in my opinion. I look back on all of our trips and how my kids have grown up doing Disney, and what a wonderful time we have had together. Looking forward to many more years of making memories and god-willing someday I will get to enjoy my grandchildren experiencing it as well.
I couldn't agree more with these sentiments! The memories I have from trips to Disneyland as a young child with my mom are some of the best of my life and there is nothing I would trade them for in the world. I am so blessed to be passing some of the same memories along to my son, and now getting to see it through his eyes feel so privileged to stand in the same shoes my mother once stood in.
Totally, Totally agree!!! Memories of time spent together as a family (whether at WDW or anywhere else) will be the most precious things in your life. We make a lot of other sacrifices to be able to travel as much as we do, but it is well worth it.

As for some of the comments about job security, I will go ahead and say that DH is possibly in danger of getting laid off in the next few weeks. And we are expecting a new baby in September! But our June Disney trip is already paid for, we've been excited about it for over a year, and DH says we are going no matter what, even if it's the last fun we ever have! Okay, I'm sure it wouldn't be that bad, but I totally agree with his sentiment!
My 26 year old DS said recently, "Not too many people can say Disney was their second home!" I love that. :goodvibes
I hear you all! Our girls are young and completely enamored of the experience. We are...not so young :) and completely enamored of the experience. We plan the dickens out of each trip but also try to take everything as it comes. I read so much about families losing young children to accidents and illness, and I think how lucky we are to even have the option of giving these experiences to our daughters.
People always ask me, "why on earth would you spend so much money every year at Disney, and how do you afford it?". I say, because it creates memories for my family, and it brings us closer together. This year we are spending $4,000 total between the 3 of us, and that includes travel expences, and spending money. When you do the math, it is only about 11 bucks a day for a year! Many people spend more than that on coffee! I spent that at the drive-thru yester day!!! We do not put disney before our bills, or are savings, and my dd2 has everything she needs and more. You know what I am looking most foward to this trip? Seeing my dd's face when she meets the real Cinderella! She is going to flip, and we couldn't be more excited! I will say, "Rylee where are we going on vacation?" and she will say, "Disney world!", and then I say, "what are you going to ride?", and she says "Dumbo". She then goes on to tell me that she needs a cinderella dress, and a snow white dress. I just can't wait!! I was raised by a single mother who couldn't afford to take me to Disney, or on vacation, but made sure she gave me everything, and anything I needed in life! She did pay for me to go to Disney when I was 17 with my high school dance team. (I LOVE my mom!!!) It means so much to me that I can do this for my child. Next year, me, mom, and dd are going on a girls trip to Disney. I am excited for my mom to get to see her only grandchild (and only kid:)) experience Disney.
Totally, Totally agree!!! Memories of time spent together as a family (whether at WDW or anywhere else) will be the most precious things in your life. We make a lot of other sacrifices to be able to travel as much as we do, but it is well worth it.

As for some of the comments about job security, I will go ahead and say that DH is possibly in danger of getting laid off in the next few weeks. And we are expecting a new baby in September! But our June Disney trip is already paid for, we've been excited about it for over a year, and DH says we are going no matter what, even if it's the last fun we ever have! Okay, I'm sure it wouldn't be that bad, but I totally agree with his sentiment!
I'm one that made a comment about job security. I only hope that those who do NOT have a trip paid for and also no income think through going on a trip. However even some of those people can justify going! And again it's their choice and no one else's. :)

I hope that you have an amazing trip. :thumbsup2
My girls will always have the wonderful memories we have made at Disney Resorts and Theme Parks. Yeah, we've spent a lot of money (and are spending more in April), but I don't regret that for one minute. Sure, we could save more for their college or our retirement, but life is so short I hate to miss out on having fun with them.

I know that 30 years from now my girls will always look back fondly on the time we have spent together making memories.

That's all, I just felt like saying that.

I totally agree. People keeps asking why we go again and again... well, my DD is young, and soon I'll have another little one. They're only going to be little once, and these are memories we'll have forever. When they get older, sure, we'll do other things and go other places, and maybe DH and I will do a little travelling alone. But for now, WDW is our place.
I agree 100% also!!! My grandfather lived frugally and saved all of his money for retirement to travel. He retired at 60, went on one trip to Hawaii and had a stroke shortly thereafter. He was too sick to go anywhere else and lived the next ten years in fear of being somewhere and dying.

Last year my husband got a pay cut and I am currently staying home raising our kids. We have a very meager savings due to the fact that everything has increased in price, but our pay. We decided to go to Disney last Nov. because you only live once and we haven't been anywhere in 2 years. I wouldn't trade the memories for anything. Yes, family thought we were crazy to go and not save $$ or pay more on bills...truth is there are always going to be bills and you never know how long you have to make those memories with your loved ones. My boys are still talking about vacation (they are 3 and almost 5) so I feel we made a great choice bringing them!!!!

My thoughts are life is too short to save all your $$ for retirement, a rainy day, college etc. We need to enjoy some fun while we are still able to do so, because we may not get the opportunity in 20+ years.....just my 2 cents!


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