No Matter What Happens Going Forward

Memories are priceless, that is all I can say. We have been to WDW 7 times since 05, and are going back this December:woohoo:. Our DS was a little over 2 on our first trip, and I will always remember him running up to "Cinda-yaya" and giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Yes, it is expensive, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. We are not big spenders in everyday life, so the Disney splurge is justified (at least in my eyes). :goodvibes
We go almost every year and are going again in August (even though I SWORE we were taking a year off!!!)

My son (almost 14) has some major achievements coming up and we gave him a choice - vacation or big blowout party - he chose vacation.

I suggested a few places for vacation (we've never been to) and after thinking for a few days he sad "Mom, I'd really just like to go back to Disney!"

Cool with me!

The main reason we do this, other than the obvious (we love it so), is because my dh has MS and we have no idea if it will eventually become a bigger deal than it is right now, and hinder/prevent us from traveling.

So we go. And we never look back! :banana:
I've really enjoyed reading everyone's comments and now knowing that there are other people out there like me. One poster wrote something along the lines of not replacing furniture, not having the most extravagant home furnishings, etc. I guess that would be us, too. Although, we did just replace an awful couch and loveseat that we had for 14 years and trust me, it did need replacing. Now, had we not gone to Disney once a year, or once every two years for the past many years, we could have bought a new couch and loveseat sooner. But DH and I have talked repeatedly about DD15 only having a couple more years until college and until then, we want to do things that make us happy as a family. We have some money put aside for retirement, but certainly not a ton. I know I can't keep putting that off (DH is 56), but for now we Disney! I do have to admit, my parents have been very generous to us over the years and some of those trips wouldn't have been possible had it not been for their generosity. Sure, the money they gave us could have been put into savings, but life is short. We don't know what tomorrow holds. All that said, I do agree with those who mentioned being able to pay bills, etc. and not spending money you really don't have. My closest friends are either unmarried or don't have children so it's nice to have gotten this perspective from people more like me (married with children). Sometimes I do feel guilty about the money we spend on Disney, but I think I feel better now knowing I'm not the only one.
ITA! Trust me. Our oldest son passed away in Dec. of 07 and I would not trade one minute of the time nor one dollar of the money we have spent at WDW! Yes, we should all plan for the future, but at the same time realize that tomorrow is not promised to anyone. I just don't think it would be the same to sit around and say, "remember the time we put an additional $50 in savings?" instead of the many funny, happy memories we have of all our vacations. I carry his last KTTW card in my wallet at all times.

I completely agree with everyone here! and ScrapperBelle, you said it the best!

Money is tight here. Down to one income, I've been looking for a job for over a year and wanted to go to Disney for some Mickey magic to put a smile on my face. And now I am so glad I have started planning our next visit. Thanks! :earsboy:
Well said. We hit a little financial hiccup with trying to pay off our debit quickly and I for a split second considered cancelling our May trip, but then remembered my kids will only be this age once and we don't have much longer until the magic might wear off of our oldest DD so we are making changes elsewhere. Although most don't get why we go on vacation every year (espically to Disney) but money spent on family vacations keep giving back memories year after year. Thats a great investment in my book.
My girls will always have the wonderful memories we have made at Disney Resorts and Theme Parks. Yeah, we've spent a lot of money (and are spending more in April), but I don't regret that for one minute. Sure, we could save more for their college or our retirement, but life is so short I hate to miss out on having fun with them.

I know that 30 years from now my girls will always look back fondly on the time we have spent together making memories.

That's all, I just felt like saying that.

So, will that still be such a positive when they are taking classes at night because they have to work during the day to get an education? Or when you are moving in with them becuase you didn't save for your own retirement? Just wondering.
So, will that still be such a positive when they are taking classes at night because they have to work during the day to get an education? Or when you are moving in with them becuase you didn't save for your own retirement? Just wondering.

Wow, that's harsh. The OP said saving "more" for college and retirement. And take it from someone who worked 50 hours or so all through my college it's not the end of the world, and it worked for me! I went to school in the AM, worked afternoons and evenings. I graduated with my BA in 3 years, at age 20. *I* paid for all of it, at a private college - through scholarships and grants I earned for academics, through actual payments and through a small student loan. My parents didn't have the means to fund a private college for me, but I was able to live at home rent-free, so they helped in that way. There are lots of ways to pay for college, and lots of choices (state colleges for example which are much cheaper). There's no going back if your kids are grown and you never took them to Disney or had other fun experiences with them.

And re: retirement, again the OP said saving "more" - indicates saving IS happening! I agree, to not save at all would be irresponsible, but I don't think that's what we're talking about here.
I just love this thread!! And planogirl, you're right, we have to be Responsible with our money. Taking a trip and not paying the mortgage - that wouldn't be a good thing!! But we choose to spend our hard-earned money on memories with our kids. We don't have big screen or HD TV's, or any gaming systems. We don't have a laptop, take trips without the kids, or spend money on alcohol every weekend. Our house is comfortable, but way less than we can "afford". It's not a showplace. We don't replace our furniture or redecorate often or in "fancy" ways. I know lots of good people who do choose these things, it's not wrong, it's how they want to entertain their families and maybe they're making memories that way. We like to travel to family-friendly destinations - Disney and the beach primarily, also an annual weekend in Frankenmuth, MI that my kids just love!

One other thing - sometimes the memories are SO precious even if the kids won't remember them! You hear that a lot "but they won't remember it" Our first trip, DD was almost 3. Will she remember that trip? Probably not. But will I always remember the joy she had, the looks on her face, the pure MAGIC that she experienced? Definitely!! The characters were REAL to her, the princesses - oh my!!! She may not remember it forever, but the JOY was Real and DH and I will always have those wonderful memories !

Very well said!:thumbsup2
My husband and I are always trying to find that balance between going on vacation and saving for the future. We each come from very different backgrounds. When I was growing up we went on vacation every year. However, my father worked until he was 70. :scared1:My husband's family never went any where and his dad retired at 55. This year will be our 3rd year going with our girls. My husband always makes the comment that if we save the money we spend on vacation it would grow over time. I know we are lucky to be going to Disney, but saving for the future is important!
The pure joy and happiness that Disney brings to our family is well worth not having my ugly bathroom redone or new appliances in the kitchen and so on.....

This sounds like something I could have said myself! We are responsible with our money, but when it comes to our "discretionary spending", we'd rather spend it making memories. Who really cares about accumulating more stuff or keeping up with the Jones' by having the latest type of appliances or countertops? :rolleyes:

I always think that I would much rather be able to look back on life and say "think of all the trips we took and the experiences we had" than "think of all the stuff we bought".

That being said, we do try to be reasonable with our travel plans, economize to an appropriate degree, and keep everything in balance. :hippie:
One day back in 2005, my boss' 23 yr old daughter died of breast cancer. That day we received a post card from WDW about summer deals. We booked WDW the next day.

My father retired when we was 56yrs old and they had planned to travel. He is now 80 and they haven't gone anywhere... "too much money", "no one to watch the house"..."what if..."

I was diagnosed with cancer 4 yrs ago. I'm fine now but "what if"???? You have do do what you love when you can. WE love Disney and I am grateful tp have been as many times as we have.:wizard:
This discussion would be a better fit on the theme parks community board, so I'm going to move it there now.
It's amazing how we as humans are able to forget our own mortality... Life is for living folks...Living in whatever manner makes you happiest...and if WDW is what makes you happy and you can make it Happen....Why not?:goodvibes

I adopted this new mantra after watching both my parents pass out of this world. Now I have a new appreciation for life's experiences.


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