November W.I.S.H. - Thankful is as thankful does.

This week was a rough one. I didn't get any exercise in. The beginning of week was because I was having cramps and pains from the biopsy. then the last day or so because I just was not up for it. I have also ate terribly this week. This was all emotional based with what was going on.

I am doing much better today after getting the all clear yesterday. I slept so much better last night. I still woke up at 4:30 but fell right back to sleep. My plan today is to get an hour in on the treadmill on my lunch. It is a bit cold here (we had snow this week) so I will stay inside rather then walk outside.

November should be a good month. I have 2 days off, I think next week (for no reason, just needed to use up PTO), then I am off the whole week at Thanksgiving. I already have a good deal of Christmas shopping done too. DD will be done quickly. She gave me a ton of things to get her. She makes a google doc with all the links to what she wants. Plus she has said stuff lately that she wants but hasn't put it on her list and I remembered them. So a bit of a surprise for her. DS will be a pain like every year but I will figure it out. He likes to give like 5 things to get him that I also need to share with grandparents.
It was a good week-nice weather for walking and meals were pretty much on track. Packed away summer clothes and got out things for the cooler weather (no snow yet, thank goodness!). I did some Christmas shopping that will be delivered to Pa tomorrow (we’re headed home today) so feeling somewhat organized.
My grandson has a half day today so will stop at his house and take him to lunch-looking forward to seeing him.

Happy Friday, everyone!
I've done well with my 5000 steps per day goal, at least up till yesterday... I took my FitBit off in the morning to charge it and forgot to put it back on. I also listened to a podcast, 'Maintenance Phase', which is about debunking the diet/fitness/wellness industry and unlearning what we've been taught. It is really good. Haven't started to read a book yet, and haven't lost any weight.

We're smack dab in the middle of another atmospheric river, with a lot of rain and wind, so outdoors time has been limited. Longest stretch outside was probably the five minutes this morning that it took me to rake the leaves out of the gutter, so that the street doesn't flood.

Big plans for the weekend... I absolutely positively will get the office finished. I did finally get the second set of curtains up, now I need to build the bookshelf. I've started using Christmas sheets on the bed, and am planning on swapping the bedroom curtain to the red ones. Yes, I admit it, I am one of those people that does Christmas decor before Thanksgiving.

I tried calling Not Ester Claudia and no response, also tried calling her Tink, thinking it had some hard crisp sounds, but no to that as well. I am back to thinking she is really deaf, but now the Not has stuck, so Not Ester she will remain.
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November is starting off OK - have exercised all but one day this week, and decluttering is moving along slowly but surely. (I may have to back off for a bit next month, though, as I think the sorting boxes and the Christmas decorations out at the same time might simply be too overwhelming. Maybe an upstairs project???)

Thankful today for talking to my niece this morning and plans with MIL later this afternoon.
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I am so happy that the weekend is here. Even though I had Tuesday off, the last three days have felt like I put in a full week. Behaviors at times are wild still even with the personal behavior plans and restorative practice circles in place. I need a break from the kids. Next week I will be doing report cards, setting my Teacher Goals for my evaluation, and scheduling parent/teacher conferences for the following week.

In the middle of the work chaos, I have DD's birthday. I have two personal days to do birthday things for and with her, so only three days of school. Monday and Tuesday, I need to hit the ground running.

I have been walking plenty, but at times, my eating has not been great. After her birthday, I will buckle down again.
I'm thankful for weekends. For some reason, this week was loooong!

I've been recording all my food.

I was good today at work. Someone brought their leftover Halloween candy and I resisted all my favorites. I decided 1) it wasn't worth the tummy ache (although there were reese's pieces in the mix and those don't hurt) 2) I'd have to record that and did I really want to do that?! Instead I added a flavor packet to my water and went on my way. No regrets!
I’m headed down to the beach for breakfast and may try to get in a short walk. Yesterday was one of those never actually see the sun days, because of the dark dreary rain, and today looks to be about the same.

Yesterday I started binge watching the Golden Girls, and will probably do more today. It is interesting that “it” was there from episode one, and by episode three they had really found their grove. Most if the themes are still relevant, but some are dated. And the fashions are fabulous. But the tough to swallow bit is that I am now older than they were! We’ll, except for Sophia.
Today, DD and DH will be gone for a few hours, and I will have the house to myself. So I will take this rare opportunity to either watch a movie that neither of them would be interested in or read the book that I am getting increasingly involved in, Where The Grass Is Green And The Girls Are Pretty, by Lauren Weisberger (The Devil Wears Prada).

Tomorrow and Tuesday I will be working on my looming deadlines, report cards, goals for evaluation, and scheduling conferences, before I am off for two days to celebrate DD's birthday. Unfortunately, I cannot stay after school and work because my classroom is hosting the after school program this new marking period. Any zoom meetings I will have after school will have to be done elsewhere...probably not at home because I won't have time to drive home and be on time for my meetings...yay.

So, before the onslaught begins again, I will get laundry done, unload the dishwasher, and finally relax for a couple hours with a great book or movie.
A walk outside for my physical and mental health. These beautiful fall days are such a gift. I have a refrigerator full of food so need to sit down and plan some meals. I should take inventory of Christmas wrappings so I’m not tempted to get more.
Still trying to declutter-I have a bag of stuff for Goodwill that I should get rid of today.


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