November W.I.S.H. - Thankful is as thankful does.

For awhile now Sundays have been horrible for to get any activity in. No excuse for it as I am just being lazy. Yesterday though, after our video call with DH's family (I don't think this will go away), I got on the treadmill and got 60 minutes in. It felt good and I didn't feel so lazy the rest of the day even though I only got off the couch to make dinner.

Also, I went to bed at 8:30 read 2 chapters in my book and then went to sleep. I am sure I was asleep before 10. It was a nice morning. I am going to try to keep this up.
My motivation this week:

I'm starting to drink some orange/turmeric juice daily, since I keep hearing such positive things about turmeric.

This is the week I am going to start doing my morning pages from 'The Artist's Way', and to start going thru the workbook.

We're not going to get very much rain today so I will get out for a midday walk, hopefully not my only walk for the week. And I didn't get many household chores done over the weekend, so I need to tackle one thing per day to get caught up.
I am feeling quite overwhelmed by deadlines and intense behavioral issues with my students. There are so many demands from administration, parents, and students.

I just want to teach children. Everything else is background noise and interferes with instruction.

In order for me to be effective, I must stay organized. I make lists, and cross off each task as it’s accomplished. I try to remain calm when I get overwhelmed, but sometimes it doesn’t work. Sometimes I need to take a step back.

Today one of my students didn’t get his way, and his tantrum climaxed with him trying to flip a table. Tomorrow I am getting another new student who apparently has anger issues. Yikes.

I submitted my goals to my principal and assisted the new teachers with their goals. I sent home the report card conference letter and stayed after school today to work on report cards. I will get as much done as I can tomorrow, one task at a time.

I have two personal days to spend with DD and celebrate her birthday.
I really need a break. I plan to put school out of my mind and focus on my child.
I am not feeling great today. I would love to take a mental health day, but that would not "look good" since I have two personal days beginning tomorrow. I have to put on my "big girl pants" and some how just get through the day.

Tonight, I can fall apart.
How do you handle feeling overwhelmed?

Usually one of my cats senses how overwhelmed I am and make it worse (at first) by demanding to be taken out. - But once I get over being angry that they "won't let me finish anything" and give in to the fact that nothing else will be accomplished until I do, I end up calming down. - I get out there in the sunshine, read a book or play on my phone for a few minutes, and it breaks the overwhelmed cycle. When I come back in, everything either looks easier or less important.
It depends on what is overwhelming me. When I am emotional/mentally overwhelmed I do a lot of sitting on the coach watching TV and I eat a lot of junk and there is a lot of crying involved. The more I talked about the better I am too. If I a overwhelmed with needing to get stuff done I am not sure what I do. I think I just do one thing at a time. I don't really make lists but I have a few times when work gets overwhelming with lots of stuff to do.
I have noticed when I am feeling overwhelmed I tend to make poor decisions food wise-too many empty calories, eating out.
Getting our house in Pa ready for the market (hopefully in the spring) is overwhelming me right now. I am going to make a list of three manageable projects-if I complete them I will add another. But I have told myself it’s ok to put off the bigger ones until after the holidays.
I think I've mentioned before that overwhelm was one of the biggest ah-ha's coming from the ADHD diagnosis. It can be something as seemingly simple as going downstairs to do the laundry, sometimes I just can't get the basement door open... thank goodness I have enough underwear to go two weeks without having to do the laundry.

Overwhelm is where the five minute rule helps, because telling myself to just give it five minutes gets me started and most often gets the task completed as well. That and breaking things down to little tiny bits. Also being realistic about what really, absolutely has to get done and what doesn't... letting go of the what doesn't leaves more space to get the really important stuff taken care of.
Overwhelm is where the five minute rule helps, because telling myself to just give it five minutes gets me started and most often gets the task completed as well...

Thank you again for mentioning that before! I've been using the five minute rule for some things around the house, and I printed out a description and sent it to DS (who gets overwhelmed checking e-mail).
WOO HOO!!! My baby is turning 24 tomorrow!!!
Where did the time go?! 24 years ago, I was already in the hospital. I had been induced, and was in labor. She wasn't born until 3:05pm the following day via emergency C-section. Guess what? I would do it all over again to have this beautiful child. Her being my daughter is the BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME.💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 💗 💗

WOO HOO!!! I am off work for two days!!!
I am not only getting a much needed break from this extremely difficult class, but yesterday I found out that today we have a very boring training (yawn:rolleyes2) until 5:30pm. I couldn't have planned this better if I tried.:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

WOO HOO!!! My only objectives are to prepare for her party and celebrate!!!

I have to bake two cakes, decorate, and blow up favorite things to do!!! Yay!!!party:party:party:party:party:party:party:
I m not very woohoo. I started yesterday with a migraine and I am still not feeling great. Advil is keeping it from getting bad though. I am also back to finding a new hair salon. I took my daughter to one last night to get her hair highlighted and trimmed and it cost $200. My fault for not asking a head of time. It does look really good though. I just can't afford that.

My woohoo is that I am off the next 2 days. I totally forgot about them. I had a ton of time that I need to schedule so I didn't lose PTO at the end of the year. I just sporadically since September. So yay for 2 days off. Now hopefully I will feel better.


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