Now Bring Me That Horizon ~ It Begins P115

Oh, TK, your last post and quote made me all teary-eyed! How perfect! I hope you have a wonderfully safe journey, tons of fun (by the way Big Bad Voodoo Daddy is getting rave reviews from everyone who saw them this weekend), and I will see you in just a few days! :goodvibes
So. Jealous!

You're there; I'm here. Nuff said.

Have a Dole Float for me!
Hi! Don't worry, you have eight whole days to catch up!! ;)

I hope to be caught up by then!

I have been so busy in the past few days, I swear! It has just been crazy around here. Between last minute trip things and work, I haven't even had time to think straight. This is pretty much the first opportunity I've had to DIS.

At 12:44 am. The day I leave.

The day I leave. It has a certain poignant ring to it. The planning, the waiting, the wondering, the reworking, it all comes down to this.

Vacation. Relaxation. The happiest place on earth. And so many DIS meets with so many wonderful friends.

I don't have anything terribly profound to say except that I feel incredibly blessed. I want to thank you all for reading and commenting along on this pre trip report of mine. Your well wishes and continuation of the day by day countdown, even without me here, really warms my heart.

And so on that note, I leave you with my parting gift.


"Now...bring me that horizon."

What a great parting statement! Hope you are having a great time!
Welcome home, TK! It was great meeting you Friday night and your lovely family Friday night! Chelsea tried to abscond with a certain Mickey head back last night while I was unpacking -- I had to beat her back. :laughing:
Must be about time to say howdy and welcome home! Although, I'll bet you wish you were right back where you came from. The "Welcome Home Laundry" is never very fun!
Me thinks that our dear TK has absconded with a certain pirate! pirate: Plus she was on page two, and that's just not right. Hope we hear from you soon!
I hope work is going good for you. Hope you are not suffering too much from Disney withdrawal. Can't wait to hear about your trip, especially since I am no longer going on mine this year.:sad1::sad1::sad1:
I hope work is going good for you. Hope you are not suffering too much from Disney withdrawal. Can't wait to hear about your trip, especially since I am no longer going on mine this year.:sad1::sad1::sad1:

You aren't?!?! Gosh...I missed that news! I am so sorry. :hug:
You aren't?!?! Gosh...I missed that news! I am so sorry. :hug:

No I am not but for a good reason. I have been unemployed for a while and I got a great job for AAA none the less so I am looking forward to a great job and great Disney discounts. We are going next year for 10 days after Thanksgiving and we are bringing my dd and staying at the WL. I am really excited. I will probably start a ptr after I get used to my new schedule.


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