Now Bring Me That Horizon ~ It Begins P115

I'm still up 2!!!!

I'll be looking for ya!!!!! Have a great time!!!!:woohoo:

I looked for you, my dear, but alas! I did not spot you or your beautiful family. :guilty:

I hope you had a great time!

Have a GREAT trip!

only 11 here lol!


Can't wait to read the tr!!!


Oh, TK, your last post and quote made me all teary-eyed! How perfect! I hope you have a wonderfully safe journey, tons of fun (by the way Big Bad Voodoo Daddy is getting rave reviews from everyone who saw them this weekend), and I will see you in just a few days! :goodvibes

Aw, shucks, teary-eyed? :hug:

The day you leave, indeed! Have fun, TK!


Have a Dole Float for me!

Done! :thumbsup2

I'm a bit late, but hope your having a wonderful trip TK!!

Thank you!

What a great parting statement! Hope you are having a great time!

Thank you!

I hope you had a great trip. I think today is the day you get home so welcome home.

Thank you!

I hope that you had a wonderful trip!

We did!

Welcome home, TK! It was great meeting you Friday night and your lovely family Friday night! Chelsea tried to abscond with a certain Mickey head back last night while I was unpacking -- I had to beat her back. :laughing:

It was a PLEASURE to meet you, hon. And I have to tell you, so embarassing, but I forgot part of your gift. All the gift bags were the same, but I had a little something to go in yours. Can you e-mail me your address when you get a chance?

And perhaps...maybe...perchance...a bag of her very own could find its way to Chelsea, too. ;)

Must be about time to say howdy and welcome home! Although, I'll bet you wish you were right back where you came from. The "Welcome Home Laundry" is never very fun!

The "Welcome Home Laundry" s-u-c-k-e-d. I'm not allowed to say that word around my four year old, so I spelled it. :lmao:

Welcome back! It was super nice to meet you and your family in the World!! :)

Awesome to meet you too!

:welcome: BACK, TK!! :)

Thank you!

Me thinks that our dear TK has absconded with a certain pirate! pirate:

I wish. :lmao: Although, I am QUITE happy with my very own Jack Sparrow.

My DH's costume was so good this year that people were stopping him all night at the Halloween party to take pictures with him.

And that's the only hint I'm dropping this evening about our trip. :lmao:

Plus she was on page two, and that's just not right. Hope we hear from you soon!

Page two! The horror!!!! :scared1:

Welcome back!!! Hope you had a wonderful vacation. Can't wait to read all about it :)

Thank you!

welcome back! Can't wait to hear about it. Where are you?


suffering TK withdrawal....

Aw, TK withdrawal. Who knew such a condition existed!

I hope work is going good for you. Hope you are not suffering too much from Disney withdrawal. Can't wait to hear about your trip, especially since I am no longer going on mine this year.:sad1::sad1::sad1:

Actually, oddly enough I'm not suffereing from Disney withdrawal. At all.

There's a long explanation behind that, so I'll save it for the trip report.

No I am not but for a good reason. I have been unemployed for a while and I got a great job for AAA none the less so I am looking forward to a great job and great Disney discounts. We are going next year for 10 days after Thanksgiving and we are bringing my dd and staying at the WL. I am really excited. I will probably start a ptr after I get used to my new schedule.

I'm happy you got a great job, hon! Even if it means you're not going right now, you have a wonderful trip planned! And WL with Christmas decor...heaven! :cloud9:

Hope everything is ok. :hug: I am just giving you a little bump. You were on the bottom of page 3. :scared1:

Thanks for the bump, hon. I'm back, and I appreciate all your support. :goodvibes

I emailed TK today, so hopefully I'll hear from her in the next day or so. I'll let ya'll know!

Hi, hon. I responded. :goodvibes
Glad to see you're responding. I don't like the sound of no withdrawal. I hope everything was magical on your trip.

We leave tomorrow so I hope I'll come back to a brand new TK report.
I'm happy you got a great job, hon! Even if it means you're not going right now, you have a wonderful trip planned! And WL with Christmas decor...heaven! :cloud9:

I am happy for my job too. I can't wait to start on the 19th. We may go earlier than that it just depends on when I can get vacation. I thought this time I would just plan for farthest date out and then I won't be disappointed if we have to move it. :rotfl:

I am glad you are back and I am looking forward to your trip report. I love your new quote. :lovestruc
Glad to see you're responding. I don't like the sound of no withdrawal. I hope everything was magical on your trip.

I realize it sounds ominous, but it's not. It's hard to explain without diving into it, and I think it may be my first trip report chapter. Suffice it to say it's not as bad as it sounds.

And pretty much, this trip was cathartic in a lot of ways. :thumbsup2

We leave tomorrow so I hope I'll come back to a brand new TK report.

I hope you have a great time!

LOL, that was some major responding! I responded to your response. We missed you, hon!

Ha! I feel responded to. And responsorial. If that's a word. :lmao:

I am glad you are back and I am looking forward to your trip report. I love your new quote. :lovestruc

Thanks. I'm really found of that quote right now. That concept of freedom has a lot to do with how I feel about turning thirty. :goodvibes
It was a PLEASURE to meet you, hon. And I have to tell you, so embarassing, but I forgot part of your gift. All the gift bags were the same, but I had a little something to go in yours. Can you e-mail me your address when you get a chance?

And perhaps...maybe...perchance...a bag of her very own could find its way to Chelsea, too. ;)

Oh, heavens, don't be embarassed, but I will email you my address -- I owe you an email anyway. :goodvibes
Thank you all so much for sticking with this through my own self-imposed DIS hiatus. I've got a lot going on right now (in a very good way :goodvibes) and I'm really having to scale back. Coming home from this trip, which as I stated, was cathartic in many ways, and turning thirty has been a huge milestone for me. There are a lot of barriers that have been broken down, trampled over, and toasted upon. It's been great.

I'm looking forward to writing my trip report, but for the time being, that means my commentary on other threads may suffer. Between my trip report with Tink and this recent trip, I know I'll have my hands full. I'll do my best to make the rounds, but know that even if you don't hear from me, I am lurking, and always, always reading. :goodvibes

I'll have to admit, I took food pics for about 24 hours and kept a trip journal for about 48. At that point, I gave up. I was too busy. This was the trip that put all other trips to shame in the sense that we Did. So. Much. So much. My son was willing to try new things, new shows, new rides, he was game. And since he was game, we were we game.

And if that meant that I came home exhausted, that's what it was. Some serious touring.

And maybe a defection of sorts.

But I jump ahead.

My birthday was this past Friday, and we've sort of been celebrating all weekend. Friday night, Mom, Nana, DH, DS, and I celebrated with take out Chinese and champagne. Let me say right now that the spoils were great. There were quite a few Veras to be had. ;) Today, we took DS to see Toy Story 1 and 2 in 3D, and then Mom watched him so we could go out to dinner. Very nice. Tomorrow, Mom and I are taking DS on a little day trip, which should be a lot of fun. Then Tuesday, our preschool story hour (you have to love free programs) at the library, and of course, our bi-weekly picking out books and movies.

All in all, life is good.

Life is full, it is good, and it can only get better. And I am happy in that. Contented. And for the first time in a long time, I have no idea when I'll go back to Disney World. I didn't book bounceback. January, for now, is on the kebosh. Oddly enough, no one believes me when I say I'm good, but let me tell you, I'm good.

It's time, as my son would say, for "something new...something different."

I'll post here as soon as I start the trip report. Given that I didn't keep a journal, I don't know if we'll do an exact play by play like I usually do, or more of a highlights of the trip. I was thinking a more pictorial spread with the highlights from each day.

At any rate, I'm here. I'm reading. And pretty soon, I'll be writing.

:::humming to self:::

"...and really bad eggs...
drink up, me hearties yo ho."

Oh, heavens, don't be embarassed, but I will email you my address -- I owe you an email anyway. :goodvibes

:goodvibes Can't wait to hear from you.

Welcome Home TK! I can't wait to hear about your trip. :goodvibes

Thank you! And may I say, that I love your new ticker! I love Mickey balloons. I took an awesome shot of them on my trip. Also, one light fixture, in honor of you. It struck my fancy. ;)
We went to see Toy Story 3D today as well -- wasn't it just an amazing visual experience??? Loved every minute of it -- those stories are just wonderful!
I'm glad the Birthday celebrating was wonderful!

It really was a great, low key way to celebrate thirty.

DH may have given me a Jack Sparrow card that I may have drooled over a little. Bless him. He knows the way to my heart. :lmao:

Oooh, I can't wait to see the light fixture. :cloud9:

I love that you can't wait. :goodvibes

We went to see Toy Story 3D today as well -- wasn't it just an amazing visual experience??? Loved every minute of it -- those stories are just wonderful!

It was awesome!!! Can you believe my mother had never seen Toy Story 2????? She really liked it, I was so glad.

One of my favorite lines...

"Prospector! You're outta your BOX!!!!" :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:
Welcome back and Happy Birthday!
Glad you had a wonderful trip.

Something new and different is always a good thing :thumbsup2
It was awesome!!! Can you believe my mother had never seen Toy Story 2????? She really liked it, I was so glad.

One of my favorite lines...

"Prospector! You're outta your BOX!!!!" :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:

Connor and I sat at the dinner table tonight quoting our favorite lines. :laughing: I still think my all-time favorite is, "The word I am thinking of, I can't say, because there are preschool toys present." I laugh out loud every single time!
Oh, how I wish I could drink up! Maybe Saturday. . .I understand the hiatus. I really do. But you have been missed. . .
Oh, I am soooooo glad you are back! We really missed you around here! idea when you'll be back?! Now, that's something to think about... Sounds like Sept. is out then. Sad. Very sad.

Looking forward to whatever version you choose to post for us as far as a TR goes.
I feel like a secret agent because I know so much about your trip and the hows and whys. <insert evil laugh here>

And just let me say to all of TK's readers....she's not telling tall tales when she writes that her DH looks like Capt. Jack in costume :thumbsup2
TK!!! I'm glad you had a great bday celebrations and I would be remiss if I ddn't wish you the best and let you know that you have been missed around these parts!!!! I am glad life is going well for you and I look forward to hearing all about your trip!!!

It was so great meeting you!!!!


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