October 19th Cruisers again and again... Part 2

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Barb - I love musicals. I would say my all time favorite movie is Sound of Music. Now the hard part is trying to find someone to go with me!!!!

Okay I will be the first for the Wednesday Weigh-In, since last Wednesday I have lost 3 pounds!!!! I am very proud of myself!!!

So what did you think about AR last night? I absolutely despise Victoria and Johnathon, I am so ready for them to be eliminated. I am voting for Kris and Jon to win because my team (Kendra and Freddie) are SOOOOO whiny!! I also watched High School Reunion, I love that show but it ends next Tuesday.

Very snowy and slick outside, Mom be very careful driving to weigh-in. Visibility is non and it is icy.
Morning guys. Not sure that I am going to weigh in unless the weather changes drastically before 10:30. They are reporting that if you don't have to get out then don't. It just adds to the ice. I will weigh myself here at the house for an approx. loss.

Congratulations Heidi on your weight loss. That is awesome!

Susan, I try not to be a line hopper. I just figure to go with the flow. I get nervous when someone else is with me like Heidi for instance and I feel bad that they have to wait for me so I sometimes change then.

Barb, sorry to hear that your dad is really sick. Of course pixie dust is sent his way. How is the snow down your way? I hear it stops around Castle Rock.

Denine, Heidi and I were talking about you last night on how much you can eat on WW. They definitely has their diets down pat! I didn't join because I need one on one counseling. Crowds and me......NO. They always said that you don't need to speak but when they call on you that is not true!! I have never stayed with WW because of it. Call me crazy! I tried last time to lose weight on the thread just being held accountable here with you guys but that didn't work. Had to spend money to do it. Oh well, it IS working.

Gotta run and take a shower. Will weigh myself then. Hopefully the boards will be back up still. The last couple of days they have gone down during a good portion of the day.

Oh yea, I talked to Bonnie last night. Nothing really new to report about her. Still struggling with the employees including her favorite.

Good luck to all that will weigh in today.
THIS IS DRIVING ME NUTS! So many times I try to get on the boards or post and the server is too busy or it won't even display anything.

Jerry and I weighed ourselves this morning and the scale didn't change form last time beofre CHristmas which means we gained and lost. I just don't know how much.

Sandy: Yes, you cn eat a lot of food on this WW plan, you just have to stay in you point allotment. Did you know a bloomin' onion at Outback is 54 points without the sauce? And then we eat dinner after that! Of course, I don't remember the last time we went there. My favorite meal at Olive Garden is 10 points. Then you add the salad, I don't know how many points and the breadsticks, 3 points each. I was frustrated last night as to how many points some things are. We don't eat out much, but even the stuff I make at home. I am still getting used to this and it is a difficuly adjustment, plus trying to get in all your fruits/veggies and dairy and water and protein and oils. I don't think there are enough points in the day to do it all. Jerry says I need to take baby steps and just worry about the points for now. I have a hard time with baby steps. I just really want to succeed! Today, I am not even hungry. I have only had a glass of OJ (2 points) and 3 oz whole grain bread (homedmade 3 points) and now a cup of tea with honey and 1/2 n 1/2 (2 points). Plus a b unch of water. Sorry about rambling on. But, you guys are part of my support group.
We are not going to meetings. I am not into the group thing either. You guys, Jerry and now the WISH board are my support and my accountability. I also have some friends who have been doing WW and John has lost around 25 pounds so far.

Barb: Sorry to hear your dad is so sick. Hope he feels better soon! No problem weighing in next week.

I can't believe this weather! It is supposed to be 64 today, 61 tomorrow and 21 on Friday. It is quite mild out right now at 57. The snow is almost gone.

Heidi: Congrats on the weight loss. I wish I was as skinny as you are now though. But, I was at your age. I was 120 pounds when I got married at 23. Of course, I thought I was fat then too! My favorite musical is also the Sound of Music. I do have it on video.

We got our invitation to Brooke's party. I can't believe she is 1 already! She was only a couple of weeks old when I got to hold her the 1st time. Then again, look at my baby. Now I just have to wrap the present before Saturday.

I am tired today, my feet hurt and I pulled a muscle in my left hand yesterday, so it hurts. Today is my complaint day, can you tell? I feel like I have cramps, but I don't know why. Maybe that is why I am not hungry.

I really need to go shopping tonight to buy more food. The recipe I was going to make yesterday called for tomato paste, and I didn't realize I didn't have any. So, I found another chicken recipe. It wasn't bad, but not my favorite.
Denine - I agree, what is up with the boards this week? I keep thinking it was just my bad luck, but I guess more people are complaining about it now. You can do it, I agree with Jerry...baby steps are good!!! Unfortunately I was bad today for lunch and went out to eat with coworkers and had a chicken sandwich with fries!!! I am shocked at how many points are for some things...dang a blooming onion, I would hate to see how many points my favorite meal at Outback would be!!!! But keep with it, it will get easier once you learn everything!!
Hi guys, I did it. I drove in this mess to weigh in. From Monday on till today it was 1.6 but from last Wednesday it was a total of 2. Made me happy. When I lose that much at one time I usually gain a few ounces so I set my goal for Fri as keep losing even if it is only .2.

Denine, hang in there. Everything has an adjustment period and that is exactly what you are going through. I agree....baby steps! And not to lose this time from the last time you weighed in was GOOD! CONGRATULATIONS! That means you gained holiday weight and since have lost it. Way to go. I joined the WISH board when we all first started to try to lose weight but never did go back to it. I was a failure back then. Never heard of a pulled muscle in a hand. Sounds painful!

Nanny 911 and Wife Swap tonight. A couple of my favorite shows!
Hi all! just a quick post to say way to go on all the weight loss! Keep it up ladies! I've lost 1.

Barb, so sorry to hear that Dick is soooo sick! Pixie dust to him and you and Sally! Keep us posted!

This weather is crazy! If we all don't sick from this weather it would be incredible!

Well, gotta fly, I'll check back in later!

:badpc: I could not get on the boards last night. It kept saying the same thing it said to Denine "server too busy" - very frustrating!

Work was actually not too bad today even with it being my first day back. Now I work tomorrow & Friday. I am hoping Joyce will say it is a Los Amigos night after work Friday.

CONGRATULATIONS to all the weight loss group :thewave: I just want to tell you all I gained 10 pounds over the holidays & on the cruise :boat:. Now it is DIET TIME AGAIN!

Ask Bonnie about her news!

Have a great night & day tomorrow. Toodles :wave: :earboy2: JEANNE
I lost 1.0 lbs. this week and I thougth I had gained. That always gives me the motivation to continue.

Denine, you probably aren't hungry because your metabolism is adjusting to your new eating habits and all the water. You will get over that feeling, I promise!::yes::

Hope Dick begins to feel better soon. Paul still doesn't have much of a voice but he feels ok. My dad went to the doctor today and they gave him an atibiotic and prednisone since his keeps lingerig and he has lost 20 pounds since Christmas! The wacky weather all across the country is making everybody sick. We have still been in the upper 60s and sometime 70 but we are supposed to be in the 40s this weekend. Glad I'll be in Orlando!:sunny:

Need some prayers and pixie dust for my brother. He had an EKG last week and instead of going to his followup appointment the end of the month, they have called and want him in tomorrow. He may have to have a heart valve replaced. He is only 43! I am so worried about him.

I may not get a chance to post in the morning. I have to drop the van off to have some work done on it. I have a problem code that needs to be diagnosed and we need the van on Friday to drive to Florida. I hope this is not too expensive!:headache:

Turner's glasses are supposed to be in tomorrow. I think he is adjusting to the idea. He has asked every day this week when will they be in. I take that as a good sign.

Everyone take some vitamin C and wash your hands!

Pixie Dust to your brother Susan! We will keep him in our thoughts and prayers along with Dick!

Jeanne, glad that your work wasn't too bad for your first day off! Let's hope that the rest of your week stays just as good. We WOULD ask Bonnie about her news, BUT she has been MIA. I hope she posts soon! I for one miss her and I know that everyone else likes her posts too!

Well, gotta go! I'll be back!

If the line moves quickly, you're in the wrong line.

Have a great day everyone!
Morning everyone, nice to read some chatter.

Susan, Pixie dust is sent to your brother. I am sorry to hear about it. Keep us posted. Good luck on the van. Is a car repair EVER cheap?

Jeanne, the server is too busy is a pain in the you know what. I have been in the middle of posting and can't because of it. Taking the time to type and then it all goes away.

Julie, we are with you on the crazy weather. Everyone either has a cold or flu. Kind of spooky how it is all over!

Yep, Bonnie does have some news. It is up to her to post it. She said she will this weekend. Yea, right. How many times has she said THAT before?

WOW. we all did great on the weight loss. Keep it up everyone!
Susan - your brother is in my prayers, I hope everything works out okay.

Barb - Poor Bob, pixie dust and prayers to him too.

I wish Bonnie would start posting again. We miss her.

Nothing new here today, it was an easier day today to drive into work (and I didn't even have to dodge snow plows!!)

Kristy, where are you?
Good morning......Dick has walking pneumonia.....he has had a cold for over a month and didn't go to the doctor because we were at Patti's until after New Years. Then I tried to get him to go and he kept saying I will be better tomorrow. When I went to Curves Tuesday I told my girlfriend who is a nurse how he was feeling and she said it sounded like he might have walking pneumonia and when I told him that he called the doctor and they told him to get right in. They did a chest x-ray and blood test and said that was what he had. The doctor gave him pills to take for the next l0 days and said if he wasn't better by Monday to come back in. He said the pills are l0 times stronger than the IV's they give 4 times a day....so they should do something for him. He went to work yesterday and came home and took a nap and then went to bed about 6:30. He seems to feel better this morning....he is hungry and he hasn't been for quite awhile. That alone should have told him he was sick because he does like to eat.

It has been really cold and it snowed yesterday but most of it melted by afternoon.

I am making an album for my ex-son in law of his kids. He keeps Abby whenever we go out of town and she loves to go there.....thought maybe this would help repay him.

I keep hoping Victoria and Johnathan would get kicked off AR but they keep hanging in there.....I sure have a loser team!!!!
Poor Dick, I can't believe how sick he is...that would be miserable to be sick that long. Hopefully the pills will work and I hope he gets to feeling better soon. That is a great idea Sally for your ex-SIL, you are so sweet.
Hey guys. I am in better spirits today. We went shopping last night and boy is my fidge full! Now, I can cook with my new recipes. I made a lasagna for tonight. It certainly isn't mine, but it is only 5 points. I already doctored it. There were no herbs in the recipe. I had a really good 4 point salad for lunch. It is sukiyaki salad, 1 point per serving, including dressing. I then made a salmon fillet for 2 points and put that on top. Yummy and satisfying.
I feel I have more control over things if I can cook. As Kaleigh would say, "I do it myself!"

Heidi: I watched part of "Carousel" last night. I was too tired to watch the whole thing.

Sally: Tell Dick we all hope he feels better soon.

Today is is currently 67 and it is supposed to be 28 and snowing tomorrow. At least I got some fresh air into my house. I just had to close the office window because it is starting to rain. We had almost an 1" of rain yesterday.

Sue: Prayers for your brother. I like not being hungry. It makes it easier. I ended up with 7 of my 22 points left yesterday. I feel for you with the car expense.

Jeanne: Sounds like the food was good!

Congrats to everyone on their weight loss. Next week the scale will start moving for me!

Bonnie: We want to know your news!
Sally, poor Dick. He really got it good didn't he! It always is a good sign when a man starts to eat again. We still have the snow on the ground plus the side streets are still icy. Main roads are fine. You are so sweet to do that for your former SIL! I know that he will realize you appreciate him watching Abby.

I agree with everyone. I miss Bonnie and I wish she would start posting.

Well, we are trying a new chicken recipe. It is Indian chicken with lots of garlic, onion, green pepper mixed with plain yogurt and curry powder. It also calls for ginger but I am not real sure that I want to add that. It has you bake it over brown or white rice. At the end you put diced tomatoes on it. It came out of my LA weight loss cookbook. Sounds tasty so how can it be dietetic? If anyone has any good diet recipes I would love to have them. Thanks! I can share mine as well. It has chicken, turkey, beef, pork, eggs, salad, soup and desserts if anyone is interested.
Hi Denine, I see you are on. We just missed each other. You do sound like you are in better spirits. Glad to see that. How in the world can you watch Carousel? I saw it once and refuse to watch it again. I don't think that I have ever cried so hard. It was good but soooo sad. Cinderella is my favorite but Sound of Music is close behind. I love Music Man as well. Oklahoma, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and so many, many more. White Christmas is my favorite Christmas musical.
Mom - are you making that for tonight? I think I might be gone if so (j/k). Sounds like a very interesting recipe!!

Denine - How can you watch Carousel? That is such a sad musical!!! Come to think about it, there are a few musicals I cry at and watch a very limited time!!! Glad you are in better spirits today, yesterday you were just having an off day!!!

Lunchtime over, time to get back to work.
Hey Heidi, you just posted that lunch was over but you are still on 20 minutes later. Shame on you! I can see that your green light is on. Smart mom, huh? Yes, it is for dinner but you can pick out the green peppers. Probably the only thing you wouldn't like.
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