October 19th Cruisers again and again... Part 2

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SInce I didn't watch the whole thing, I couldn't be sad. Ooh, I love Music Man and Hello Dolly and just about every other musical. In highschool, we did 1 musical a year. I was in each of them. We did Wizard of Oz, No No Nannette, Brigadoon, and Bye Bye Birdie. I was only in the chorus, but I was a Lullaby Girl in Oz. There were only a very few of us that could sing that high.

I bought a WW CD with over 2200 recipes. SOme look pretty good. That is where I got the lasagna recipe. The salad came out of my Heart Association cookbook.

It is now pouring rain.

Gotta go do my treadmill.
WOW, 2200 recipes. That is the coolest thing I ever heard of. You will have sooo many options.
The lasagna turned out pretty good. Definitely not MY lasagna, but good enough.

Still raining. It will change to snow and then we will get 1-3" overnight. There is soo much flooding everywhere. I am so glad we don't live by a river or a creek for that matter. All the yards are turning into lakes.

Kaleigh is spending some daddy time.
WE think we have snow....my son called me from Oregon....he lives on top of a mountain and he said they had an exciting weekend.....they got 25 l/2 inches of snow on top of l0 inches! The first two years they lived there they didn't get any snow and last year they had some, but not much. Guess I will never complain about snow again.

Dick is feeling better today.....I feel better too but now I pulled a muscle in my leg and can't hardly walk....I am suppose to go to Curves in the morning....hope it is better. It is 6:30 and Dick went to bed....he cleaned out the van because we are selling it and it is in the paper today.....it really wore him out.....he rested every 5 minutes.

Guess I will go watch tv.....
Pixie dust to Dick. Hope he is better soon!!!

If I understood correctly from my brother his transition flow has gone from the 60s to the low 40s. They are going to do a cath next Wed. They'll check for any blocked arteries too since my dad had quadruple by-pass at age 49 and my brother will be 44 on Valentine's Day. He's going to try to get a second opinion here in Charlotte next week if he can get in before Wed. I am really worried about him. He got choked up on the phone with me this evening and that is definitely not like him. Keep the pixie dust flowing and keep him in your prayers as well!

We are leaving around 12:00 tomorrow for Orlando. I do not think we will have internet access where we are staying so you may not hear from me again until Tuesday. I will try to post in the morning but it might not happen; there is still so much to do to get ready.

We hit 75 today and we are under a tornado watch until midnight. Rain is suppose to hit here soon and temps start to fall. Nothing like all of you are having but a huge change for us.

I may postpone my lasik surgery next week becasue of my brother. I can always get that done. Turner's glasses have not come in yet. I am hoping they call in the morning so we can pick them up before we leave. I would love for him to have the long weekend to begin getting used to them.

Car repairs were $858 and there are still a few regular service items that need to be done. I postponed that until next month. The "gotta do" things took priority and then I have Turner's glasses bill plus the long weekend in Orlando (w/ kennel bill)!

Bonnie MUST post soon if she has news to share. She is definitely missed!!

Love you all and thanks for being such a wonderful, supportive group of friends/family.

Sally - WOW that is a lot of snow!!! I remember when it snowed like that 2 years ago in March...I love it when it snows that much!!!! I think you need to take it easy and skip Curves today so that it gives your leg sometime to heal.

Susan - continued prayers and pixied dust being sent your way. Have fun in Florida this weekend. We will be thinking of you and wishing we were there!!!

Dinner last night was so good, huh mom!!!! And by the way for the record I usually keep the DISboard always up on the computer, I just am not actually reading it and really working!!!!

Where is Julie?

Denine - lasagna sounds so good right now!!!! Good job on keeping up with the treadmill, I had to skip Wednesday because my hips were too sore from doing the stair machine!!
Hi All! I'm here Heidi. I was real busy yesterday. Nothing exciting to post. Same old same old. Have to go get Anna Marie today at 2:30pm.

Sally, you and Dick take care of yourselves! Take it easy and when you feel better then I would go back to curves. Give that Pixie dust to Dick!

Susan, we will always be here for you! Pixie Dust and thoughts and prayers are on their way for you and your brother! Have a great time down in Orlando! Wish we were there with you!! give Turner our Best and GO GET'EM!!!

Sandy and Jeanne, if Bonnie doesn't want to share her news, you guys should tell us. We miss Bonnie and want her to post!!!!

Well, gotta go. I'll check back later!


Kaleigh was driving me nuts this morning from the get go. I gave her some Tyenlol because it seemed like maybe her teeth were bothering her.

Sue: Continued prayers for your brother. Have a safe trip.

Sally: You need to stop overdoing it or you are gonna get pneumonia! Hope your leg feels better and that Dick continues to improve.

In a matter of hours, we went from 67 to snow. This weather is nuts. We only got about an 1". The good thing is, the sun is actually out today. It has been so long since we have seen it.

I had a warm chick pea salad today for lunch. Pretty good.

If I have a good book to read, it makes me go downstairs to do the treadmill so I find out what happens next. I have a nother book I read before bed.

Julie: We will see you tomorrow.
You guys would be so proud of me, my lunch group went out to eat again today (3rd time this week, they never do that usually) and just like yesterday I turned it down and ate my healthy food. I did go to the restaurant with them and drank water for the conversation, but I ate at my desk before hand.
Wow, Heidi, that was very good. I am so proud of you! I took Grandma to Wendys and had a side salad and a fruit bowl. Actually, very yummy.

Sally, I agree with everyone. You don't need to go to Curves until your leg improves. Wow, that was a lot of snow.

Denine, my dinner turned out yucky. I through away the sauce and had to continue cooking the chicken on the grill. Just couldn't get it done through all that yogurt. I learned my lesson never, never cook with yogurt. Icky!! It is a never to cook again recipe. Glad you liked your lasagna. Sounds good to me about right now.

Julie, if Bonnie doesn't get on soon, Jeanne or myself will spill the beans. She promised this weekend!!!! Tell Anna Marie hi from me.

Susan, pixie dust to your brother and of course, prayers. Bless his heart. Sounds like he is a bit nervous. Have a great trip to Orlando. Give Mickey a big hug from the Van Horn's if you see him.

Gosh, all this talk about food makes me hungry. I had horrible news today. I gained 1 lb. My body is just going crazy. It is 5 steps forward and 4 back all the time. Quite honestly, I think it is my age if you get my drift. I am a little discouraged today. I was very good. The ONLY thing bad I did was have about 5 light tortilla chips with very little shredded cheese on it melted. Heidi can attest to the very little bit. WHY oh why??
Sandy, don't let that get you down. It happens to all of us! I've been at the same range (give or take a lb.) since Oct. I can't seem to break this chain! Next week I will probably gain the lb. I lost this week. Anna Marie says hi too! She said the next time we all meet somewhere, she wants to be there! She said she would really like to meet Heidi! We have to find out from Krista about the "reunion" cruise. When exactly it is going to be. If it is in April 2007 FOR SURE then the Lauter's will have to make a decision about when we will cruise. We have Oct 2006 booked (2 stops at Castaway Cay), but we really would like to go on a reunion cruise with EVERYONE. Decisions, decisions!

Well, tomorrow is Brooke's birthday party. Tomorrow will be a "bad food" day for us dieters. We are having pizza, BBQ beef sandwiches, fried chicken, Kraut and kobbassi (sp), macaroni and cheese, cheesy potatos,mac. salad, jello, veggie pizza(I think), coldslaw, and of course CAKE and Ice Cream. My family tends to "over do it" in the food area! Can you tell? I will post later tomorrow night after the party. We are having at my mother's house because we are trying to re do the bathroom and it is a mess right now. Hopefuly it will be ready for Makenzie's party. The Big Guy's party will probably be over there too. Our bathroom floor needs to be TOTALLY replaced along with the drywall. Oh well,at least we can still go potty and shower (at least for right now! LOL!)

Well, gotta fly! I'll stop back in later!

I am so ashamed :eek: You girls are so good with your diets & Joyce & I went out after work for Margarita's & crabcakes! But we earned it after the past few days at work.

CAROUSEL was our play when I was a senior in high school. The music still gives me the chills :goodvibes.

So sorry we have some sickies - GET WELL SOON!

Along with "Bringing the Magic Home" Cruise :boat:. Joyce & I both took off the first week in December (12/4/05-12/10/05) because we really missed not being in WDW during the holidays so we are tentatively planning on going down that week. ANY ONE INTERESTED? Tell Faith to get on the ball with when she wants to cruise in 2007 :boat: because we'll book it when we cruise in August.

I think I'll start my diet AGAIN tomorrow :rolleyes: Hope you all have a terrific weekend. I MUST GET MY CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS DOWN! Toodles :wave: :earboy2: JEANNE
Good thing I have all 35 of my flex pints plus 20 points for the rest of the day for this party!

Another sunny, but very cold day.

Nothing else going on.
Faith is unable to book the 2007 because the dates are not released yet. As soon as they are then we will all know for sure.

Just stopping by real quick. The computer is going in. Hope to use the one downstairs. If not, talk to you all soon.
Hi everyone! Brooke had a very nice party! She had a blast. She got soooo many cute outfits! It was nice to actually sit and talk to Denine and Jerry (even though we had a house full for awhile). Denine, I hope that Kaleigh enjoyed her balloons....I help!

I thought Bonnie was going to post this weekend??? I guess she doesn't love some of us anymore! Oh where Oh where has my big sister gone? Oh where oh where can she be???? Ahhhhh, the good ole' days!

Well, I'm extremely tired, I'll post more tomorrow!

I can't break a promise to my "older" (love saying that) sister. Gee last time I was even on the board was 1/3/05...too long I know. Just in the dumps that's all. Anyway...here is my news...to try to get out of the dumps....
I'm bringing home the Magic! :cool1: :boat: :cheer2: :earseek:
Of course now the chanting begins....Let Heidi come along...Let Heidi come along!

Yes I booked...despite want a new floor, needing a new computer, would like a new car. I could not let my friends leave without me. Besides...7 days at sea! The Panama Canal! Soooo....diet time has seriously started! I avoided the Margarita offering from Jeanne on Friday...I was good!

So new here...boaught a much needed new mattress and box spring, bought myself a beautiful pearl ring with a gift certificate my associates gave me in a moment of weakness and forgetting that I am the mean one that expects the job done right and expect them to think! Of course I had to add to it but that's ok.

I did something yesterday that I always wanted to do...I went to one movie and when that was over snuck into another!!! OOOOHHHH! I have lived dangerously!!! I saw Phantom of the Opera!!! Absolutely fabulous! May go see it again! Having seen it on Broadway twice, once with Michael Crawford, I was not impressed with the casting (mosting the singing voices) however they were fairly true to the original staging and did a great job adapting it to film. The other was meet the fockers...I wish I had tissues with me...tears of sadness for the first one and even more tears of laughter on the other. Gotta love that Dustin Hoffman!!!
Good Morning!

Just got done talking to Bob. He is so lonely and ready to come home. Only 2 more weeks to go.

Not much else new around here.

Congrats Heidi on the weight loss. I forget what are you doing? The same one as your Mom?

I will post more later. I am on my way out the door for church

Hi Bonnie I missed your post the first time I read the board.

Great!! You are going on the 14 day cruise. I am still holding on to our spot and praying we can go! That would be super fun if we could all go. I am thinking of not taking the girls that would save lots of money. Not sure though they would have a great time too.
Yeah! Bonnie is coming with us on the PC cruise!

Julie: Kaleigh is still carrying her balloons around. She held them all the way home.

I tried to be good yesterday, but it was sooo hard. I came home with 1/2 my flex points in place. I could have eaten that whole plate of Buckeye's myself, but I only had one.

It is soo cold out right now and snowing.

I was planning on taking the tree down today, but I don't know if I feel like it. Jerry just told me he has off tomorrow. It is the only holiday that they didn't make a floating holiday. We used to go to the zoo on MLK day but it is going to be too cold for Kaleigh.
Welcome back Bonnie...Isn't your son suppose to be on tv this month.....what day and which show for sure.....I wasn't sure if it was Wheel of Fortune or what.....

Dick is feeling better and doesn't have to work tomorrow so that is good.

Just got home from church and lunch and am going to go watch the playoffs....
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