Official 2013 Disney Princess Half Marathon Thread - Take 2

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In other words, if you were in the back of A vs. the front of B, does that make a huge difference? Back of B or front of C? etc. Also, if you submitted a time, what times match up with which corrals? A few people have commented and mentioned where they were, but it would be helpful to compare directly everyone's experiences. Also, if someone next year wants to start in a certain corral, having a general "goal time" for that placement 10k would be helpful.

Front of C to B and front of B to A makes a big difference. That is about 2700 runners that you have to pass. If I'm towards the front of B, sure I will have some A runners to pass, but no where near as many if in C. But this is in a man's view, since we started in C.

For those that have done other Disney races (W&D or the half in Jan)--- is the atmosphere different? I'm sure people still do it for fun, but would you say there is more of a race vibe than a party with your girlfriends vibe? Hubby and I both agree we'd like to do another Disney race, but trying to decide which one. (Unfortunately, west coast is not an option in the near future). Thanks!

W&D is also a party race, not much on course support, but a fun race and one I am going to do again this year given the course last year was much improved to previous year. The best race is definitely marathon weekend. It too is crowded, but I think better organized. However, I do not have a grasp on crowds as I've always been in corral A, which there is thin crowds and plenty of room.
Disney do not know how to properly corral people or space the corrals out more.
I think just the shear energy of the Princess run and the fact alot of ladies do get together and do this as their big girl weekend will continue. I know for 2014, I am aiming for corral B, to atleast minimize frustration. It's no ones fault but every major race corrals for a reason. That is to put like speed runners with like speeds!!!

Yes, but dumping the guys into C does prevent keeping all the similarly-paced runners together. Corral C has women who are running anywhere from 5.25 to 4.75 mph (11:30 to 12:30 pace) right alongside men who are running anywhere from that same pace to 6 minute miles. My PR wouldn't quite get me to elite, but my sandbagged half from the Goofy is still well into corral A territory. I really don't want to start in a race where I have (essentially) 3k (or more) runners ahead of me who I am going to catch up and have to weave around, even with a 10-12 minute head start. (That trepidation gets doubled, when I think about the anecdotes of men who find that the women runners can get downright hostile to any guy who has caught up with the corral A runners.)

Yes, yes - I know, women-centered race, etc. The necessity of such a creature aside, there is a real safety issue caused by the combination of this corral placement scheme, poorly-lit areas of the course, and a crowded course.
Um one more race in the humidity but not quite as bad. DC will be humid in April when we run.

Oh yes, I'm aware. But I figure it'll be a little easier than FL. Haha after DC though I don't think I'm doing ANY east coast races again. It's too much for this desert girl!
Race was crowded. Had to weave and squeeze through other princesses a lot. That stretch of Grand Floridian road was the worst for congestion in my opinion. Miles 10-12 were tough with all the ups and downs of the road/ramps. I just wanted to run but hills just aren't my best.

From Corral C we never saw any breathing room for running. We were on top of Corral B in no time. It felt as if you need to be ready to place a stiff arm to keep from falling with all the shenanigans. What possesses someone to stop in the middle of the running surface to take pictures? How do you think you arrived at this place in the course? Why would any group stop running and start walking, five abreast, essentially blocking the two thirds of the roadway? The weekend felt like cross between Filenes Basement and a Rugby Match.

Agreed :mad: ^^^

We finished the race with a time well over three hours but we weren't going for PR going in so that was expected. We stopped at every other mile marker to take photos, and with characters. Had a great race overall but what tired us out even more than the humidity was that crazy narrow stretch after the Castle. We were doing our usual intervals and would look back before stopping and would run over to the grass to walk during our breaks then hit the pavement to resume running. Wish most of the interval run/walkers we encountered during this stretch would have shown the same courtesy. If your going to take your walking break please look back before stopping and walk over to the side.

Another issue were those in groups taking up the entire road. One of the basic running etiquette rules every runner should know (even included in the race program) was not to run more than TWO abreast within your party. We must have ran at least 2-3miles off to the side and on the grass straight on because of this. :scared1:

One question, I'm starting to see the race photos begin to show up but can't find any of the finishing shots with our medals and the character stops. Are those also suppose to show up on Marathonphoto later in the week or through another company?
cimrk01 said:
Agreed :mad: ^^^

We finished the race with a time well over three hours but we weren't going for PR going in so that was expected. We stopped at every other mile marker to take photos, and with characters. Had a great race overall but what tired us out even more than the humidity was that crazy narrow stretch after the Castle. We were doing our usual intervals and would look back before stopping and would run over to the grass to walk during our breaks then hit the pavement to resume running. Wish most of the interval run/walkers we encountered during this stretch would have shown the same courtesy. If your going to take your walking break please look back before stopping and walk over to the side.

Another issue were those in groups taking up the entire road. One of the basic running etiquette rules every runner should know (even included in the race program) was not to run more than TWO abreast within your party. We must have ran at least 2-3miles off to the side and on the grass straight on because of this. :scared1:

One question, I'm starting to see the race photos begin to show up but can't find any of the finishing shots with our medals and the character stops. Are those also suppose to show up on Marathonphoto later in the week or through another company?

My finisher shot with medal just showed up within the last hour. No finish line pictures yet though. I didn't stop for pictures,so can't answer that.
Hi ladies. We did it! My time was horrible but I can blame it on an injury and the crowded course. I agree with cimrk01 about etiquette and running more than 2 people wide. I guess I was hormonal cause I almost cried a couple times out of frustration (or pain, or both...).

All in all, I'm glad I did it, but I highly doubt I will run the Princess again. It was my first half marathon (not my first race) and felt while the accomplishment is there, the legitimacy is not. I felt like I didn't have a chance to do my best which was very disappointing. I am thinking about the wine & dine but fear it might be the same situation with overcrowdedness... is that true? Not to mention the un-Godly hour in which I needed to get up.

As far as hotel accomodations, I couldn't warn folks about Carribbean Beach enough. It was awful. Poor/no/slow service and you're stuck in the middle of nowhere and to go anywhere is a trek. The website was very misleading.

Anyway, I'm proud of all of you and hope you continue to be Princesses! :cheer2:
The weekend felt like cross between Filenes Basement and a Rugby Match.

Love this! Yes!

For my first 1/2 i loved it! It wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. I found out i was pregnant 2 days before i left for Orlando so i ran my first 1/2 marathon 6 weeks pregnant, LOL.

Congrats on the pregnancy!

Just got home yesterday. I agree that it was incredibly crowded and I don't remember them closing the roads down to one lane last year - anyone else?

We started in C but ended up busting butt to avoid the sweepers - and I usually run a 10:30 pace! We just got SO stupid with the pics in the MK especially and were just being so silly! It ended up fine, but it did put a little bit of the fear of God in me to see a biker pass with an orange flag in his hand. OMG! RUN! But then at that point, it was so hard to get around with the route down to one lane. Did LOTS of grass running. Tried to be as polite as I could when passing others or asking to be let through. It was actually comical how much we had to haul to make up time!

DH said he was worried - my 10K split showed I was at a 20:20 pace!

Oh, and I was Peasant Belle and ran the whole way with a basket and a baguette in it (got it in France on Saturday!). I got lots of crazy eye toward the end of the race and whispers of, "ooooh - she has bread!" I totally thought my baguette was gonna get jacked!

Ran with longhorns and saysay dressed as Anastasia and Drizella - it was a hoot! Glad to see Princess V in the corrals! Was looking for you & your agent, Cripey, but didn't spot you!
Oh - and I just compared the 2013 medal to the previous 2 - that thing is WAY blinged out! So we've got that!
Oh, and I was Peasant Belle and ran the whole way with a basket and a baguette in it (got it in France on Saturday!). I got lots of crazy eye toward the end of the race and whispers of, "ooooh - she has bread!" I totally thought my baguette was gonna get jacked!

Ran with longhorns and saysay dressed as Anastasia and Drizella - it was a hoot! Glad to see Princess V in the corrals! Was looking for you & your agent, Cripey, but didn't spot you!

Hi ladies!! Congratulations to all!!

I plan on doing a full recap but have to say that for my first race, I was pretty happy with it all.

Yes, the roads were somewhat crowded at points (but I also noticed a lot of points where it seemed much clearer - until a large group ran by - must've been running at the back of a corral). And yes, I met a lot of grumpy or rude people (including a lady who ran into me when I was off to the side of the road and yelled just because I was stopped, though I'd been stopped for a full minute prior to her coming up). Oh and my bus got lost and dropped us off in the completely wrong spot. Whoops!

But the course entertainment was fun and people were supportive on the whole. Plus I got tons of fun photos and met so many great people in line for things. Finished in 3:38 with photos and breaks - was planning on 2:55 without so I feel okay.

Offhanded, where was Rapunzel? I was dressed as her and sad I missed that photo op!

Boarding the plane now... Pretty sore and tired but thrilled to have shared this race with all of you!

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards
Love this! Yes!

Congrats on the pregnancy!

Just got home yesterday. I agree that it was incredibly crowded and I don't remember them closing the roads down to one lane last year - anyone else?

We started in C but ended up busting butt to avoid the sweepers - and I usually run a 10:30 pace! We just got SO stupid with the pics in the MK especially and were just being so silly! It ended up fine, but it did put a little bit of the fear of God in me to see a biker pass with an orange flag in his hand. OMG! RUN! But then at that point, it was so hard to get around with the route down to one lane. Did LOTS of grass running. Tried to be as polite as I could when passing others or asking to be let through. It was actually comical how much we had to haul to make up time!

DH said he was worried - my 10K split showed I was at a 20:20 pace!

Oh, and I was Peasant Belle and ran the whole way with a basket and a baguette in it (got it in France on Saturday!). I got lots of crazy eye toward the end of the race and whispers of, "ooooh - she has bread!" I totally thought my baguette was gonna get jacked!

Ran with longhorns and saysay dressed as Anastasia and Drizella - it was a hoot! Glad to see Princess V in the corrals! Was looking for you & your agent, Cripey, but didn't spot you!

I started in F, my number 1 goal was to finish and I had trained at a 14:50 mm pace, but my goal number 2 was to get a picture with the heroes...I waited 14 min. for that picture! and then I just got into my groove of run/walk. by mile 4 I saw a lady on a bike yelling "you're 90 secs. ahead of pace" not happy about that but I kept going, then I saw the same lady around mile 7 or 8 "you're 30 secs. behind pace" and then I saw you!! loved your costume with the baguette and all, but boy did I start going as fast as I could, I also had to go on grass for long periods of time, then I saw the bike lady with the flag pass me and when she got to marker 9 she waved that thing :scared1: I asked her, how bad is it? she said "just go as fast as you can" the time I saw her again it was after the second overpass, she recognized me, I asked her "what's the status" she said "you're fine, you're going to finish"...I gave her a huge high five!! I will always remember that persons face for the rest of mi life.
I started in F, my number 1 goal was to finish and I had trained at a 14:50 mm pace, but my goal number 2 was to get a picture with the heroes...I waited 14 min. for that picture! and then I just got into my groove of run/walk. by mile 4 I saw a lady on a bike yelling "you're 90 secs. ahead of pace" not happy about that but I kept going, then I saw the same lady around mile 7 or 8 "you're 30 secs. behind pace" and then I saw you!! loved your costume with the baguette and all, but boy did I start going as fast as I could, I also had to go on grass for long periods of time, then I saw the bike lady with the flag pass me and when she got to marker 9 she waved that thing :scared1: I asked her, how bad is it? she said "just go as fast as you can" the time I saw her again it was after the second overpass, she recognized me, I asked her "what's the status" she said "you're fine, you're going to finish"...I gave her a huge high five!! I will always remember that persons face for the rest of mi life.

Yes you will!! Congratulations!!
I emailed runDisney about my incorrect times and they've found me and will update my finish time my next week.
My first 2 Disney races I started in Corral F. For the Goofy I was Corral C. This time I started in B. Although I don't know my official time due to issues with my tag registering, my Garmin time was 2:33:50.
In my limited experience I've found that while the course is still crowded in B, it was much less of an issue being in an earlier corral.
I met a woman at the airport who started in F (no races beyond a 5k) and she finished around 2:20. I totally understand how frustrating it was but it's hard for Disney to place her appropriately with no history. I know a lot of people who are afraid of the sweeper hope to be placed as far forward as possible for the extra time cushion but this does further the problem.
I don't see runDisney making these races smaller since they continue to sell out - often quickly!

So it looks like my experience was similar to a lot. Way too crowded and more of an obstacle course than a race.

That was my first 1/2 marathon and first Disney race. I did way better in my training than I did during the actual race because I just couldn't get out of the crowds...there were points where the walkers were 5 across and you had to jump up on a curb or run in the grass or where ever just to get thru. Had people just stop right in front of you..or points where you just gave up running because it was stupid to jog in place.

I did send a note to runDisney asking for improvements..but I'm not sure I will do a Disney race again.

And the Expo..forget it. Couldn't even get a stupid souvenir t-shirt cause the line to get into a "special" area for runDisney specific gear ?!?? What the heck?


I did like the characters and entertainment during the race..but everything else was kinda a disappointment
Sounds like a lot of people noticed some issues with congestion.... So wanted to chime in with my gripe. It starts with the fact I have suspected that people sometimes fake a time to get into a better corral. I had this notion confirmed when I got to chatting with a nice gal and her mom while on a bus. This gal told me how she heard someone on the bus the morning of the princess say they actually lied about their time so they could get into corral A so that they could take pictures.

Ok... So I can totally appreciate wanting to be able to get every last pic possible- without being swept. However (and here is my real gripe). If you lie about a time or even push way to hard at a 10k just to get that corral.... And then don't train any further and plan to walk... Isn't that selfish? Doesn't that say " my taking pictures is more important than any amount of training you did" ?

So my thought is, why can't rundisney set up the race to cater to both those who want to run and maybe have a little fun and take some pics and also to those who want to finish but maybe don't plan to run. Seems like it would make for a better event for all. It would mean separating the groups... But maybe that would encourage more honesty... Because I know that I had a good idea of when I would finish- and I am sure that some who were in A or B or C knew if they were going to finish in over 3 hours.....
Sounds like a lot of people noticed some issues with congestion.... So wanted to chime in with my gripe. It starts with the fact I have suspected that people sometimes fake a time to get into a better corral. I had this notion confirmed when I got to chatting with a nice gal and her mom while on a bus. This gal told me how she heard someone on the bus the morning of the princess say they actually lied about their time so they could get into corral A so that they could take pictures.

Ok... So I can totally appreciate wanting to be able to get every last pic possible- without being swept. However (and here is my real gripe). If you lie about a time or even push way to hard at a 10k just to get that corral.... And then don't train any further and plan to walk... Isn't that selfish? Doesn't that say " my taking pictures is more important than any amount of training you did" ?

So my thought is, why can't rundisney set up the race to cater to both those who want to run and maybe have a little fun and take some pics and also to those who want to finish but maybe don't plan to run. Seems like it would make for a better event for all. It would mean separating the groups... But maybe that would encourage more honesty... Because I know that I had a good idea of when I would finish- and I am sure that some who were in A or B or C knew if they were going to finish in over 3 hours.....

I agree. An area specifically for walkers would of made so much more sense...There were sections with cones separating the road and runners jumped over there to actually run only to get pushed back because security cars were going by...

I put a whole year into my training for this....and then to get my worst times.. My husband was getting run updates and he was wondering what the heck happened to me because I was so much slower than expected.
Yes I do realize that a man has won more than half of the years this has been running but for this particular half it was not my focus that it was catered to women, it was the specific date that made me want to run my first half as the princess half. As I said first time I posted on this board feb 24 was the date my mom passed away on, 10 years ago. So THAT was what was important to me this time.

I was in D and did see a few people hoping the gate between corrals. I was sitting in the back. The volunteers were facing the entrance gate so they didn't notice. Not sure how many people I saw but it was quite a few. From the start I passed A LOT of walkers. I understand some were possibly interval but Im not sure. But that did bother me that started in the middle of the corrals I passed a lot of walkers. I think u should have to submit a proof time for corrals, just not put down an estimate bc I'm sure a lot of people did put a faster time to allow pictures. Not fair.
mickeysgal said:
Question: I thought they started the guys back more. My daughter - B group - said there were guys in her corral.

I saw two guys in the B corral. I can only assume that they snuck in since they were running very slow.

Sent from my iPhone using DISBoards
Love this! Yes!

Congrats on the pregnancy!

Just got home yesterday. I agree that it was incredibly crowded and I don't remember them closing the roads down to one lane last year - anyone else?

We started in C but ended up busting butt to avoid the sweepers - and I usually run a 10:30 pace! We just got SO stupid with the pics in the MK especially and were just being so silly! It ended up fine, but it did put a little bit of the fear of God in me to see a biker pass with an orange flag in his hand. OMG! RUN! But then at that point, it was so hard to get around with the route down to one lane. Did LOTS of grass running. Tried to be as polite as I could when passing others or asking to be let through. It was actually comical how much we had to haul to make up time!

DH said he was worried - my 10K split showed I was at a 20:20 pace!

Oh, and I was Peasant Belle and ran the whole way with a basket and a baguette in it (got it in France on Saturday!). I got lots of crazy eye toward the end of the race and whispers of, "ooooh - she has bread!" I totally thought my baguette was gonna get jacked!

Ran with longhorns and saysay dressed as Anastasia and Drizella - it was a hoot! Glad to see Princess V in the corrals! Was looking for you & your agent, Cripey, but didn't spot you!
I saw you and said I could never run 13 miles holding a basket.:rotfl2:
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