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Welcome Taryn, James and Linda!!! I am so glad you guys registered! Can't wait to see you guys there!!! James get talking to the pinners, last year we even had pin mini meets!!! Lots of fun!!!

Come on everyone!!!
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YAY TARYN!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see you again!!
(you and Kim and I are gonna be in China again!!!!)

YAY James and Linda!!!! i look forward to meeting you both!
Taryn, I am looking foward to seeing you again!:sunny: Welcome James and Linda, look forward to meeting you :)
This belongs back at the top again:smooth:
Glad to see so many old friends and new friends joining us for this!!!

UP to the top where this belongs!!!
That is great Dave!!! Can't wait to meet you guys!!! Not long now!!!
I've been trying to talk my family into planning our family reunion to coincide with these dates-- it seems like a great way to meet new people and have a lot of the planning done already...

But after reading a few snippy posts today... I think we'll be doing something else. In fact, no wonder, I mostly lurk.
LemonDietCoke....I think today's snippy post need to be chalked up to work stress and being overly excited about attending an event.....

I was a little disheartend at first by today's posts but I think we need to step back and realize that everyone is a little stressed out over this event...wheather it be in the planning or the waiting...I'm sure it will be a great event based on the work that has gone in to the planning and the excitement of the attendees...

So, LDC maybe you should reconsider....:D I'm sure we all will have a great time at the Convention......:D :D :D
Since I was the instigator of the one post I will tell you that on my behalf it is stress!!!! My mother passed away a few weeks ago and I guess I'm taking those frustrations along with other frustrations out on <b>EVERYONE</b> (you can even PM my husband and he can attest to this).

So I will make another public apology!!!! It was not done intentional and I had no idea it would do what it did.

Please do not let that post change your mind about going. I am NOT like that in person nor do I intend to be that way in person!!!!

If I were that way - I would not be going and I'm going and I can't wait to go!!!!!!!!!!!

I will now go crawl into my shell!! Again my apologies for anything I created because it was not intentional at all!
Guilty as charged and it was a number of factors that caused my frustration, and no, Chris, it was not your post, so no apology is necessary to anyone.

I am sorry if I was snippy, I am doing the best I can. PLEASE be patient. As I said in another post, I am working on alternate plans to ensure that this WILL happen. If we can work towards 150, that could be do-able.

Sorry for offending
Thanks you for posting this, Cathy. I'm new here, but have actually been lurking for a while. I understand that you guys are busy, but I have been thinking of doing this - after reading all these posts after lurking for so long, I feel like I know some of you already!!!

My main concern is that I am going to be spending a lot of money doing this. I have a family of four, so that's two adults and two children. I had been pitching to my husband that doing this would be a good idea since we would be able to attend regularly scheduled activities. With only a little bit of time left to get our deposits in, I am afraid that I am not going to be able to give a committment.

What it comes down to is this: I am an event planner for a rather large corporation. We do events twice a year for high level business executives. I -know- what kind of planning and hard work goes into something like this. But I also know that with only a few months left before the event, and a first deposit due soon, if I did not have some kind of regular agenda for my attendees, my clients would be raising holy heck, and likely would back out of the conference.

Bottom line. If I treated my customers the way these money-paying customers have been treated, I likely would not have a job.

So, sorry if I sound like I'm a bit ... jaded, but it's because I am. You're talking my business here. ;) I understand you are trying your hardest, but there's a way to say it where you're customer service minded, and there's a way of saying it where you come off like you don't want anyone attending the event at all.

I also understand that you are probably getting a lot of private e-mails regarding this. Maybe this is adding to yoru frustrations. But this is something that should not ever be taken out on the customer. That's basic customer service.

Just my two cents. Again, I'm new here, but have been around for a while. I registered today and came out of lurkdom because I really had to say something about this..


Welcome to the Dis. I am sorry to see that your first post is of this nature.

Being new, I guess you are not aware that the webmasters, moderators, and chat host are volunteers here. We have full time jobs and families that are our first priorities.

As you stated, you are fully aware of the time it takes to plan an activity of this size. These ladies that are planning the convention are doing this in addition to thier jobs, thier families and thier webmaster/moderator/chat host duties. Unlike you it is not thier job to plan conventions nor do they have the resources available to them that you do.

I respectfully disagree with your assessment of customer service since there has not been a "published" agenda. As was determined at the last DISCon, people wanted a more flexible schedule and did not want every moment planned. They wanted the chance for impromptu meetings. Thus the lack of a set agenda is the result of customer service. They have listened to the membership and have delivered what was requested.


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