Official Registration url

I am new, and I realize that it's a volunteer position! And I know it's an awesome responsibility to take on a project of this magnitutde. However, there is still basic customer service. I understand that they are not paid, but we are talking about a bit of money here that is being shelled out for these activities.

As a paying customer, I have a right to complain if I am not getting the service I had hoped for. And as a paying customer, I also have the rights to go and plan other uses for my money if I see that I am not getting my money's worth.

I'm really not trying to stir up contraversy here - but if you are planning an event of this size - and trying to attract people to this event, then customer service is something that should be paid mind to. :)

You might find that you will have more people signing up that way. I wonder how many other people out there are as frustrated as me, but haven't said anything, and are taking their disney money elsewhere? I was quiet for a really long time, but after what I witnessed today, I simply could not be quiet any longer :)

Hi Miriam! You probably haven't seen this yet - but here's a link to the Itinerary thread that will give you some idea about the scheduled activities:

Dis Con Itinerary Thread
Miriam, I certainly respect what you do now that I have some idea of what it entails. And I understand Customer Service inside and out. I have already apologized, perhaps you missed that. But unlike you, I am not paid for this and I am doing this so that the folks that had such a wonderful time last year and those who know they will have a wonderful time this year, can do just that.

I have given a lot of information already and my frustration was due to comments that I was not communicating daily, something I never promised to do.

But the difference between your job and mine is that these people are my friends, not my customers.

I guess we will agree to disagree.

I find the way this convention was handled refreshing as compared to the cold brochures I am usually handed at work. (I work for a rather large company that employees over 35,000 people - not huge, but not small)

I as a member, not a moderator, my thoughts and ideas were actually considered. What I liked about last year, what I didn't like. I was kept apprised of what was going on. It was not sprung on me. It made me feel like I was part of the process, not just a number. To me that IS customer service.

But we each have our own view points and have a right to them.
I would quote, but I am really not sure how to. Cathy up there said something about these not being her customers but her friends. That's fine. But what just happened here, perhaps, if they are your friends, should have been handled in private rather than the whole world seeing.

Again - just talking from a customer service standpoint. Or even a friend service standpoint, I guess. :)

Thank you for helping me make my decision! If I do decide to go down to Disney, I will likely do what I do best, and plan my family's events for myself, and save my dollars. Why? Because I would be afraid of having someone who is planning this, regardless as to whether it's a volunteer situation or something that you're doing for money - answer my inquiries in a snippy, frustrated manner rather than a professional one. And Cathy, I did read your apology. But for me, to have me become a customer of this product, it is simply not enough.

I wish you the best of luck in the rest of your planning for this convention. I sincerely do. It will just be done with four less people attending.

Have a wonderful time at Disney with your family. Only you can decide what is best for you and your family.
Miriam - I hope you can make it to some of the mini-meets if you happen to be down at WDW during the first couple weeks of December.
OK, we're finally registered. I do find this whole Pay Pal thing really confusing, though. Now all I have to do is to figure out how to pay the balance. :confused:

I can hardly wait for DIS-CON!!!!
Glad you figured it out and are joining everyone!!!
I am sure you will NOT be disappointed...

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