OMG! My parents - brother - sil - and kids stayed in the castle last night!


Aug 19, 2004
I'm so excited, I want to tell everyone what happened to my family yesterday!

My parents are on vacation with my brother, his wife and their 2 kids (4 & 6) at WDW. They called last night to wish my DD a happy birthday, then asked to talk to me. My mom said, "You'll never guess where we are"! Of couse, I knew exactly where they were!

They were in Cinderella's castle!

They had all ridden soarin' earlier in the afternoon. After leaving the ride, my dad got pulled to the side by the wish people and was told to follow them. All 6 of them followed the wish people thru backstage areas - my brother said it looked like a trailer park. Finally, they got to a conference room and were shown a video, which explained that they had won a night in the castle!

They spent an hour filling out paperwork and were asked all kinds of things, like what they liked to eat, favorite characters, and other stuff.

When I talked to them, they were in the castle - they said it was so beautiful. They had a private elevator to the suite. The bathroom has a throne!

They said they were being taken to CRT for dinner, and they weren't sure what else would be happening.

They have instructions to take a thousand pictures, and to call me when they get home so they can tell me EVERYTHING!!!

What a once in a lifetime dream for them! (And for me living it through them!)
Congrats to your family!! I hope that someday you get there too!
I would have been on a plane. I already told my friends that are going in December if they are lucky enough to win, they are going to have one more person in that room with them that night. ;)
omg that is so great!!!! i cant wait to hear more. i do have a question, im so new at the parks isnt soaring in epcot ?
Oh how heavenly! *jealous*

I'm going in december, but it will be just my friend and I, and no kids. I bet they won't pick us, will they? Do they usually want to pick people with kids?
To answer a few questions...

Soarin' is in Epcot, but you can win the Cinderella's Castle stay at any park. From what I understand, it's all preselected. So, for that day, it was a certain time, a certain seat of the Soarin' ride. My dad happened to be sitting in that seat.

And, yes, you can win - even without kids. See above!

I joked about flying to Orlando, but since they only allow 6 people in the castle, and I would be number 7, I'm pretty sure I know who wouldn't be allowed in! I'm actually happy that I wasn't there (I did think about joining them on this trip) because WHO wouldn't have gotten to stay in the castle? That is a lose-lose situation, and it's the only negative I can see for this prize!

They are flying home today, so hopefully I will hear the details later today or in the week.


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