OMG! My parents - brother - sil - and kids stayed in the castle last night!

I'm still waiting for photos. I've asked my brother to send me the link to where he uploaded them, but he is insisting on burning a CD - with music. I think that's nice, but I want pictures NOW!

So, this is what I know...

The night before they won, DB and DSIL went out with some friends while my parents watched the kids. DB, DSIL and friends went on Soarin' among other things.

The next day, the whole group (my brother, his wife, 2 kids, my mom, and my dad) went to Epcot specifically to ride Soarin' since my parents hadn't ridden it yet.

They had brought a stroller for the kids to share, but this was day 8 of 10 and the kids were exhausted. They had been complaining about being tired, and my brother was sick of hearing it, so they stopped in a shop to buy a stroller. (Who BUYS a stroller in DISNEY? They'll never use it again - my nephew is 6!!!) But anyway, they stopped to buy a stroller.

Next stop - Soarin'.

They were all seated and ready to ride, and they saw the dream makers walk by - there were 3 of them. DSIL saw them and commented about them to DB. When they got off the ride, DB, DSIL and kids walked right by the dream team. My parents walked by, and got pulled over. They were looking for my Dad. It seems that they walk by the winning seat and check out the person who won, but it's only when the ride is over that they let the person know.

My mom didn't know what was going on - she thought they were trying to sell them a timeshare!!! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

By now, DB, DSIL, and kids have realized that my mom and dad are not following them, they go back and find my parents. The dream team led them out a back door, and they walked and walked outside, and eventually came to a conference room. I have no idea where they were - they don't seem to know either.

The dream team put a DVD player out and played a cartoon that explained what they won.

They filled out paperwork for an hour, and then were supposed to go back to their room to get their stuff. The dream team did ask them if there was anything that they wanted to do at the park, but couldn't because they spent so much time filling out paperwork. The kids wanted to go on test track, so off they went to the front of the line!

They got their stuff and went to the castle. (I'm not sure how that was done - if they were escorted or whatever)

They think they were on the 3rd floor of the castle, and it was just amazing. I won't try to describe it - I'll wait for the photos.

They were brought to CRT for dinner and were introduced to everyone and sat at a special table.

The person assigned to take care of them told them to ask for anything they wanted at all. They didn't want to take advantage, but they had forgotten toothbrushes, so they did request those before dinner. He also reviewed the ADR's that they had left for the rest of the trip. He changed one of the ADR's from Captain Jack's (I think) to the California Grill.

Once back in the room, they found the beds turned down, a white chocolate Cinderella coach with 2 horses. The coach was filled with chocolate covered strawberries.

I think they had a bunch of other snacks too.

The bathroom was stocked with the requested toothbrushes, along with bubble bath for each kid, a hairbrush for my niece and I cannot remember what else was in there.

The next moring, they were taken to Crystal Pallace for breakfast, and that was the end of their reign.

The one thing I keep thinking over and over again is how weird it was that they went to that ride specifically, and that they stopped and got the stroller. If someone had to stop to tie their shoe, they may have missed out on it entirely. (My dad was in the winning seat, and he was the last of their party - one seat over would have been someone else) But, my mom had a good point. She said, if they didn't win it, they would have never known. They were pulled aside somewhat discreetly, so the people around them didn't really know what was happening. I think that is a good thing, because that could ruin a persons trip knowing they were THAT close to winning a night in the castle.

That's all I can remember for now - but I will post photos as soon as I can!
What a great thing to have happen! Thanks for telling us all about it - hope to see some pictures soon. :goodvibes
I love to hear about DISers ( or family members) winning Dreams!!! Thanks for sharing their experience with us.
The young children, Imagine the look in their eyes when they stepped into the room. What a nice bed time story they will keep for ever!

That is soooooooooooooo amazing, what lucky ducks!!! Can't wait to see the photos! :cool1:
I get goosebumps all over :goodvibes

We never saw any wish-people during our weeks stay...nobody though we did see families wearing the special fast passes in the parks! :thumbsup2
I am really glad to have read this thread. We were at WDW Sept 22-29 and didn't even see any dream team members let alone winners. There were some walking around with the Fast Pass prize but that's about all we saw. I am really happy for your family!! Happy to see that there are indeed winners of the great prizes!!
CONGRATS! What an amazing experience. I always wondered something though. Ok so they are in the castle which is in the park, are they alone in the MK? Is there security with them so they can't leave the room? Were they not allowed to leave the castle (like anyone would want to!)? What happens when the park closes? Just wondering:confused3
I had read on another post about winning a night in the castle that there is a Disney employee stationed outside the suite at all times.


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