Open letter to Disney concerning new TSA full body scan.

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Not even debating the merits / risks / invasions / whatever of the screening, sending a letter to Disney about it is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen posted (or linked) here.

But maybe I should write Iger a letter about my taxes ....
I guess its ok for people to tell you if you disagree with government to leave the country because thats your stance, but its not ok for me to make a joke about people who oppose opposition to move to Cuba a communist country. This country was founded on opposition. How you read people that agree with scanners should move to Cuba into that I don't know.

Maybe you have too many "opposes" in that once sentance. And I mixed up government with scanner. Sue me for mis-reading.:rolleyes:
I'm also not seeing where someone told you to leave the country.

Again, no one has told you to not oppose what you believe is wrong. I believe in "power of the people" too. But I think the majority of people will do the screenings and not do much more than grumble and moan. Very few will take it any farther than that.
I never told people who disagreed to leave the country. I have no idea where you came up with that one.

Maybe you have too many "opposes" in that once sentance. And I mixed up government with scanner. Sue me for mis-reading.:rolleyes:

Again, no one has told you to not oppose what you believe in.

All of my posts have been about working within the system. Never said you told me to leave the country. My cuba response was in response to those that have.It was a joke. You completely take things out of context. You would make a great news reporter. My posts have been about working within the system. Your posts have been about telling me I shouldn't fly if I oppose the regulations. I think I have said repeatedly that I don't plan on not flying. As far as attacking me well you accussed me of being insulting when I was not you also accussed me of saying something about the mods when I did not.
Of course they should. But, I was not aware that Bob Iger had a hand in writing legislation!

That letter (minus some of the more fringe issues that are dubious at best) would be better served sent to your legislative representative and senators.

Only if you know what a "bad guy" looks like.

And, don't rule out the notion that TSA is profiling anyway...I work with several people who are guilty of Flying While Middle Eastern. They are selected for "extra screening" at the checkpoint much more often than this ol' white boy from the Midwest.

My 4'9" MIL who is 86 has been pulled for extra screening since they started that bologna. She's a little Cajun lady who is the sweetest person in the world.
My 4'9" MIL who is 86 has been pulled for extra screening since they started that bologna. She's a little Cajun lady who is the sweetest person in the world.

I have seen an old lady with a walker get pulled aside. Seems ridiculous. What was she going to do hijack the plane with her walker.
I have seen an old lady with a walker get pulled aside. Seems ridiculous. What was she going to do hijack the plane with her walker.

Profiling works to an extent, but when you acknowledge that you are not going to scan a group because they fit a certain profile, those wishing to go undetected will seek out those who fit the now ignored profile.

It has already started happening with terrorist organizations. By recruiting children and women, they now have access to a less likely perceived threat by authorities. Additionally, ones skin color doesn't define their likely hood of committing a crime, so a terrorist could easily be a white 25 year old female.
Not even debating the merits / risks / invasions / whatever of the screening, sending a letter to Disney about it is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen posted (or linked) here.

But maybe I should write Iger a letter about my taxes ....

:thumbsup2 What does the letter writer expect Iger to do? Or did I miss the announcement that Disney was running security at MCO
Don't want to subject yourself, don't fly. As inconvenient as that may be, flying has never been and never will be a right. Just as it is a priveledge to drive and that you must submit to a breathalyzer (or suffer the consequences).

Last time I checked we still had our freedoms. I don't think we should blindly assume that we are safer because of the new scanners. Our forefathers fought for our freedoms, and we have the right to question the decision of using these new scanners. I am not convinced that they make us safer. We don't have to blindly follow because the TSA has decided to install these new scanners.

I don't believe that we are safer now than before 9/11. Will that get me to stop flying? No. I have found that those that question the TSA at the airport will be stopped, questioned, luggage torn apart while the next guy in line feels the same way and keeps his mouth shut and nothing happens to him. Great way to run a security checkpoint!
Last time I checked we still had our freedoms. I don't think we should blindly assume that we are safer because of the new scanners. Our forefathers fought for our freedoms, and we have the right to question the decision of using these new scanners. I am not convinced that they make us safer. We don't have to blindly follow because the TSA has decided to install these new scanners.

I don't believe that we are safer now than before 9/11. Will that get me to stop flying? No. I have found that those that question the TSA at the airport will be stopped, questioned, luggage torn apart while the next guy in line feels the same way and keeps his mouth shut and nothing happens to him. Great way to run a security checkpoint!

Dont think anyone here said anyone was safer / not safer, they simply said that if you dont want to jump thru the hoops of travel as it is right now, you can drive. No one is forced to go thru security, but you are if you want to fly commercially. If you charter your own jet do you still have to go thru TSA security?
I am saying that we are a free people and have the right to question the new scanners. Some people don't have the option of not flying because their job requires it.
I am saying that we are a free people and have the right to question the new scanners. Some people don't have the option of not flying because their job requires it.

You absolutely have the RIGHT to question authority and question those who help permit laws that you feel invade your RIGHTS as a citizen, however, complaining on a forum or writing to Disney will have no effect on the situation.

I have no issues with the scanners and I think people have really blown the situation way out of scope.
really for a lot of the rest of us it isn't viable at all.
If you mean "not viable because I live too far from Disney", well, um no.

Some people don't have the option of not flying because their job requires it.
In which case you can request the hand screening, or you can get a new job. Last time I checked, a specific job wasn't a constitutionally guaranteed provision.

Look, I'm not any happier about the security theater that currently comprises TSA than anyone else. But, while complaining to your congresscritter is a viable thing to be doing, in the meantime you can either fly under the current rules, or you can find some other way to get where you need to go.
My 4'9" MIL who is 86 has been pulled for extra screening since they started that bologna.
Oh, I have too. But not nearly as often as my colleagues who happen to be (legal) immigrants from Iran, Saudi Arabia, or Egypt.

They might not be "exciting" to the average person, but they CERTAINLY are nude pictures.
Please. They don't even rise to the level of "scrambled soft porn" from the old analog cable days.
Have you actually looked at the examples given on the TSA pages?

Examples which, of course, shouldn't exist, since they say they CANNOT send the images or keep the images AT ALL. ["The image cannot be stored, transmitted or printed, and is deleted immediately once viewed."] But that's beside the point.

They might not be "exciting" to the average person, but they CERTAINLY are nude pictures.

Just for the sake of argument... let's say they CAN keep & send the images to the web. Do YOU think, with the examples given, if ANYONE (your mother, your spouse, your significant other) would recognize you? Unless they track the order people go through the scanner how can any of it be traced to you?
I am saying that we are a free people and have the right to question the new scanners. Some people don't have the option of not flying because their job requires it.
OK, so? Do people have the option of quitting their job? Yes. So the options still lie with the traveler. You may not like the options presented, but you still have options.

You are correct you can question the new scanner. I question why they have us take our shoes off. :confused3 If I don't want to take my shoes off to go through security, I can CHOOSE not to fly. There are busses, trains, cars, horses, and walking. No, they're not always efficient, but they are options.
most likeyl if their on the tsa web site they are tsa agents in plan cloths so they can show travelrs what to expect when you go through the screeners. So those photo are proberly not of travelrs but either tsa agents or paid actors for the purpose of educaing the public. They are not sending your pics any where else they cant see your face and at the end of the day they get rid of the pics they took that day. Tsa is not throwing a party with your pics at the airport it not their entertainment for their breaks and they are not emailing other airports your body images.
Here are my thoughts

Will this make us any safe? Not likely

Do we have much choice? Not really

Will the US government/TSA screw this up? Most definitely

Will some files end up being saved and in the wrong hands? Definitely - the US government has a history of letting heavily secured, secret files into the wrong hands from Homeland Security, IRS, CIA, etc.

Will some bored, underpaid TSA agent eventually find a way to save imagies and post on Youtube? Quicker than you think and most liely not you, but some "celebrity"

Do I care if my naked scanned image does appear? Not even a little bit

Will the govenment eventually relase a contradictory study saying it could be unsafe? Most likely - this is the governemnt that told us cyclamates, red dye number 2, thalidomide, etc were all safe at one time.

Summary- Who cares? In the end we all die some time, stop sweating what you cannot control
Here are my thoughts

Will this make us any safe? Not likely

Do we have much choice? Not really

Will the US government/TSA screw this up? Most definitely

Will some files end up being saved and in the wrong hands? Definitely - the US government has a history of letting heavily secured, secret files into the wrong hands from Homeland Security, IRS, CIA, etc.

Will some bored, underpaid TSA agent eventually find a way to save imagies and post on Youtube? Quicker than you think and most liely not you, but some "celebrity"

Do I care if my naked scanned image does appear? Not even a little bit

Will the govenment eventually relase a contradictory study saying it could be unsafe? Most likely - this is the governemnt that told us cyclamates, red dye number 2, thalidomide, etc were all safe at one time.

Summary- Who cares? In the end we all die some time, stop sweating what you cannot control

thanks but tsa agents arent underpaid they pay them well it dose not take alot to become a tsa agent you really just have to have a high school degree and pass their training and test. So for what they reuire you to do they are paid well plus with great benefits and they cant be fired. If you want a good job get a job with the fed just work their one year and they cant fire you for any reason. So that great job securty plus if you keep the same health insurnce for 5 years you will have it for the rest of your life. So dont waste your time complaining about them because theirs nothing they can do even if they suspend them they treat it like vacation.
I just sent a snail mail to:

Arthur M.M. Krolman
CFA Founder and President
Krolman Corporation
56 Roland St., Suite 201 Boston, MA 02129

..........and told him basically he's a nut for sending this to Disney. It'll probably come back from the PO as a qoogle search shows a different address for this corp. Urban legend?
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