Organizing 101/Jan- Family Room

I still need to clean the fish tank, but I'm doing pretty good with everything else.
Make sure I get myself to school on time tomorrow to open the school store.
I need to finish glueing together the "house party" squares & toppers and I'm done with that.
Clean the downstairs(finished basement) of toys-on-floor-syndrome. And re-arrange that furniture so 9 kids can all see the TV.
More laundry. :laundy: Seriously, does this stuff mate or somthing?
Need to strip the beds this day.
Clean off the front porch so it looks reasonably presentable. I guess I should remove the Halloween stakes from the front garden too.

And if the toys don't win the battle, I'll try to work on some of my swaps.
Thursday's list:
Bank for basketball league money (we are hosting games this weekend)
put up laundry
attack DD's closet (really I will)
broom/mop dining/kitchen
empty trash cans in bedrooms

then call it done for the day!
Wednesday's goals:
1. Survive parent conference.done- 75% of my parents showed up and all the ones I really needed to talk with made it- yes I had to stay for an extra 1/2 hour to see everyone but at least they came and are saying they will work on any problems we are having.
2. Design middle school Bible study for tonight.After an extra long time at parent conference I pulled out Bible outburst- a rousing success and a great way for the 2 new girls to get to know everyone.
3. Get journaling done for Circle Journal.didn't get to this
4. Choose a picture(s) for circle journal.didn't get to this


Thursday's goals:
1. Get lesson plans completed for next week.
2.Check Powerpoints for next week and update them.
3. Work on Circle journal.
4. Begin cutting out swap items.
5. Get back to scrapping my own album.
6. Clean up the disaster area that took over my kitchen.
Wednesday's goals:
Walk -done
Good will
Tax prep done
Mop living room floorforgot I had to go to PTO, will do Thurs
Remove all junk from Kitchen done
Dishes (again) done
Laundry (again...) ran out of soap
Sort more paper for pizza box circle done for today

Thursday's goals
laundry folded, put kids laundry away
pizza box addy lists
mop the floor
Wednesday's Goals:
1. Exercise--no, craptacular day @ work and it just wasn't happening!
2. Weigh in--yes
3. Stick to WW points--yes, until dinner
4. Make plan for CJ--yes
5. Sketch out some swap stuff--one item done, not much but some!
6. Go to bed early!--yes

I did pretty well on Wednesday until work was over, and then I thought, "I really don't want to do anything else!!" Here are my Thursday goals:

1. Exercise--this IS happening!!
2. Stick to WW points--DH & I have promised each other that we will not cheat any more, so I have to do my part!!
3. Make list for CJ, and start on items
4. Cheerleading practice
5. Go to bed early!!

I hope everyone has a great day!! :dance3:
Thursday's list:
Bank for basketball league money (we are hosting games this weekend) Done, plus I remembered to make all the sign in sheets/notes for doors
put up laundry
attack DD's closet (really I will) Done and no one had been lost in the mess!!!
broom/mop dining/kitchen done
dishes done
empty trash cans in bedrooms done

then call it done for the day!

Okay, now off to make lunch..and than attack DD's bedroom closet!! If I'm not back on today.. we will need a recon mission! Over!
So far the mission organization of DD's closet went smoothly.. I had to take a break and shake my head because I wondered why she always complained of having now under garmets and socks.. Well, hello! They are in every drawer but the one they should be in!!
I forsee a "mommy lecture" coming forth tonight!
Ok! Last night after work I went to the gym and worked out for an hour and then practiced raquetball for 30 minutes. By the time I got home it was 745 and I was kinda tired, mom called and was in a weirdly chatty mood!! So I had to chat with her about absolutly nothing!!!! :rotfl2: Then boyfriend called and I chatted with him for 15 minutes before he walked into work then I was really tired, so much for changing the sheets on the bed!!! I kinda just slept on the dirty sheets! :lmao: Oh well... Tonight!!!! I go home early and here are my goals:

Shopping for needed groceries on the way home
Take the ornaments off the Christmas tree (YES... they are still up!!!! :lmao: )
Make dinner for me and boyfriend!
Change sheets on bed!!!! (They really need it! Boyfriend can help!!!)
Clean kitchen from dinner stuff
Laundry (again)
Work on Swap stuff (If there is time)

Do you think I can do it all????? Hummmmm.... Not sure!!!! I sure will try though!!!! :banana:
List for Thursday:
Crock pot roast yup, it was yummy!
Working on the Living Room list nope, too lazy this morning
Grocery store run DS brought in the necessary things, so I didn't have to go today :love:
Lunch with DH (hopefully) nah, he was tired after work, so no lunch out for me today
Pick up kids done
Borders done, and Mike's for snowman stuff for a friend

Forgot to post watch Grey's tonight...sheesh!

List for Friday:
Drive kids to school
Borrow friend's Cricut to cut some swap stuff
pack dinner for work
Work 3p-11p
OKay speaking of organization, that was one of my goals for the beginning of the year too. I have 10 6 gallons containers to place shoes that no longer have boxes with photographs inside. Started scrapbook organizing and boy do I need it (not that I hjave done anywork since the summer but....)

So here is where I need help. Does anyone have one of those carts that are shevles for paper and are enclosed in the case but when open the shelves "stand up." I saw one for clearance for 89.00 but want to make sure that It would really help and be used before I dish that kind of dough. Any thoughts?

Thank you!
I did pretty well on Wednesday until work was over, and then I thought, "I really don't want to do anything else!!" Here are my Thursday goals:

1. Exercise--this IS happening!!. . .no, it didn't, but DH says we'll do a lot of walking this weekend!
2. Stick to WW points--DH & I have promised each other that we will not cheat any more, so I have to do my part!!--yes!
3. Make list for CJ, and start on items--not so much, but this weekend!!
4. Cheerleading practice--went well
5. Go to bed early!!--I came home, had a :headache: and went to bed around 8 p.m. I think I met this one! ;)

Friday's Goals:

1. Stick to WW points (no chance to exercise, we have a game)
2. Go to ballgame
3. Get work stuff done so I don't have to do it at home this wknd
4. Be less negative! :yay:

Everyone have an awesome Friday!!
Thursday's goals:
1. Get lesson plans completed for next week.done
2.Check Powerpoints for next week and update them.looked at but not updated
3. Work on Circle journal.didn't touch it
4. Begin cutting out swap items.
5. Get back to scrapping my own album.
6. Clean up the disaster area that took over my kitchen.did a little bit of this

Friday's goals:
1. Finish getting Powerpoints ready for next week.
2. Clean kitchen.
3. Work on swaps
4. Work on scrapping
So here is where I need help. Does anyone have one of those carts that are shevles for paper and are enclosed in the case but when open the shelves "stand up." I saw one for clearance for 89.00 but want to make sure that It would really help and be used before I dish that kind of dough. Any thoughts?

Thank you!

I've not seen one. It does sound interesting. Does the cart roll when not in use? Is it small enough to be hidden in a closet?
Friday's Goals:

Bank for basketball money
List for Jo's (going this evening)
Put away last of the laundry (got side tracked w/ DH came home)
Game with the kids (after Jo's)

Saturday's Goals:
Swap one spot
Enjoy the day
Friday's Goals:

Bank for basketball money
List for Jo's (going this evening)
Put away last of the laundry (got side tracked w/ DH came home)
Game with the kids (after Jo's)

Saturday's Goals:
Swap one spot
Enjoy the day

while you're at the bank can you pick up some money for me too please. Oh and grab some more seeds for the money tree too, mines out of $1's. LOL

Thursday's goals
Walk - done
laundry folded, put kids laundry away done
pizza box addy lists 1/2 done
Bathroom done
Trash done
mop the floor

Fridays goals:
Mop that darn floor!!!
Clean the Stairs
Take DS5 and Chille's DS5 out to lunch.
200 crunches
Friday's Goals:

Bank for basketball money Done, they wouldn't give me any seeds.. they said they were about of money..and I got there at 9:15am
Grocery done
List for Jo's (going this evening)
Put away last of the laundry (got side tracked w/ DH came home) done
Game with the kids (after Jo's)
Dishes done

Saturday's Goals:
Swap one spot
Forgot... birthday party at the indoor water park!
Enjoy the day

Got everything ready for hosting the games on Sunday.. Am awaiting the last of the registrations to enter into the database for the minor basketball league... I just need the guy to get here so I can get them; than it'll only take 1/2 hour to get them entered and spreadsheets done for tomorrow! Than I can send them in with DH since he is helping coach and evaluate the little guys!


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