"OUR BIG, FAT DISNEY VACATION!" Ch.26 NEW! 2/11 pg. 121 "And they lived happily ever&

:grouphug: Oh Cass, I can see where a loud comment like that would be a bit humiliating in the 50's PTC. For what its worth, I think those dishes of yours are beautiful. I don't get it - they don't look at all kitchy to me. What are they doing on display at 50's PTC?
wellllllllll don't I feel silly now because I rode Mission 3 years ago :joker:

Yep almost makes ya not wanna eat greener beaners anymore :teeth:
Glad to hear of the forthcoming blankie/toddler reunion!!!! :woohoo:

DS3 still has his (although he doesn't whine for it anymore). I would be hurt if I lost it (the sentimental mama I am). :blush:
UtahMama said:
I get the whole bed to myself, I think! PLUS, we get to sleep in a little, without the “morning person” cracking the whip! :

UtahMama said:
My children and I woke up at 7:30 to start getting ready for our big MGM adventure!
UHOH! "MY CHILDREN"! Not "our" children; not "the children"; not "Da Rugrats (is that show still on?)! Things are starting to get

UtahMama said:
One bathroom and 5 people…I have to be a strong leader. We must take turns. !
This when your planning skills come into BIG TIME play! Dija have a clipboard & a whistle round your neck!

UtahMama said:
While I’m teeth brushing and blow drying and diapering a anxious toddler (at the same time!)!
This deserves a VIDEO!

UtahMama said:
my DH comes in the door. He makes a flip comment about us not being ready, which causes a VERY pissy remark to FLY out of my mouth and he comes completely and unreasonably UN-corked on me!
....AND WE'RE off! popcorn::

UtahMama said:
Looking me square in the eye he says to ME....BLAH BLAH BLAH... so it ALWAYS sounds like he’s yelling at me…MORE bLAH BLAH BLAH... I MISSED the memo and I failed ESP(N)! He never COMMUNICATED this request to me and I was just supposed to KNOW......SOME MORE BLAH BLAH BLAH...He enquired as to WHY it takes us 1 and a half hours to get ready????....BLAHBLAHBLAH.... I profusely and dramatically apologized for standing around for 1 and ½ hours picking my nose…BLAH BLAH BLAH... “Do you want me to answer that, or would that be me HOGGING the coveted last word again?!” ((silence)))
phuleeeeeeeease! NO THROWING THINGS! NO "....AND ABOUT YOUR MAMA..."! NO
CALLED! You two are Marital Spatting Amatuers! :rotfl2:

UtahMama said:
He had gotten lost. He had decided to walk slowly after watching his mama and daddy fighting…he was sad.
I useta do that too...until mama took me to the Toy Store! Worked Everytime! :rolleyes:

UtahMama said:
Dr. Phil would have a field day with US!
or Jerry Springer?

UtahMama said:
By the time we reach MGM, feelings are soothed a little. But no apologies. There never is. We just pretend it never happened. Our method causes ulcers, by the way. And over-eating. Speaking of eating…we are hungry. !

UtahMama said:
We headed over to the Backlot for a late breakfast…but they don’t open till 11 or 11:30…which REALLY pisses DH off…(GEEZ he was ON ONE that day! Wake up waaaay too early, don’t have breakfast, be cursed for life with a non-ESP having wife= recipe for disaster!)!
Maybe you should talk to your husband about your feelings! Get thing out in the open!:lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: I just read that one day on the CB and it still cracks me up!!!!!

UtahMama said:
I really like the Indiana Jones movies. So this attraction is a lot of fun!
:thumbsup2 Me too! It is!

UtahMama said:
One of my favorites is the Muppet Vision 3-D attraction....We took tons of pictures in here!
Great Pics! Lotsta see in Muppetland!

UtahMama said:
The outside one down the street I took this picture for DisUnc! (look! It's bigger on purpose...it's a present!)

:flower3: Thanks! BTW dat iza spelt korrektally! :smooth:

UtahMama said:
I needed to change Norah’s diaper...…got a yummy little éclair to share with the open mouthed mooch!
OK You just ruined eclairs for me! Forever!

UtahMama said:
We were seated up pretty high with a pillar right in our view and were far from the fans and just sitting there was 110 degrees with no air movement.
Hey I sat in the excact same seats!!!!

UtahMama said:
I called DH to tell him I was in the VOTLM and I’ll meet him later…but this was done via voice mail (but technically I communicated my change of plans, RIGHT??)

UtahMama said:
I put my tired babe in her stroller and give her her sippy-cup and blankie. She asleep within minutes. I AINT going in that rain! So I settled down at a nice table
What a sweet Norman Rockwell moment…..What can possibly ruin that?

UtahMama said:
and called DH on the cell…he picks up and screams, “WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!”…. ….and he HUNG UP ON ME!!!!!!

UtahMama said:
I failed yet again! And I was quite sick of it. I sat all forlorn at a table and two fabulously gay men came and sat with me..They were very sweet and were JUST what I needed at that moment.
Men who don’t yell at you…ALL THE TIME!

UtahMama said:
My phone rang ((the Rumbly in my Tumbly song from Winnie the Pooh, perfect choice for me, eh?)) Since I had company, I did not answer,
So innocent! So naïve! So Hostess like! Almost Angelic!

UtahMama said:
“Hello?” and was again ripped a new one. He said he had been WAITING in the rain, blah blah blah blah….,
I haven’t read this many “slants” on this board since I visited the CB for the Democrat/Republican debates!!!
UtahMama said:
.(me fighting even more tears) as my new table friends waved good bye because the rain was calming down. I wave “by” to them and listen calmly trying to diffuse with humor (it’s either that or overeat!) ((SIGH))
Brave brave soldier you are!
Waving goodbye to your new friends high tail it outta there! :rotfl2:

UtahMama said:
I took as many photos as I could. Halloween Decorating Ideas:


Hey! THAT looks like my house ALL YEAR ROUND! :confused3

UtahMama said:
lookin good to me! :cool1:

Hey Hey Utahmama!!

I'm back from vaca!! Yea for me. Like anyone on YOUR thread cares that little 'ol ME has been away for a while! :sad2: I know you do. :)

And NO-- we did NOT go on vacation to the WORLD! ::MickeyMo Just a quaint little place for me and hubby! :lovestruc :love: :hug: :love2:
Was that T.M.I with the smiley guys??! Sorry! :rolleyes1

Any Who.... enough about ME. And on with the cathching up of the funniest, cutest, just dang GOOD trip report ever! :woohoo:

I have loved catching up on your last couple days.
I can't wait to take my family to Whispering Canyon next year. What Fun! In my opinion.. anyplace that I can embarass my hubby, is a great time had by ME! :rotfl:

I read so much new stuff that I will have to go back and read again.... so I can get my comments in order for ya!

I'll be back! Keep up the great installments! :cheer2:
UMA - Thanks for the latest installment - I could not wait to get home from work to read - The Dis Boards are actually banned from our work computers (who knew??) ANyway - it made my night.....I have been thinking about taking my (older) parents to 50's on our trip - not sure if they would get the joke (ha ha ha)

So my corruption continues. pirate: ....I think I may have stolen a few Mickey Heads from Home Depot last night....I got many many Lime greens - Oh and every other color they had!!! I just laughed myself silly on the way out!

Thanks for the latest installment :thumbsup2
PrincessMama!!! HEY!!! Welcome to this little ditty I call home!

Look forward to getting to know you better!

I am forever banned from our Home Depot...Not really but I have stollen loads of Mickey Head paint Chips in Alien Green and all the others (to make a countdown calender!) I have enough to tide us over! I think they're switching to a regular paint chip now...so they'll be a HOT comodity!
UtahMama said:
We got Shirley Temples for the kids…which they thought were very tasty (I haven’t had a Shirley Temple since the 70’s!!) they were served in the "costs extra" glowing ice cups!
Hey!!! Here's a tip for ya!!!! The verrrrry yummy, loverly and did I say verrrry yummy blue beverage at Le Cell comes with a no-costs extra glowing ice cube!!!

Diet Choke for me
Eeewww!!!!! Icky!!!!

Oh!!!! And here.

remfam5 said:
Hey Hey Utahmama!!

I'm back from vaca!! Yea for me. Like anyone on YOUR thread cares that little 'ol ME has been away for a while! :sad2: I know you do. :)

And NO-- we did NOT go on vacation to the WORLD! ::MickeyMo Just a quaint little place for me and hubby! :lovestruc :love: :hug: :love2:
Was that T.M.I with the smiley guys??! Sorry! :rolleyes1

Any Who.... enough about ME. And on with the cathching up of the funniest, cutest, just dang GOOD trip report ever! :woohoo:

I have loved catching up on your last couple days.
I can't wait to take my family to Whispering Canyon next year. What Fun! In my opinion.. anyplace that I can embarass my hubby, is a great time had by ME! :rotfl:

I read so much new stuff that I will have to go back and read again.... so I can get my comments in order for ya!

I'll be back! Keep up the great installments! :cheer2:

Glad yer back!!!! I have no idea whatsoever what it'd be like to go without kids! If we go to Walmart alone for 15 minutes, THAT's a date!!!

You are so sweet! Thanks!! I really appreciate that!

You HAVE to go to WCC! It rocks! Hypes up the kids good! (the food is just ok, though!)
UM...I am totally hooked on your TR...I'm in the process of writing my pretrip report, hope mine will be as good as yours...gives me something to aspire too

waiting very patiently for the next chapter.

side not...how do you all get those cute pumpkins in your siggys?
Quote from UtahMama:
I am forever banned from our Home Depot...Not really but I have stollen loads of Mickey Head paint Chips in Alien Green and all the others (to make a countdown calender!) I have enough to tide us over! I think they're switching to a regular paint chip now...so they'll be a HOT comodity!

Thanks for the welcome UMA - it is an honor....
Now that you mention it....I was suprised that there were not any Pink Mickey Heads... :confused3 Not any color pink - light, dark or Hot....This made for one sad daughter...I told her Lime Green was the "IN" thing!!!

Have a question for you from your trip.....my daughter Allison is 5 now - she will almost be six when we go in December - last year she was scared of everything...no 3d shows, winnie the pooh even scared her...this year (in theroy) she thinks she is brave and wants to go on everything. Is it your therory to let them make up their own minds about what to ride and what not to ride or did you limit your kids to keep the trip rolling along smoothly? :wizard:
Just popping back in to say I'm still lovin' your trip report!! :thumbsup2

More Please!!! popcorn::

Cass said:
Here' something sad I am going to share with you about the PrimeTime Cafe.

I was shocked to see my dishes, you know the ones I use everyday for meals? they are on display there in cabinets for decoration and people laugh and make fun of them. :sad2:

Oh my gosh, for some reason this struck me as very funny! :rotfl2:
Hey, you have valuable antiques! That is a good thing!
Okay since yesterday there are like 2 whole pages of posts! It's like we can't even go to work without getting behind! So, Umama did you get another new tag!? And why is Pepsi replaced with 7-up - is that new or am I just unobservant?

So I came home tonight late because I had a work and pray night with the youth group and I started my new online grad class tonight. After reading the overwhelming syllabus, I wanted to cry :sad: Overwhelming is a vast understatement!

By the time I finish it is 11:00 and I must be up at 6, but I think maybe UM posted an update. So before dragging myself sore body to bed (we hauled wood tonight) I checked the Dis. And :yay: :cheer2: :cool1: a much needed update. Maybe life will be okay!

We have adrs for PT 50 and I hope we get your server.
Glad you got a chance to eat at Primetime! That was the reservation we cancelled because it was scheduled right after the tea. So hopefully we'll get to do that the next time!

At Fantasmic, did you notice that toy with the string that goes around in a circle. The string lights up when under a black light. It costs 16dollars! SIXTEEN DOLLARS for a light up toy that you would really only use during a show?! Can you imagine getting your paycheck and your boss says, "sorry your check is an hour short, but here's this toy." (ok, I'm finished fussing now)

Can't wait to hear more!
Another great installment UMama!!!! I have always wanted to go to 50s Primetime but for some reason we never do a TS at MGM. I would like to go on our next trip though. My DH would be in TROUBLE!! He reverts back to his "single child with mama that never took the time to teach him social niceties" table manners at times (Yet, cleaning his plate is never a problem :rolleyes: ) but has gotten MUCH better in the almost 7 years since we've been married. I'm working on him in this area! Sounds like you all had a great time.

I agree that the whole Pocahontas section of Fantasmic is a little bit different than the rest of the show. I was a little :confused3 too. However, we saw Fantasmic for the first time on our last trip and we LOVED it! So great how Disney continues to come up with new and different things to entertain us! DH and I are in the middle of trying to move out of state so we don't know when our next trip will be and I think I'm getting the shakes!!! :sad2: Luckily, the DIS is here... :surfweb:

Keep it up and great posts! Glad they found Norah's blankie - we have a "Blankie Bear" that Gabby would DIE without. :sad2:
Cass said:
The were made in the 50's in California. Called Desert Rose, and handed down to me... I love them but was embarassed to see them at the PTC!


My Aunt has these dishes..........I think they're beautiful....I hope shel'll hand-them-down to me!!! :)
The blankie is our "spare" blankie. It's a near duplicate of the original that she's had since day 1. The spare was just in case we lost #1. BUT, she found #2 and from that moment on had 2 blankets. Since they're silkie, they slide off the stroller easily...which happened! I'm thrilled Disney is sending them back to us! Very nice of em!


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