"OUR BIG, FAT DISNEY VACATION!" Ch.26 NEW! 2/11 pg. 121 "And they lived happily ever&

You are my inspiration! I love this so much that I just had to register my lurkin' self so I could be one of the cool kids and do a trip report. My pre-trip report is posted now, and we're leaving in 3 days for our big glistening trip!

Thanks for the amazing example!


Hey UM,
That's great that Disney is sending you back the blankies. My daughter who is 10 still likes to sleep with hers. I should say the shreads she likes to sleep with. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: She just won't give them up!!! I can't tell you how many fits she had when it came time to wash them!! I'm sure you DD will be very happy to get them back. :wave2:
Hey UM! I've read this since your pre-trippie started WAY back when! My family & I were in The World at the same time as you (or at least a few days anyway)! I admit I looked for you (even though you don't know me...cuz I'm a lurker not a poster) but I was hoping for a special Utah treat. :stir:

So, I'm reading w/anticipation wondering if we were ever in the same park on the same day!

Great report! Look forward to new installments! :banana:
Sooooo glad to hear your silkie crisis will have a happy ending. My 4 yr. old STILL wants her blanket at bed time and in times of crisis. We bought SEVERAL back-ups when she was a young 'un ... thank goodness. For some reason, since her first trip to WDW in 2003, her blankies have been knowns as .....

UtahMama said:
but I have stollen loads of Mickey Head paint Chips in Alien Green and all the others (to make a countdown calender!)

May I inquire as to what your countdown calendar looked like?

Our five year old nephew is joining us on our January trip and I would like to give him a calendar so he knows how many days there are until we leave.
Glad to help!

I got all the colors and taped them artfully to our pantry door in our kitchen. With a sharpee marker, I wrote: 59 more days, 58, 57...etc....till we got to 4 weeks with days in between them allll the way down to 2 days, 1 more DAY!!!

on Waltograph font I printed: "Countdown to OUR BIG FAT DISNEY VACATION" and also put that up... Very NICE

My kids took turns removing them...it was such a BIG deal! We just opened the pantry door and randomly stuck them anywhere on the inside of the door! And they are still there! Mocking!
UtahMama said:
I got all the colors and taped them artfully to our pantry door in our kitchen. With a sharpee marker, I wrote: 59 more days, 58, 57...etc....till we got to 4 weeks with days in between them allll the way down to 2 days, 1 more DAY!!!

on Waltograph font I printed: "Countdown to OUR BIG FAT DISNEY VACATION" and also put that up... Very NICE

My kids took turns removing them...it was such a BIG deal! We just opened the pantry door and randomly stuck them anywhere on the inside of the door! And they are still there! Mocking!

Now all I have to do , since we have about 80 days to go is figure out how to get that many Mickey Head Paint Chips out of Home Depot all at once.

I guess I can get my wife to distract the employees some how…. Wonder if she still has that Wonder Women costume?????
UtahMama said:
The kids chose the brownie sundaes which had Cracker Jacks on them! Which they gobbled up and used their sleeves for napkins!

These sundaes are my weakness. Well really I just have a weakness for brownie sundaes in general. I think on my trip in December I had three brownie sundaes....

wait I did not just admit that. Strike that comment from the record.

As far as the blanket goes... my sister is 19 and has a stuffed animal she still brings every where. She finally out grew the stage of needing it to sleep when she was about 16. Good luck with the silkie.
I can always count on your trippie to make me laugh. You are a riot!!! My only beef with you is that you drink Pepsi. I didn't know anyone really drank that stuff... :teeth:
I will be so sad when your report is over. Keep typing girlfriend...
Hey Utahmama & the rest of the you DISpeeps,
I'm the new girl on the block! I stumbled across Twinkiemama's trippie, which of course led me over to UM's. So, I have spent the last 2 days, yep whole entire days, reading these (and neglecting my kiddos)! I've laughed :lmao: , I've cried :guilty: and yes, have even spewed a few things on my monitor. I'm not leaving for THE World for 3+ months, do you think it's too early to start my pre-trip report? Yeah, thought so.

A sidenote to Utahmama - I myself had a Norah and yes she was our birth control. (Warning: LONG story ahead.) Hubby and I got married in our mid-20's and always said that we did not want children. We would point & laugh when we saw a child having a meltdown "ha ha ha! Reason number 2,387,459 to not have a kid." So we're young, (semi)successful DINKS, earning potential rising every say. I turn 30 and guess what? Here is THE actual conversation:
me: Honey, I think I want to have a baby.
DH: (Not looking up from his football/soccer/hockey game) mmmm
1 month later:
me: Honey, the stick is blue, the stick is blue!!!
DH: (Horror) WHAT?!?!?

9 months later a beautiful sparkling new baby. Perfect baby, DD#1. In the delivery room:
DH: I think I want 3 or 4 babies.
me: mmmm

Perfect baby turns 8 months old and is, well, perfect. Every mother's dream.
DH: Should we try for #2 now?
me: Oh yes!
1 month later:
me: The stick is blue, the stick is blue!
DH: Man, I am good!!!!

9 long, miserable months later DD#2 was born on a dark, rainy Friday the 13th. Yup, shoulda been clue #1

After 6 long miserable,sleepless months:
me: I don't want any more babies. Go get snipped.
DH: I'll set the appointment up right now.

DD#2, love her to pieces, but oy vay! She is a Gemini - a true Gemini. Split personality and everything! Last summer she wore the same outfit EVERY DAY, for 12 weeks. Of course I washed it every night. If I didn't put it on her she would SCREAM FOREVER!!!

"Hello, my name is Mama Morganic and I am an enabler."

But, this summer, when she turned 3 some pixie dust must of blew across the Gulf, because she is actually becoming a "normal" (I use the phrase lightly in this family) person. So "normal" that hubby okay'd the trip to WDW. Yay for pixie dust :cheer2:

So, to make a short story long, she'll out grow it. Or, you can put her on the side of the road with a "Free to a good home" sign on her. Just kidding! Don't flame me!!!
Sorry for hijacking your report. Looking forward to the next installment!!!
LOL All Morganic LOVE your Mini Birth Control report.. I've been following UM report "religously" (no really.... seriously religously...My DH askes me if I've joined a freaky Disney cult.) :confused3 What? He's Crazy! :rolleyes: There's no Koolaid- Only Diet Pepsi!

I HAD to read your response to him and I thought he was going to fall out his chair laughing. :rotfl2: ..any TR you write may end up being one my fav list (well.... behind UM's and Twinkies and.... well darn it I've lost count of all of them now..)

Ok getting out a fresh box of snacks and going back to my many multiple TR's... popcorn:: much catching up to do!

have to jump on the bandwagon and say You Rock the TR board!!

Can't wait to read more!!

By the way have to say how smart of you to have a back-up silky(by the way that's what my 2 year old calls hers). I tell you a back-up would really come in handy when it's wash day! We have to wait till the little devil in angel's clothing :furious: is asleep to wash hers.
First of all, Umama - I am getting that "wow, UM isn't speaking to me feeling" I poured my heart out yesterday and the day before and nothing - not even a hello! But that is alright, I am okay. ;) Seriously, everytime I log on I swear your tag changes "Lucky" Your tags are "Sweet" (I love Napoleon D.) :worship:

I had a friend who's daughter carried a blanket and a bottle until she was six - the kicker was the blanket was one of her mom's slip. WEIRD. Carried both to Kindergarten. No she did not have many friends! :rotfl2:

Morganic, you have all the makings of a great TR writer - you will fit in great with UM and TR! :rotfl:
This is great fun. I was happy to hear about the "silky" being found. My nieces and nephews all carried silkies. I thought that they would be dragging those things with them to high school graduation, but they did finally let them go(just before college).

I've made and remade my ADRs our trip. We are doing Sci Fi restaurant at MGM. I'm wondering if I should have checked into 50's prime time. My girls would love it.

Thanks for sharing. :)
S.Poppins said:
Okay since yesterday there are like 2 whole pages of posts! It's like we can't even go to work without getting behind! So, Umama did you get another new tag!? And why is Pepsi replaced with 7-up - is that new or am I just unobservant?

So I came home tonight late because I had a work and pray night with the youth group and I started my new online grad class tonight. After reading the overwhelming syllabus, I wanted to cry :sad: Overwhelming is a vast understatement!

By the time I finish it is 11:00 and I must be up at 6, but I think maybe UM posted an update. So before dragging myself sore body to bed (we hauled wood tonight) I checked the Dis. And :yay: :cheer2: :cool1: a much needed update. Maybe life will be okay!

We have adrs for PT 50 and I hope we get your server.

I haven't ignored ya at all! I promise! I am getting teased for replying to EVERY post...which I am behind on as you can see!

I would NEVER hurt someone's feelings on purpose! I promise!

I really hope you get Diana too. She'll mess with you BIG time! There was also a very good waitress in that same back room who was VERY sickly-sweet...then she GETS ya! I liked her alot!

Just DONT order the salmon! Very questionable!

You are a good friend Miss Poppins! I've enjoyed your fun posts! I'll be posting like 3 pages of thank yous , (NO not to raise my posts!!!)!!!! Or I'll write a general, non-warm un-specific sweeping THANK YOU!!!
What'd I miss? :hyper: What'd I miss? :hyper:

Those glow cube drinks??? :rotfl: I have already decided I'm bringing my own glow cube with me the next time and pitching it in my drink. :rotfl:

Mac n Cheese. Hey thats the food of champions! All my dd's tell me so. It was their preferred meal of choice at any restaurant that served it!

We were seriously thinking about trying 50's PT the next time we went and it sounds like I'm going to be singing the I'm a little teapot song alot. Good thing I know all the words. :rolleyes: Yes, I rest my arms on the table. But not when I'm in a really fancy restaurant....at least not most of the time! :teeth:

Hope your family is all doing great and I'm glad Norah found her blankie. :thumbsup2

Lof you :wave2:
cathy0124 said:
LOL All Morganic LOVE your Mini Birth Control report.. I've been following UM report "religously" (no really.... seriously religously...My DH askes me if I've joined a freaky Disney cult.) :confused3 What? He's Crazy! :rolleyes: There's no Koolaid- Only Diet Pepsi!


Yeah, me too! Lucky me though, my DH works out of state M-F, so I have all the time in the world to read up. My DD's are getting really good at making their own meals, bathing themselves and putting themselves to bed. I think I'm going to spend all day Friday mad-dash cleaning my house and working on my "Dear God, I have been sooooo busy cleaning YOUR house and taking care of YOUR DD's this week" face for DH. :rotfl2:

This is some good stuff Utahmama! Where are you? I need my daily fix!
I let out a great, big, AUDIBLE "aaawwwwww" when your DH posted his apology. What a statement about your marriage. We better be careful, though, or the rates at Disney will go up because they will suddenly realize they are failing to capitalize on the marriage counciling potential.

Keep it coming! You are awesome!


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