"OUR BIG, FAT DISNEY VACATION!" Ch.26 NEW! 2/11 pg. 121 "And they lived happily ever&

I am amazed that you put that binkie in your mouth and came home infection free. Thank goodness!

I saw the Narnia exhibit and loved it too. Very sentimental.

You have those kind of chips too? All the way over there?

I think the video digitalized your accent too. Didn't hear one. I expected you to be a bubbly hyper smartypants when and if I ever saw you in person. Wow, we are soooooooo normal.

I am so cracking myself up here.

Ok, done babbling.
It has taken me days but I have finally got to the end or your TR, I can't believe it - 119 pages! My DH even started bringing me dinner at the puter so I would eat. Guess he got tired of me saying "Be right there" and then hearing me crack up :happytv: followed very shortly by footsteps running into the bathroom.

Can I just say that you are one funny chickadee dee.
:worship: :worship: :worship:

I have been keeping up on Nebo's TR as well and between you and him I have just been :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

You pulled me right in and I feel like I have known you forever. And not to hijack here but it seems that the cast of characters for this TR includes more than just the UtahMama clan - TwinkieMama, Glendamax, lexmelinda, PrincessV and too many more to mention. Y'all seem like such fun!! Since I have finally caught up on your report (although I am going to be super sad to see it end!) I am off to find Glendamax and TwinkieMama's TRs.

Thanks for sharing your family and your trip with us. Its been a wonderful ride!!!
:wave: :banana:: :tongue: :lmao: :yay: :goodvibes :rotfl2: popcorn:::cheer2: :woohoo: :lmao: :rotfl2: :thanks:

WOO HOOTY! Thank You SOOOO Much!!! Most of us are on the WISH thread to lose weight and on the Community Board Karaoke thread! Come Play!!!!

I am amazed that you put that binkie in your mouth and came home infection free. Thank goodness!

I saw the Narnia exhibit and loved it too. Very sentimental.

You have those kind of chips too? All the way over there?

I think the video digitalized your accent too. Didn't hear one. I expected you to be a bubbly hyper smartypants when and if I ever saw you in person. Wow, we are soooooooo normal.

I am so cracking myself up here.

Ok, done babbling.

I didnt know about the Impetigo yet! EEEK! I am sooo glad I didn't get it!
My real life voice is very happy and hyper. Love Ya Monica!!!!

I’m a long-time lurker on your trip report scene, and thought it was high time I add my applause and thanks to you for taking the time to let us tag along on your trip. It has been a wildly entertaining ride! Bravo!

Yeah, my EX-DH did something like this to me on my very first mother’s day. A most unfortunate move. I’m sayin’ too.

I’m thinking my dd and yours must have gone to the same child modeling school. Although I have now convinced (threatened) her to point her face in the general direction of the camera, her eyes almost never follow. :sad2:
OHHHH thank YOu!!!! Thank you, thank you!!!!
Norah is really funny. We have a digital camera and we show her her picture right after it is taken. The Photo Pass guys didnt have that ability, so she DISSED them!!!

FINALLY, after 4 Days of reading nothing else on the DIS to prepare for my trip, I finished your TR !!! I read "the meanest Mama" TR and started ona few others and saw your post in thiers and decided to read yours.
And, lemmetellya, it's like CRACK!!!, You are one funny lady !!! You and my dd14 (Caylin) "sound" so much alike, there were times I "heard" her voice while reading. She's a riot, too !!! She and I have a "shared" bday trip planned for September this year !! (Mines the 1st, hers is the 30th)

Tomorrow I will be running out to get my lime green CROCS !! I can wear them during my surprise trip in March for DD5(Lexie AKA LexieeeLOOWHOOO), Caylin, would DIE if I tried to wear them on her trip. I will also be heading to "town" to HD to pick up some LGMHPC.

p.s. I TOTALLY had this cool, funny reply I was going to post for you that I thunk up while at the dentist this morning but now that the "good" stuff has worn off, I'm not quite as spunky, and sound more like my Gramma !!! So once I get back to the real self I promise I'll try to have you laughing too ;) :upsidedow
Hahaha! Goofy-gas induced humor!!!
I wear my lime crocs alllll the time! Not with socks, though. Our climate is very dry. Your feet are going to be soooo happy!
Hey, thanks again for taking the time out to read this sucker!

Hi UtahMama - I love your trip report. Sure hate to see it come to an end.
Just had to let you know I was at the Disney Store today and they had the cutest Miss Piggy and Kermit pillow and t-shirts. I instantly thought of you.
Oh! We dont have Disney Store her anymore!!! I buy on line. So sad. Thanks for thinking of me when you saw the diva piggy! I totally lover her!

I know someone else said it, but it bears repeating - count your lucky stars you didn't get impetigo!!!!!! I don't know if that's how it's spelled. When I was younger, I thought it was infantigo cuz kids get it.
Just like I thought it was strap throat instead of strep throat.
Oh well.
Thanks so much for such a great trip report.
The videos add so much, but my favorite is still Norah on the plane.
Your family is beautimous!!!
I have to agree with everyone else - you look so thin in the walk video!!! Since you've been doing the WISH stuff, I bet you look even smaller!

Celery!!!! Thanks! I "lof" my nerdy family! They all are so cute!
16 pounds off but NO pants sizes off! Crap!

Good to see ya!!!!! Hope you are well!

I love your Precious Moments figurines. I have enjoyed your reports for a long time. My daughter and I have laughed along with your family's adventures. I'm a pretty introverted person. I can't see myself ever approaching a Diser if I saw them in the park, with the exception of you and GlendaMax. Granted, I wouldn't run up to you screaming, but you guys seem so down-to-earth that I really think I could muster up the courage to at least come and say hello and tell you how much I've enjoyed your reports and pictures. I really think a trip with Glenda and her sweet mom would have to be a blast! When you guys end your trip reports, then it's high time for you to start writing your pre-trip reports for the next time around. Thanks for all the fun you've shared with us on the boards.

Oh please approach people! So many people told me they saw me and didnt have the courage to say hello.
I approached lime green non-DISsers...which is really a TREAT. You then have to explain the DISboards and all that. Lime is not enough. It should be Lime with leopard print or something OBVIOUS! LOL!
You are so sweet, thank you so much!

IS that all now... is it over??? :-(

There's more!!??? Cool!???

one more day to include our flight home and then the epilogue with BLOOPERs photos!

Ok UM, I will cut you some slack. I am conflicted inside. I want the next installment, but I don't want this trippie to end. :sad1: Take all the time you want. :rolleyes1 You know I'll still be here waiting. popcorn:: That is a snack size bag of 94% FF popcorn. ;) :rotfl: Gotta be a good peep!

I LOVE YOU!!! Conflicted? I can draaaaaag it out? Not that I'd do that, ever!

END?? No way!! Can't be! You must have some more tidbits for us!! No, not yet... I am not ready!!!:sad1: Please tell us you have more :goodvibes jen

LOL! you are wayyy to nice! I think I'm mediocre at best, actually. I am so thankful to you and everyone else for reading!

I'm so sad to see this TR end..........it's been great fun getting to 'know' you and your family......they are so sweet even if you did have to wait till the end of the day for your b-day gifts. Love the pictures and video!!!! Thanks for such a entertaining read!!!!!!!!..... :)
Heyyyyy! Thanks! I wish the videos were better. Oh well? I love looking at my Cinderella and Mouseketeer Precious Moments. I wear my Tink nightshirt all the time. Thanks a bunch!!!
Oh NO! Kay is really smart and probably picked up on my skads of errors, misspellings, and biggie mistakes!
Why yes, Kay, I am a Rubik's Cube FRAUD! A Poser! A shame of a Sham! A shim-sham! I could have just un-peeled the stickers like everyone else!
GO READ KAY's TR, It is definitely one of the better one's I've read! She is really, really funny!!! It's a Hall of Famer for sure!!! click on her link in her last post! Yay Kay!

The first reader that's a "UtahMama referral" posted on my trip report today, so thanks again for sending people my way. The $25.00 per reader we agreed on, payable in small unmarked Disney Dollars should arrive tonight. I've arranged a surprise for you. Payment will be delivered by Mickey Mouse himself. He said he'd be at your place around 9:00. Oh, and have a Diet Pepsi waiting for him. That's why he agreed to come. He says they only let him drink Coke back home, but he knew he'd get the good stuff at your house. ;)
Thanks for the reply UtahMama. I feel like the new kid in school being recognized by the popular crowd. :banana:

Wait a minute - you didn't look at the picture and think "oh my now there is one that definitely needs to work on the weight" did you? :rotfl: You know that's right where I need to be but man that disappearing peeps thread is like 350+ pages already. You guys sure are prolific. Must be a great support group though. Is there a cliff notes version?
Hey UM I see that your name is Wendy, well I am a fellow Wendy as well!! What an awsome name hey?? :banana: I have to tell you this has been a most enjoyable trip report! :thumbsup2 Here is a suggestion as Norah gets older tell her you know Peter Pan personally, I did with my daughter ( she was in love with Peter ) and when we went to Disney for the first time with her I kept telling her I called Peter and told him we were coming to visit him. Well when we got to MK in time for rope drop what is the first characture she see's well none other than Peter, she was first to reach him. She was speechless the whole time with him, and after I told her see I told you he would be waiting for you. She was on cloud nine for the whole trip. Anywho so sorry your trip report is coming to an end I really have enjoyed it. :hippie:
Wait a minute - you didn't look at the picture and think "oh my now there is one that definitely needs to work on the weight" did you? :rotfl: You know that's right where I need to be but man that disappearing peeps thread is like 350+ pages already. You guys sure are prolific. Must be a great support group though. Is there a cliff notes version?

I know! I have like 40 pounds that I'd like to lose so I thought I'd check out that thread too, but it is a little overwhelming!
Loved the trip report! I wore a tiara on my birthday too, only it was an el cheapola one from Wal-mart, not a fancy rhinestone one. Mine did light up, though! :thumbsup2
I got on the late boat to your trip report, I read the whole thing between last night and this morning. I really enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to future TR's from you!
Thanks for the reply UtahMama. I feel like the new kid in school being recognized by the popular crowd. :banana:

Wait a minute - you didn't look at the picture and think "oh my now there is one that definitely needs to work on the weight" did you? :rotfl: You know that's right where I need to be but man that disappearing peeps thread is like 350+ pages already. You guys sure are prolific. Must be a great support group though. Is there a cliff notes version?

I know! I have like 40 pounds that I'd like to lose so I thought I'd check out that thread too, but it is a little overwhelming!

Y'all come on over. It is a great group. You can use whatever weight loss plan you need. UM is our queenthreadmama! :worship:

You can just jump right in. We are just chatty pattys (that is why there is like abazillion pages). :rotfl2: We have new people joining all the time. The cliff notes version is : we weigh in on Fridays (in bright bold colors like this ), and UM keeps up with the totals each week. You can post when something goes good with your weight loss plan, or when something bad goes off in the ditch. ;) We also help each other with our RL struggles. We are a really friendly group, so come and say HI! :wave2: :flower3: (I promise we won't bite) Hey but don't believe UM when she tells you to post a bikini pic. ;) :rotfl:
Okay, life got in the way (funny how it has a way of doing THAT), and I missed the last . . . . several updates to your trip! I just started reading your TR again tonight, back to front, and can I just tell you how much it cracked me up that you can talk about being pissy that there weren't a crapload of birthday gifts, but the DIS censored Dick's last name?

Gotta love those censors!

Okay, I'm going back to page !116! to read!
Finally caught up UM! How did you get 2 great photopass pics at the same park? We had them taken and it seemed that someone was always not looking, making a face, squinting, etc. We really wanted to see the Narnia exhibit but we ran out of time. Thanks for sharing the video. I hope its still there when we go again!

BTW, where can I pick up one of those stretching cameras? I'd like one that's does widescreen vertical, please. ;) And I'm definitely using the stroller trick on our next trip. I don't care if the kids are teens, they'll be strolling just so I can cover my problem area.
Long time lurker, first time poster. (Sounds creepy, doesn't it?)

Fantabulous TR! Absolutely hilarious.

Caramel Apple Taffy from Sweet! I am so craving that after reading this. I really want to go get some this week now, but it is totally not on the list of things I can eat right now.

Oh, and I thought I was one of the only ones who referred to it as "The UC".
Hold up. Did I miss something? Why are people talking like it's over? The report didn't SEEM over ... I am all confuzzled now.

Going back to re read the chapter on page 116.

I'm back. With this:
See? I wasn't a BIT sappy or teary or weepy! I'll save the sentemental crap for next time!

That means there's another chapter, right? Chop chop, little lady!
Hold up. Did I miss something? Why are people talking like it's over? The report didn't SEEM over ... I am all confuzzled now.

Going back to re read the chapter on page 116.

I'm back. With this:

That means there's another chapter, right? Chop chop, little lady!

I'm right with you.
I thought there was more coming. I NEED more. Why isn't there more coming. Are you here? Come on UtahMama, where's the rest? popcorn::
MORE...MORE...MORE...please? :flower3:
popcorn:: We're waiting! We all need closure! You gotta finish this one before you go to DL and start a new TR! :thumbsup2



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